#himuro tatsuya headcanons
Himuro Tatsuya, Hanamiya Makoto, and Aomine Daiki Dating Headcannons
Hello, there Anon. This is for the Dating Headcannons after you ask the Jealous Headcannons! I hope you like the final result and I'm sorry if there might be some OOC characters.
Gender: Neutral Warning: None except a few profanities
Himuro Tatsuya - Yōsen Academy High School
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Can be affectionate but not too much in public. He prefers holding your hand or just a simple kiss on the forehead but once you two are back. He would love to give you a cuddle and give you tiny pecks.
He also likes a human version of a backpack, you forget to bring something? He already has the stuff inside of the pocket of his pants. (For example, you forgot to bring your lotion? It's already in his pocket and ready to give it to you).
A gentleman, he does not believe in fifty-fifty. He would pay for the meals and the drinks if you two decide to go to the restaurant or to the cafe together.
Very caring, if you are sick or injured. He already prepared the bandages and the antiseptic to clean your wounds or a painkiller or any other medicine if you are sick that day.
Tons of woman are going to be jealous of you and would be glaring dagger back at you because you have a hot boyfriend who cares about you and they wishes that they have a boyfriend like him.
A good listener, he would listen to you every rent even if you are making fun of someone or even if he doesn't really understand the topic (but he tries to give the best answer).
(Imma say this-) Senpai in the street but hentai in the sheet. His innocent looks always fool you because he acts like he hasn't just said something that made you red and would put on an innocent smile when someone is speaking to him.
Rarely gets mad at you because he knows he's the type who's angry, he would say hurtful things so it's better to give some space for him when he is in a bad mood.
Always had his poker face on so it was going to be hard to decipher his emotion so you had to learn. When he's angry, he usually has a more stern tone but when he is normal, he would use a softer tone around you.
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On a sunny afternoon, the sun goes down after it is in the highest spot in the sky and burns everyone with its heat. In the hall of the Yōsen school, a person with (H/C) hair colour with (H/L) hair length, (E/C) eye colour, and (S/C) skin colour standing near the locker of the school.
(Y/N) glances around as your eyes look for the certain prince charming. The two of you had been busy with all of the homework and the projects that were given by the lecturer and (Y/N) along with the prince charming had missed each other so much that they decided to hang out after his basketball practice.
Sighing in boredom, (Y/N)'s eyes would keep shifting between the hallway of the school and then the screen on her/his/their phone. "(Y/N)-san?" You hear a familiar sound calling your name. Glancing up, the stunning gave an apologetic smile to you for making you wait. "Were you waiting for me? I'm really sorry for making you wait. Coach Masako told us to clean up after our practice," Himuto said. "It's okay, at least you were just a little bit late. Not bailing out on our date," (Y/N) smiles and closes her/his/their eyes.
His fingers gently intertwined between your fingers and gently pulling you closer to him. Your cheeks change from the (S/C) and turn into a red hue, his little gesture is adorable. "I'm not sure if you had your lunch or not but if you have. I know a great place that sells tasty sweets," the shooting guard of Yōsen said. "Oh, don't worry. I already ate. Where are you going to bring me?" You ask. "It's a surprise," he places his finger on your lips, teasing you as he put on his innocent smile.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Just like a gentleman, the captain of Yōsen player pushes the glass door open to let you get inside. The ambience of the pastry shop was comforting, the floor was made out of Mahogany wood planks and the wall had a picture of a Victorian old city along with an old phonograph placed next to the cupboard that was full of beautiful decorated mugs.
(Y/N) is amazed by the sight of the pastry, its warm and inviting display creating a cozy atmosphere. Entranced by the delicious array before them, Himuro gently takes (Y/N)'s hands. "You should see the sweets this pastry has. I think they have your favourite dessert," Himuro told you. (Y/N) nods in agreement, captivated by the words of the pasty has your favourite dessert, and follows Himuro to the cashier.
At the cashier, (Y/N) gazes at the dessert menu, their/her/his eyes lighting up with joy upon finding the name of the treat you desires. Sensing (Y/N)'s excitement, Himuro glances at the cashier. "Excuse me, ma'am. I would like a plate of (Favorite Dessert) and pretzels. How much would it be?" Himuro asks the old woman in front of him. "Alright, that will be ¥858.00," The cashier confirms the couple.
Before (Y/N) could retrieve her/his/their wallet, Himuro swiftly took out his phone and activated the camera to scan the barcode for payment. A surprised (Y/N) watches as Himuro pays for the desserts, a gesture that catches them/him/her off guard.
You had intended to split the cost, willing to share the expense and not burden your boyfriend. "Himuro-san, it's okay. I can pay for myself," you told him, feeling a sense of guilt for not wanting to burden him with the entire expense. Himuro gazes at (Y/N) with a gentle smile, shaking his head as he reassures, "It's okay, (Y/N)-san. Besides, I asked you to hang out with me, so it is only fair that I pay for our date,"
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Hanamiya Makoto
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Aren't affectionate unless he wants to brag you in front of his teammate. He wants to rub in everyone's faces that he has a hot S/O and the rest are still single.
A tease and also a sadist, he likes to degrade you and makes fun of you but he won't hurt you that bad since you are his S/O. Also, won't apologize unless he saw you cry and he would begrudgingly apologize for hurting you.
If you don't like Dark jokes and creepy jokes. I'm sorry but he won't be good for you because the only thing that can make him laugh genuinely and think it's funny are dark and creepy jokes.
