#honestly trying to envision the unique cape culture of individual areas of the US is a slept-upon project
artbyblastweave · 4 months
A one-and-done line of Worm Worldbuilding which I think about a lot is in Lisa's interlude, where she receives mover support from a jetpack user she describes as, quote, "one of the Silicon Valley Capes." Worlds unspoken there, right? That the Wormverse Silicon Valley has a distinct enough and well-known enough cape subculture that Lisa can visually identify him as one of them immediately. He's using a jetpack- a tinker? Or another kind of cape with Gallant-style tinker backing, because the expectation of advanced technology is the price of admission in that area? Mention is made of at least two rival corporate teams being in attendance, and this is the section of the book where they're still talking about things like the "tinker-driven tech boom." Do you see my vision? The expanse of twee-named 2010s tech startups fielding superpowered mascot-janissaries? The apps-as-services which are bogus, unsustainable ventures puffed up by flashy tinkertech demos that haven't a prayer of scaling? Sillicon Valley or The Social Network, as prosecuted with mechs and laser weaponry? The most insufferable corporate social media presences that you ever did see?
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