#hi guys i have arisen from the chasm to throw this chapter at you
annalyia · 9 months
hey y'all! the next chapter of my thanzag long fic is out. it can be found here on ao3--
title: boy's working on empty pairings: thanatos/zagreus word count (this chapter): 3,105 chapter summary: in which than does some thinking and also some talking
After Zagreus closes and locks the door behind him, Thanatos picks up his phone again.  There’s someone else he needs to tell about this.
He punches in her number, and hopes that she picks up.
After a few rings, she answers.  “Hello?”  Meg’s voice instantly makes Thanatos feel better.  Just knowing that he’s not going insane and that there is someone else here who might understand his situation is incredibly soothing.
“Hey, Meg.”
“What’s up, Thanatos?  Didn’t you move into your dorm today?”
He nods, even though she can’t see him.  “Yeah, I did.  School started back for you, too, right?”
“Yeah, we had move-in last week and classes started a couple days ago.  Can’t really say it’s been anything different or more interesting than before.  No one in the dorm is giving you shit for being twenty, right?”
He smiles, thinks it’s funny that Meg is still this protective of him.  They both know he can take care of himself, but, after Zag left, they…grew closer, he supposes.  Not in a romantic or physical way, but in that weird way that only people who have gone through the same odd or traumatic experience can.  They were always good friends, but there was something about losing someone that important to both of them that changed things.  “No, nothing like that yet.”
She laughs.  “Good.  I’d hate to have to miss class to drive all the way up there and beat the shit out of them.  What’s up, then?  It’s not like you to call without a reason.”
“There’s….something that I need to tell you.”
“Okay, that’s ominous.”
“It’s not… bad , exactly,” he says.  “It’s just…really fucking weird.  Like.  Really weird.”
“Weird and unexpected?  Or weird and you can manage?”
“Zagreus is my roommate.”
There’s no response.  In fact, Meg is silent for so long that Thanatos begins to think the call dropped.
“I shit you not.”
“ Zagreus ?”
“You were wrong,” she says.
“I do need to drive up there and beat the shit out of someone.”
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