Be careful how you act, he is observant so if you lie. He already knew that you were lying to him and he would investigate the truth without you knowing it.
Do you want him to be less asshole to you? The answer is simple, bribe him with dark chocolate (Not always working, this only works if you want him to teach you when you two study). He loves them.
Actually, if you know how to banter around and aren't sensitive. You would most likely see him actually joking around with you, he can be pretty funny but he only shows it to certain people.
It's canon that he likes idiotic s/o because he could manipulate them BUT that's how are you not gonna survive dating him. YOU HAVE TO outsmart him because he would purposely put you in a situation you do not want to.
Surprisingly, he's not all that mean to his S/O. Since you are his soft spot, he would be willing to share his chocolate with you. He has never let ANYONE touch his chocolate.
He likes to tease you in public. He would whisper lots of dirty things in your ear until you were red from embarrassment and then smile innocently before shrugging when someone asked why are you red.
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It was not usually for Hanamiya to initiate outings, especially considering his usual busy schedule with basketball activities. However, two days ago, to (Y/N)'s surprise, Hanamiya unexpectedly asked you to go on a date through text messages instead of face-to-face.
Hanamiya's invitation to go out at six o'clock in the afternoon, right after the club activity, struck (Y/N) as strange. Knowing Hanamiya's usual demeanour and that he wasn't one to make spontaneous requests, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel that there might be some underlying plan or surprise involved. This could be a good thing or a bad thing for (Y/N).
This unusual request raised suspicions for (Y/N), but being Hanamiya's boyfriend/girlfriend/romantic partner. (Y/N) chose to dismiss any concerns. As (Y/N) got ready in their bedroom, carefully selected what would you wear later once you two met. It was quite cold outside so it would be a bad idea to wear something short or you would freeze to death.
Having chosen the perfect attire, (Y/N) lays the long-sleeve turtleneck sweater and the pants down on the bed, and hangs the jacket neatly on a hook. With everything in place, (Y/N) heads to the bathroom to take a refreshing shower, she/they/he could not wait for the upcoming date. The sound of running water fills the air as (Y/N) readies themselves for the evening ahead.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Standing outside the cinema, (Y/N) anxiously waits, scanning the surroundings for the distinctive figure of the guy with bushy eyebrows. Glancing at the time on their phone, a twinge of concern arises, fearing that Hanamiya might bail on you.
Suddenly, a familiar male voice calls out (Y/N)'s name from a distance. Looking up, they/she/he spots Hanamiya strutting towards them, hands casually tucked into his pockets. A mixture of relief and curiosity washes over (Y/N) after knowing Hanamiya won't bail on the date. "Oh, you came...I thought you were not going to come," Hanamiya mutters to himself. "Let's go inside, I already booked the ticket and the seat online, we can just buy the popcorn," Hanamiya steps inside.
It would typically be a sweet gesture for a boyfriend to have already booked the cinema seats online, sparing both partners the hassle of waiting in line. However, considering Hanamiya's unpredictable nature, (Y/N) can't help but purse her/his/their lips together, silently cursing under her/his/their breath. "Hanamiya-san, what movie ticket did you buy for us?" you asked him.
The certain Kirisaki Daiichi captain just responds with a smirk across his face. "You'll find out soon," the male taunted you. With a subtle yet possessive gesture, he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to the scanning area which is next to the cashier. The red light from the computer reads the barcode on Hanamiya's phone and the sound of the paper getting printed out could be heard from the printing machine.
As the printing machine churns out the ticket, Hanamiya snatches it, and (Y/N) takes a glimpse, only for their/her/his eyes to widen in surprise. Having heard from friends that it's one of the scariest movies, a mix of shock and fear washes over (Y/N). "I hope you're not that scared, (Y/N)~" Hanamiya stuck his tongue out as you glances up at him, his playful tone adding a hint of mischief to the unexpected choice of movie.
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Aomine Daiki
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A big tease and loved to annoy the hell out of you, he also loved to make you embarrassed either when he was using pick-up lines on you or when he was touching you either casually or sexually.
Arcade dates! Going to show off when you two play basketball games together and brags to you that he has a higher score than you and the reason why he is the 'ace'.
But if you don't like Arcade, he would love to just bring you around those Japanese festivals and try some street foods (and If you two get older. He would bring you to those extreme places like bungee jumping since he has enough money to travel).
No shame at all, if you can cook or bake delicious food. He would shamelessly steal it from you and if you try to take it back. He would raise his hands up so you could not reach them at all while smiling like a devil.
Have you ever wondered how it feels like to raise a cat as big as a human? Well, he's the perfect answer. He just acts like a damn cat because sometimes he doesn't want to be cuddled and then he would be all over you, demanding to be cuddled.
He acts as if he is a chill boyfriend but nope. he is protective of you, and he would glare at anyone who dares to touch you and if anyone is being creepy? THEY ARE GOING TO END UP LIKE HAIZAKI GOT PUNCHED BUT WORSE.
Caring but doesn't know how to show it so he acts like a damn Tsundere. For instance, if you are sick from overworking. He would buy those horrible ramen from the convenience store and call you an idiot for getting sick.
Kind of a terrible boyfriend (for the first time) because he would say insensitive things. Especially if you two fight, not only he is moody but he would say hurtful stuff, give you the silent treatment, and be very easily angered.
But also can be a cute boyfriend, he will always be proud of you. Even if it was a small achievement, he would even brag about it to his teammate (and Wakamatsu gonna scream 'SHUT UP!')
