#hm. i'm too sentimental and existential for this
heirloommtomatoes · 1 year
aaaaaand just like that i’m done school
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novemango · 2 years
8, 14, and 22 for the DE asks?
8: What is your favourite line from the game?
"After the world, the pale. After the pale, the world again."
Paired with "After life, death. After death, life again", this line *really* immersed me into the worldbuilding of Disco Elysium. I kind of fell in love with Dolores Dei for a bit there, it was such a beautiful sentiment. And it's completely grounded in the specific mechanics of DE's world; we don't have a real-life equivalent for the pale, or isolas (I mean, I guess there's the ocean and outer space, but the existential horror of the pale is *something else*). When I saw that line...I could see how Dolorianism became a whole-ass religion. It's so goddamn hopeful (and in the context of DE's world, it's *real*, it's *true*, there is something beyond the pale).
Plus, it's not tinged with the sinister aspects of the Moralintern/Moralism. Though...hm, I guess you could say it's linked to colonialism? Going to other isolas, imposing the Occidental's hegemony on them...I think there's a difference between exploration/scientific discovery and imperialism, though. Whatever connotations it has, religious/imperialist or not, I remember sitting there for a few minutes in silence after seeing that line on my screen. Raw-ass line! Makes me better understand Kim's attachment to Moralism.
14: What was the moment that touched you most while playing?
Honestly, when Kim and Harry disarm The Pigs/Marianne LePlante peacefully (and learn about her more from the Hardy Boys). I have a relative who...has similar symptoms, a similar background. I'm glad that the game treated her sympathetically. I...I'd like to imagine that if my relative got into a situation with the police, that they'd also recognize that she's troubled, not evil, not deserving of violence. That's a lot to expect out of the real-life police, but...yeah.
HOO BOY this one is hard. I feel I don't completely know myself, that my self-perception is several degrees off from reality. But I'll try!
I guess first off my FSY stats are trash, I've always known I'm slow, have low stamina, have low tolerance for pain, not strong at all, definitely on the sickly side. I was picked last every time in P.E. in high school and in middle school! This never changed no matter how hard I tried! My MOT isn't that much better...I'm not sure whether I'm best in PSY or INT. Maybe equal?
If I had to give a full breakdown of my DE stats...I used this link https://copomatic.vercel.app/#stats as a guide, though I deviated a bit:
INT: Good
Logic — 5
Encyclopedia — 5
Rhetoric — 6
Drama — 3
Conceptualization — 7
Visual Calculus — 1
I can see, but I can't interpret what I see for shit. All the footstep analysis and crime scene reconstruction that Harry does in-game is completely beyond me. I like to think I can talk good and that I have a healthy artistic sensibility (I mean, I want to do creative writing in some capacity after I graduate, so I better have some understanding of art and literature).
PSY: Good
Volition — 3
Inland Empire — 7
Empathy — 5
Authority — 2
Esprit de Corps — 1
Suggestion — 4
If I remember the game correctly, Inland Empire is the intuition/imagination skill? Definitely my "signature skill" in real life, then.
I have little interest in bossing people around and I don't understand cops, so those would be my worst skills.
FSY: Poor
Endurance — 2
Pain Threshold — 1
Physical Instrument — 1
Electrochemistry — 3
Shivers — 2
Half-Light — 4
Half-Light is the skill that makes you paranoid, yeah? I find myself often in a constant state of anxiety, so my Half-Light should be pretty "good" (it's honestly one of the skills that fucks you up the most if you raise it too high).
MOT: Poor
Hand-Eye Coordination — 1 if we're talking real-life catching objects, 4 if we're talking viddy games
Perception — 2
Reaction Speed — again, 1 if real life, 4 if in video games
Savoir Faire — 2
Interfacing — 3
Composure — 3
does playing piano well help my interfacing score?
Thanks so much for the ask! I had fun answering these!
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selfcarecap · 2 years
Oh, how exciting to be tagged, first time and all! Though I've got to apologise in advance if my tedious existence can't make up for interesting answers. Nonetheless, thank you for including me and the other anons, appreciate the sentiment and am eager to see what their responses are, should they decide to participate! <3
Favourite item - I'm, frankly, not materialistic and also don't have "favourites" but to, somehow, provide an answer... maybe my laptop, seeing how I use it daily? (Off to a great start. Man, I'm already pants at this!)
Dream outfit - I don't care much for fashion or trends, always having prioritised comfort over style. Anything that gives me some form of ease to divert from my anxiety, insecurities and self-consciousness is great. Plus, I don't like formfitting/skintight clothes, and considering that I'm quite tall, (185 cm) accurately fitting ones are hard to come by. So, to conclude, my dream outfit would be anything that ticks off those boxes.
