#hope y'all enjoyed your Robo History Lesson lmao
roboticspacecase · 7 years
All of 'em :D
Oh shit alright, prepare to learn WAY too much about me :p HERE WE GOOOOOooooo!
0: Height - 5′ 2″, short af1: Age - 22 slutty, slutty years and getting bigger every day2: Shoe size - Like, 7 - 7 ½? Depends on brand and stuff. I can wear kid’s shoes, though :p3: Do you smoke? - Socially4: Do you drink? - Also socially5: Do you take drugs? -  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 6: Age you get mistaken for - Well, LOOKS-wise I get told I look like a teenager, but when people talk to me they think I’m like 25+7: Have tattoos? - Nope8: Want any tattoos? - So many omg9: Got any piercings? - Lip, both ears are double pierced on the lobe, double helix in my right ear, and a belly ring.10: Want any piercings? - A few more, yeah11: Best friend? - It’s totes @ciphertext-x 12: Relationship status - Single and deeply confused :D13: Biggest turn ons - Intelligence, and biting. Talk dirty to me and leave marks, baby ;D14: Biggest turn offs - Being rude, bad hygiene15: Favorite movie - MEGAMIND16: I’ll love you if… - You let me be myself around you without judging me17: Someone you miss - My sister. She moved to Colorado and I miss her a lot.18: Most traumatic experience - Tbh I’m not really comfortable saying, but all I WILL say is that I had a really shitty childhood, my mom was neglectful af and my dad was at work too much to know what was going on.19: A fact about your personality - I’m nice af to people and idk why because in my head I’m just mean and salty all the time.20: What I hate most about myself - I let the negative thoughts win too much.21: What I love most about myself - When I do manage to do things, they’re awesome and I’m always pretty proud of them.22: What I want to be when I get older - An author :p23: My relationship with my sibling(s) - Mostly pretty good, but we don’t talk much anymore :/24: My relationship with my parent(s) - My dad is pretty cool. Fucking crazy, but cool. My mom though, she’s abusive and shitty so I tend to not wanna be around her as much as possible.25: My idea of a perfect date - Something either super chill or super crazy. I love adventure but I’ll also hella take a night in with snacks and a show/movie.26: My biggest pet peeves - People being mean??? Like, my inner bitch is STRONG, but you really don’t gain anything from being an asshole, so why????27: A description of the girl/boy I like - They cute. That’s all you’re getting :p28: A description of the person I dislike the most - Loud, annoying, stupid.29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend - To make myself seem less nosy tbh30: What I hate the most about work/school - My bosses, always. They’re real fucks for no reason.31: What my last text message says - “He’s inside” to my mom because she thought her cat that meows a lot was stuck outside. Quite ominous and weird without context xD32: What words upset me the most - “You didn’t even try” because trust me, bud, I’m ALWAYS trying for something.33: What words make me feel the best about myself - “I love your writing”, “Your writing made me feel better”, stuff like that.34: What I find attractive in women - Physically? Softness, long hair, ability to kick someone’s ass :p35: What I find attractive in men - Tallness, nice smile, ability to be cuddled.36: Where I would like to live - Somewhere that I can feel safe and where the weather isn’t all over the place all year.37: One of my insecurities - My body sucks.38: My childhood career choice - Used to wanna be an archaeologist real bad :p39: My favorite ice cream flavor - Death by Chocolate ;D40: Who I wish I could be - Someone who isn’t so afraid and has their shit together at least a little bit.41: Where I want to be right now - In bed.42: The last thing I ate - Don’t be grossed out, but hot lime Cheetos dipped in nacho cheese :p43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately - Dan Avidan44: A random fact about anything - I’m scared of those blow-up bounce houses and waterslides because of recurring nightmares I had as a kid about them. Same with alligators and crocodiles  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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