#honkaistar rail headcanons
Could I ask for Himeko, Natasha, Springfield and AK12's S/O asking for help learning how to kiss properly (excuse for wanting to make out), too shy/tsunder to ask)?
(H:SR/GFL) Himeko, Natasha, Springfield, and AK-12's S/O asking them how to kiss
I can hear the ara-ara energy this ask radiates
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When Himeko first hears the question, she can't help but feel a little flushed in the cheeks herself.
But it doesn't stop a beautiful giggle escaping her lips before setting down her coffee.
Noticing how badly S/O was blushing themselves, she puts one hand on their cheek to help calm them down.
Though if anything, it makes both of their heart start to race faster.
(Himeko) "Truthfully, I would like to learn myself. Perhaps we can help each other?"
She takes them to the privacy of her room before helping S/O with their question.
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Natasha is taken off guard for a brief moment.
(Natasha) "My, that was very bold to ask."
Despite her surprise, she quickly recovers and smiles before patting the seat next to her with one hand.
(Natasha) "I'm an expert in medicine, S/O, so pardon me if my skills aren't up to par."
There is a teasing tone in her voice, but there was at least a modicum of truth to her words.
Not that S/O would know, since the kisses she gave almost took S/O's breath away completely.
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Springfield opens her mouth slightly in surprise before covering it with one hand.
A few seconds pass before the gaze she's giving S/O grows softer, and smiling as one hand goes under her chin.
Springfield adjusts the apron on herself before leaning against the counter.
(Springfield) "I wouldn't mind at all, my love.~"
Before getting too carried away, Springfield puts the sign on the door of her cafe to "closed".
This was going to be an entertaining learning experience, at the very least.
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12's face becomes somehow even more smug as she just teases S/O.
(AK-12) "Hm? I'm sorry, I was processing something. Can you repeat your question a little louder?"
12 heard them the first time just fine, if they wanted her to teach them how to kiss, they'd have to work a little harder than that.
After hearing them ask two more times, she slowly walks up to them, adjusting some strands of hair out of her face.
(AK-12) "I suppose I can show you a thing or three.~"
12 opens her eyes just to wink at them before quickly catching their lips, one hand on their waist as she brought them closer.
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