#hmmm at some point in the last two years I started typing my discworld tag wrong.... whelp ay least I have the basic 'discworld' tag as wel
a-ramblinrose · 4 months
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"For Terry Pratchett and Colin Kent, fathers who encouraged their daughters to keep their minds open to magic and wonder, and not to forget to do the hard work. Raising a drop of Special Sheep Liniment in their names."
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wromwood · 3 years
Rules: Answer the following and tag some people you want to get to know better. If you don’t want to answer certain ones, that’s ok! :)  
Thanks for thinking of me, @sardinesandhumbugs. :3
Name: Felix
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′2″. I am a smol man.
Wallpaper:  This Softboy drawing of mine is now my tablet’s lockscreen. I’m just very proud and amused by it.
House: I’m assuming this is Hogwarts house, so Hufflepuff
Ever had a crush on a teacher: Nah, not really. There was one teacher in my life I thought looked objectively pretty/cool, and another I really really looked up to and was fascinated by, but I’ve never had any kind of crush on them.
Coolest Hallowe’en costume: Ooh, I love talking about Halloween costumes! I guess my “coolest” was either my satyr/faun costume from high school, or my Nurd the Scourge of Five Deities (a demon from my semi-favorite book trilogy The Samuel Johnson series. Basically, I love the first two books and have an uncomfortable relationship with the third) costume from the Halloween of 2018. The satyr/faun costume was cool because most of it was foraged and homemade. My mom made my furry goat legs, and I got to choose my satyr/faun fashion of a “Born to be Wild” T-shirt and a clear flask full of “wine” (a fruit juice blend that looked like wine.) I also bought some costume horns and pointed ears to glue onto me, as well as rubber hooves to strap onto my shoes.
The demon costume was even more interpretive, since the Samuel Johnson series has no illustrations or movie/TV adaptation. I painted a green crescent moon on my face, put on fangs, and added a red streak in my hair. I also wore a cool red cloak, dark brooding clothes, heavy boots, and a pair of thick welder’s gloves. Hopefully, I captured the brooding, yet awkward spirit of Nurd.
Fav 90s TV show: Hmmm.... That’s a tricky one. I want to say Futurama, but that started in March of 1999, so it’s got a foot in the 90s. A more appropriate answer would be Animaniacs, even though I only got into it a couple years ago. Some other good choices would be Quantum Leap and the Powerpuff Girls.
Last kiss: .... aw, this question makes me sad. If we’re talking about any kind of kisses, sometimes I can quickly kiss my bird on his beak. If we’re talking about human kisses, than those haven’t really happened since March of 2019.
Fav pair of shoes: Out of the ones I currently own? Honestly, my furry moccasin slippers. Which I CAN’T FIND RIGHT NOW.
Been to Las Vegas: Nope, and I’m not interested.
Fav fruit: Hmm. Maybe raspberries? Or bananas, as long as they’re ripe and soft and sweet.
Fav book: So, I have two answers to this. My favorite book in terms of “what book do I think is objectively a great piece of literature, that takes my breath away when I read it and I hope to one day be as half as good as its author” is Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, as well as a whole sackful of books from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series. My favorite book in terms of “it’s silly and goofy and makes me laugh, as well as combining a bunch of ideas that are right up my ally and that I don’t get enough of in fiction” is The Infernals, which is the second book in the Samuel Johnson trilogy by John Connolly. (Fun fact: I’ve actually met John Connolly more than once, and even visited his house.)
Stupidest thing I’ve ever done: Too many to count. I’ll pick just one, since I don’t want to revisit painful memories for too long: become obsessed and heartbroken over an asshole who didn’t deserve it. (Note: this is not connected to the kiss answer)
All time fav show: I’m gonna have to say Doctor Who. I’ve been actively watching it since 2010, and have since gotten to dive into its many years and types of content. I find it fascinating how the show changes from year to year, Doctor to Doctor. Even if it isn’t always good, it’s fascinating. My favorite Doctor and era is now Patrick Troughton’s Second Doctor era, but New Who season 5 will always have a special place in my heart. It’s as bright and joyful and exciting as a shiny new copper penny, and I will forever hope that Doctor Who will return to those bright, warm colors with fun adventures and a silly Doctor.
