#how dare you fucking SLANDER him you heathens
benevolenterrancy · 4 months
Hi! How's it going? Just wanted to know how you are, and to tell you there'll be a new "Planet of the Apes" movie, coming out on May 10th, at least where I'm at. Have a nice day!! <3
Hi anon! It's going pretty good for me actually, thanks for asking ^-^ I'm in a bit of a busy time at work atm which amounts to a lot of "hurry up and wait" which isn't like. ideal on the anxiety front but we're pushing through like brave little soldiers u.u It simply motivates me to absolutely drown myself in fic-writing and reading once I get home
And oooooh okay I'm intrigued 👀 I might need to see if my Ape Party wants to get together to watch the next movie
(though if I'm being honest I haven't watched the 2nd and 3rd of the reboot series, I fell asleep at that point of the marathon... whoops... but I'm here for some more apes, even if I do believe in OG series supremacy >:3c)
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deadbydangit · 11 months
Reactions of the Entity threatening their S/o's life if they don't do a better job in the trials? Maybe they've been slacking recently, even just a little. And the Entity threatens to kill to torture poor S/o if they don't do better :(
S/o still all over them they don't give af lmao
This with Ghostface, Frank, Trickster, and Knight please? Thank you <3
Oh, I like this one. Might use it for the future. Actually, I might do a whole story based on the last one. Please, enjoy.
Entity threatening killer to do better or Reader S/O gets tortured.
Ghostface, Legion (Frank), Trickster, Knight
First, he's going to be offended.
Him? Slacking?
No he hasn't!
Okay, maybe he's been a bit lazy.
Fix his camera and he'd do better!
It isn't his fault that it got broken!
Okay, it is.
But... Still fix it!
But when the damned sky octopus starts threatening you?
Oh boy!
He'll threaten the Entity back.
"Well fuck you, you piece of **** **** ****"
Very colorful words.
But when he realizes that's not doing anything, he's going to follow through.
Survivors have realized he's been a lot more brutal.
Many of the killers have too.
He won't tell them the reason.
Danny won't even tell you the reason.
He's seemed more distant lately, like he's afraid to touch you.
You're worried, but he'll assure you that everything is fine.
If anyone gets wind you're his weak spot, then who knows what kind of danger you'd be in.
He won't let anything stand in his way.
If it means stepping up his game, then so be it.
He won't let that fucker touch you.
He would never let anyone hurt you.
Legion (Frank)
The Entity gave him booze as a reward.
Lots of booze.
Lots and lots of booze.
And Frank has next to no self control.
So much that he's been going into trials with pretty nasty hangovers.
And he's getting sloppy.
Yeah yeah, he knows.
Just give him five more minutes of sleep.
But once the fucking Entity threatens you?
He's going to challenge the Entity to a fist fight.
That won't do anything, but it makes him feel like he got his message through.
He's right off the bottle.
You weren't sure what got into him, but you were pretty proud he wasn't drinking nearly as much.
But you were worried about how hard he was pushing himself in trials.
He's hurting himself.
He can only frenzy so often before it starts to take a toll on his health.
He's exhausted.
Confront him, and he'll tell you the truth.
He really doesn't want to though.
The rest of the Legion are all worried and have made a promise to start working harder.
Make sure to give him all your attention and love for a while.
Hearing what he's doing, all for you?
He deserves it.
Yeah he's doing worse.
Entity dear you've cut off his moisturizer, foundation, eyeliner, eye shadow and everything else he uses to keep himself looking like the God he is.
Can't let the survivors look at him like he's one of the other heathens.
So yeah, he's doing worse.
Now he's being threatened? With you being hurt?
Ji-Woon doesn't take to threats kindly.
He's used to getting everything he wants with the snap of his fingers.
He isn't used to working for things.
But, for you, he will.
If that means you stay safe, then he'll suck up his pride and get more serious about his job.
No, he will not tell you or anyone else for his increased brutality.
He won't tell you why he keeps appearing with more and more bruises after trials.
He's a very stubborn man and will admittedly refuse to tell you anything about the deal he and the Entity made.
He's just been extra touchy with you lately.
It's easier to give into his demands for attention than fight it.
If only you knew the lengths he was going through.
But, in his eyes, he deserves that.
Accusing him of slacking?
How dare the sky God dishonor him and his men!
They've been doing very well.
Unfortunately, the Entity's supply of food is for one person, and there are four of them.
Naturally, they have to share.
And, naturally, they're weaker.
You've offered to share, but they won't take food from you.
It's a whole chivalry thing.
But the idea of you getting hurt for his failures?
The Entity was dealing a dirty blow.
Tarhos, Alejandro, Durkos, and Sander will gather up all their remaining strength to protect you.
To serve Tarhos, their captain.
And, they have grown rather fond of you.
And it's obvious that, despite their weakened state, they are more malicious in trials.
They will not share why they're doing this with anyone.
But they're growing weaker by the day.
Tarhos can hardly stand anymore, let alone lift his sword.
And the truth will come out.
The Entity will have to cave eventually and provide them more food and supplies in order to keep them alive.
Make sure to give all of them the extra love they deserve.
They did all that because they truly care about you.
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