#his bff is the WORST and literally murdered him with his own skateboard
rememberingnoah · 1 year
What does your url mean? Who is Noah?
he was a sk8er boi, his bff said see u l8ter boi...
he had a pretty face but soon that'll be erased to save his friend gansey
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ultronnie · 7 years
Tell me about Dustin pls
Full Name: Dustin Moore. Totally the douchiest name ever but he was a douchey douche for a minute.
Gender and Sexuality: He’s male and straight. Wowie, hard to come by a straight character in Re-Hash. A rarity! Wowie!
Pronouns: He/him~
Ethnicity/Species: Hyena boyo! The best to draw! Ah!!!
Birthplace and Birthdate: Again I don’t think I set a birthday for him yet. I imagine it’s somewhere around July/August, though. 
Guilty Pleasures: Shit. Didn’t think about this for him, actually. I dunno. He’s a pretty open guy. I don’t think he has any shame in his interests at all.
I will say though, he guzzles root beer like it’s his lifeline and Dustin gets self conscious about the amount he drinks if you point it out to him.
Phobias: He’s really afraid of failing. Lately he’s put a lot of pressure on himself to be a better person after he dropped outta college (long story there.) Dustin used to be a real dickhead. Like, a dickhead on a different plane of existence. He knows he was wrong for what he’d done to people in the past and just wants to be better.
Dustin also fears people leaving him. Certain things transpired that made him lose his original friend group from high school. Granted now he has a big squad that likes to smoke weed occasionally after they’re out til 2 AM doing nothing. But when he reconnects with THE MAIN BOYO KRIS who he was a total menace to waaaay back when, the two kinda reconcile. Dustin’s clingy (like how I mentioned Andy is) but he won’t outright say it. He likes to be around people and just desperately wants to be liked and seen as a friend.
Also, fuck clowns. Dustin hates clowns. I’m sure everyone saw It and all he did was curl in a ball and scream at everything.
What They Would Be Famous For: I’m not really sure. Dustin’s kinda just there. Not in a way that he’s boring but I don’t know if he’d do something that could make an everlasting impact on society. He’s hella good at skateboarding coz who the fuck doesn’t like a hyena who skateboards? That’s right, nOBODY-
But yeah, not sure. I’d say if he were to be ‘famous’ it would be something in the same vein along skating or some shit. He did sports shit in high school but he wasn’t super serious about it.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Honestly, probably something stupid like getting pulled over and his friend (probably a rat stoner) has weed on him and he takes the blame for it coz he’s an idiot. This doesn’t happen but it wouldn’t surprise me if it did.
OC You Ship Them With: I don’t actually have anyone for him in a romantic sense yet. Kris joked that he used to think Dustin was cute even though Dustin was an asshole to him 24/7. But tbh I can’t even picture him with anyone romantically just coz he doesn’t seem like he’s ready for a romantic pursuit. Dustin’s more focused on making his life better and he doesn’t really wanna be tied down by something like that. 
But I’m sure he’ll find someone eventually.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Andy jokes about stabbing him with his pocket knife sometimes, but he doesn’t mean it. Dustin’s suspicious of it, though.
But otherwise, nah. Dustin’s too lovable once he’s apologized to you six hundred times.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: He likes a bit of everything. Although not a movie, he thinks Death Note is the shit.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: He’s not too keen on the gazillions of superhero movies that come out (YES, I KNOW, A SHOCKER. RONNIE WRITES A CHARACTER WHO DOESN’T WANNA SHOVE EVERY MARVEL MOVIE STRAIGHT UP HIS BUTT THE SECOND IT’S ANNOUNCED.) Of course he still sees them but he doesn’t eat ‘em up like someone else *kriscozhe’sme* does.
Talents and/or Powers: He’s been skating since he was about ten. People always told him it’d be a thing he gave up on when he was older, but Dustin never gave it up. It’s a passion for him.
Also, like I said earlier, Dustin played a few sports in his lifetime. His former BFF basically dragged him into playing football and shit. He didn’t love it but he dealt with it for FOUR YEARS COZ HE’S A PUSHOVER.
It wasn’t too bad, though. But yeah, he’s more of a rebel than a saint so- fuck sports. Skate or die, bro.
Why Someone Might Love Them: In terms of in the universe, I think characters like him just coz he’s easily very lovable now. Like, his evolution from Grade-A Dickwad to The Guy Who Just Paid For My Coffee And Donuts For No Reason is a huge change for him. It’s not an act, either. He’s trying hard to be genuine. It comes off as fake but it’s really not. I promise.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: People hold grudges against Dustin for how he treated them in the past. Rude names, sometimes physical abuse. Nothing major like HE RIPPED MY LEG OFF AND BEAT ME WITH IT but just shit like shoving and pulling on this poor rat kid’s ears and shit. He was one’a those kids. We all know what I’m talking about.
