#his character arc after the fall is basically shady crime stuff -> bohemians and society contacts and commissions ->
esteemed-excellency · 8 months
For Hiram! ⚓️ and 🎟️!
⚓️ Which faction is your OC closest to?
He's closest to hell, and most renown with the great game.
🎟️ Have they written anything for the Shuttered Palace’s court?
Hiram accepted all kinds of commissions to increase his reputation at court, as soon as he got back in touch with society after the fall. He always was a decent writer but he refined his talent and he got the hang of music composition too, favouring symphonic poems and waltzes. The literary works he's most proud of are A Nocturnal Rhapsody, A Gothic Romance, and A Bazaarine Tale. He also helped Tristram Bagley/the Topsy King to complete his unfinished masterpiece.
Needless to say, he was immediately interested about moving pictures when they were first presented in London and he instantly got into films.
He doesn't care for the position of Poet Laureate at the moment, he prefers to write academic dissertations and research journals, but it could be a nice opportunity for the future, you never know.
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