#his chauffeur while leo was waiting for festus who got distracted hunting pigeons in nyc
deithe · 2 years
jason is dating leo and really good friends with nico but leo and nico fucking hate eachother so jason can never hang with his friend and his boyfriend together bc it'll devolve into anarchy within a matter of minutes. the day nico heard that jason was actually dating leo, nico threw a lamp at a wall. not in a fit of jealousy or anything, nico just hates the idea of leo being happy. leo loves the idea of pissing nico off and will act disgustingly cute with jason whenever nico is around just to make them uncomfortable, but also once burned down the forest in chb when nico's team beat leo's team during capture the flag. two gay people who fucking despise eachother simply because they met at a weird time in both of their lives and made a completely baseless rivalry and now live to annoy and piss off the other
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