#hhhhhhhh i love her sm
florrentine · 2 months
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RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why. If tagged, copy and paste into a new post – DO NOT REBLOG! ( willow edit : since it's just emilia on here, all answers will be about her / questions will be tweaked when necessary 🩷)
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1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise) - she can be both, which feels a little like a compromise, but it's the truth. she learned to have a very thick skin when she was living in nyc and trying to make a living with her photography, but she's also incredibly empathetic and affectionate with those she's close to & cares about.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? / what would emilia blow $1000 on - camera equipment, and it would be painfully easy to blow the whole 1K not just in one go, but on one piece of tech. lenses are so unfathomly expensive i wonder sometimes how emmy was even able to pay her nyc rent on a regular basis.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? - emmy, em, melly are all pretty common. her middle name is rose, so several members of her immediate family would call her rosie. ( which she actually misses, considering who would be the ones to use it. but since her middle name isn't common knowledge / she isn't often asked what her middle name is, there aren't a lot of opportunities for it to come back up. )
....... also please take this as a blanket plea to give her nicknames and i will love you for eternity.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school? - social media was never her thing ( which is a shame because her instagram probably would have been lovely ), and she was always a fan of vinyl over cds when it came to listening to music. her cameras of choice for recreational photos tended to be older models while saving digital for her professional work for ease of use with clients. fashion was never a huge deal for her ----- she is/was very much a black & neutral color type. and still loves a good jumper.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? - she had a good relationship with both her brothers ( charlie & thomas ). being the youngest and the only girl meant she had two very protective older brothers watching out for her growing up, but they were both able to let her fight ( sometimes literally ) her own battles when she needed to.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? - it'll take some convincing, but she'll eventually get up there and sing. yes, she has done a spice girls song, and yes, she would do a spice girls song again if given the chance.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? - she did some modeling as a favor for a few classmates while she was at NYU for projects and the like, but never anything serious because absolutely not.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? - she doesn't scare easily, ( especially in settings like this where she knows it's all fake ) and surprisingly, she's typically more of a fight over flight type of girl -- but she's still capable of falling prey to a jump scare like anyone else. she'll probably scream-squeak and drop a substantial line of 'fuck!?!?'s.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? - she's taken both the tube in london and the nyc subway in her lifetime so she's certainly seen some things ... that being said, she's not really thrilled about heights, so flying was always a bit tricky for her. at least now that's not something she has to be concerned about.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. - emilia has a very keen sense of smell ( which is .... a lot of fun in a post - apocalyptic setting ), and memories for her can be / will be very scent - forward ( which considering her talent for photography / documenting moments visually, i guess would make her a double threat? ). she will ultimately assign a scent to your muse probably without even realizing she's doing it.
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tagged by: @wexarethewalkingxdead🩷 ( thank you for giving me an excuse to go on and on about emilia it's my favorite thing )
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kate-m-art · 4 months
I get it now, I get the hype, sassy vampire man beloved andjfkmsm
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flovverworks · 1 year
srry for lying about writing i was crying over hati
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toxinsupa · 1 year
@skytired sent: ❛  can’t we just be friends again?  ❜
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*✧・゚:*✧・゚:  ───🧪        She  almost  completely  bursts  into  laughter  as  Sage  approaches  her.  After  everything  she  did,  after  not  even  acknowledging  the  questions  Fade  had  for  her  Sabine,  not  Viper,  not  the  revenge  or  rage  knew  the  friendship,  the  kindness  between  them  was  dead.  Sage  could  never  help  and  when  she  did,  it  was  just  as  dark  as  Viper.  Put  up  above  everyone  else  while  people  like  Viper  and  Cypher  were  set  lower  simply  because  they  weren't  as  moral.  Not  to  mention  Omen,  they  may  be  friends  perhaps  he  doesn't  remember  what  she  does,  but  Viper  she  will  NEVER  forget.
❝The  day  we  become  friends  again  I  will  be  bleeding  out  and  have  hit  my  head  hard  enough  to  forget  one  simple  fact-❞
Sabine  rose  from  where  she  sat,  chin  tilted  up  as  she  stared  down  at  Sage.  There  was  a  rage  that  simmered  beneath  the  surface  of  her  as  they  stood  just  outside  of  the  training  room.  Her  hands  curled  into  fists  as  her  lips  pursed.
