anilbisht · 6 years
Singapore – Truly A Systematic City!
With the onset of summer vacations, traveler inside you begins to spring up in excitement, pushing you hard to go for a much-awaited and much-needed family holiday break. So, this June of 2018, I travelled to Singapore and Bali. I will be writing about my Singapore experience first, and Bali later, separately.
The moment I landed at Changi airport - world’s best airport for the last six years in a row - I could see the care for hygiene, cleanliness, tidiness and best of it: a very fast and efficient immigration clearance process; wherein everything is electronically done, nothing manual – like passport is scanned, visa bar codes captured, photo clicked and thumb impression taken on a screen and, voila you are good to go! With only handbags on us, which I normally always do – one handbag for each individual - it took us all merely 15 minutes to complete immigration and exit the airport.  We entered the city in a nice, clean and gleaming sedan, which our travel agent had arranged for our pick-up.
As we drove through the city to our hotel at Cavenagh and Orchard Road intersection, the infrastructure and the impeccable city development is the foremost thing which clearly stands-out and attracts most of your attention. As we approached our hotel, we spotted the famous Singapore Flyer - the giant flyer wheel, from a distance – an amazing sight.
The roads are so smooth much like a skating surface – no potholes, no bumps and no rough ride. Road markings and patterns for navigation are also very clear thus enabling a disciplined and safe driving for everyone. Same thing applies to the pedestrians too; paths for them to cross or walk along are separately laid out. In fact, what caught my rapt attention was people using their personal mobility machines – the unicycle scooter - like the Segway and riding it through on their earmarked walkways or walk strips.  
Lane driving and maintaining a safe distance is a given; and strictly no honking, seriously, unless any emergent situation demands, which makes the city driving secure, comfortable and devoid of any cacophony on the road. For all of us, from India, it was quite an intriguing experience to see all the vehicles cruising past so fast, and in their respective lanes, so quietly! And, not just this, you will hardly see any traffic cop or police on the roads or for that matter anywhere in the city. Our tour guide told us that the country is all about system, orderliness, rules and regulation. In a lighter vein, pointing to a CCTV camera, he said that these cams are installed in every nook and corner of the city, and in every sense, these cameras are our real boss – constantly keeping an eye on not just traffic but public too.
In fact, to my greater understanding, people-at-large too have a tremendous level of civic sense and therefore the system is mutually respondent, dependent, respectful and successful. The city is so clean and tidy that you will not find even an iota of trash anywhere.
The city is equally concerned about the environment too. It is not only clean but also kept super green as well; you will not see any exposed soil, dust or land openings but with only landscaped green tops, shrubberies and vertical gardens, which are watered every night without fail. No wonder the city is kept and maintained so well that it is absolutely immaculate, pollution-free and dust-free with clear blue skies in all seasons. The air quality is simply superb! If you don’t believe me, check the Air Quality Index (AQI) on your own, it will tell throw open the data and fact-based story about the air cleanliness of Singapore – truly clean on surface, clear in the air!
Life in the city is quite fast and always on the move, and despite living in speed, it is much in order and with much better living standard. Wherever you go, everything is in a flow, no chaos at all. While on sightseeing tours, I never faced any snarls or bumper-to-bumper traffic; and as I shared earlier, all the vehicles just keep moving, at a braking distance, following lane discipline and road markings and halt areas, in absolute true spirit.
While in every sense, Singapore is impeccable, I felt it a little bit clinical and cold in the heart! That human-connect, emotions, meet-and-greet and warmth was a bit missing in general – absolute and sheer professionalism! If you are not there at the scheduled time of pickup, chances are the driver will leave you behind and will not wait – such is the fast-paced life the city offers. Most of the services are automated, even in the hotels, as I was informed that workers are very difficult to get in Singapore.
To share an experience in context, the drinking water machine installed in our hotel room had some issue in dispensing the hot water, so I called the manager for solution and I asked him to send someone up in my room. He politely told me to come down to reception for a demo of the machine! I was a little surprised to hear the response but then I went down and the manager took me through a manual as to how to operate the machine correctly. Okay, I told him, but this thing I have already done and then he said unconvincingly, “okay, I will accompany you right now and show you the demo in your room”.  I told him that you are the manager-on-duty of a prominent hotel, send some staff and he responded back – “we don’t have staff at this hour” - and it was just 10pm – and then he explained rather justified to me that it is very hard to get staff/workers here in Singapore. He tried to fix it but in vain and, with a quirky look, left saying he will try to get hold of some engineer! Fortunately, as soon as he left, the machine started to work on its own automatically! Voila, now I could enjoy a hot cup of coffee, which I was craving for after a daylong city excursion, and go to bed for a sound sleep!  And, later I informed him and he was happy to hear that, as he now no longer had to arrange for an engineer!