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Aomine stands in front of another basketball player, blocking the rival team from getting close to Touou's basketball ring. In a swift move, Aomine executes as his hands slap the ball against the ball from the player's hand before sprinting towards the opposing team's basketball hoop.
As the Ace of the Touou basketball team floats in the air, he launches the ball into the air, and the satisfying swish resonates through the court as it smoothly glides through the hoop. The blaring sounds of the alarm signal the victory for Touou School.
Amidst the cheers and applause from the spectators celebrating Touou's victory, the ace player's attention remains fixated on a particular individual with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. Aomine's gaze scans the crowd, hoping to catch (Y/N)'s reaction to his impressive play.
As his eyes lock onto (Y/N)'s form, a genuine sense of happiness lights up Aomine's expression. A triumphant smirk graces his face, knowing that he has left (Y/N) in awe of his skills on the court, and their admiration is the most rewarding response he could hope for as (Y/N)'s eyes gleamed in the light, shouting his name. "AOMINE!!! YOU DID IT!!!" she clapped her hands and cupped her mouth with the hands facing outwards
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
After the intense game, (Y/N) hurriedly makes their/her/his way down from the bench and waits eagerly in the hallway. As the door swings open, revealing Aomine in his uniform, having discarded the sweaty jersey, (Y/N)'s face lights up. Without hesitation, (Y/N) joyfully leaps into Aomine's arms, exclaiming, "I'm proud of you!!"
Aomine, caught off guard by the sudden embrace, can't help but return the sentiment with his arms wrapped around your waist before you can hit the floor and hold you in the air. "Woah there tiger, don't just go jumping on me," He held (Y/N) closer, his smirk deepened as he held you closer.
Aomine's teasing prompts a faint blush on (Y/N)'s cheeks, though they/she/he quickly rolls their/her/his eyes in response. With a touch of sass, (Y/N) retorts, "You wish," before smoothly getting down from his arms. Eager to shift the focus to celebrating the victory, (Y/N) enthusiastically suggests, "Let's go out somewhere to celebrate your victory." "Ehh, I don't really care about this stuff. Maybe we can go maji burger?"Aomine suggests, expressing his craving for a burger.
(Y/N) looks at him with a hint of unamusement. "Really? You want fast food?" you remark, raising an eyebrow. Aomine sighs, contemplating for a moment, before a smirk graces his face. "Alright, I know a place where we can eat some Okonomiyaki. How about that?" mentioning there's an okonomiyaki place near the gymnasium and it's quite popular.
"Sure, we can eat okonomiyaki together," you agree, a smile playing on your lips as Aomine takes one of your hands. Together, the two of you walk away, hand in hand, ready to go to celebrate his victory. Despite it was not a fancy place, it would still leave a memory of the two of you having a simple date.
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aomine-ryo · 9 months
Randomly got the idea to do headcanons of the characters’ love languages so I did it even though I’m in the middle of writing something else 🥲
Also feel free to add on/reblog with your ideas about this, I love thinking about how people express love
Headcanons: KNB characters’ love languages
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• ACTS OF SERVICE, quality time
• he’ll pack you a lunch every morning just because
• also loves spending time with you alone, the silences are so COMFORTABLE
• QUALITY TIME, words of affirmation
• there’s nothing he loves more than your undivided attention
• he LOVES when you send him random cute text messages during the day saying you love him
• acts of service
• he’s bad at expressing how he feels with words so he just expresses it with his actions
• like remembering how you like your coffee, doing the chores that you don’t like, etc.
• PHYSICAL TOUCH, quality time
• will not keep his hands off you, be it a quick peck on the cheek or straight up rawdogging lol
• PHYSICAL TOUCH, receiving gifts
• insanely clingy, always wants a cuddle or to play with your hair
• he falls in love with you a little more every time you get him his favourite snacks uncalled for
• acts of service, quality time
• he’s a busy man but he will always find time to spend with just you
• will do anything to help make your life easier because he loves it when you’re happy and relaxed
• PHYSICAL TOUCH, quality time
• not too good with his words, but will always hold your hand, kiss you, give you massages, etc to remind you he loves you
• ACTS OF SERVICE, words of affirmation
• will climb mountains to show you he loves you
• dreading doing the laundry? he’s got it covered. your feet hurt from walking? he’ll give you a piggyback.
• acts of service, quality time
• goes out of her way to support the people she loves
• will regularly schedule dates with you to spend more time together
• WORDS OF AFFIRMATION, quality time
• you’ll know if he loves you because he’ll tell you every other moment
• talking to/ texting you is a big part of his day
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knb-shitposting · 3 months
Knb headcanons! <3
imayoshi wins a lot of useless debates. not necessarily because he's right or anything (he probably has some really weird takes honestly like washing your hands after a shower) but because 1) he's VERY confident in his opinions 2) he can and will gaslight whoever he's talking to 3) He is so persistent and unflinching people just give up lmao
5 year old aomine chased around 5 year old momoi with a cockroach in his hand and she straight up ignored him for around two weeks. He got so paranoid an upset he dragged his mom with him to momoi's house to help him apologize.
Takao is a great swimmer.
Himuro enters the zone in his final year
Midorima color coordinates EVERYTHING.
Haizaki unironically calls himself an Alpha male
Nebuya had a crush on kiyoshi at one point
Takao unknowingly made a your mom joke to akashis face.
sorry for poor english and any grammatical errors; I am a minor and english is not my first language.
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long-manic-nights · 6 months
Kuroko learned to speak English because he couldn’t handled not knowing what Himuro and Kagami were saying.
