#honestly fine with that y'know? so long as the game's fun it doesn't matter that much to me
skrunksthatwunk · 1 month
finished dante's campaign of dmc2!! it was bad!!! <3 and i can't tell if it's anticlimactic or a surprising show of mercy that it only took around 4 hours
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astrxlfinale · 2 months
I'm gonna select the big 'ole flashy 30, and say... whatever is boiling the most intensely in your veins in terms of salt, Jace, please share it with me— I mean, /cough, share with the class. (As a fellow salt truck, I know there's always specific things, so I want you to have the ability to.)
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Sae you know full well what's about to swing in here.
That said! I'd be delighted too honestly, so LET'S-
To take a fine moment for the topic on this number. In my eyes, the idea of Character respect is becoming an avidly dying practice. At least, when it comes to the motivated study of truly making that shot to learn about them in the larger stream.
The biggest means I see this appear as is the 'Cookie Cutter.' Drawing attention to this angle right here is what truly just boils the inside of my head, since in truth, it's related to some topics alluded to in the other ask. I believe that the order is going into reverse. Where the perceived mirrors are the envisioned character instead of vice versa. It's not an active study as to how this character works, rather, exactly what does this character 'fulfill' on a checklist quota to please them.
Taking from the easiest example here, let's take a look at Kafka and how it's easily taken, perceive her as 'Dommy Mommy' then virtually just leaving her to rust in said mold. It's played as a joke or 'power play' as some buzzwords do it, people will get uptight if said joke was called shitty, and here you go with the metaphorical merry-go-round on the matter.
It doesn't even stop at jokes, anyone experienced in the fandom atmosphere likely came across the lorded image, what the fun and games, personal add ins, just about a myriad things had molded about the character. How it's often, very rarely discussed about how the story expanded on the character themselves. Whether it's through the external media, the content of the narrative itself, and other examples that can be taken with genuine grain. This being from people who like to note themselves as fans of a franchise.
Then again, it doesn't even have to be that. Say there was a certain scene that just gets them literally or spiritually drooling. A scene of xyz character seemingly going unhinged, how a few 'appealing' views suddenly shoot them off to the stratosphere. There's a lot of ways where the cookie cutter can just make the easy mark. And y'know? Fair, if you're just at your angle or hole and not lording it as the gospel? More power to you! It's the people who always crave some brand of conflict and/or validation for this metaphorical ball.
I feel like the best example of what got egregiously popular is how xyz character enjoys one thing/food and suddenly it's their whole personality. The simplicity that I normally enjoy for content does the biggest disservice here. It's that jarring sense that like two people are looking at an outfit, and one is seeing armor and another a suit.
While the story quality itself is always up for question, I do like to say there's an active effort for writers to make a nebulous character, similar to someone just living in the current day, just with their unique structure and circumstances, history, life. It's just a damn shame to me how this is hardly valued when in truth, learning all of these about a long time or new series favorite of a person is fun as fuck. Mirrors in terms of concepts such as character trait can be really useful to learn. It's never that sort of thing that should be taken as the truth.
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roboromantic · 2 months
idk if it was just the bad timing of when we were working w/Unity vs Unreal or if it's bc we're making interior props now vs houses or WHAT, but I am finding Unreal soooooooooo much easier to work with. I do still have the problem of wanting 3D modeling features when this is y'know, a game engine, but I actually am excited to work more on this project.
All we had to do for the first part was make some props for our rooms but I kinda. didn't make that many bc I Had to figure out how to make an interaction prompt and make the character teleport when you interact with it
also I spent WAY too long try to make a hollow sphere out of geometry (which is the only thing we were supposed to use for models) and the normals just REFUSED to work. I'd try to flip the normals on one object and random faces on other objects that absolutely were not selected would flip.
For the hollow sphere I made one sphere with the normals facing inwards and a slightly larger one with the normals facing out bc there doesn't seem to be any way to all I should have to do is put the smaller one inside the other. no matter WHAT I did, the normals would flip or just fucking. disappear entirely or something.