Relationship status - Single, no sparks, and very unlikely to mingle. (I've got too many issues to work through before I'd be able to get involved with someone on an intimate level anyway...)
Favourite colour - I don't have one really, but I do enjoy the various shades of blue?
Three favourite foods - Oh gosh, being asked to immediately conjure your favourite anything is like diffusing a time bomb – so much pressure all at once and no thought available. I'm probably exposing my unhealthy eating habits here, but on the get-go, I'm spontaneously going to with Tortilla, Pizza and anything with chocolate or coconut.
Song stuck in my head - I mostly listen to scores and soundtracks. Currently, though, I've got the theme of "The book of boba fett" stuck in my head despite not having seen the show or knowing anything about the Star Wars franchise. (Please don't come for my head, I'm sorry, okay?) And also the Punisher theme! (Recently finished the show!)
Most recent song I listened to - Hm... I believe it's "A Window to the Past" from the Harry Potter score. I do like to read while listening to suiting music, truly creates an immersive experience.
Last thing I googled - "immersive meaning" – Got to check if the word fit the context of my sentence, not willing to make a fool of myself. (My search history basically consists of me looking for words in English, their meanings, and synonyms)
Dream trip - People will probably hate me for this and deem me the dullest person to ever exist, but I don't enjoy travelling. I'm a homebody through and through, feeling safest and at the most ease in my own four walls. I associate travelling with lots of anxiety, stress and discomfort, and I haven't yet found the courage to step out of my comfort zone, my safe little bubble, on my own accord. (School trips and holidays with family aside!) But visually appealing to me are Scotland and Ireland's scenery + the accents!
Anything I really want - a job or some form of perspective to keep me on the bright side, mitigating my existential crisis, would be more than welcome right now.
Again, thank you for including me, love! I hope my answers are even worth reading... I sure as hell had a blast reading through yours. It's always so weird to see people refer to "Pfannkuchen" as pancakes, 'cause, for me, they're not the same. But they don't seem to have an equivalent to our Pfannkuchen. Also, did you list Flädlesuppe amongst your favourite foods? That's such a great, underrated choice! Though, I thought, and pardon me should this be an ignorant take or too invasive, it was a more common dish in the south of Germany.
NO I WAS GONNA PUT LAPTOP TOO AGSKE or my phone 😭 but i was like nah that’s too boring i can’t put that lool
Yesss comfort > style. Well it’s the best thing ever when you find an outfit that combines those two things!! (For me at least, but comfort-only outfits are more than valid too). And omg i hate anything skintight in my stomach area because it always makes my anxiety-tummy-ache even worse. (Of course I (thank God) don’t have that 24/7 but when I do I need to wear the loosest thing possible)
And omg quite tall? You mean Amazonian Goddess tall? Sparkles, I bet you really do sparkle omg.
No I was struggling with the fav foods too 😭 the only thing that is consistent about my eating habits is McDonalds so 💀💀💀 absolutely no judgement here. (Even if I was the healthiest person ever (in terms of what I eat) there would be no judgement either tho)
Idk anything about Star Wars either agskshs
Punisher is the one with Jon Bernthal right? Omg that must have been fun to watch 😌 if his face is in it. Okay I’m listening to the punisher theme rn and it reminds me of Despicable Me? The first part? Idk the music is kind of similar agsjjsksnsjsjsjshd
And oohh a window to the past. I mean anything by John Williams is
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Sometimes I just have to make sure I’m using a word right 😭 even if i’m already 99% sure it’s right. (Sometimes I’m not tho, and no I wasn’t using the word lugubrious in my normal everyday speech, I just had to look it up for uni lol)
I totally get you, there are so many negative aspects about travelling, esp when you’re anxious. I feel like with what I’m usually like as a person I should get a panic attack before ever time I travel but with my parents being from different countries I’m used to travelling and thankfully don’t get too anxious or stressed when I’m travelling.
But I agree there’s no place like home anyway. But yes Scotland and Ireland both sounds amazing 😭
Right Pfannkuchen is not the same as pancakes 😭😭 and yupp I love Pfannkuchensuppe (that’s what I usually call it but I’d definitely know what someone is talking about if they say Flädlesuppe). I’ll be honest I don’t even remember that last time I had that tho :( but I couldn’t think of anything shdndnsn Thinking back rn I should have also gone with Schnitzel.
And I meannnnn… what makes you think I’m not from the south of Germany?
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