❝You  can't  help  me.  Or  anyone  else  no  matter  how  much  you  pretend  to.❞
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engagemythrusters · 10 months
Ahsoka ep 2 now!
Low hopes ngl. Anyway hope we see my lil snow pea Jacen
I Hope Mr Turkeyleg is okay… I know Sabine will be bc she’s got more in the trailer but I love that loth kitty
She okay 🥰
Ooo her boots
Two galaxies? Damn expanding it WAY far
Hey wait do you think that this relates to Jedi Survibor? That path? Look okay I just fucking love those games and I want them to tie more into canon
Oooo pretty planet
Oo ruins
Granpa really do got shoulders
PURRFIL NOISES?! Oh no that’s just the music
Oh the loth kitties that pop up! I love when they do that always <3
Oh… does she have psychometry??? Since fhckin when?
YAY MR TURKEYLEG IS OKQY!!! I love you mr Turkeyleg
Do you think the white lothcat is still out there? What about Dume?
Mr Turkeyleg such a good guard kitty 🥰
Hera so proud of her daughter
Sabine you’re such a smartiepants I love you sm
Hera is not ready to watch another person she loves explode
Hera is SO proud of sabine always. God she’s so good
Sabine always was Hera’s girl. Like. God I am. I love their dynamic it’s my favourite.
Night sister magic hellyeah
Fod this means they def made Sabine force sensitive didntw they. I fucjing HATE that so fucking much.
Yknow I’m kinda annoyed they wanna expand to another galaxy. It’s supposed to be just one galaxy. Far far away.
How does this puzzle know that anyway
Does this just. Is this just the path the purrgil always take?? I’m so confused how this puzzle would fucking know that!
This makes no sense!!
I really like Shin. She’s an interesting character. Always watching. Always calculating. Still learning. She’s gonna be so fun I can tell
T-6 shuttle ❤️🤍
Hey so wait does Jacen just fucking go to boarding school or some shit. Where IS he?!
Hera I love u <3
The gasp I gusp AGAIN
His bwaps are different >:(
Wow what a capitalistic response to loyalty. Jesus. I hate Disney.
Hera: be nice to my daughter or else
She just really cares about Sabine and wants the best for her and just. Hhh. It’s the most important dynamic to me.
Bacta patch!!
joint custody lightsaber xoxo
Hey do you think I can make fire with popsicle sticks
I’ve never been so relieved in my life
Oh my god thank GOD thank for
Oh my god
Okay. Woo. Deep breath in and out.
Hey can we get a Kanan mentions
Hera: bitch please I didn’t sacrifice everything for things to be classified to me
Who r u
my most evil droid <3 I love u
What the fuck?!
She’s a backward holder
0/10 that pisses me off so much.
Chopper >:)
Very interested in this inquisitor. Desperate to know who they will be
Chopper always so ready to kill everyone in sight. Love that motherfucker.
i am so happy to see him again
Hey is it weird that I want this to be Kanan
Like. Inquisitor Kanan would be so cool.
Came back wrong n evil
Yeah okay I know he’s dead n they’ll keep him that way but god I liked it
Yay chopper!
Hehe oh my god
Hiii mr turkeyleg
Oh she painted a purrgil on it 😭
She toned down her art tho it’s so simple now. She must’ve gone thru a dark time after Kanan and Ezra.
the mirroring of kanans scene… god it cuts me deep
Okay but also. that’s not how you cut hair
T-6 shuttle 🥰
It’s the tap scene 😭
Wrong time of day.
Also ahsoka isn’t in white and she doesn’t have the cool stick
Where’s the cool stick
I liked that stick.
God I miss Kanan so so much.
I do like that sabine did get to train more (now that I know she’s not force sensitive) bc that means she can spar with ezra when he gets back. Sibling activities. Roughhousing until hera comes n yells at them.
Not sure I like this big ship
I am so curious about that inquisitor
I do enjoy the end credit designs. Very Lothal.
Okay see y’all for the next ep next week
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nulltune · 2 years
LYNNYPOO!! what are some of ur fav icons of Hakuno and why do u like them👀? (no need for a specific order)
GAHDAMN IS THIS A TOUGH QUESTION SMOWU!!!!!! i love all my icons 🥺 bc they are all hakuno and i love hakuno so like......yea... GDJCHSHF I JOKE! there are some icons i'm not too fond of (bc of the way i colored or edited it eee) 🗿 BUT I DO NOT HAVE THE HEART TO DELETE THEM BC IT'S MY BELOVED MOON BONBON 😩❤️ that is not ur question tho but aAAAAAAA THIS IS FR SO TOUGH TO ANSWER??? THIS IS NOT 100% SET IN STONE BUT SOME LYNNYPOO FAVS I THINK WOULD BE (AND IN NO SPECIFIC ORDER!!)
