#hope u like deltarune vessel ocs lmao
meowchela · 4 years
Introduction to Salem (my deltarune oc)
because i really wanna post about her hsdgjshbdsfhj
info under the cut bc this is gonna be long as FUCK I have a lot to say about my daughter...please read it tho
first things first, her name is Salem and I first made her on my second run of deltarune when I decided to name my vessel properly (on my first run i made the vessel’s name my own since the instructions confused me a tad, haha.) 
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this is what she looks like in-game.  here’s a sprite recreation of the above sprite cuz its kinda unclear (plus a pixel vers)
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I didn’t flesh her out until may 2020 though, and since then she’s gone through all sortsa development. the first thing I did was try to make her design stand out from being a basic vessel while still keeping true to the nature of it, if that makes sense.
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this is my first ever drawings of her- some minor things have changed as i’ve drawn her. here’s her current design!
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as well as her sprite (plus the pixel vers)
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she has a dark world form and a “beta” design (aka her in-game design just with a face) but I've shown enough designs for now.
Her backstory is that, after being discarded, she was saved and brought to life by Gaster. He acts as her father figure (she literally calls him father, since in a way he is bc bringing her to life and all that) and she holds him in very high regard. They live together in the void, however Salem can leave and I’m going to explain why in a bit.
Her purpose as a vessel is to house the player’s soul. That purpose was taken from her at the beginning of the game as we all know, and she’s determined to get it back by any means necessary. How she does this is she basically goes down to hometown and/or the dark world to antagonize/attack Kris to get the soul out of them. She hates them for this reason.
Of course, she’s more like a saturday morning cartoon villain than an actual threat to them. She tries her hardest but can never really get their soul. She keeps trying though. The only thing that could divert her from attempting to fulfill her purpose would have to be a genuine change of heart.
Personalitywise, She’s actually very proper and polite to people she’s not actively trying to steal the soul of. Gaster raised her with proper manners! Despite this, she’s also very sassy and not afraid to speak her mind. Also shes not above saying swear words because I think its funny lmao
Her powers are as follows:
Teleportation - Allows her to get to and from the void. she can teleport to places she knows, but not people, and she can teleport small items with her if she’s holding them but not other people, hence why Gaster can’t use her to escape.
Hovering - Salem can hover a few feet off the ground for a limited amount of time. It’s not exactly flight, since it’s loosely derived from Gaster’s ability to control his detached hands (technically a form of hovering). It’s more just so she can look intimidating and cool. Originally, she didn’t have this, but one day I sprite edited a pose that looked like she was hovering and decided it would be cool lmao
Gaster Blasters- Since they’re named after her dad, I figured I’d give them to her. However, I’ve been debating recently on whether to keep them or not, since I don’t want her being too similar to Sans power-wise and he’s the only place in the game we see them. It’s iffy for now, so we’ll see.
Fun facts!
She has a wrench she uses as her main weapon. I tend to forget this fact, but it’s very important. (If I do get rid of the blaster power, she’d use this as primarily, since right now she prefers to use the blasters as a ranged attack. That said she does love to bonk people w the wrench, namely Kris she hits them with it a lot)
Physically, she is the same age as the fun gang (Since I headcanon Kris, Susie, and Ralsei to be 17, she would be 17 as well, however if you headcanon them to be younger she’s essentially just aged to match them. At the very least her and Kris are always physically the same age.) Mentally, though, it’s kinda complicated. She’s as smart as her physical age in the sense she’s able to use logic and wit, however her knowledge of the world is less than a toddlers. If you asked her what something normal like, say, grass was, she would not know. She would be confused as fuck. She could best someone at chess but the second you ask her what a movie theatre is she becomes all questions
She’s naturally very curious. Maybe because she has so little knowledge of the world or maybe because she was raised by Gaster to have a scientific mind, but she just wants to know EVERYTHING about the world around her. When she’s not focused on antagonizing Kris and their friends all the time, she’s usually out exploring and studying things, trying to expand her knowledge.
Gaster forgot if he taught her how to read and write or not and at this point he’s too afraid to find out.
In truth, Gaster’s better at being a scientist than a dad. He tries to act fatherly towards Salem but most of the time ends up treating her more like a lab assistant. She doesn’t mind as long as he pays attention to her, but it’s still not exactly good for her development.
I headcanon Gaster is ambiguously related to the skelebros, so by extension Salem is related to them as well. He’s told her to respect them. (She gets along with Papyrus, but Sans gets on her nerves sometimes.)
I think I’ve rambled on enough. There’s still so much more to cover but this is all of the basic info and then some. Thank you for reading this far, and if you have any questions or comments about her PLEASE feel free to shoot me an ask about it. 
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