#hope everyone treats em nicely mhmm mhmm
sulffer · 2 years
makin a new fucker im EXCITEDDD i always love making new ocs and can still somehow engage with em so....comin 2 yall soon
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thermaflute · 4 years
welcome to the community! i was wondering if i could get iida dating a black s/o who's in class 1B and class 1A finds out?
Gracias! Here ya go friend. People really be sleeping on my boy but he ain't a bum and he's built so I be 🤪🤪🤪 for him. Have a lovely day!
Tenya Iida
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It wasnt that you guys were "trying" to hide it
It just happened to be something that wasn't brought up on both ends.
Tenya is a very private person and very rarely displays any pda. 
You respected that about him and supported him, so you kept your affections to a private setting, well, for the most part you did.
So naturally, people didn't assume much of your relationship and thought you guys are just friends.
He assumed most people would self destruct if they saw him wrapped up with a baddie. Especially one as popular as you.
You were in 3-B but definently the talk of the school, people hit on you a lot. You're a transfer student with beautiful black skin and eyes that seemed too damn warm for your own good.
You politely rejected everyone, because you already found someone. 
He's still suprised it's him but he's not gonna ruin a good thing with his doubts.
Even him with his penchant for rule, he was compelled to break em for you.
He'd find himself breaking his own rules when your classes combined and holding your hand. 
"Oh so it's cool when you initiate it but when I do it I get a lecture."
He's quick to fluster and attempts to stammer out a nonsense explanation. 
"Yeah, mhmm, keep that energy." You take your hand back from him playfully and he just looks so sad.
"Fine, we can hold hands, but you're not allowed to get on me next time I do it."
Sometimes you two wouldn't be able to see each other almost all day and settled for a nice evening walk around the campus. 
Ochako and Tsuyu were out on a walk as well and saw you two in the distance.
They dismissed it as nothing, they've seen you two before and you guys were just pals...
What they haven't seen before now was that arm (politely, he a gentleman) wrapped around your waist. 
Their suspicions were confirmed when you twirled around to laugh at a joke he made and buried yourself in his embrace. 
Needless to say, y'all got an earful. 
Your respective class group chats were blowing up. 
"Oh. I think they found out about us." You show him a dissertation length text from Monoma in between supportive messages from your classmates. 
"It appears my class found out as well." The girls were gushing over you and they're glad you two are dating, but mainly because it gives them an excuse to get closer to you.
 The guys were pissed that Iida was "hiding" you.
"So you weren't gonna introduce us to your partner? I thought we were bros."
...This is the chat for studies, please move this conversation to the general Kaminari."
"I hate it here."
Iida returned to his dorm after walking yov back and was immediately berated for not bringing you back. 
"They should already be in their own building by this time, I couldn't of brought them anyway."
"I hope you know you're the only one who cares about that," snickered Mina. 
"Well, yes, but-"
"You wouldnt rat on yourself would you?" 
"Then bring em back for movie night!"
In less than 10 minutes you were at the door, a cheer erupted across the commons room. 
From then on, 3-A made it a point to include you in as many activities as possible and overall treated you like a part of the family. 
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dc41896 · 4 years
Valentine’s Special
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Pairing: Lewis Tan x Black Reader
Warning(s): None💕
A/N: So this was supposed to come out on Valentine’s Day, but things got a little hectic so I couldn’t finish it when I wanted. However although it’s a little late, I hope you guys like it!! 😊
“I wanna be, where the people are. I wanna see, wanna see em dancing!”
“Not today you don’t girl trust me,” you speak to yourself, taking a bite of your Hershey’s bar.
Being with Lewis, you know there would be times that he’d be away filming. And while you were understanding how that was part of the job, that didn’t take away the pain of being away from him. Especially on days like today.
Although it was adorable seeing everyone with their Valentine’s Day cards and gifts, it did put you more in your feelings since you were alone. He messaged you earlier in the morning saying how much he missed and loved you, and had a beautiful bouquet of various flowers sent to the apartment, which made you smile, but it wasn’t the same as having him physically there.
So here you were, sitting on the couch watching Disney movies and eating chocolate to try to brighten your mood.
“Alright bish grab ya stuff and let’s go!!,” your best friend, Hailey, shouts coming through your front door.
“Remind me to take back my key,” you respond sitting up.