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POUTYBLUSHYKUNOS!!!!!!! i'm weak for these 😩 i just think she is so Cute!!!! i like her blushy face in general but pouts just!! make it Extra Cute methinkss 💘💘 RLLY ESPECIALLY LOVE THE SECOND WAAAHHH i think it's so cute how hakuno tries to keep her cool when she's flustered but kinda fails sgfksgd (even in official art of her blushing her brows are kinda furrowed!! she is def a pouter methinks <3) idk why but i find that so cuuutteee AND DON'T U FEEL LIKE SMOOSHING/SQUEEZING/PINCHING HER CHEEKS IN THESE ICONS......!!!! it'd only make her more pouty but as i said, poutykuno is a cutekuno so that's just an extra win honestly!
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I'VE NEVER USED THESE ONES IC BUT 🥺 I LOVE THIS SMILING ONESSSS AA I CLUTCH MY CHEST i don't have stoic hakunos in this list but don't get me wrong i luv luv her normal stoic face too 💖 but her being expressive?? GOOD FOOD. she looks so happy here pls 😭😭😭🥺🥺 very fond of the gap between her usual :| self and how happy she can be hhngh official art of her smiling this brightly usually have her eyes closed but i still like these a lot!!! just look at that sparkle in her eyes!!!!! 🥺🥺 very happy i added the subtle blush too bc i just think it adds to her cuteness here IT FILLS MY HEART WITH SM SEROTONINNN and pls i love hakuno sm i think she deserves the world and dESERVES TO BE HAPPY!!!! so yes i just love my icons of her smiling but these ones..... idk they just hit DIFF oooough and i just love it when hakuno is like hyped/excited... SHE IS SO CUTE 😭 AND I LOVE HER ENERGY IN THOSE MOMENTSSS i feel likr these icons have some of that energy and i'm just <333
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OOOHOOHOO I REALLLYYY LIKE THIS EYE ICON FOR SOME REASON 😳 I LIKE A LOT OF HER EYE ICONS TBH!!!!! a lil upsetti bc i colored her icons lighter than her hair because it is lighter + her eyes are her most expressive/beautiful feature so they need to POP 👏 OFF 👏 (NOT IN THE LITERAL WAY THO!) but alas..... my psd just makes it look the same color </3 I STILL LIKE EM A LOT THOOO but this one's a personal fav cuz 😳 idk why but i just rlly like the energy it has??? rlly like the cropping too i just think it looks neaatttt ✨️✨️
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THIS CONTEMPLATIVEKUNO IS ALSO A FAVVVV i think she is so cute heree 🥺 OH HAKUNO HAS A THINKING POSE SIMILAR TO THIS IN GAME and i have always thought it is So Cute. def one of my fav hakuno poses!!! (along with her hands on chest pose and polite hands on her lap as she sits very elegantly pose ✨️) i like her expression in this tooo her mouth is kind curved like ^ in the way that i think is rlly cute and that just adds bonus points 4 me I THINK SHE IS SO LOVELYYY her closed eyes look is also very pwetty 💖💖 i just like it a lot!!! i think her hair looks so nice here and her hand is dainty and delicate and pretty and hhhHHHHH I JUST LOVE IT
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IDK WHY BUT I RLLY LIKE THIS ONE... this fc has some outfits that is just,,, So perfect for my hakuno and they're all pretty much just black and white, but i think it looks so nice on her! rlly like the way her hair flows here tooo 😌😌💖 also captures hakuno's energy rlly nicely methinks! the pose is pretty polite and i feel like it captures her meek-ish energy nicely..... she has a strong front but the softest heart yknow 🥺
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I LOVE THIS ONE TOOOOO obviously because hakuno's a beaut and she's as beautiful as always in these icons 💖 but i feel like.... there is a vulnerability to this one,, she looks so Soft(TM) in such a delicate way which is honestly the vibes i try to get with her!! and like i said in the prev para, hakuno has a strong front (which she has even when she's suffering the most, ouchie ouchie 🥲) but she rlly is the softest inside and i just- love to see her more vulnerable side tbh!!! it feels so tender........... WHEN U SEE HER LIKE THIS DON'T U GET THE FEELING OF WANTING TO EMBRACE HERR (<- A SIMP) 😩😩 IT'S LIKE THIS ONE MANGACAP THAT'S SO HAKUNOCORE THAT U SENT ME-- THAT THOUGHT JUST CAME TO ME ALL OF A SUDDEN but yeah i just rlly like this one!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 she is so lovely and i just sobbb into my grubby paws
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aNOTHER ONE I HAVEN'T USED IC but i rlly want to 😳 HVEKFJEKD OK LISTEN, I LOVE MY GIRL. BUT I ALSO LOVE PAIN AND THIS ICON HURTS???? i still think her hair is so pretty heree and i just rlly like how the tear looks! i have a couple more bloody and dying hakuno icons but this one is my fav out of em (nodnod) i just like it a lot!!! even without the blood i feel like you can just tell the amount of pain and how close to death she is and hRNGH it hurts!!!!!! extra hurts too bc we've seen in last encore how vulnerable hakuno looks when she's dying (AND HOW SHE CRIED THERE TOO 😭😭😭) and i think thks just captures it vvv well!