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Could I request Akashi, Himuro, and Aomine finding their s/o's artwork of them?
Being from a wealthy family, he’s had his portrait done before but he’s never cared for them.
Akashi always felt he looked so lifeless and ridged in the paintings. Which is why he goes along with it but never enjoys the experience.
With s/o’s art he looks more lifelike. More real. Even with the small mistakes, as they are a talented but novice artist, he likes them because they create character.
This isn’t the first time a partner or admirer has drawn him.
He’s a handsome man, and seems a lot of them have the ‘Titanic art scene’ fantasy. Not naked though. Just his face or asking him to pose. This is the first person who actually has talent at it though.
Himuro mostly likes that he can be their muse. Inspire their art, no matter what it is, and be appreciated for it.
He thinks it’s kind of weird. Mostly because they didn’t tell him about it.
Aomine barely likes his picture taken, so having sketches of him is even more creepy. How long were they staring at his face? Do they have sketches of him plastered over their wall like a serial killer??
The only one he likes are the ‘action pieces’ where he’s playing ball. They remind him of his posters. Those he’s a little more ok with having a booklet on.
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shrkichigo · 3 months
Knb and pronouns
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Knb and pronouns (repost 💔)
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active-mind-15 · 4 months
I'm about to fall asleep, so here's a Murasakibara headcanon that came to me a few hours ago. The headcanon is that he owns silicone reusable straws.
Hear me out: With all the sweets he eats, I know he hates going to the dentist because the first thing they always tell him at every checkup is to slow down on all the sweets. But since he refuses each and every time, in order to mitigate the damage sugar does on his teeth, one of the things his dentist recommended is using straws to drink non-water beverages. So things like juice and soda that he would normally sip directly from a cup, he's encouraged to drink those with a straw instead so the juice/soda isn't getting all over his teeth as he drinks it and it only gets on a few teeth (maybe even none if he maneuvers his straw good enough). But he thinks using straws each and every time is too much work, too, so Himuro is the one who gets him some reusable straws.
Why did I specifically say silicone, though? Himuro knows Murasakibara very well from being around him so often, and he knows Murasakibara will not exert more effort than necessary for any given task outside of basketball. So, metal and glass straws are out of the question because of the special cleaning tools you have to use for them that he knows Murasakibara would either lose or ignore because he's too lazy. So he goes looking online again and finds silicone straws that are very easy to take apart, don't require using special cleaning tools, and since Murasakibara has a habit of chewing on straws, the silicone ones just make the most sense as opposed to chewing on cold hard glass or metal.
So, when they're in the dorms, if they're ever drinking juice or soda, Himuro will remind Murasakibara to go get his special straws before he takes a sip, and Murasakibara, used to the mother-henning, will give no more pushback to that than a non-committal sigh before getting up and trudging over to the cabinet where he keeps them. At first, Murasakibara finds this slightly bothersome, but over time, Himuro finds him getting in the habit of using them and starts to notice him picking some color straws over others. It's the only sign he gets that Murasakibara is fine with using them now.
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fluttersae · 1 year
random knb headcanons bcs im bored and want a new season pt. 3
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- kasamatsu brings a bucket of water to practice so whenever kise says something stupid he drowns him in there for a minute or two
- akashi will pretend to switch between his personalities to mess around with the rakuzan boys
- after watching a horror movie, midorima will call takao to keep him company but takao just dies of laughter because of the reasoning
- kurokos obsessed with candles
- ^^ kagami almost burned down his house on multple occasions because he doesn’t know how to use a lighter properly
- kise has a fear of ladybugs
- aomine actually has a fear of heights but whenevr momoi asks to go on a rollercoaster he acts like a tough guy but secretly cries on the inside
- izuki practices his puns on his little siblings who just look at him like 😐.
- momoi’s a huge one direction fan (js like me)
- kagami the type to have his phone in his hand and call kuroko saying “hey can you call my phone i think i lost it”
- murasakibara leaves everyone on read because he’s to lazy to respond
- after cooking, himuro and kagami do ‘nose goes’ to see who does the dishes (it’s usually kagami)
- wakamatsu the type to run into a clear sliding door
- moriyama checks himself out in every single reflection he can find and says “the ladies gon love this”
- miyaji is a HUGE doja cat stan. i’m talking about posters, merch, shirts, cardboard cutouts, buying all her tickets, even a fan page dedicated to her
- imayoshi sleeps in his uniform
- kiyoshi definitely the one to go overboard on a secret santa gift and buy the most expensive crap ever
- momoi the type to pay for everything when going out and even drive you home
- hanamiya does not wash his clothes unless one of the players say something about it
- mibuchi has those cringey “family is forever”, “coffee first!” signs all over his room and genuinely enjoy looking at those
- midorima would be takaos top donor for his streaming hobby
- aomine sleeps naked and listens to “power gym hustle” music to prepare him for the next day
- kise the kind to put on those animated horror stories and call kasamatsu to protect him at three in the morning
- kuroko buys kagami doordash everyday
- akashi is actually a hoarder and has a separate room full of everything
- hyuga just HAS to one up everything kiyoshi does and kiyoshi does the same exact thing unknowingly, until riko slaps both of them
- izuki still the type to go “ooooooo” when you get in trouble
- takao the type of guy to read wattpad and force the shutoku team to renact his favorite scenes
- kagetora always got his dawgs out
- himuro works at some sort of bakery and always attracts the most customers bcs of his looks and charisma
- murasakibara would edit you out of a photo if you ruined it 😭
- riko and momoi meet up every weekend to talk trash on the boys
- hayama would get blackout drunk and accidentally sing a song that has a slur and get cancelled
- furihata the kinda guy to tip the server more than the actual meal costs
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nikkimidorima · 3 months
Your KNB gift, chosen by your birthday month.