“1. Rude 2. You’re not having a pity party because you’re alone today are you?”
“No. I can’t just watch Disney movies in peace?”
“You can, but I know you and when you watch the princess movies, that means you’re in your feelings,” she answers with a smug smile as if to say “tell me I’m wrong I dare you.”
“Ok I may be a little in my feelings because Lewis isn’t here.”
“Mhmm I know.” Sitting beside you on the couch, she lightly rubs your back as she embraces you in a hug.
“It’s gonna be ok. Mr. Long, Tan, and Handsome will be back before you know it.”
“I can’t stand you,” you laugh smacking her arm as you both pulled away. Ever since they first met, they were always going back and forth with each other. It was as if they were long lost siblings with how much teasing they did.
“Alright now go and get dressed so we can go out! I’m not letting you stay in this apartment all day.”
“Fine, I’ll go,” you dramatically sigh, standing up to do as you were told.
“Ohh and do a full beat too! You might be in your feelings, but as your bestie I’m also not letting you out looking any less than the queen you are.”
“Aww thanks LeLe!”
“You’re welcome! Now hurry up because I’m starting to get hungry.”
“And you call me the rude one,” you laugh walking to your room to get ready.
“Y/N!!! You look so pretty in that!!!,” Hailey gushes like a proud mom sending her daughter off to prom.
Wearing a dark blue slightly asymmetrical mini skirt with a grey long sleeve top, you give a small twirl while batting your lashes.
“Yasss look at how bomb my best friend looks y’all!!,” she says while holding her phone and circling around you.
“Shh there are other people in this store!,” you whisper, laughing as you try to block the camera.
“They’ll be alright. Ohh you know what would look super cute with that?! These boots!”
Black, suede, and fitted like sock, the block heeled booties were gorgeous and would definitely go well with the outfit. That is until you saw the price.
“Um did you see the price though? These boots are $80! Put that together with this outfit I’m looking at $150.”
“Don’t worry about it, I got it taken care of.”
“Hailey if you’re thinking about stealing so help me-,”
“No! What kind of person do you think I am?,” she gasps, feigning as if she’s been offended. “My friend works here and owes me a few favors so I got all this at a good price.”
“Wait, you mean you already paid for this?!”
“And the shoes,” Hailey adds, showing off the boot as if she was on the Price is Right.
“I know you’re gonna try to say no, but I’m your friend and want to treat you to something nice, also don’t worry about my hookup she won’t get in trouble I promise.”
You still wanted to protest and tell the employee to redo everything, but then again everything was already done so there was nothing you could really do.
“Thank you Hailey, you really didn’t have to do this. I promise to pay you back,” you smile hugging her.
“I know I didn’t have to, I wanted to though! And if you try to give me money I’ll smack it out of your hand and stuff it back in your purse!,” she laughs.
“So rude and violent. Alright let me change and we can go eat, I know you’re starving.”
“Orrr...you can just wear that out the store!”
“Is that allowed?”
“Yea! Right Kasey?,” she asks turning towards the brunette behind the counter, who nods with a smile before walking over to the two of you to help take off the tags.
Singing to the top of your lungs as you drove through town listening to the radio, you were happy to finally have your mind off of feeling alone. And yea you still missed Lewis, but having your friend keep you company definitely took some of those sad feelings away. You still tried to check here and there to see if he updated his stories, but Hailey always managed to take your phone just as you opened the app.
“The point of today is to get you OUT of your feelings not back into it,” she’d always say before cutting your screen off and handing it back to you.
After some time, you finally arrived to your destination making you instantly turn to look at Hailey in disbelief.
“I thought the point was for me to not be in my feelings?,” you ask, arms crossed in front of you. “This is where Lewis and I went on our first date.”
“Ok first of all, we’ve known about this place way before you and fist of fury started dating so this is equally our spot as much as it is yalls. Second, I’m sorry that they have bomb milkshakes which I’m in the mood for and know you’re always down for, so let’s go.”
Sliding out of the car, you both enter the unusually empty diner. Hailey literally bouncing as she entered the booth with her menu in hand, and you missing Lewis more than ever as you reminisce on your first date and the other good times you’ve had.
“Here let me take your picture. Not only do you look super cute, but you can send it to your man to show where you went today.”
“Nooo just let me order my food please,” you groan like a toddler begging to play longer.