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OK I HAVE A LOT MORE THAT I LIKE BUT!! THIS CHIBI HAKUNO HITS DIFF AGDKEHKFJEJFJE i think her o.o face is suuuper cute okok!!!! AND THIS ONE JUST CAPTURES THE ESSENCE OF THAT SO PERFECTLY??? (I SQUISH HER LIKE.... MOCHI) i just love the energy she has here even tho i'm not even sure what kind of energy it is?? i love it sm tho and i like all of my chibikuno icons!!! but this one def has a special place in my heart 🥺💘 SHES SO CUTE AUGH
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oswlld · 2 years
tagged by blorbo from my mssgs @talays-portkey (MWAH tysm)! couldn’t be bothered to find/edit faces to go with these characters, but pls picture me gently holding them in my palms i love them sm
DISCLAIMER: i made an added effort to pick my most recent favs, or else ill always have Clara, Cosima, the Sensates, and Pran every damn time
Twenty Five Twenty One Yi-jin (Nam Joo Hyuk)
one (1) former rich guy can have rights
on this list for that one scene of him begging puppies to be quiet
i may have sobbed when he finally reunited his family, he did That
Kieta Hatsukoi Ida (Meguro Ren)
my demi boy, my baby
i can’t emphasize enough how good his emotional/romantic journey plays out
the way i screamed when he invited that tutor to the ramen date, hhhhhhhh
Alice in Borderland Arisu (Yamazaki Kento)
like….. i want to give him things. like oscars and emmys
but also the world. he deserves it
if you watch ep3 pls know that you will need 7-10 business days to recover
Vice Versa Talay (Sea Tawinan)
look at my icon and ask me if im okay
the most character to ever happen to me, i wish i was better with words
they should invent a jimmysea show in 2023 for me
Andor Cassian (Diego Luna)
a Mama’s boy wasn’t on my bingo card
diego has great chemistry with literally everyone
im begging yall, watch how this man handles quiet rage
What We Do in the Shadows Nadja (Natasha Demetriou)
has every right to be so fucking rude and funny
you don’t understand, i’d give her all my money
she could fix* me (my hype woman my embezzler can k*** me i’d thank her)
Sandman Johanna (Jenna Coleman)
she was in my face for all of One Episode and im Blessed
have yall seen this? *gestures in her direction*
‘jesus fuck’ thats it thats the post
Everything Everywhere All at Once Joy/Jobu Tupaki (Stephanie Hsu)
there is only two eras, before and after you’ve witnessed her performance
if you havent heard, i worship the ground she walks
*clutches chest* her power
Ms Marvel Kamala (Iman Vellani)
once again asking when theyll release her YT channel i wanna watch everything
i miss my sloth child
Glitch Ji Hyo (Jeon Yeo Bin)
yeobin…. guys… she’s INCREDIBLE
i feel every internal battle, every meltdown, every weapon swing
“she has done nothing wrong ever in her life and i love her” -me, everyone in the universe cafe, the aliens, joe biden probably
tagging @icouldhyperfixatehim @petesvegas @lulabo @ncppanut @kaonoppakao
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nintendocrowbro · 3 years
You ever love someone so much that you just
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Cause that’s me rn, but.. crow
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dyrwoodan · 4 years
#fern.txt#poe..... so good#like the story and everything#since i played like. more than half a game in the past 4 days idk i got so immersed in it#and so many interactions and quests and particularly companions' quests just? made me really emotional?#possibly poe1 spoilers ahead!! just in case. but i feel like i'm the last to play this game lmao#like man was i fucking angry and so so upset when after all this time helping sagani on her quest we found the dying stag#and even though at first i didn't even get what edér was on about with some war because idk the history that much i was still so#hhhh like. i felt for him. when i was helping him find the answers and we ended up with nothing and he was so sad and i was like#:/ im so sorry friend...........