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Who did you get? 🥰
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rainbowfroots · 1 year
I’ve had this headcanon stuck in my head for so long, I just had to share it.
Kuroko: Is definitely a son of Hades (the god of the underworld) like do we even need to ask ourselves why? Kuroko literally talks non-stop about how he’s a shadow in canon. I can already see him shadow travelling everywhere just to jump out and scare Kagami half to death. Being a son of Hades, he would get along with hellhounds too which makes total sense as he has a pet dog (Nigou) in canon. He would also have the power of summoning skeletons and speaking to the dead which I think would be AWESOME.
Kagami: Would probably be a son of Ares, the god of war and bloodshed. Children of Ares in PJO have mostly been described as taking action first and then facing the consequences. Kagami very much fits this bill. He is extremely passionate about what he does and is fairly competitive, which also makes him the perfect son of Ares. He would love the thrill of battle and would spend most of his time in the sword practicing arena in Camp Half-Blood. He also picks fights and gets riled up quickly, which is a very Ares trait to have. Also his hair is RED so he’s practically MADE to be an Ares kid.
Kise: Is 100000% an Apollo kid. There is no question about it. Apollo is all about radiance, being the god of the sun (also archery, medicine, the oracle, poetry, etc). His kids also have a tendency to be good at multiple things, which is a trait Kise shares. He is confident, the ladies love him and he loves to show off (All things Apollo admires). He would have fun practicing his archery, and though he may not be the best healer, he would be a pretty decent one. He’s also blonde which seems to be a common Apollo kid thing.
Midorima: Is probably a son of Tyche. She’s the goddess of fortune as well as chance. Midorima is obsessed with his horoscope, makes sure he has his lucky items and believes in superstition to a certain degree. These are things Tyche would appreciate. Midorima would be skilled in archery, preferring long-ranged weapons but also would have the power of cursing people with luck (whether that be good or bad would remain unknown until it would come into effect but it would give him a chance in the most hopeless of situations).
Aomine: Probably would be a son of Ares. This was difficult but after a lengthy deliberation, Ares it is. Though not as rash and reckless as Kagami, Aomine is still pretty reckless when it comes to proving himself. He lets anger drive him at times, which would prove useful in a fight. He’s skillful at what he does, which would make him a versatile fighter. He’s overconfident, almost to a fault and like Kagami, would never back down from a fight. Ares kids are passionate and that’s something Aomine definitely is.
Murasakibara: Could be a son of Hypnos. Murasakibara gave me a hard time, because he seems to fit everywhere, yet nowhere (sorry Murasakibara). But out of all the cabins, he seems like he would fit in with the Hypnos cabin. They are a slow, purposeful bunch. Hypnos is the god of sleep, and so his children spend a lot of time asleep. This could explain his laziness when it comes to most things. They also have the power to walk in peoples’ dreams which I think is simultaneously the coolest and most terrifying power ever!
Akashi: Is definitely the son of Nike, goddess of victory. Nike kids don’t know when to quit. They do not stop until they win and are crowned as the victor. They almost always want to be right (and usually are). They are very competitive as well. Akashi fits this to a T. He would probably make sure his cabin would win capture the flag. Every. Single. Time. The other campers would be tired of it.
Momoi: Is the daughter of Athena. Are we even surprised? Athena is the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Her children always have a plan, know how to do their research and come up with solutions. If you thought children of Nike were always right, then the children of Athena are ALWAYS right. She’s smart, resourceful, witty and loves making plans. Momoi would fit right in with the Athena cabin.
Nijimura: Would be the son of Iris. Iris is the goddess of the rainbow and Niji literally means rainbow so, talk about being fated. Nijimura would look intimidating but would be the biggest softie. The Iris cabin get along with pegasi really well so he would spend a lot of time at the stables. And yes, the entire camp would have a crush on the man.  
Haizaki: Is a son of Nemesis, the goddess of revenge. Haizaki is a person fueled by spite and revenge, which would make him the perfect candidate for a son of Nemesis. Though not the most forgiving of parents, she does try and keep the balance in things, even if that means doing things that may not be the most moral. Haizaki would grow up hearing the phrase “an eye for an eye” and it would become the motto he would live by. He would be a great fighter, though maybe not the best example of someone with a moral compass.
Himuro: Would probably be a son of Hecate, the deity of magic, pathways and the mist. Himuro comes off as very mysterious. He keeps to himself mostly, but if you get on his bad side, he isn’t very forgiving. This seems to be what the children of Hecate are like. In canon, Himuro is known for his Mirage shot. As a son of Hecate, he would actually be able to cast illusions. He would also be able to curse people (Kagami has been turned into a toad more times than he can count) and can manipulate the mist.  
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
Izuki Puns Headcanon
A/N: Considering I was currently supposed to do a headcanon but all of the requests in my inbox are either scenarios or are unspecified but would work better as scenarios, I decided to finish this old headcanon draft I made for shits and giggles. So, how would he describe his fellow KNB cast members? I am not fluent in Japanese, so the puns are English based. They range from somehat decent, to downright lame and teenage boy humor, which makes me feel I nailed Izuki pretty well.