Let me now share my wonderful experience of the city tour and the various attractions of tourist interest especially the amusement parks. City tour was the first one in our itinerary, and thankfully, our hotel was very well located, especially for this part of our tour as all the attractions were in its close vicinity.
We were picked-up in the morning from the hotel lobby and driven straight to the Singapore Flyer. Our tourist guide was an amazing guy, though I have forgotten his name but he had a unique persona especially his neck-long hairs and narration style – the blunt cut which normally ladies have – suited him really well. Carrying a Spiderman toy in his hand for identification, he kept us informed and entertained by sharing anecdotes and interesting facts about the city.  He probed us as to why Singapore passport is most sought after and why the world’s high-and-mighty enthusiastically seek country’s citizenship? People kept guessing but then he told us that the Singapore is the only passport which gives visa-free access to about 180 countries in the world. And, then people look for country’s citizenship for its systems and order and the free market economy. There are many India Singaporeans and also quite a few Indians who work here. In fact, there is a much happening and vibrant district called ‘Little India’ on the Serangoon Road, aptly named for being a majority Indian community area and also for its various Indian food joints and clothing. Mustafa Shopping Centre is also very famous among the Indians and is always buzzing with mainly Indians for shopping anything and everything at bargain prices and alluring offers.
There are also many Hindu temples which dots the city at multiple places, especially Little India. Among Indian languages, Tamil is taught at school level in Singapore. He also informed us that Singapore doesn’t produce anything locally, everything, including drinking water, is imported. Natural resources are scarce and virtually non-existent, drinking water also amongst them. There is no industry, no agriculture in Singapore. Interesting, no? And, despite such limitations, Singapore is so developed, advanced and world class – truly a remarkable achievement on its part and its people. Credit must go to Singapore’s first and founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, the man who believed that - “The Impossible Can Happen”. In fact, I had once seen a documentary on him and I was so impressed with his ways of work and the work ethics especially zero tolerance on corruption, vision and transformational thoughts – indeed a man on a mission! And, today, the Singapore we see, is all courtesy to the legend and a visionary, the man with the mettle - Lee Kuan Yew, also famously referred to as LKY.  
Coming back to the city tour, if you wish to experience a birds-eye-view of Singapore atop a giant wheel, boarding the Singapore Flyer is a must: to see the amazing peaks of modernity from all corners. The Flyer gives you – a 360 degree – panoramic and absorbing view of the maximum city. This giant wheel is a marvellous piece of engineering, and has multiple air-conditioned-see-through-capsules for its riders, with a seating capacity of about a dozen. One revolution is completed in about 40 minutes and the capsules reaches to a maximum elevation of 165 meters at the top. From the Flyer, you will see the seaside, Flower Domes, Gardens by the Bay, Art and Science Museum, towering Marina Bay Sands Hotel capped with the Infinity pool at the top, Commercial Business District skyline, bridges and flyovers and a fading glimpse of the renowned Merlion Park. View from the Flyer is stunning and truly mesmerising, which is even better in the night when everything is electrified, bright and colourfully lit-up, enabling the entire integration of the city attractions to come alive beautifully in its full glory, glow and glitter – a fantastic treat to the eyes!
And, then, who has not seen, whether in person or in media, the world famous and most recognisable and prominent face of Singapore, known as its mascot - The Merlion – a large sculpted statue with a lion’s face and with a body of a fish – spouting a long jet-stream of water from its mouth. The place is known as The Merlion Park and is quite popular among the visitors; in fact, visit to Singapore is incomplete without posing for a picture with the Merlion in the background. Tourist throng to this park and get themselves clicked, especially in trick poses, from the viewing deck in front of the statue – it appears in the picture as if the spouted water is falling straight into one’s open mouth. We too had clicked many such happy pictures, tricked ones and otherwise, with Merlion, and also with three-towered Marina Bay Sands Hotel and the cityscape in the background. The park also offers boat-ride over the Singapore river and also houses several high-end restaurants and eateries to dine-in.  
In the later half, we visited the Sentosa Island. Our guide informed us that the Island derived its name from the Sanskrit word ‘Santosha’ which means satisfaction or complete or be content. Sentosa is an island resort which can be accessed by road or cable car. We took the one-way cable car and de-boarded on the second station of the Island. During the time you are airborne, the birds-eye view down below and across the Cable Car is simply superb. The Cable Car smoothly crosses over a bridge, over the sea, the water world and other parts of the Island.