#and when we finally got to twin elms and i got told that there is no cure for this#i was on this quest as much for myself as for aloth so like#man i was so sad#like this game is so good it really made me want to help my frens ya know and when all the quests ended like. that.#i was for real sad. like sad for my watcher but hhhhhhhh i just felt for all of them sm with their own personal struggles#it's the same kinda vibes as i get when playing da2 tbh.... where again i can play a bastard hawke but a hawke that Loves their friends sfm#and wants to help them and can empathize with them when things don't work out#no other games make me feel like that you know.#like in other games there simply arent that many characters i care about#and it just feels right to play as caiwyn and kaz and lyrhis and none of them are particularly....... nice#they only care about a handful of people. but they wouldn't go to the end of the world to help them i think#not like my watcher and hawke#caiwyn for? who? morrigan of course. zevran his closes friend.#kaz for sera maybe but he keeps everything. skin-deep.#complicated#lyrhis doesn't care about anyone#and then tes games aren't really like that so i can't care about anyone anyway. and in dh everyone is a bastard. they don't count.#so like idk. every other time i'm like hurr burr having friends is useless it's an ordeal it's annoying#but when i'm playing poe or da2 i'm like. friends are good actually.
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moniehon · 4 years
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aro-aizawa · 5 years
hhhhhHHHHHHHH okay detective pikachu was awesome and i love it 💛💛💛
(spoilers in the tagsssss)
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baeshijima · 2 years
i started playing dislyte a few days ago but the app kept crashing ✋😭 then i deleted it and downloaded it again when i saw a tiktok about all the characters. now i‘m grinding and bdjfrk- i got mona and i love her so much because,,, percy jackson kid here, artemis has always been my favorite goddess omfg trying to breathe but I CANT THESE CHARACTERS ARE ALL SO FREAKING COOL
LOOK AT HER OMFG 😍🥰❤️ her hair kinda reminds me of razor tho-
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HJDGSFKJ NOOO 😭😭 i hope its working smoothly for u now ;w;
AND YES MONA I LOVE HER SM 😩 honestly the devs did so well designing the characters bc theyre all so cool and have their own charms and hhhhhhhh
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my brain: you know what would be nice? draw amy, kira, and minkowski but w/ swapped uniforms
me: as a lesbian i agree but i never drew amy and kira before an therefore is a terrible idea fuck you
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littlewomenrants · 2 years
LaUrIe You sweet sweet boy,,,,
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The underhanded compliment, the mischevious little vibe,,,,,, i am too soft for this boy and this boy is too deserving for this world
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Yes he is and he always will be accomplished in my heart of hearts and good on you Jo, letting Laurie win :'))) perhaps Laurie might have been expecting her to act that way but there is still earnest truth disguised under that layer of smirky mirth and hhhhhhhh I love Laurie sm
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 31
the drama continues....
so I got like halfway thru the issue and my liveblog got deleted bc I accidentally zoomed in really far and for some reason that deleted fucking everything :) thanks tungl!!!!
like ik I probably shouldn't type these up right in the tungle post but ugh. why would THAT delete all my shit. fuck this
anyways I didn’t write that much but I’ll try to rewrite it...