. I am realizing now that using a subtractive probably woulda worked just fine but also I feel like I tried that and had issues? I think I tried to change the render order and it changed for EVERY subtractive, which didn't work for the others
I eventually managed to get it to work by using shapes instead of geometry but geez. I wish I could just make models in Blender and import them 😭
We originally had to make 3 rooms with 3-4 props per room and between me not having much time or any real ideas and getting distracted by trying to figure out how to do stuff that is absolutely not relevant to the project my rooms uh. ended up rather sparse compared to other people's levels
I think honestly now that I have more time, experience, and ~inspiration~ I might just remake most of the level lmao. also we were taught how to make emissive textures today so you better BELIEVE I'm gonna use those everywhere. gonna make an evil scientist lair with Ominous Glowing Tubes and a Giant Evil Mech
My first room was vaguely nature themed bc well. we could use the default props and it wasn't hard to make a cylinder, slap a wood texture and two bushes on it and call it a tree. or take a couple cylinders and give them brick and water textures for a pond
so one thing I wanted to do was make a sun lamp as the source of lighting but what if. Evil park where the sun lamp has an evil grin. maybe try to make a basic mutant animal thing. keep the nature theme going while tying it into the idea of an evil lair
Room 2 didn't get much love but I wanted it to at least hint at a puzzle, so what if I made something basic where you have to solve the (very easy bc I ain't got THAT much time) puzzle to open the door to the next room
The next room was meant to be an art gallery but I only had one abstract statue I made and the default prop statue with different materials applied and scaled up, lmao. tbf I used that as the object you interact with to teleport back to room one so. anyway it can be an EVIL art gallery showcasing EVIL trophies of the scientist's's's's heists
we have to add 2 more rooms (and they have to be physically connected, so I can't just use the teleport to move to room 4 😔) so I maybe interacting w/one of the art things opens a ~secret entrance~ to the big EVIL lab.
and then from there I kinda wanna make an elevator that takes you to room 5, aka the Giant Evil Mech bay.
is this overly ambitious? almost certainly! am I gonna have fun doing my damnedest to get it to work? absolutely!
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jaderimehardt · 6 months
I have been super MIA for months now, I know, and I apologize! Its been a mesh of things keeping me away.
#1 Holidays, #2 Getting sick (yuck), #3 Game Events, #4 Temperature - Honestly I didn't think this would be a thing until it became a thing, y'know?
So resin doesn't cure optimally unless it's in 70-72 degree climates and I was working with it in my garage typically around 80-90 degrees, which was fine.
Sometimes I'd notice it get issues when I'd work with it around 95-100 and I'd be like okay~ not today, lol 😅. That didn't bother me, those days were too hot anyways.
I'm on the west coast. We didn't get ideal 70 degree days. It dipped quickly from 80 degree days to 60 degree days (too cold for resin) in like, a matter of days maybe weeks.
I've been trying to research if a curing machine would fix it but I'm just finding a whole lot of "some curing machines are designed to cure at room temperature blah blah" and "heat can be added via curing ovens, radiant heat, expoxy curing blankets". Yeah okay thanks google AI 🙄 /s
It's something I need to either look into a lot more or just wait until the weather gets warmer.
In the meantime, I can either draw more stuff for my RedBubble (which I'm not happy with at all), + deal with the holidays- which is what I've been doing (dealing with the holidays).
I may also just start drawing and make this a seasonal thing? Resin in the summer and drawing in the winter? Ping Pong back n forth? I'm trying to figure things out.
I was also bouncing the idea around of bringing the resin into the house but we don't keep the house above 70 degrees either, lol. I know people will think we're crazy for that. We keep the house between 62-68 degrees. Just barely missing that 70 mark. And then I don't know if the room I'd work with the resin in, would get proper ventilation cause I'd have to open a window, thus making it colder inside 🤷🏻‍♀️ (because it's around 50 degrees outside, and still only Fall).
There has to be a solution here 🫠. And it may be the seasonal ping ponging. Because I don't have a shop up yet so it's not like this is a 'business' yet for this to be a dire need or anything.
Sorry for the rambling, just thought I'd drop an update 😅
Last night and today I've been working on a couple of Emojis for Discord- as in a literal two.
I haven't drawn anything in 10 months, and I've never drawn this character before so I'm really out of my element with this. And we know emojis are something I mostly do for fun that I do to improve myself, so go easy on me when I post them 😅.
Originally I wanted to make 4 but the inexperience of never drawing him before and having not drawn in so long, paired with having an event tomorrow... had to trim it to just the 2. It's better than none I guess. I want to say maybe more in the future but don't hold me to that; I get weird especially when people hold me to expectations 🫣
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