"He's a little sadisdick." - Emperor Akashi
"He has the instincts of the taiga." -Kagami.
"His primary cooking skill is the Slice Claw." -Kiyoshi
"After he mastered Reo's, Oblivian/Void technique, I started calling him the Butch Shooter." -Hyuga.
"Not the best, but certainly the beast." -Kotaro Hayama.
"Whenever he's playing, you can feel the emo-tion." -Himuro.
"His name rhymes with 'A mean dicky,' and fits him rather well." -Aomine
"He's an agree-n-able guy, which is surprising for someone so difficult." -Midorima
"When it comes to matters of the stomach, he's a candyd man." -Murasakibara
"His style is invisiball." -Kuroko.
"She slaps." -Riko.
"A serious case of womanly intuiTITion." -Momoi.
"I won't do Kise, his fangirls already came up with a shit ton of kiss puns." -Regarding our famous blondie locks.
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Hi so i have receive your message that your ask box is open and i would like to ask if you can do a dating headcanon + a jealous headcanon for himuro and hanamiya please ? ^^
💔Himuro Tatsuya, Hanamiya Makoto, and Aomine Daiki Getting Jealous Headcannons💔
Hello there Anon. I still remember if you were allowed to ask for Headcanons and once I open, I quickly told you that you can request me quickly before it gets full so yeah I hope you like the final result!
Gender: Neutral Warning: Creeps being creepy and OAmine being slightly violent
Himuro Tatsuya - Yōsen High School
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We can see from the Anime that Himuro can be pretty gentlemanly to women (But not really when it comes to Kagami. I don't really like how rude he is with Kagami but I do like when he tries to defend Alex from Haizaki.)
He might be all calm on the outside with a soft smile on his face and you thought he is okay when there was another guy/girl coming up to you with an intention to court you.
But let's check what is inside of his head and you will know that he is indeed furious when that person waltzes up to you and thinks they could court you or take your attention away.
The first time, he would smile and politely tell the person to leave you alone because you are his boyfriend/girlfriend/partner and that person should respect that.
If the person still does not budge and keeps trying to get close to you. That's when things can be scary. I believe he is not a violent person but he could be very cunning and manipulative.
He would also indirectly insult the person without sounding like he is insulting the person. (In fact, I do believe he can pull 'Dog Whistle Manipulation' which means a gaslighting abuse technique where an abuser can cause suffering to another without others being aware of what is occurring.)
You can just see the shame of that person without you realizing what just happens to that person as the person is walking with their tail between their legs.
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The sky gets darker as the snow starts to fall from the sky. The air is getting colder each minute as the temperature drops. When (Y/N) was young, the young feela used to love snow because the neighbourhood kids would play together with you, playing freeze tag or snowball wars and going home to drink hot chocolate on Christmas day.
However, you are not little anymore, and those loves of snow are replaced with despise. The older version of (Y/N) easily got sick and cold, and the next day you immediately got the flu from the horrible winter. This did not go unnoticed by your beloved boyfriend, who sometimes let you wear his scarves just so you would not be cold.
But today is different; the basketball training is getting really late, and you have to wait for your boyfriend, who is still training Basketball for the upcoming Winter Cup. You do hear the opponent in the winter cup will be even tougher, so it was understandable that your boyfriend was training hard.
As (Y/N) stood there, eyes fixed on the basketball court, (Y/N) couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer dedication and skill of Himuro Tatsuya. Every shot he took seemed like a work of art, a perfectly executed masterpiece. The way he controlled the ball, the precision with which he released it, and the accuracy with which it found its target were nothing short of mesmerizing.
Beads of sweat formed on (Y/N)'s forehead, and a faint flush crept across their/her/his cheeks, but (Y/N) paid no mind, entirely absorbed by the mastery of his shooting skills. The room's atmosphere seemed charged with energy, only when you finally tore your gaze away for a moment and you realize the warmth that had filled the space. It was getting very bothering
A friendly voice broke (Y/N)'s concentration. Turning to the source of the sound, (Y/N) was surprised to see one of Yosen's players. He was tall with unkempt brunette hair along with freckles adorned across the bridge of his nose. He's pretty cute in your opinion but you're dating Himuro Tatsuya. "Hey! Excuse me, pretty/handsome. It seems you're thirsty. Do you want some cold drink?" He had a welcoming smile and held out a cold refreshing drink.
(Y/N) was a little bit hesitant to accept the guy's drink. (Y/N) did not think anything bad about the guy since (Y/N) is aware that they are in the basketball gym and it feels rude to reject the guy's offer but they/she/he did not know who is this guy. Before you could take the bottle, you felt a sudden presence beside you.
It was Himuro Tatsuya, his usually warm smile taking on an oddly forced quality. It didn't take long for (Y/N) to sense a hint of jealousy beneath his polite exterior. He gently push (Y/N) behind him and stood in front of the guy. "Thank you for the kind gesture," he began, his voice steady, "but I believe you don't need to offer a drink to my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner," His words carried a gentle authority, making it clear that he appreciated the gesture but wanted to set a boundary.
The player couldn't help but sense the undercurrents of Himuro's subtle jealousy despite Himuro not being aggressive. is realization, combined with Himuro's polite yet firm words, left the Yosen player to respect his boundaries. "I am very sorry, Himuro-Senpai. I was just offering her/him/them a drink," with a nod and a slightly sheepish smile, the Yosen player decided to back away gracefully, allowing Himuro to be together with you.