Last movie I saw in theatres: Pixar’s Onward. Mom and I managed to see it together just before the movie theaters closed for the first lockdowns. It was good, not peak Pixar amazing, but still fun and sweet. It actually affected my mom a lot because she lost her father when she was a teenager, and knows what it’s like to raise younger siblings who barely know their fathers.
Most of the new Internet friends I’ve made have already been tagged, so I shall tag some old Internet friends! @penny-anna, @brivit, @gaymarriedinspace, and @rose-of-pollux.
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awilliamswrites · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag 2
Tagged by @corisanna​. Sorry it took me longer than I thought to get around to this! ㅠㅠ  Also some my answers are super long as I can’t seem to confine myself.
1. What is your favorite relationship type to write/read? Romantic, platonic, familial, and any subtypes.
Favorite to read is either family or friends, or a family that are actually friends with each other. I love warm and fuzzy relationships where people are loyal to each other and love each other and care for one another. 
I’m not actually certain what my favorite relationship to write is though. I’d say I haven’t written enough types of relationships enough times to choose a favorite yet. So far I both like writing friendships and antagonistic relationships. 
2. How much or what kind of research do you do for your fiction? If you don’t write, has a fic ever made you curious enough to research something?
The amount of research I do all depends on a combination of how much energy I have, how difficult it is to find information on the topic, and how interested I am. For some things I settle with what Wikipedia has to say about it, and for other things if I am feeling energetic/determined/interested enough I try to find original or primary sources.
I do tend to rely solely on the internet. Not counting going to my college library, I think it’s been about seven years since I’ve been to a public library. Man, I knew it had been awhile but I hadn’t realized just how long until I did the math in order to type that out. I have been wanting to go to the library for a while and that makes me want to go again even more. I know that some of the best research you can do is through books, and that’s an avenue I want to re-use soon.
3. What was the first work of fiction you remember becoming completely engrossed in?
The Redwall books. I loved those books so much.
4. What work(s) had a lasting influence on you or your writing style?
Hmmm, on my style? I’m not sure. I don’t consciously emulate anybody even though there are some authors who I would love to write like. Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn and The Way of Kings), Terry Pratchett (Discworld), and Megan Whalen Turner (The Queen’s Thief)
On me? See the three just-now mentioned authors, and add in Brian Jacques (Redwall). All of those have influenced my worldview and how I think about myself and others. They’ve also influenced the stories I want to read and what type of stories and characters I want to write.
I’d also be remiss in not adding in The Book of Mormon and The Bible. I could say a lot about them both but I don’t like talking about my religion much and how it’s influenced my life because I know how obnoxious/pushy it can sound. 
I’ll just say: there are some really encouraging, hope-giving verses in the scriptures and they have had a lasting influence on me and how I think.
5. What kind of sound environment do you prefer for writing/reading? Silent, white noise, music with/without words, sitting in a public place with the ambient noise of humanity, etc.
Silence. I like to picture the events in my head and write out what I’m “seeing” and music or people talking distracts me from that. Some noises like the A/C or cars in the distance is fine though. 
6. Are you or do you like authors who are teases, in story or out? 
Like who do cliffhangers and stuff? I love authors who do that even though it’s also agony. I don’t do a ton of cliffhangers myself.
7. Have you ever experienced a “the characters write themselves” or “character rebellion” mental state?
Sadly no, I have not gotten to that point of knowing my characters well enough yet.
8. Do you have a favorite franchise crossover? Like Bleach/Harry Potter, Madoka Magica/Card Captor Sakura, etc.
Nope! I am fond of different “magic” (I’m including the Force from Star Wars under that umbrella) systems interacting and characters being weirded out or in awe of what characters from the other universe can do.
My two favorite franchises by themselves are probably Star Wars and Naruto, but funnily enough I haven’t read any crossovers of the two universes that I’ve cared for. Maybe I should write one. Hmmm.
9. Do you remember anything about the first fanfic you ever read?
I sure do! The first fanfic I ever read and continue to read was Dreaming of Sunshine by Silver Queen. Probably the best intro to fanfic anyone could ever ask for. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a Naruto fanfic that at this point can probably be safely considered the Naruto fanfic.
