#hot take but I’d want anyone else but David cage behind north’s backstory given how he writes female characters unfortunately
siyelius · 2 months
6 years later and I still wish they’d tapped into Jericho and the development amongst Markus, North, Simon and Josh as intricately as Connor and Hank’s bond. There’s so much potential between the founding/history of Jericho as a failing underground retreat and the roles / ideals each member of Jericho represents. There’s strengths and weaknesses between everyone. Simon’s wisdom and aged experience watching his people die for years under his care making the idea of unsafe risks and progress hesitant (causing Jericho to slowly rot at a standstill), Josh’s academic knowledge of humans’ civil rights movements throughout American history granting the guise of humans potentially being diplomatic with his kind if approached peacefully, and North experiencing the disgusting primal instincts of humans for years and history of being S/A’d giving her reason to despise humanity would’ve been such interesting concepts if given a platform to be dug into respectively.
Not to mention how Jericho’s even functioned before Markus’ arrival. It had to have been a vulture-esque environment if the three were to survive for so long. Scrapping their own dying kind, performing mercy kills for the sake of harvesting usable biocomponents they themselves would die without. North’s only been there for about a week at that point, but Josh’s deviancy age is unknown and Simon’s been confirmed to have been deviant for two whole years. For all we know none of their biocomponents could be original to them. They’ve torn themselves and others apart to rebuild their bodies and continue to live on like starving animals.
It’d explain a lot of holes, but a lot of this is just speculation. Jericho had a lot more potential and many intimate moments between chapters that could’ve explored the bonds the Jericrew have. Personal rooms of theirs on the boat would’ve been a great window to understanding holes in their past or their opinions of Markus as a person. It could’ve showed interests of theirs that fit with their ideals, their maturity of scrapping for so long, something to make their determinant slots a bit more impactful. Jericho had to have been a desolate, scavenging hellhole before Markus came along. I just wish they’d explore that concept a bit more to accentuate androids’ wills to live, even if it meant killing the weaker of the flock.
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