kowaindar0u · 21 days
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btw i was looking for room references yesterday and I found there's a temple (Taizo-in in Kyoto) that has a gazebo thing much like how I imagined yuichi's!! i think his may have a bigger table, and is of course on a higher hill, but otherwise i think that's pretty spot-on!
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medicablade · 3 years
@honmayu​ from here.
Yuichi had gone into a bit of a daze, his eyes losing focus on the tablets and papers and the text on them blurring a bit as he just stared at them. The white noise of the rain outside was all that was going on in his head.
But then, a voice catches his attention and he straightens immediately, blinking at Yagen and registering the question asked of him.
“Oh-- yes, please,” he replies, motioning to one of the chairs he kept near his desk for moments like these. “Thank you. Have a seat if you want.” It was a take-it-or-leave-it offer, but it was a little apparent that Yuichi hoped Yagen would take it-- a welcome distraction.
The tanto smiles softly, taking the invitation gracefully as he steps in, soon carefully placing the tea platter on probably the only open space left on his poor saniwa’s desk. Admittedly, he couldn’t blame him being swamped like this---regulated magic seemed like such a hassle ( easy to say when he didn’t think about the fact he, and his brethren, possessed a soul in a sharp, pointy object ) when all this responsibility was involved.
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If it weren’t for simply being on rooftops himself, he’s be a little worried about the steady rhythm of downpour ‘pon the roof overhead, but, if anything, it’s merely speaking it’s own language. “It’s easy to get distracted when the rainfall is so loud, huh?” he comments softly, pouring them both a nice and warm portion of tea. Once he sits down, Yagen lets out a sigh. “It’s relaxing until it isn’t, ah ha. Oh, it’s oolong, by the way.”
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autumnxsage · 4 years
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// Joins @honmayu in making things
( picrew source )
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swordsbesword · 5 years
❤️ (hello !! nice to meet you !! I also am yvkimitsu/erabenai/honmayu (side blogs) so take your pick!)
I went for writing it for erabenai
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For once he was proud of what he made along with his brother, Kogitsunemaru. They both had slaved away at making the best home made scarf two old swords could do in a short period of time. Hopefully Yamatonokami would appreciate such an ugly and poorly made gift if they acted happy about it. Right? Almost dragging the older brother along, Mikazuki held a warm smile as the distance between the certain sword and him got closer. One finger gently tapped the man’s shoulder as he held out the scarf that looked as though it may fall apart at any given second.
“Good morning Yamatonokami! Here me and niisan made this for you. Hope it is to your liking.”
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kowaindar0u · 4 days
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I wanted to make this on the Sims at some point but the game launcher (EA app) is useless and broken jcjdjfjdj
But ! Yuichi's room?? Not to scale, and probably subject to change or addition... cause like... I can't think of any other stuff at the moment LOL
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kowaindar0u · 6 days
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HMM... many characters in one shot is tricky lol and I probably could've stood to use some smaller brushes but... Ah well I still like how this turned out!
Darker rainy days are difficult to shade lol why did I do this to myself
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
i present: yuichi's playlist! [spotify] [youtube]
(as of 3/14/2024)
as with most of the playlists i make, some songs are readily applicable, some just have the right Vibe, some are sorta funny... and in yuichi's case, there's a lot of a rain theme going on lol
(also, some are ones from my own tourabu mood playlist that i just had to bring over)
because i've always wanted to do this i'm gonna go through all the songs and maybe explain why i put it there or something?? yolo! playlist guide under the cut lol
i recommend having this going while you listen!
most songs (on the youtube version) have lyrics/translations where available!
there's a lot of kpop don't judge me lol
Dreamcatcher - Full Moon this is a song from dc to their fans on their first anniversary lol, so the themes of a somewhat-new bond are pretty relevant!
Seventeen- Campfire do i even need to explain? sobs this song makes my heart warm ... just thinking about yuichi & all the toudans sitting around a campfire having *sniffles* precious moments... ; A;
Rihanna - Umbrella LMAO this one is very on-the-nose but also just thinking about it's hilarious, i couldn't resist. (plus like... it's a jam. also lyrically it actually does fit!)
