#hopefully I will feel more confident in drawing him so I could be more stylized
my-maehem · 6 months
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*Slides these across the table*
Have some Gale sketches
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aaetherius · 3 years
@shymaidxn​ asked:
“ let me fill the pages of your book with nothing but happy endings ” ( because, y'know, book buddies )
Poetry Prompts || Accepting (feel free to turn into threads)!
                                                              ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ―☼ ― ★ ☆ ✮ ✯
     “Let me fill in the pages of your book with nothing but happy endings,” he repeats the phrase under his breath, index finger curled against his chin as his eyes remained lock on the spotless, cloth banner stretched out on one of the tables in the empty cafe - pins on each end to keep it down. The small, in-house coffee shop had closed its doors a little less than an hour ago, but he had asked Sandalphon if they might be able to borrow it for a bit afterwards. An arrangement that was rather easy to secure, even when he didn’t tell the other the reason why - only promising he would once they were finished with a bit of eagerness in his voice, and with his arms full of books, brushes, and ink, and well, he suspected the newly crowned Supreme Primarch already knew what he was plotting (not that Lucifer had been nearly as discreet as he had thought he did - especially not when he had left notes open on the nightstand of his room that a series of titles and the words ‘book club’ listed on it that the other most certainly would have seen), but he had agreed to his request regardless. And, so, now he stood, partly leaning over the table with his gloves sitting on the chair pushed off to the side behind him - the faint scent of coffee clung to the air despite the fact that a cup hadn’t been made since he had helped the archangel close it down. A pad of ink was sat at the very edge of the cloth, and he had a brush held between the fingers of his free hand as he mentally measured out the words while taking readability and canvas side into account. It was a tad long, but very much doable on the space they had, and he rather liked it. Not that he had disliked any of the other ideas Diantha, and the other founders of the soon-to-be book club had come up with. But this one, well, he was fond of it. There was a certain warmth in that phrase that he felt conveyed the joy books could bring to one rather well. 
    A soft hum vibrating in his throat as he nodded - clearly taking her suggestion to heart even if he hadn’t given her a proper response yet. He had never once believed he would be assisting someone in designing a banner for a club - much less so a club that he was actively playing a vital role in getting started. But he couldn’t resist after she had presented the idea to him. Not when he adored reading, and was so very eager to learn everything he could about Skydwellers, as well as the crew in general. It seemed like the perfect excuse to speak to more members, as well as to listen to them ramble about the works they enjoyed. He imagined his current reading list would expand exponentially once the club was up and running. And this was the first step. Well, not exactly the first step, but the first step to actually opening the club up. Or so he had understood it - the banner a necessary part of it so it could be hung up on the door whenever they gathered so others would learn of it, and, hopefully, join them. The concept was an interesting one to him. The term club had been new to him, though the idea itself wasn’t all that different from the research groups the archangels had been split up into - at least in his mind, so he had been able to grasp certain aspects of it rather easily. Others, though, he was struggling with a bit, but the notebook stowed away on the same chair as his gloves that was filled with notes from everything she, and the other founding members had shared with him was proof that he was determined to get everything right. 
      “Yes, I rather like that one,” he finally admits with a nod after doing a handful of calculations and designs in the safety of his mind. “It is wonderful,” he adds on with another nod before offering her a smile and removing his finger from his chin to take the brush from his other hand, and hold it properly - dipping its end into the palette of ink, and allowing it to drip for a moment before he carefully set its tip to the cloth and began to write. The strokes fluid, and his handwriting neat yet still stylized enough to add a unique and interesting flare to the words as they’re transferred from his mind to the banner through the feathery tip of the brush without hesitation. There’s no fear of accidentally ruining the cloth, and no concern given for the possibility of making a mistake. But that was hardly due to a lack of caring on his part. No, rather, he had gone over the design countless times in his head in the minutes that had passed after she had offered her suggestion, and he had begun to write, and was confident it would work out. If it didn’t, or she would prefer it written in a different style, they would simply have to make a new banner, and though he would feel guilty for causing her trouble he also knew she would want it to look as good as possible, as did he.    
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      When he’s finished, and has added in a few final details to his writing - he sets the brush down before promptly moving it, and the pad of ink to another table while tucking his wings as close to his back as he could manage so he doesn’t risk spilling it all over the brand new banner. And, only after both are secure, does he return - not daring to touch the cloth just yet when he knows the ink will take a moment to dry. But his index finger returns to his chin as he silently studied his work. The words flow easily across the white sheet - running from to the other with enough space to make them easy to read, but not too much that they felt separate. The lines curve and twist neatly - little tails branching out from the letters, and adding to the overall aesthetic. But the most notable things are how he had dotted the ‘i’s with small flowers, and how the final ‘s’ flows into a crisp drawing of an open book that somehow manages to fit the style of the words perfectly. And it’s only after inspecting it to ensure the words are up to his standards does a small smile break onto his lips. Finally lifting his head to look at her. “Will this work? If it does not meet your expectations I am more than willing to redo it.”             
