#hhau fable
a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
The Twang of a Bowstring and the Spark of Swords
Teen, has a fight(no real blood, just to be safe) all HHAU people make an appearance, Dusk has pov rights this time.
“We’re coming up on some unsavory company,” Dot warned, holding up a hand. Dusk laid a hand on her rapier, glancing around at the others. She knew Artemis and Dot could fight, but what about the others? The three of them, well, four with Shadow, couldn’t protect the six others. 
“Alright. How many of you know how to use a weapon. Show of hands.” Artemis instructed, raising her own hand. Dusk raised her hand, as did Sun, Dot, Shadow, Sheik, and Tetra. 
“Does a magic rod count?” Fable asked, one hand falling to the fire rod at her hip. “Otherwise, I can use magic to fight.” 
“I’ll count it. Who can use magic to fight?” 
Somewhat unsurprisingly, almost everyone had their hand up at that, excluding Dawn, Aurora, as well as Sheik and Tetra, who put their hands down sheepishly. 
“Alright. Dawn, Aurora, remind one of us to teach you how to defend yourselves at the very least. Tetra, your inability to use magic to defend yourself concerns me, so we’ll handle that later as well.” 
“Concerns you, why?” Tetra asked, visibly offended. 
Dusk could answer that one. “Because you haven’t used magic once, and haven’t shown any indication of knowing how to. Not using magic at all can have consequences and be risky for yourself and Shadow and I.” 
Tetra settled for pouting about it. Fortunate she didn’t chose to continue to dispute it, Dusk would prefer if they got rid of the unsavory company as quickly as possible. 
“Alright. Aurora, Dawn, Flora, stay here. Anyone less confident fighting monsters and willing to stay back?” 
“I’ll stay back,” Fable volunteered, stepping back to stand near the two. “I can show them kind of the basics of offensive light magic anyway. Plus if I’m using light magic it might get risky.” 
“I’ll stay back as well,” Sun said, pulling a sheathed sword out of one of her bags. Dusk still wasn’t sure why she didn’t keep it on her, it seemed unsafe to have it so hard to access. Although she supposed that between everyone here with sensing skill they had plenty of warning. As evidenced by the fact that they had the time to stand here and plan this out. 
“Alright. Who has long-distance capabilities?” Artemis was good at this, although Dusk supposed it made sense, she had led in wartime. Maybe if she spent enough time around the older woman she’d pick some of it up. Maybe it’d just rub off. 
“I have my bow, although I use light magic with it,” Dot said, slinging the bow in question around to hold it out. 
“I also have a light bow, although mine isn’t physical,” Dusk admitted, remembering the bow she used the arrows the light spirits had given her with. Although now that she thought about it, it hadn’t really been fully light magic, even then. 
“I suspect most of us have used some variety of light bow,” Artemis mused. “Just out of curiosity this time, who’s used a light bow of some variety?”
Dusk raised her hand, as did Dot, although somewhat hesitantly, Tetra, Fable, Flora, and Artemis did as well. That was the majority. 
“I think they noticed us,” Shadow warned after a second, tilting his head. “Coming closer. We’d better move out or they’re getting the advantage.” 
“Alright. Dot, Dusk, stay back if you can to snipe, everyone else, try and stay out of each other’s ways, Shadow, we’ll try and warn you if there are any big light magic displays so you can hide.” 
“Sounds good to me,” he agreed, what looked like a sword made of pure shadow forming in his hand. “Let’s go, I’ve wanted to have a good fight for a while.” 
Dusk concentrated, forming the bow she had used in that decisive final fight. The arrows wouldn’t be as powerful, but that was probably good. Her hands had been burned badly after that fight, just drawing them back. 
The monsters weren’t that far ahead, which wasn’t surprising, and Dusk did as ordered with Dot, hanging back and calling on every ounce of calm she could to concentrate and wish she had a way to practice on moving targets before this. 
Dot took shot after shot, some missing, but some also hitting home in monsters, be it their arms or head. A couple of arrows did incidentally hit one of the other Zeldas, but it always dissipated harmlessly against them. Dusk wasn’t sure her arrows would do it, so she didn’t fire off nearly as many arrows, worried about hitting someone she didn’t want to. 
Artemis finished off the last of about twenty bokoblins, marking an end of the battle. 
“That everything?” She asked to no one in particular. Dusk had no great skill with sensing, so she wasn’t the ultimate authority, but she couldn’t sense anything besides themselves nearby. After a second, both Dot and Shadow glanced at each other, then nodded. 
“Nothing left,” Dot confirmed, nodding again. “We’re in the clear. I’m a little surprised there was even this big of a group, the Links were here relatively recently.” 
“They are fallible, they could’ve missed some,” Tetra pointed out, sheathing her sword and gun. “So does Flora want some of these parts?” 
“Yeah probably,” Artemis said, crouching down and starting to collect them. Dusk wrinkled her nose at the guts, horns, and teeth strewn about the ground. She was not touching those. She didn’t care if Flora wanted them, she was not touching those. 
To her utter horror, Shadow picked a gut up, sniffed it curiously, then bit into it. 