Dreamcatcher - Boca be prepared to see a lot of dreamcatcher w/me, they're my Favorite(TM). anyway Boca is about protecting someone from harsh words (better translation is "if those thornlike words / start to hurt you / i won't let them open that boca (mouth)") AND has a very rainy/stormy atmosphere which makes it perfect. yes i know my toudans are Sword Warriors yes i still want to protect them as best i can!! (it's more about like. bullying and hate but yknow. similar sentiments...shhh...)
The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men ...............i don't think i need to explain myself on this >.> (THO HAHA IMAGINE IF THIS WAS HOW SWORDS MANIFESTED IN HIS HONMARU i'm dead)
ToppDogg -Annie (Anniversary) another 'anniversary' type song, i think it speaks for itself. saniwa💙toudans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clean Bandit - Rather Be lyrically, yes!! being a saniwa is not an easy or peaceful job by any means but yuichi wouldn't want to be anywhere else <3 also the song makes me think of rainy/cool moist days!
Seventeen - Home seventeen shows up a decent amount too, but what can i say? the songs fit lol. saniwa-toudan relationships might not always be 100% sunshine and rainbows, but... they are home, no?
Twice - Feel Special GOD. this song came out while i was very into tkrb a few years ago and so that plus the song itself made me actually cry when i first watched it lol. it's so fitting though, i think from toudan or yuichi's perspective. for yuichi, he clearly struggles with his self-worth, and is...well, he's no stranger to a breakdown. but ... he's got so many touken danshi around him who love him
Girls' Generation - Talk Talk no explanation needed methinks! <3 just comparing a love to the rain
SF9 - The Beat Goes On okay this song is just like... pure beach episode, everyone gathering in the sunset and having a great time being free with each other. i include it on so many playlists where i just want to imagine a joyful time with the whole cast of whatever, it just has to go here too, even if you'd be hard-pressed to get yuichi on a beach lol
Yuju - Play this is just strictly for the vibes. i don't know that yuichi has someone who dipped and hurt him like that (but it could be interesting i guess lol). the song just is perfect for the rainy atmosphere
Dreamcatcher - Piri i told u prepare for dreamcatcher lol. anyway this song is literally about like... depression and getting to a point where you need a lifeline. very yuichi, unfortunately
New Politics - One of Us another "do i even need to explain?" song ;u; it's definitely on my tkrb playlist lol. also the lyric video is kinda fun lol imagining it as different toudans at the table
Gfriend - Summer Rain just very nice rainy vibes.
Super Junior - Why I Like You this song (the whole album really) has always given me rainy/humid vibes. but also... love <3 (ofc not necessarily romantic in yuichi's case! but yknow what i mean)
Flo Rida - My House almost a joke addition but like... also almost not a joke LOL
David Cook - Come Back to Me okay this song is tkrb playlist because it's like... 100% kiwame send-off vibes. i initially added it after watching hanamaru, thinking about kashuu sending off yasusada, but i think it also suits most sendoffs very well. i wanna cry. sobs....
SF9 - RPM So I don't have a good reason for adding this to yuichi's or my tkrb playlist other than it makes me think of using time travel to go on a mission. also i just REALLY like the song... and listening to it with the rain going is mmmwah *chef kiss*. just imagine a team going up to the [time travel device] all ready to fucking GO, looking all badass in the mist and shit. and then PPEPWWW they go! and now they're ready to fuck shit up (to un-fuck the timeline)... it's the VIBES AGAIN
Darren Hayes - Bloodstained Heart no words needed <3
Dreamcatcher - Over the Sky another anniversary fan song from dc! this song just makes me so happy and like. energized. spring time. anime conventions. so it's on my tkrb playlist, but it's also a sweet and fun song so, yknow, puts it on.
Ravi - Lean on Me is this yuichi talking to a toudan? or a toudan talking to yuichi? or ? who knows, but either way, i like it. sweet and reliable.
Seventeen - Thanks just... a song about being so grateful to know and love someone.
Major Lazer - Cold Water (the one song with justin bieber i listen to unironically lol)
Seventeen - Holiday oh man just LISTEN to it, even without the lyrics it's just like. fun!! party!! chill!!
SF9 - Bibora a jam. a rainy jam. but also maybe some parts of it speak to yuichi.
Jinsoul (Loona) - Singing in the Rain KNK - Rain Super Junior - Raining Spell for Love Strictly for the vibes.
JBJ - True Colors oh man. this song makes me cry too. my heart...