There are several rides in Sentosa which can be immensely enjoyed by everyone. We also enjoyed several rides and then took the Island bus to go to the Sea Aquarium - the most visited and sought-after attraction in Sentosa. The open passages around Sea Aquarium are dotted with several shops, eateries and fine dining restaurants. I must say that the air-conditioned Aquarium is huge and is your window to see and experience the marine life much closely, in true sense. Behind the mighty glass-walled aquariums and showcases, rests the sea world, which as you pass through the internal corridors, will offer you an intimate and deep peek into the ocean ecosphere.
Multitude and variety of fish, sharks, sting-rays, starfish, turtles, jellyfish, sea-horse, hammer-fish and many more can be seen swimming freely to their delight. In one of the enclosures, for the first time I saw the tiniest and colourful frogs – red, yellow, black – which were kept in rain soaked tropical habitat. The frogs looked stunningly bright and beautiful which I had never seen before, throbbing with life. And mind you, while these tiny creatures appear bright and beautiful but are known to be quite poisonous, and rightly so these creatures are called Poison Dart Frog! Underwater ecosystem on display also has forms of corals, reefs and other formations.
Atmosphere inside the Aquarium is ecstatic and is soaked in blue, the essential colour of the ocean. As you reach the last showcase, which is also the point of return, has a large rectangular, wall-to-wall, aquarium on display.  Visitors can be seen occupying their space on the floor right in front of this aquarium – sitting or lay down, lazing around, relaxing and getting mesmerised with the sea world on display behind the huge glass screen. After spending a bit of time here, we took an about turn from this last exhibit, and on our way out, we anxiously and gently touched and felt a star-fish, which was quietly resting on a reef! The gentle touch felt like a rub on a very rough and stony surface: that is the real texture of the skin of star-fish. Our visit to the Sea Aquarium was truly delightful and it will remain etched in our memory for long.
So, after an hour-long sight of the aquarium, we took a break, ate a bit and leisured on the Sentosa Island beach before heading for our next attraction: the grand night super show – Wings of Time - set on the beach itself with an unending open sea in the backdrop. The show is a spectacular fusion of pyrotechnics, fountains and water jets, 3D projection, laser beams, sound effects and riveting music. The show - amidst the razzmatazz of the sound and light - takes you through a deeply touching story of friendship of a mythical bird, Shahbaz and the human characters - Rachel and Felix - beautifully weaved and projected on a giant-rocky-zigzag-shaped screen erected on the shore, in the shallow sea.  The show ends with much fanfare and lofty fireworks. An amazing show, truly a visual and musical treat to the eyes and ears! A must-watch in Sentosa Island, it perfectly wraps up the day with much happiness and in awe.
Next Day, it was time for a daylong fun and entertainment at the much-famed world over theme park – The Universal Studios, which is truly universal in its appeal and amusement for everyone’s interest. The studio lies within Sentosa Island and is in the vicinity of the Sea Aquarium. Sky had opened and there were intermittent showers in the morning hour but then the overcast conditions settled down quickly and the dark clouds floated fast elsewhere. Even before the opening time of 10am, there was already a rush at the entry gates, but all the visitors had aligned themselves in their respective queues, well behaved, disciplined and in order. Outside the studio, a huge revolving spherical globe is installed with swoosh of large white coloured fonts of UNIVERSAL STUDIOS encircling with a tilt like the Saturn ring in the space.  Everyone, who visits here, will certainly, and happily, pose in front of this iconic globe shaped mascot of Universal Studios and click pictures in volumes.    
As we swiped our tickets and entered the supreme world of Universal Studio, the excitement begun to multiply exponentially, flowing with the flow – and why not as we had the entire day to explore and experience the Studio offerings.  The studio offers a wide range of state-of-the-art rides, live stunt shows, street entertainment, dinosaurs, 4D shows, movie making with Steven Spielberg’s Light-Camera-Action, 360-degree rollercoaster, Jurassic Park Rapids and many more amusements and attractions: full of fun, frolic and the thrills! And of course, with easy availability of much-needed food, beverages and refreshments options aplenty, the Studio comes alive for the entertainment of the taste buds and stomach too! The Studio is great for shoppers too offering multiple shopping options for a variety of goods, memorabilia and the merchandise alike.  
Among the attractions which prominently stands out, especially from my experience, are - The Revenge of the Mummy, Transformers 4D Ride, Shrek 4D Movie, The Water World Live Stunt Show, Rapids, Light Camera Action and the 360-Degree Rollercoaster.  