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lostinyourears · 7 years
Arena Mexico Report! 7/11/2017
Hechircero, Polvora and Dragon Rojo Jr vs Rey Cometa, Drone and Guerrero Maya
Who’s who?
On the rudo side we have Hechicero in the straps and with a stylized H on his belt, Polvora has his name on the back of his tights and has fire themed mask design. While Dragon Rojo Jr has a red mask that has his hair hanging out of it. Rojo/Polvora together make up the team  Los Revolucionarios del Terror, while Hechicero doesn’t have any official stable/team ties. 
Meanwhile on team tecnico we have Rey Cometa the maskless man in blue, Drone who has drones on his tights and blue wing eye detailing while Guerrero Maya is dressed in white with some green/orange detailing. 
How’s the match?
If you’ve read how I felt about Rey Cometa in the pass, this match does nothing to help that situation. He’s just a jobber at this point in my eyes, I see him on a team and I know that team isn’t going to win... which isn’t good for him or the match they are putting on. While this match is far from bad, having Cometa involved made me assume the winner and I was right. Cometa needs something or else why even have him in Arena Mexico? Relegate him to Puebla and lets boost a guy who CMLL see potential in, because they seem to see none at all in poor Rey Cometa. The third fall/round particularly made him look like the biggest loser on the show.
Valiente vs Gran Guerrero in a lightning match
Who’s who?
Valiente is in the green/shiny briefs and mask. While Gran Guerrero is in black and blue with a mask that shares the design his older brother’s mask Ultimo Guerrero. 
Both men have something to prove with Gran being second banana to his brother Ultimo who leads his group. While Valiente was eliminated in the first round of this years Universal Tournament after winning it last year. 
How’s the match?
Good, I think anyone familiar with CMLL would argue that Valiente is top 10 workers in the company. He is well liked by most of the fanbase and obviously by some guys in the back. He won The Universal Championship for 2016.
So if Valiente works a match and it’s not good... it likely isn’t his fault since he is such a good worker in the ring. I’m confident he could carry a match with Kemonito. Here vs Gran Guerrero the two put on a great match and the main issue anyone would have with it is the finish. However, with this stipulation I think about every 5-10 Lightning match should end this way. It’s a draw, because both men are so equally matched. You could argue it makes both men look bad, but you could also argue it puts both men over rather than elevating one over the other. 
The ending is also a little bit of fun fluff you will only ever encounter in Lucha Libre where so many men wear masks. It’s a fun visual to see both men try each other's mask on. They both want to keep fighting, but the ref is very clear : it’s a 10 minute time limit and time is up. Great effort from both men and Gran Guerrero represented his brother and faction well in this fast paced match. While Valiente continues to be one of the most crisp luchadors not only in the CMLL roster, but on the planet. 
Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja and Mistico vs El Terrible, Shocker and Rey Bucanero
Who’s who?
Angel de Oro always has gold wings on his mask and pants. This time his whole attire is gold while Mistico is in white with gold trim and Niebla Roja is wearing red and white attire. Niebla famously left the Los Guerreros group because he didn’t want to attack his real life brother Angel de Oro.
Meanwhile on team rudo we have : El Terrible who starts us out and has facial hair as well as long black hair, Shocker in a singlet and wearing wrestling head gear while their third Rey Bucanero is wearing facepaint and has golden boots. 
This team also had 3 hues of hair : Bleach Blonde(Shocker), Dirty blonde(Rey) and Terrible with pitch black hair. They are a pretty oddball team, not really being affiliated with one another at all. (Though they have feuded and teamed in the past, that’s more an obvious like how anyone who has been around a company for a decade have probably crossed paths in the past) 
How’s the match?
Good though I have problems with the match in the same regard as I did with Rey Cometa. I just don’t really feel like Shocker or Rey Bucanero are big enough threats for guys like Roja(who is building towards a hair vs mask match) and Mistico who is one of the better workers in the company. Granted, I feel like Angel de Oro is a midcarder for life, basically stuck in the ‘high flyer we aren’t going to push’ spot that most lucha libre companies have. 
So, I’m a fan of about half the field here. Still it’s hard to say it’s an awful match mostly thanks to the 3 talents I’m more a fan of. Really, you could probably say 2 of the talents I more like. It feels like Mistico and El Terrible really carried the match with the rest of the talents playing support. Hopefully this is leading to a feud between the two of them, as that would be a pretty fun match.
Overall a fun Tuesday night, but really the Lightning match is the main highlight from the night and I’d probably recommend Arena Puebla from yesterday more than this show tonight. 
Highlights :
Arena Mexico highlights 07/11/2017
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