I love the mexican standoff cover, ratchet and megatron and chromedome look so hardcore and serious, meanwhile nautica is having the time of her life. respect
ooooughhhh flashback w/drift and pipes, ooof
is that chromedome and rewind??? hhhhhhhh they're on a date....
drift: don't ask where I got my blood money credit card pipes.
pipes is so cute I love him
and riptide!! I love him too
I love that transformers have a whole language that they speak by holding hands. fuckign superb you funky little robots
two trucks holding hands...
the lost light hhhhh ;_; best spaceship
its sooo cute that nautica thinks of brainstorm as like, the number 1 genius...her calling perceptor ‘brainstorm-level brilliant’ is adorable, I love those two sm
nautica ily sm
‘quanton technology’ vhbsjdfbsaf tailgate ily
in this art style, getaway has like, a mouth? looks super weird
nightbeat is so rude I love him
I fuckgin love the sci-fi bullshit w/the quantum stuff
I'm sorry but ‘dipstick’ is still such a funny name lmao. so is ‘huffer’ tbh
the fact that there’s something called a Smartplanet™ is hilarious. reminds me of the SmartBoards™ of my youth
and ofc the galactic council created them and added tuition fees. smh
cyclonus’s disgust at tuition fees is so relatable
tailgate pulling a gun on megatron...oooomg
the top of megatron’s head is weirdly round in this art style lmao
megatron: ...is that baby threatening me with a gun??
aaand then megs and riptide pull their guns out too
ok yeah so I guess cyclonus DID go on a murder spree prior to mtmte, but also at this point who HASNT done some war crimes, lbh
aaaand there’s ravage!
ravage and megs speaking hand 👀👀
cyclonus ik you’re worried abt tg and also terrible at communicating your feelings but please be nice :( :( 
and there’s getaway, sliding in smoothly...get AWAY from tg tbh
‘I'm fighting the urge to diagnose you’ lmao ratchet
nightbeat is like oh hell yea a mystery is afoot
tailgate telling cyclonus he’s scared :( give your tiny roommate a hug cyclonus
and here we get to hear abt MTOs...such an interesting concept, I love it
hoist mentions he knew an MTO named scattergun...wasn’t that one of chromedomes husbands? oof
interesting point, that w/out the war, the MTOs likely wouldn't exist - so does megatron get credit for that, then? does that get subtracted from his kill count? lol
also I feel like it’s noticeable even here that nautica doesn't distrust/hate megatron as much as a lot of the others - which makes sense bc she wasn't ever involved in the war, and never had to deal w/any of the decepticons or megatron in any context except post-war
and for tailgate, who also missed the war, it makes sense that he’d distrust megatron, because all the people tg is closest to hate megatron, and tailgate is trying his best to be an Autobot™
‘prenatals’ jro what the hell is that
I started writing up my reproductive themes spiel but it got so long so I think I’ll make a post just for that lmao. channeling jro w/that one
poor riptide...it’s tough when you’re not made for academics
fascinating how at first the MTOs/CC bots did get at least a basic education which involved cultural information, but as the war went on the education dwindled until it was just the basic stuff needed to fight in a war
ratchet has an interesting point, with MTOs being more likely to have ‘mystical experiences’ bc they're essentially newborns thrown onto a battlefield trying to make sense of things
and we also get to hear about information creep, another important concept! lots of relevant exposition this issue
I love information creep as a concept so much, bc it makes sense that even mechanical beings with like, computers in their brains wouldn't be totally infallible - bc if they’re really alive, and have souls, then that means there HAS to be fallibility, bc otherwise they would just be completely fact-based and logical, and that would make them less ‘alive’
also, the fact that they live so long would definitely contribute, and it’s cool that there ARE some sort of consequences to living for literal millions of years
aw nautica :(
tailgate aw man :( cyclonus will be back don't worry 
nightbeat is such a dick vhbhdjskhfbsjkf ‘someone tell tailgate to get a grip’ his bf just disappeared ok
and we get a brief reappearance of magnus and his humansona before he disappears too
nightbeat: enough of this bs! ratchet, break every hipaa law ever! go! 
and then ratchet DOES bvhajdbfajskfbajhd I am once again asking for somebody to care about patient confidentiality in cybertronian medicine, 
cant believe riptide got KO’d for 2 days straight and got left behind by the lost light as a result. Ls
nightbeat solved the mystery! woohoo! megatrons still gonna be rude abt it tho
OOOOH man and there’s the slaughterhouse lost light. oh boy oh god
I'm so not prepared for slaughterhouse oof. I'm glad we’re done with the court drama stuff bc that's so not my speed vbhdjkbfjksdf give me wacky sci-fi adventures or give me death!! 
I'm honestly just so excited for the time travel arc lmao give it to meeeee
so yeah, til next time!
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