“Shadow!” Dot scolded, and his ears tilted back guiltily as he hid the gut behind his back and swallowed quickly. “No eating monster parts.” 
“It tastes good, like those fizzy things you let me have the one time,” Shadow said, decidedly not relinquishing what was left of the gut. Utterly disgusting. At least everyone else there was making similarly disgusted faces, excluding Sheik, who, in the quarter of their face visible, looked almost morbidly curious. 
Dusk elected to ignore the rest of that argument and start striding back to where they had left the others. She was not going to watch Shadow do more stupid things. Honestly, eating monster parts, that was appalling. What had she done to deserve this. 
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a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
Gen, Fable centered, Artemis and Dusk also feature heavily. Definitely one of the things I'm more proud of this month. Kinda funny that both things I'm most proud of are both Fable things haha
“Hey Dusk, Artemis, can I ask you about something?” Fable asked, probably failing to disguise her anxious fiddling. She’d mostly successfully been ignoring her anxiety over her impending coronation and ascension to the throne, but it had come back to hit her over the head out of nowhere, and she’d gotten the idea to ask Dusk and Artemis, both of whom were Queen in their respective eras, about their coronations and how it had been immediately afterward. 
They’d settled down in this area for the day so that Shadow and Dot could work on transmuting the dark magic left behind by the monsters the Links had killed. Fable would be helping them, but her anxiety over becoming queen had been skewing her magic control past what even her rings could control. Her magic control had always been a bit iffy, interacting directly with the triforce twice had completely thrown it off, enough she couldn’t just account for it when trying to do something and causing dangerous flares. 
Legend had found the control rings for her, which she hadn’t really taken off since, but they could only do so much. So if her magic was thrown off by high emotion, then she couldn’t really do any magic. So Dot had banished her from helping until she figured it out. 
“Sure, I wasn’t really doing anything anyway.” Artemis sheathed her sword and stood up, re-clipping the rapier to her belt. “Would you like to take a walk?” 
“Yes please.” 
“I can come as well,” Dusk agreed, standing up and dusting off her clothes. “Let’s not go too far from camp though.” 
“Of course.” Artemis led them off, although dropped back a bit to walk between Fable and Dusk once they were a bit away. “So, what did you want to talk about Fable?” 
Fable took in a deep breath of the fresh forest air, then let it out slowly. “I wanted to ask about your coronations, and kinda about stuff right afterward.” 
“You’re turning eighteen soon, yes?” Dusk asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Fable nodded, ears tilting down. “A month or two. I don’t know if it’ll have to be rescheduled because of this or if it’ll finish before it’s scheduled.”
“Perhaps preemptively reschedule it when we reach your world next,” Artemis suggested. “It will put less stress on the planners if they know beforehand it will likely need to be pushed back. They don’t appreciate being told they have to reschedule something only a few weeks in advance, especially if it's such a big event.” 
“Good point,” Fable said, a bit embarrassed she didn’t think of that sooner. “I’ll do that as soon as I can.” 
���Back to your initial question,” Dusk said mildly, if a bit firmly. “My coronation was quite the affair, but it was less nerve-wracking than you would think. There were many people, but there were enough that faces blurred together. I couldn’t tell you even ten people that attended my coronation that I saw.” 
“Mine was similar,” Artemis agreed, smiling faintly. “If you asked me afterward who attended, I would have only been able to tell you that Impa was there. It will seem quite daunting, but leave your focus on the ceremony. It will be over more quickly than you think.” 
“And afterward?” Fable asked hesitantly. 
“Not much of a difference,” Dusk admitted. “I was already functionally ruling, it was simply a formality at that point. My parents had already died a year or so beforehand, I had been prepared my whole life, so I was ready. I had a regent until I was of age, but they were simply a formality by the end of the year.” 
“I too was functionally already ruling before my coronation, however, it was because my father’s mind had begun to go. My mother died when I was small, so technically he was functioning as my regent until I came of age, but Impa took over for him three or four years before my coronation because he was unable to fulfill his duties, and slowly transferred all duties to me to prepare me for being queen. She’s taken it back on with my absence, I feel a bit bad, but she did admirably during the war, and I have no doubt she’ll continue to do so.” Artemis chuckled quietly. “I do hope she’s getting along without Warriors and I. No one to gossip or mock old biddies with.” 
“You are doing the majority of the duties of a queen, yes?” Dusk asked after their giggles over Artemis’ last comment died down. 
“I think so,” Fable mused. She didn’t technically have a regent, something she had heard complaints about, and she oversaw the majority of matters in the kingdom. Those she didn’t her advisors did, and they reported to her. “I oversee the majority of things personally, and those I cannot my advisors handle and then report to me.” 
“Sounds like a queen’s workload,” Artemis said, huffing quietly. “You delegated the majority of your work to your advisors?” 