I started reading it in 2011 I think. I found it because I was on TV Tropes and I was clicking the “Random Media” button. 
10. Is there a work of fiction that you are annoyed doesn’t have much if any fic? 
I mostly read on fanfiction dot net, so I don’t know about other platforms but at least on there there are not nearly enough Mistborn Trilogy fanfic. 
11. What fictional character do you strongly identify with?
Instead of choosing one I’ll talk about the type of character. I tend to identify with stoic and angsty characters, even though those characters are generally also great fighters and/or have supremely tragic backstories and I am not and do not.
Part of it is that these characters are really cool, and I like them because of that. I know that liking is different from identifying with, but I think there’s some overlap in that liking can include elements of recognizing, aspiring to, and resonating with. There are a few stoic and angsty characters who I do not like, and given that I am just now recognizing that overlap I’m now wondering and wanting to rethink about those characters and see what it is about them that makes me not like/identify with them as opposed to others.
Back to stoic and angsty characters I do like: I have clinical depression, so the constant quiet suffering those characters exude (bonus points if they point on a cheerful façade some of the time) is both relatable and makes me want to hug them. Relating this to the first question, I especially love it when these characters either have or are taken in to a family relationship where people worry about them and love them and help them heal. 
And, on top of that, as I said they are generally awesome and competent fighters, meaning that part of the core of those characters is that they are good at protecting and serving others. This is something I don’t identify so much with as very much aspire to/wish I was better at. (I think it would be awesome to have superpowers or be great at fighting, but at the heart of those desires is the desire to help others.) 
@corisanna​ as a side note, your fanfic is one of my favorites right now because it is pushing all the right buttons for me to LOVE all the characters and character interactions. I’m so glad I found it. I’ve watched PMMM but not Bleach, and As N Approaches Infinity has made me curious enough to start. I’ve watched five episodes and am liking it so far. Can’t wait to meet Toshiro Hitsugaya in the show.
Those were really awesome questions, here are mine! p.s. I’m totally reusing the ones I came up with last time. :P
1 What is your favorite book or series and why?
2 What piece of writing are you most proud of and why? This could be anything, not just fiction writing; if you wrote a paper for school that thinking about still makes you feel good, I’d be curious to learn what it was!
3 Are you a planner or a pantser?
4 If you could live in the world any book series, which would it be? If your choice is different than your favorite from question 1, why is that?
5 Do you have a book that you love that most people you talk to tend not to have heard of? What is it?
6 Do you read/write fanfiction? What’s your favorite fandom to read/write in?
7 What time of day do you write best during? Morning? Midnight? Any time?
8 Have you ever done Nanowrimo? What was your project?
9 What is your opinion on poetry? Do you like it? Do you like modern poetry?
10 Choose your favorite question out of the 11 questions I answered and answer that one! (Indicate which one you’re answering too).
11 What was the last book you read?
I don’t know 11 more new writers to tag, but here are as many as I can. Tagging @pens-swords-stuff @theswordofpens @thenessiej @mdotldotwang @hewwoanna​ @byrdwriter​
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ruth-lund · 4 years
11/11/11 Tag Game 2
This is a repost from my old tumblr, awilliamswrites, so I won’t be re-tagging people at the end. However, I want to say thank you again to @corisanna​ for tagging me! This was fun to do.
1. What is your favorite relationship type to write/read? Romantic, platonic, familial, and any subtypes.
Favorite to read is either family or friends, or a family that are actually friends with each other. I love warm and fuzzy relationships where people are loyal to each other and love each other and care for one another.
I’m not actually certain what my favorite relationship to write is though. I’d say I haven’t written enough types of relationships enough times to choose a favorite yet. So far I both like writing friendships and antagonistic relationships.
2. How much or what kind of research do you do for your fiction? If you don’t write, has a fic ever made you curious enough to research something?
The amount of research I do all depends on a combination of how much energy I have, how difficult it is to find information on the topic, and how interested I am. For some things I settle with what Wikipedia has to say about it, and for other things if I am feeling energetic/determined/interested enough I try to find original or primary sources.