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Hanamiya Makoto - Kirisaki Daichi High School
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Good luck to whoever made Hanamiya Jealous when they keep trying to make themselves close to you. I'm not joking, he is much worse than Himuro.
Unlike Himuro, his patience is not as thick as his and he would use all kinds of tactics against those who made him jealous while still playing the 'Innocent' card.
Whereas your dumb brain is still not aware that he was actually harassing the other person with just simply his words, railing against the person that made him jealous with a smile.
Listen to me, he definitely trying to guilt trip whoever made him jealous by asking them "Do you really hate me that much that you don't let me spend my time with my S/O? That's really mean of you," with a fake sad face.
If that's not working? Prepare another card he is going to use for that person who made him jealous. He could play the victim card after he made an insult that attacks the person's insecurity.
I do think he still has his violent tendencies but he can clearly hide it well when there are many people watching. For example, he would step on the person's foot on purpose but when the person tattletale. He would just not admit it or he would just say he doesn't mean it
So don't even think trying to make him jealous or he is going to make everyone hates you or people giving you those dirty stare even though you didn't do anything particularly wrong.
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As (Y/N)'s sat in the classroom, (Y/N)'s focus was entirely on the teacher at the front of the room, eagerly explaining the Geometric which (Y/N) is already good with. (Y/N) would be scribbling notes furiously, trying to capture all of the important notes without missing important details and by doing this. It would make it much easier at the house to just read it and remember the given formulas.
The resounding chime of the school bell echoed through the hallways, signalling the long-awaited end of the day. Students quickly gathered their belongings, ready to leave the torturous day and go back to their beloved home sweet home, including the certain someone with (H/C) hair colour and (S/C) Skin colour.
Before I could leave the classroom, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw my teacher staring at me with hopeful eyes. "(L/N)-San, May I speak with you for a moment. I need your help," she spoke. "Of course, what is it. Sensei?" (Y/N) asks the old woman. "I would like you to help with your fellow student. Eikichi-san, he is struggling with Geometric and you are the only student who could help him. If you teach him, I would give you more scores," the old woman asks.
(Y/N) was a little bit hesitant as you turn around to see the student. The guy had partly dyed blonde hair and he has that vibe that writes 'trouble' all over him. Nevertheless, the teacher promised you a bonus point for your score. "I will try teaching him geometric for the upcoming test," You told the teacher. "Thank you so much, (Y/N). I knew I could count on you," she smiles.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
(Y/N) was sitting across from Eikichi who is staring at her/him/them. His eyes would be looking at you from your chest and your face. Despite (Y/N) writing the notes, (Y/N) could feel him staring like a creep it sent a shiver down her/his/their spine. His attempts at flirting were blatant, and it made the whole situation rather uncomfortable. While (Y/N) was there to genuinely assist and teach, he seemed more interested in making offhand comments about my appearance and attempting to turn the lesson into an awkward exchange. "So, are you free today, cutie? We can go home and ignore all of this and we would have so much fun," he winks.
As the inappropriate comments from the guy continued, (Y/N)'s patience wore thin. They/her/he was on the verge of delivering a piece of their mind and stopping the guy from being creepy until I feel a presence behind me. When I turned around, there was Makoto Hanamiya
Hanamiya, with his signature cocky grin, couldn't resist the opportunity to put the overly flirtatious and creepy student in his place. "Ah, trying to charm someone who is taken, are we? You've got a knack for numbers, I see. Shame you're just not adding up in the 'respect for personal space' department," His words carried a mix of sarcasm and a cold jab. Indirectly calling him an idiot.
The student's face turned a shade of embarrassment, and you couldn't help but hold your own laughter with Hanamiya's remarks who are calling the guy idiot and creepy indirectly. The creepy student's face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and anger at Makoto's sharp remark.
In a feeble attempt to save face, he mustered a nervous chuckle before unleashing a mocking retort. "SHUT THE HELL UP EYEBROWS! YOU'LL REGRET THIS!" The guy stood from his chair as he keeps pointing his finger at Hanamiya. With a huff and a flustered glare, the student gathered his belongings and stormed off, muttering under his breath. It was clear that he couldn't handle the witty banter and had been outmatched by Hanamiya's sharp tongue "Thanks for shooing that guy away," You sigh in relief. "...Sure, whatever. You owe me some chocolate bars...and I want the dark one. Not the normal milk one," The Kirisaki Daichi captain sat next to (Y/N) before putting his arm around (Y/N(.
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Aomine Daiki - Touou High School
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I'm not going to say sorry about what I am going to say but Aomine are much more obvious than them. He is also much more man-child than Himuro and Hanamiya.
Unlike Hanamiya and HImuro. Aomine is much more obvious when he is jealous when someone is taking his attention away but it depends on the person too.
Someone with pure intention that just wants to be your friend or cute animal? Aomine definitely gonna sulk and give you the silent treatment. If you ask him what makes him angry, he would say: "Why don't you go with that friends/pets of yours!" while pouting.
Someone with bad intentions or some kind of casanova wannabe that thinks they can get your attention? He's going to confront them by standing in front of them and giving them the scariest glare. "Leave my girlfriend/boyfriend you fucking creep!" Scaring them away.
If the person still does not leave you alone. He would not be afraid to use his hands to punch the daylight of the person just like what he did to Haizaki but worse
Once they left, he would just keep his hands on yours and not let anyone get close to you. If you ask about it, he would just gonna say: "I'm just protecting you from those assholes," he mutters.
Aomine is far away from the word subtle. He would make sure that everyone knows that you are his girlfriend/boyfriend by holding your hands the whole way when you two go home.