“Me taking your picture is not gonna affect you ordering,” she replies with a laugh. “Now c’mon smile.”
With your chin propped on your hand, you smile before taking a couple more pictures making silly faces.
“Ok so far this one is my favorite and I think you’ll love it too.”
Turning the phone towards you, you immediately feel tears threaten to fall and surely mess up your makeup. While you were smiling, over your shoulder was Lewis sitting in the booth behind you, with a finger over his lips as he winked while holding a small black box.
“Happy Valentine’s Day love!,” he smiled as you turned around to face the love of your life.
“Are you serious right now?!,” you ask, watching as he gets down on one knee.
“Yes I am, and I hope you feel the same when I ask you Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N if you don’t mind spending the rest of your life with me and be my wife?”
“Yes, of course I’ll be your wife!,” you smile as he slides the circular diamond ring on your finger before kissing you.
“Aww I’m gonna be a maid of honor!,” Hailey claps making both you and Lewis laugh.
“Wait aren’t you supposed to be filming in Canada?”
“I am, but we got a break for a couple of days so I planned this whole thing out with the help of jabber jaws over here,” he replies tilting his head towards Hailey.
“Listen you just got engaged and I’m trying to be nice jolly green giant,” she retorts making him roll his eyes.
“You were the one that bought the outfit too weren’t you? And that explains why someone said I should do a full beat.”
“Yea I gave Hailey my card info and told her to treat you to anything you wanted. Whatever store you were in, I called to make sure there were no problems with her trying to use it. Also might I add you look gorgeous as always.”
Leaning in, Lewis kisses you again pulling you closer towards him as Hailey jokingly gags, making him flick her off before pulling away.
“Well it looks like my job here is done, so I’m gonna leave you love birds to it.”
“What about your milkshake?”
“Oh I’m still gonna get it. I know you guys probably want some alone time though so I’ll see you later,” she waves as she stands up beside the booth. “Also if my future niece/nephew happens to be conceived tonight, I will gladly accept them being named after me.”
“Bye Hailey,” you and Lewis reply at the same time with a laugh.
“And thanks for helping Hailey, this couldn’t have happened without you,” he adds with a smile.
“No problem, yall are my family you know I’d do anything for you guys.” Blowing you both kisses, she grabs her Oreo milkshake before walking out the glass doors to get in her car.
“So you like your surprise?”
“I love it, which reminds me,” you start before smacking him in the arm. “How could you play with my emotions like that?!”
“Ow! I didn’t do it to be mean, it was for your surprise. I sowwy!,” pouting his lips, he gently joins his forehead with yours before continuously pecking your lips until you giggled.
“Alright in this case you’re forgiven. But try not to make a habit out of it, I don’t know if my heart can take it.”
“Anything you say Mrs. Tan,” he smiles chuckling as he places an arm around your shoulders and kisses your forehead.
Taglist: @crushed-pink-petals @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @beautym3 @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @itshinothey @wildfirecracker @nina-sj
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, or only wants to be tagged for certain people I write for just let me know🤓!
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berrynarrybanana · 7 years
sunbathing // hs
This isn’t my best piece but i reblogged a few posts of pool harry today and i got inspired and i hope you all like it! thank you to anyone that reads and feedback is much appreciated :)
inspired by these posts (X) X
You never liked public pools.
You didn’t like the screaming children, the judgmental girls in bikini’s whispering about you as you walked by, the overcrowded atmosphere, or the weather. You did however love to swim on occasion and you loved sunbathing, but only if you were at a friend’s private pool or at a hotel where there were hardly many people in the pool. Harry had nagged you for most of the morning about going to down to have a quick dip in the pool and when you finally caved, he’d kissed you on the cheek and ran off to put on his swim shorts. These weren’t nearly as good as your favorite yellow pair, but he was beautiful nonetheless.
You loved when his tattoos were on full display. Often you forgot about them, almost so used to seeing them that you just thought of them as a part of his skin. Like freckles and beauty marks. You changed into your own one piece, the bright blue color something you wouldn’t normally wear, but you were feeling adventurous on your trip. By the time you’d made it down to the pool, half of the tour crew was out swimming and Harry felt right at home. He had the biggest smile on his face when Niall called out his name. He turned to look at you.
“You comin’ in, love?” He asked, taking his cap off before he ruffled his hair.