I do tend to rely solely on the internet. Not counting going to my college library, I think it’s been about seven years since I’ve been to a public library. Man, I knew it had been awhile but I hadn’t realized just how long until I did the math in order to type that out. I have been wanting to go to the library for a while and that makes me want to go again even more. I know that some of the best research you can do is through books, and that’s an avenue I want to re-use soon.
3. What was the first work of fiction you remember becoming completely engrossed in?
The Redwall books. I loved those books so much.
4. What work(s) had a lasting influence on you or your writing style?
Hmmm, on my style? I’m not sure. I don’t consciously emulate anybody even though there are some authors who I would love to write like. Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn and The Way of Kings), Terry Pratchett (Discworld), and Megan Whalen Turner (The Queen’s Thief)
On me? See the three just-now mentioned authors, and add in Brian Jacques (Redwall). All of those have influenced my worldview and how I think about myself and others. They’ve also influenced the stories I want to read and what type of stories and characters I want to write.
I’d also be remiss in not adding in The Book of Mormon and The Bible. I could say a lot about them both but I don’t like talking about my religion much and how it’s influenced my life because I know how obnoxious/pushy it can sound.
I’ll just say: there are some really encouraging, hope-giving verses in the scriptures and they have had a lasting influence on me and how I think.
5. What kind of sound environment do you prefer for writing/reading? Silent, white noise, music with/without words, sitting in a public place with the ambient noise of humanity, etc.
Silence. I like to picture the events in my head and write out what I’m “seeing” and music or people talking distracts me from that. Some noises like the A/C or cars in the distance is fine though.
6. Are you or do you like authors who are teases, in story or out?
Like who do cliffhangers and stuff? I love authors who do that even though it’s also agony. I don’t do a ton of cliffhangers myself.
7. Have you ever experienced a “the characters write themselves” or “character rebellion” mental state?
Sadly no, I have not gotten to that point of knowing my characters well enough yet.
8. Do you have a favorite franchise crossover? Like Bleach/Harry Potter, Madoka Magica/Card Captor Sakura, etc.
Nope! I am fond of different “magic” (I’m including the Force from Star Wars under that umbrella) systems interacting and characters being weirded out or in awe of what characters from the other universe can do.
My two favorite franchises by themselves are probably Star Wars and Naruto, but funnily enough I haven’t read any crossovers of the two universes that I’ve cared for. Maybe I should write one. Hmmm.
9. Do you remember anything about the first fanfic you ever read?
I sure do! The first fanfic I ever read and continue to read was Dreaming of Sunshine by Silver Queen. Probably the best intro to fanfic anyone could ever ask for. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a Naruto fanfic that at this point can probably be safely considered the Naruto fanfic.
I started reading it in 2011 I think. I found it because I was on TV Tropes and I was clicking the “Random Media” button.
10. Is there a work of fiction that you are annoyed doesn’t have much if any fic?
I mostly read on fanfiction dot net, so I don’t know about other platforms but at least on there there are not nearly enough Mistborn Trilogy fanfic.
11. What fictional character do you strongly identify with?
Instead of choosing one I’ll talk about the type of character. I tend to identify with stoic and angsty characters, even though those characters are generally also great fighters and/or have supremely tragic backstories and I am not and do not.
Part of it is that these characters are really cool, and I like them because of that. I know that liking is different from identifying with, but I think there’s some overlap in that liking can include elements of recognizing, aspiring to, and resonating with. There are a few stoic and angsty characters who I do not like, and given that I am just now recognizing that overlap I’m now wondering and wanting to rethink about those characters and see what it is about them that makes me not like/identify with them as opposed to others.
Back to stoic and angsty characters I do like: I have clinical depression, so the constant quiet suffering those characters exude (bonus points if they point on a cheerful façade some of the time) is both relatable and makes me want to hug them. Relating this to the first question, I especially love it when these characters either have or are taken in to a family relationship where people worry about them and love them and help them heal.
And, on top of that, as I said they are generally awesome and competent fighters, meaning that part of the core of those characters is that they are good at protecting and serving others. This is something I don’t identify so much with as very much aspire to/wish I was better at. (I think it would be awesome to have superpowers or be great at fighting, but at the heart of those desires is the desire to help others.) 
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