The Revenge of the Mummy ride welcomes you with gigantic warrior statues - coloured in black and grey-golden standing tall, firm and mighty - on either side of its entrance. On board the circular cart inside, it takes you through a storyline about the Mummies with an exhilarating ride which has many moods and motions, it - rotates, revolves, speeds, shocks and moves backward, forward, sideways with sudden starts-stops, accelerations, shakes and also sprinkles water for bugs effect - and passes through an amazing gallery of an audio-visual journey with a mesmerising surround sound which will certainly leave you in complete awe and impact. A thrilling experience which one cannot miss once being inside! Outside, one can see the traces of Ancient Egypt; with structures, statues and ruins recreated for a real feel of that era gone by.
A similar ride experience, with much more and superior shakes and shocks, comes alive once you get into the Transformers 4D, wherein the Transformer is trying to save you from the rampaging evils to the safety of your life. The Transformer experience will leave you spellbound. Shrek-4D movie is also an enthralling watch as you go through the emotions and motions by feeling the jerks and bumps sitting on a cushy chair inside the movie hall. And, finally, ride the high speed 360-Degree rollercoaster only if you have a strong heart and don’t fear the super speedy sudden wavering falls and upside-down-revolutions and the equally momentous and swift forward movements, this ride will surely give you the never before adrenaline rush! Spielberg’s Light-Camera-Action is also a must visit to see how special effects and sound creates the incredible scene of Category-5 hurricane hitting the New York city – truly an amazing way of movie making: shooting hurricane like situation and devastation inside a film studio, appears so real on the screen!
By 6pm, we were done with almost all the rides and visit to the various attractions. On our way out, we saw a bit of Dinosaurs act being played out in the open stage inviting children from among the public, to experience the Dino up there closer to the giant raptor in action. It was indeed a fun filled and an enjoyable day for all of us.
Overall, Singapore offers a clean and a systematic city, great food, lovely airport, clear roads, neat and efficient transport, modern habitats, hotels, shopping, entertainment and attractions for everyone.  And, if you are flying SQ, I mean Singapore Airlines, which is world’s best airline, then it’s really an icing on the cake – you are assured of a wonderful service onboard too!
We take away with us a bagful of happy and lasting memories from Singapore - the country which allures all, for a ball!
Keep shining Singapore!
© Anil Bisht [email protected]
for more pics:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/anilbisht https://www.instagram.com/anil_bisht_/
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Gardens by the Bay
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City view from the Singapore Flyer
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The Flyer Capsules with its riders and city in the backdrop
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Singapore skyline from the Flyer
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City view from the Singapore Flyer
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City view from the Singapore Flyer
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The Art and Science Museum, clicked from the Flyer!
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Hotel Marina Bay Sands on one side and the city skyline on the right
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Commercial Business District
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Commercial Business District skyline
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Bridges and the roads right beneath the Flyer
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The pride of a Lion, a statue inside the Universal Studios
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The castle and the Shrek 4D, Universal Studios
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The glowing Sentosa underground parking and pickup-drop bay
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Colourful stain glass flowers adorn a park inside Sentosa
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The warriors guards the ancient Egypt - The Return of Mummy, Universal Studios
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The revolving Universal Studio Globe
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Art sculpted out of cardboard paper, Changi Airport
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The decked up elephants at one of the city crossings
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Flower Domes
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The colourful candies hangs outside the m store at Sentosa
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Shade for the public appears like a lamp-shade! Sentosa
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The Singapore Flyer from a distance with Marina Bay Sands Hotel and Science Museum in the backdrop
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The Singapore Flyer - the giant wheel with Capsules on the outer!
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Another side of the cityscape from the Flyer
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The Merlion with Marina Bay in the backdrop
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The city skyline from the Merlion Park
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Spouting Merlion from another angle
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The Merlion from another angle
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The Singapore river waters and the three towers of Marina Bay Sands Hotel
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Boat ride on the waters of Singapore river
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The mascot of Singapore - The imposing sculpted statue of The Merlion
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The Cable Car ride to the Sentosa Island
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The sharks in the Sea Aquarium, Sentosa
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The sharks floating around the walk-tunnel inside the Sea Aquarium
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Sea life inside the Aquarium, Sentosa
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Sea life inside the Aquarium, Sentosa
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Sea life inside the Aquarium, Sentosa
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Sea life inside the Aquarium, Sentosa
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Sea life inside the Aquarium, Sentosa
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Sea life inside the Aquarium, Sentosa
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Sea life inside the Aquarium, Sentosa
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The Wings of Time show, Sentosa
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The Wings of Time Show, Shahbaz the mythical bird appears on the screen
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The Ancient Egypt recreated, Universal Studios
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A giant tree made of concrete inside Universal Studios
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The illuminated decorations with marigold, Changi Airport
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hudsonphotos · 7 years
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An abstract iPhone photo of downtown Fayetteville and Old Main taken from the top floor of @hotelchancellor (at The Chancellor Hotel)
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