“Not yet,” You reached out for his cap, smiling as you nodded towards the pool. “Go have fun, I’ll be sunbathing over here.”
“Alright,” He leaned down to kiss your cheek, a hand pressed to your hip. “You put on your sunscreen?”
“Of course,” You nodded. “Don’t worry about me, go have fun.”
He was off into the pool after that.
You found yourself the perfect lounge right next to Lou, her sunglasses on and a hat shielding her face from the sun. You made yourself comfortable on your lounge quietly, careful not to disturb her relaxation. When you’d finally untied your cover up, the warm sun hitting you perfectly imperfect skin, you felt vulnerable. No one was paying you any mind of course, but it almost felt as if all eyes zeroed in on you. You put Harry’s cap on, laying back to get comfortable. You ignored when the lounge squeaked, shaking it off as you closed your eyes. You suddenly felt extremely hot and you knew it wasn’t from the sun. You were working yourself up in your head instead of relaxing. It took you a few moments to calm yourself down, taking deep breaths as the sun washed over you.
“You look extremely uncomfortable,” You heard Lou chuckle next to you and your eyes snapped open as you turned to look at her. “Loosen up a bit, relax your muscles and enjoy the sun.”
“I’m trying,” You chuckled, smiling softly at her as you squinted. “It just feels like everyone’s looking at me, I mean I know they aren’t, but I can’t help but feel that way.”
“I feel that way sometimes too,” She smiled reassuringly. “I promise everyone is enjoying themselves and paying no mind, even though you do look stunning in that color love. And if anyone is being a twat about it well then fuck ‘em, they don’t deserve to see you looking this beautiful anyways. Enjoy the sun and forget about everything else.”
“Thanks Lou,” Your smile grew a little as she nodded, dropping her head back.
You took another few deep breaths, focusing on the sounds of the pool and the feel of the sun. You could hear Harry and Niall laughing in the distance, the sound of splashing and children laughing prominent and it soothed you. It didn’t take long after that to fall into your own little space of silence, your skin warm and your body calm and loose. You were thinking about how much you were enjoying yourself on these few tour dates with Harry, how he’d made you feel included and slightly spoiled with every long night on the bus cuddling up and every room service ordered breakfast in bed. He’d always been an amazing boyfriend, but traveling with him always felt like a real treat and a real honor. As you were thinking about all of the things you wanted to go see in the current city you were in and where you wanted to go for dinner, you felt a slight chill.
“Looks cozy over here,” You cracked your eye open at the sound of Harry’s voice, a few water droplets hitting your skin. “Can I join ya?”
“Course,” You croaked out, scooting over on the lounge. Harry collapsed down next to you, dropping his arm over your stomach, his head resting on your shoulder and his legs hanging off. “Did you enjoy your swim?”
“Mhmm,” You hummed softly, turning his nose to brush against your neck, his lips puckering slightly against the warm skin. Your whole side was damp now and his hair was dripping down your skin. “Are ya enjoyin’ your snooze?”
“It’s not a snooze,” You grumbled, turning your own head to kiss his forehead. “It’s called sunbathing, handsome.”
“You look gorgeous doin’ it, whatever it is,” He smiled, squeezing your side softly. “Like this color on you as well, looks nice.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, your lips still pressed to his forehead along with your nose. You slipped your arms around him, cuddling him back as you got comfortable. “You smell like chlorine.”
“You smell like the sun,” He countered. “I don’t know how much longer I can lay here like this, knowin’ exactly how beautiful ya are, knowin’ exactly how much I want ya.”
“Is that so?” You asked.
Harry shifted around, moving his hips closer to your thigh. He pulled your foot between his ankles, tucking your leg between his as he rolled his hips forward. “You look exquisite.”
“I feel exquisite,” You chuckled. “And I feel like I need to turn so the other half of me doesn’t look pale in comparison to the front.”
“You can sun bathe later,” He whined playfully. “Come on, lemme love on you.”
“You can love on me later,” You promised. “All night long if you wish.”
“All night?” He lifted his head up, smirking at you. “S’that a promise, love?”
“It is,” You rolled your eyes. “Now either get on your own lounge and sunbathe or get in the pool, I need to flip.”
“Fine,” He grumbled, still smiling. “Suppose I could use a bit o’ sun anyhow.”
Suddenly you didn’t hate public pools so much.
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