Thing is I want my characters to be flawed. I don’t agree with him for this shit he pulled. It’s bad. But Dustin learns from his mistakes. He wants to be better, and if someone doesn’t forgive him, so be it. He knows he did them wrong and he doesn’t blame them for hating him to the very core even if he apologized a million times over.
Actually, it’s a funny story:
I knew a kid in high school named Austin just like this a year under me. He wasn’t really an ass to me at all but he was annoying as fuck. Loud, made dumb comments, sometimes was up in people’s faces talking MAD SHIT. And I just thought he was a FUCKING IDIOT.
Then my senior year I have a class with this bozo and he sits in front of me. And I’m like ‘fucking wonderful, I literally wanna slit my wrists and pour my blood in his hair’. And he fucking turns around and DEAD SERIOUS SAYS:
“Hey dude! What’s up?”
And he actually turned out to be pretty cool. We talked a bit and he always threw compliments and shit my way about my shirt or the ugly fuck that I was doodling on my paper.
I thought it was a crazy change, though. Took me off guard. I was wary that it was all an act. But I earned why Austin was such a different guy about six months later from a teacher there who told me that he once asked her about ‘why exactly people think I’m so annoying, I’m never that serious about the teasing and shit.”
And she said, “Austin, you can’t treat people like this even if to you it’s just a joke. A lot of kids have hard lives and to them it’s not just a joke.”
And boom. Instantaneous change.
Dustin had a wake up call like that and I’m debating on what exactly it was. There’s a few ideas but they’re all pointing to one thing:
It was something bad that made him stop being the worst person he could be.
Well shit, that took a different turn.
How They Change: Again, Dustin goes from a total assface to one of Kris’ BFF’s shockingly enough. The details are in the story, though. Don’t wanna write it all out on here.
Why You Love Them: Dustin was without a doubt my FAVORITE character to draw. I never drew a hyena character of my own before him (and Teefers of course helped with this). His ears are my favorite thing to draw.
I also like his progression as a character. It’s a nice redemption arc that isn’t super serious but it is poignant.
I also like his stupid dotted face. He’s a cute lil dude.
So yeah. That’s Dustin.
tldr; Dustin is a flawed skater hyena who just wants to be a good person. He hates clowns and just wants friends. Also, he loves root beer.
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eviipaiadin · 7 years
Like personal favourite NPCs I’ve run in the current campaign (in no order other than #1)
1. Captain Creig Cornswaggle, the Courageous Commander of The Cruel Craven and Co-Owner of The Crow’s Call: Gnoblin (gnome/goblin) pirate captain who runs a tavern. Super aggro but a genuinely nice guy deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down. Loves his monk boyfriend.
2. Ree Asho: Elven merchant who sold the party defective magic items and has since disappeared off the face of the planet. She has a, how you say, verbal quirk that is, how you say, very annoying.
3. Flooshmein: Kuo-toa paladin of The Sea Mother. Channeled his healing through slapping people. Died after some friendly fire hurt him while the party got jumped by a fuckton of demons.
4. Jackolas “Flappy Jack” Zakeem: Aarakocra soldier who goes way back with the party fighter. A fun-loving and excitable person who is just genuinely happy about things. Is a bit of a trickster and will do pranks but they are all very harmless and are usually him attempting to help situations.
5. Cabbage aka Nappa: Moss lurker that the party met underground. Got very defensive when they found him hauling a large cut-down tree. Party explaining to him that tree-cutting was not actually illegal didn’t seem to really stick. Never stopped lying until he was brutally murdered.
6. Buppido: Derro prisoner alongside the party at the start. Somehow survived despite every other prisoner NPC dying along the way. Never ever contributed to combat except the time they killed a lot of duergar. Speaks with bad Russian accent and has funny joke to tell: What do you call dark elf who cannot swim? Drow-ning! Haha, it is funny joke he tell.
7. Pharaoh Phasulias: Mummy lord who the party encountered thanks to a bag of beans. His pyramid is filled with stupid puzzles that are literally all the worst. Flirts with damn near anything that moves. And even some things that don’t.
8. Diinkarazan: Creator god of the derro and demon lord of despair. Huge piece of shit. The literal worst. BFFs with one of the party members.
Honourable mentions to: the entirety of The Messenger’s Guild, all of whom are named after bad puns from pop musician names (eg. Taylor the Swift, Ariana the Grande, Freddie the Mercurial, etc.); Torchguard Commander Rickert, a no-nonsense guard captain who owns approximately 5.21 billion crossbows and 0 swords; Hollowblade, a divine weapon that speaks with ye olde accente and thinks 90% of people are evil; Stool, the little mushroom that headbutt a dragon; and Johan Bathe, a halfling bard who owns The Soylent Green feast hall, inspires by doing sick skateboard tricks, and does not actually appear in this campaign because that’s too dumb even for this gang of dipshits.
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