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It was in the afternoon as (Y/N) and Momoi sat on the bleachers, their eyes fixed on the intense basketball game unfolding before them. It was an exhilarating match, as Aomine and Kagami, two titans of the court, faced off in a display of skill and determination. Their movements were swift, dribbling the ball with finesse, leaping through the air to score impossible shots. The atmosphere was charged with excitement, and Momoi and I couldn't help but cheer for both of them, appreciating the incredible talent on display.
Momoi glanced at (Y/N), a playful smile on her face, and declared that she would go fetch some drinks from the vending machine. "(Y/N)-chan! Tell me everything that happens in the court. I will get us something to drink!" She takes a few cash from her purse before skipping away to get some refreshing drinks.
Nodding, (Y/N) watch her leave before she pays attention to Aomine and Kagami competing against each other. Those players seemed to be giving it their all, determined to outdo each other. You couldn't help but be in awe of the raw power and skill they possessed
As (Y/N) engrossed in her/his/their own world, there was an unmistakable feeling of someone's presence beside (Y/N). A subtle shift in the atmosphere, a hint of another person's energy, caught your attention. (Y/N) turned their/her/his head slightly, curious who might it be. A mysterious figure wearing a baseball cap. concealed his features. The brim cast a shadow over his face, making it nearly impossible to make out any details.
The guy in a baseball cap demeanour was unsettling. The guy leaned in a little too close, his words laced with a tone that sent chills through my veins. He began to flirt, but it wasn't the playful, charming kind of flirtation. It was invasive, predatory, making me feel trapped and vulnerable. "Hey there, cutiepie. Do you want to see seven foot long? I'm sure you have never seen it. Especially as someone as attractive as you," He licks his lips.
Out of nowhere, a basketball came hurtling through the air, narrowly missing the guy with the baseball cap and landing with a thud beside (Y/N) and the creepy guy. The guy with the baseball cap and I jolted with surprise, their attention instantly drawn to the ball lying there. As they turned in the direction the ball had come from, their locked eyes on Aomine, who stood a few feet away, his expression a mix of hatred and anger in his eyes.
Aomine's voice cut through the unease like a blade. His glare intensified, and his words were laced with a deadly seriousness that sent a shiver down the spine of the creepy guy. "If you ever lay a finger on my partner again, I won't hesitate to break your face. This court is meant for the game, not for your twisted games," Aomine's words not only send a shiver to the stranger but also to (Y/N) too.
The creepy guy visibly gulped, "I-I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean any harm," he mumbled, his eyes darting between Aomine's stern face and the basketball lying nearby. He quickly realized he had crossed the line. Without waiting for a response, the stranger hastily turned on his heels, not daring to look back, and fled from the court, disappearing into the distance.
Aomine's protective instinct kicked in as he walked over to (Y/N), his concern evident in his eyes. He gently pulled (Y/N) into a reassuring hug, his strong arms offering a sense of security. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked softly. Looking up at Aomine, (Y/N) shook their head, grateful he was there to stop the guy from getting further, "I'm okay, Aomine. He didn't touch me." "Good, "If he ever tries anything again, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll make sure he regrets it," he promises.
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chireila · 2 months
i wonder if reo will take a liking to tatsuya. i mean, reo's type is attentive person; tatsuya fits into that (i mean just look at his shooting form it's soooo graceful????? similar to reo's shoot) AND BOTH ARE SHOOTING GUARD SKSKSKSKKSKS i am confident that they'll get along <3
this also gets me thinking like could he be likes pretty boys? tatsuya is one of the possibilities. for ryouta, er ... he's similar to kotarou so ... i doubt he'll even have a crush on him (but he admits he's pretty though).
yosen and rakuzan are amongst the normal ones (kinda the antonym of seirin snd kaijou, for me) and the game will definitely have mukkun complies to sei-chan (he's still kisedai big baby after all) and ogiwara have a talk with eikichi about muscle or something. AND the most interesting part i want to see is the interaction between eiji and masako; perhaps awkward, formal, reminiscing old days? i don't know.
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aesthetic-is-life · 2 months
the fastes way to get Murasakibara interested in sex is to involve food and just saying Himuro likes to play with his own food
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long-manic-nights · 8 months
Murasakibara has a very rough time when Himuro leaves for college in the USA. He doesn’t talk to him the first two weeks after he told him, but cries at the airport like a baby, which almost makes Himuro stay.
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Hello my dear how are you? how have you been? How's the winter treating you because its treating me awful!! I know the Kagami and Himuro are Cali babies so what kind of activities would they do in the winter with a friend that came from America to visit them.
hello! it's getting better, but still gross. *prayers to ostara for spring*
Kagami & Himuro + Winter date with American bestie
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They probably used to have a lot of fun in the winter in Cali.
Though not known for it’s winter season, CA does have Big Bear and some other mountains that California natives spend the season at.
Also Disney Christmas!!
If they had a friend that came in the winter to Japan, they would probably stick with what they know.
Kagami would want to go snowboarding as he’s pretty good at it.
Himuro would want to ice skate since that’s his best winter skill. (Kagami real bad at it).
Of course there are dozens of Christmas light shows and displays to see.
Their friend would want to get all the seasonal treats exclusive to Japan. To try and to bring back to people.
If there’s time, they would want to go see the Snow Monkey’s in Nagano.
Honestly though, they could all just have a fun time hanging out under a kotatsu, watching movies, and catching up on old times.
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