#hnnnnghhh i’ve been wanting to do this all day om insane
catsockpuppet · 23 days
Okay so I made this Ethan playlist and now I’m going to explain a few songs. (A lot of these are really angsty, whoops! Also I’m completely ignoring the intentions of these songs here.)
i like the way you kiss me - Okay! I really think Ethan intentionally tries not to get attached to people/makes sure no one gets attached to them. They feel unworthy, unlovable, maybe even disgusting, so they try to make sure no one gets close enough to realize that. A few lines like; “You said you’re scared I’ll let you down, stick around and you’ll found out” (Afraid of being less interesting than people assume/being unreliable) And “Not tryna be romantic, I’ll hit it from the back just so you don’t attached” (I think they are ace but this can apply in any context) Really fit Ethan’s personality!
Fifteen Minutes - Okay! There’s less of an analysis here, I just think that Ethan is pretty paranoid about losing friends/partners so they constantly are asking questions like this and need a lot of reassurance that they matter and people would think of them!
Crash - (I didn’t steal this song from Ders, wdym??) I think Ethan has a habit of running into relationships, not considering the consequences or if they are really compatible with that person. They just, dive right in and reap the consequences. The line: “How long did you think we could make it? How far did you think we could take it? We couldn’t be bothered, we didn’t have time, to think so far ahead.” Is good example! They didn’t bother thinking about how long the relationship could last, they went right into it because they need to feel like they are loved.
Strawberry Blond - (This one is going to be very Radford x Ethan, sorry!) I think when Ethan genuinely falls in love it hits them hard. And I fell like they’d be a lot more positive because, this is like, the first time they’re genuinely falling for someone. Sure they are nervous, but they’re also ecstatic because they thought love was something they would never get to experience (not in an aro-ace way, but more of a not-deserving-of-it way). “Can you hear the bumblebees swarm?” Is really important to me because (as I’ll mention later) I feel like Ethan was, for a while (before and after Tender Treats), not completely there. Like they were a bit of a robot, but a while after Tender Treats, when everyone is healing, they fall in love and start noticing all these things they didn’t notice before. Small things, small details about everyone, not just Radford. They are more attentive. “I love everybody because I love you” Could also be an example of this!
Juliet - I feel like they genuinely have such a hard time like, taking care of themselves and all that. “I wanna make a colour, that no one else has seen before. I wanna be so much more.” I feel like, they are constantly trying to be better. Trying to make themselves seem more worthy of attention, more lovable, etc. I also like “Sometimes I act like I know, but I’m really just a kid” for them because I imagine that they really try to pretend they understand everything, like they know exactly what everyone thinks.
Good Luck, Babe! - Honestly, I have no words. This is just so them.
Are You Bored Yet? - Okay! I really think that Ethan is a quiet, chill, relaxed person who would prefer staring at the stars in silence than going out on dates. As a result I feel like they see themselves as boring, especially because people assume they are going to be so much more… Exciting? And I also see them as asexual, and, projecting a bit but, sometimes in relationships they feel boring. Like, they can’t fulfill that for a partner and it’s hard not to feel like a disappointment after telling someone. Even if they aren’t entirely sex repulsed I don’t think they have much sexual attraction.
Loved - I think this is like, how Ethan believes their parents perceive them. They are a freelance artist, they didn’t go to college, and that makes them feel worthless and they are constantly worried their parents are disappointed in them.
Fear and Delight - They willingly enter abusive and dangerous situations because, for a while, it was the only thing that made them feel something. Sure, it was pain, but it was still something. They’d probably take an obviously dangerous situation over a seemingly safe one because, at least they know they’re going to get hurt in the first one. They don’t know what’ll happen in the second.
Francis Forever - OKAY! I know this is a love song or whatever but we are pretending it’s platonic because I do what I want. After Streber got attacked, I think Ethan got even worse. Firstly, they probably found Streber, secondly, Streber is their best friend and now it’s just. Gone. Streber is probably the first person they really cared for, and once he got hurt their entire worldview shifted. Once he got out of the hospital I think they gave it the biggest hug out of everyone.
Pork Soda - THIS SONG IS SO THEM OH MY GOSH!! Okay, as you’ve probably assumed, I think Ethan has had a lot of bad relationships in the past. Platonic and romantic. “How come you only looked pleased in bed?” Is a really Ethan-y line, I can’t explain why. Like their relationships were definitely like that. “Got nobody ‘cause I’m braindead!” Is also very them because, as I stated earlier, I think they really didn’t feel alive for a while. They probably felt unlovable because of that, like they didn’t even deserve friendships. “Why can’t we laugh like we did now and then?” They don’t understand why their relationships are falling, they have ideas, but they don’t actually know. Also, that line is them and Streb after Tender Treats (platonically) because, I imagine Streber didn’t do much small talk after getting attacked.
I have problems, whoops!! there are a lot more songs but i don’t have analysisea for them (these are shorted explanations too…) anyway anyone with others songs should 100000% show me
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