Starley - Call on Me Another song that I think explains itself lol
Dreamcatcher - Reason yet another anniversary song from deukae but it fits. through all the triumphs and hardships, despair and joy, the toudans in this citadel have become his whole reason for being and they inspire him to keep going and do better and be someone they can depend on and be proud to call their saniwa.
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
been thinking about yuichi's citadel lately! he's probably got some greenhouses and perhaps some kind of covered spots for crops, as well as covered walkways so toudans don't have to get all wet just to go somewhere lol
i might make a dedicated post for this later but i did start a tag (#honmayu) for just tidbits/inspo/etc about yuichi's citadel so! that'll be fun!
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
Can't sleep cause it's storming and hailing and it's louuuuud (and bright lol)
So naturally I'm thinking about this kind of severe weather at yuichi's honmaru 🤔
like obvious it rains... a lot, and regular thunderstorms are common
But I like to imagine perhaps during particularly bad storms everyone huddles into a central area both for safety and to just... Be comforted with each other 😭 perhaps it's underground so they can all sleep without the Ridiculous noise of hail (and like... I don't imagine there being tornados but the honmaru is sort of a pocket dimension (?) right? So who knows lol
Also you KNOW after a hailstorm there's gonna be toudans running around throwing the hail at each other lol
Also Yuichi can often be found with his doors open, on the engawa, or sometimes even on the roof just enjoying the downpour lol
Since he attributes the constant rain to matching the constant chunk of gloominess in his own being (I always liked the idea that honmarus also sort of manifest from the saniwa/their essence(?)), he tends to feel extra guilty (and a bit embarrassed/ashamed) about it being so present for everyone there, and it causing problems 😔
But sometimes he enjoys the rain and finds it refreshing and invigorating...
And any time he sees his touken danshi enjoying the rain, whether it be simply watching it or going out to play in it, it makes his heart happy
Then of course he remembers they are all probably deficient in vitamin D and is like damn
Actually yes I think between Yuichi, yagen, all the swords who help in the kitchen, and the...repair-ers? Smiths? (Honestly the smithing in-citadel confuses me a little), I think they would (or will learn to in time) have measures in place to try and compensate-- lots of vitamin D foods, making sure everyone has check-ins for their emotional/physical well-being ... Stuff they would do anyway I suppose but just checking more specifically
Honestly thank goodness there's plenty of pretty trees and flowers, it helps things not look quite so drab in the rain since there is no shortage of greenery and other colors
AGH i'm eepy but maybe I'll think more tomorrow
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
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yuichi's first konnosuke and his current/main konnosuke! Current one's a messy little guy but he does his best uwu
(made on this picrew!)
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kowaindar0u · 4 years
I like to be called: Adrian, i also accept nicknames
My favorite color is: BLUE !
Gender: ??????????? 
Pronouns: he/him
One thing you should know about me: i am SO bad at approaching people to rp, even if we talk etc, if i’m not like 99.99% sure you’re interested i’ll probably not say anything unless somehow i get a wild hair to do it jdfksdflk help,
One thing you should know about my muse: (i’ll only do this for sengo since it’s this blog sksdfd but) he’s very sweet!!!!!!!!! he’s so sweet!!!!! he loves to be nakey and likes to strip and also encourages other people to Enjoy The Freedom/Be Confident BUT he is a) MORE than this and b) NOT going to just go around indecently exposing himself (on purpose at least). he’s weird, not a creep
First language: english
Second language: eh i’m not fluent enough in anything to consider it a second language. i’m Okay at spanish but don’t practice enough 
Age range: Under 13 | 14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 70+
Am I okay with NSFW?: Yes | No | Sometimes (considering Sengo i’m alright with nudity etc in rp but NOT smut) ( Muse / Partner dependent ) | But not for this muse 
My favorite / most common thing to rp is: Angst | Fluff | Smut | Crack | Action (even if i’m bad at it lol) | Other
OC friendly?: Yes | No | Depends
RP blog: Does / Doesn’t contain ooc posts
Tagged by : nobody i STOLE it
Tagging : tkrb rpc !
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kowaindar0u · 4 years
I... have the feeling I am forgetting something, and I’m not sure if this is me just being ??????????????????????????????? or if I really did forget something... so, if I have forgotten something from/for you please let me know !!!
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