“Yes, I have several levels of advisors to ensure only the most important things get to me.” A system set in place by the Queen two generations before Fable, when the kingdom was just barely getting back on its feet. There had been so many issues with getting the government up and running the way it had been before the Fallen Hero that the Queen had just fully started over, creating new positions in court, and establishing a set of levels that anything had to get through to go to the Queen’s attention. There were a couple of ways to bypass it, but those were rarely used, and all went through Impa. “It was a simple matter of having them take slightly more power, I’ll review anything big when we arrive at my era again.” 
“Sounds more functional than my system.” Dusk sighed, ears dropping. Fable glanced at her curiously, it was probably the first time Dusk had brought up her government, after noting that she had figured it out so she could leave with them anyway. 
“Mine certainly could be more functional for delegating work,” Artemis mused, contemplating something. “You’ll have to sit me down and describe how exactly yours works at some point. I feel it would be useful.” 
“Let me sit in too,” Dusk said quickly. 
“Delegating problems too?” Artemis guessed, although Fable doubted she actually thought it was delegation. If Fable had to guess, it would be more of an issue regarding Dusk’s control over the government itself. 
“Not really.” 
“It’s just us, you can speak freely,” Fable offered quietly, they were still fairly far out from camp, definitely out of earshot. “It’s not like word will get back to anyone in your kingdom.” 
Dusk sighed, changing course to head for a recently fallen log. She settled delicately on it, while Fable and Artemis just sat down on the ground, far more used to just sitting around wherever than Dusk. “It’s not delegation. I fear far less information gets back to me than I would like. I have no way of otherwise obtaining that information, however.” 
Artemis and Fable exchanged a glance. They hadn’t met an Impa in Dusk’s world, and no one had mentioned one, and there hadn’t been any Sheikah among her staff, at least not full-blooded ones. No white hair or red eyes to be seen in her staff anywhere. 
“No Impa?” Fable asked gently, scooting a bit closer in case Dusk needed the reassurance. 
Dusk’s ears dropped further, if that was even possible. “No. She-” Dusk paused for a long time, and Artemis and Fable exchanged another look. “She died in the invasion. Zant killed her as an example.” 
Fable’s ears flattened against her head. She couldn’t imagine not having Impa, she’d been there all of Fable’s life, Impa had half-raised her, and supported her in everything. She couldn’t imagine not having any sort of confidant. 
Based on Artemis’ similarly pinned ears and hard expression, she also couldn’t imagine being without her Impa. 
And if there hadn’t been any sort of attempt at replacement, that had to mean the Sheikah were either so depleted that they couldn’t spare someone to be trained as an Impa, or there simply weren’t any Sheikah to fill the role. Neither was good. 
“She did her best to support me, and she died for it,” Dusk whispered, staring at her lap. 
Dusk wasn’t crying, but Fable had to somewhat discreetly dry a few tears. “If we can, we’ll help you reform your government,” Fable promised, laying a hand on Dusk’s knee. “Whatever we can do, just say so.” 
“I don’t even know what can be done.” 
“Start with the top level,” Artemis suggested, a wry smile playing at her lips. “Sweep them clean and start with a new slate. Then work your way down with their assistance. Fable has her government structure, we can work off of that.” 
“Yeah, and if we need extra help we can get my Impa to help, she’s been doing this since she was a young woman, and she hasn’t been a young woman in probably a century.” Maybe that was a bit of an overstatement, Impa couldn’t be more than eighty, but it certainly felt like a century. 
“We’ll work it out,” Artemis said, affirming the sentiment. “You aren’t alone in this.” 
“Thank you,” Dusk whispered, although she didn’t look up at them. 
Fable huffed when no one made a move for a hug. That was totally a hug moment. “Come on, that was a hug moment, get in here.” 
Artemis giggled, but did lean in to let Fable grab her and pull her in for a hug. Dusk took a bit longer, but eventually scooted hesitantly off her log and into range. Fable cheerfully pulled her in too, hugging both women as tightly as she could manage. Maybe she hadn’t expected to be brought on this adventure, but it was well worth it for the sisterhood she’d found. 
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a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
One Tiny Golem
Gen, pretty short, Artemis got pov rights accidentally, they're just making a tiny golem.
“Are we sure this is safe?” Artemis asked, hovering just outside of the circle and watching her harp, which was currently laid across Dot and Fable’s laps. 
“It should be,” Dot replied, which wasn’t even remotely reassuring. “If it fails it shouldn’t cause any damage.” 
“Are you sure that misshapen thing is even going to move?” Dusk asked, ears pinned back against her head warily. A reasonable reaction, if this backfired, it was really going to backfire. 
“If we do it right it will,” Fable said, her hands, one holding one of Dot’s, and the other on the harp, began glowing. Just because Artemis had faith in her harp’s ability to channel magic and transmute it into other elements, didn’t mean she had faith that this wouldn’t go horribly wrong. “Oh come on, just believe us for once. It’s not going to go wrong.”
“We’ve accounted for everything we can think of, and even if we forgot something, everyone here’s well-versed in magic and can destroy the thing if it goes out of control.” Dot’s hands were also glowing, and the thing they’d drawn on the floor was starting to glow brown, rather than gold. “Ha, it’s working.” 
“Is it?” Dusk asked, a bit pessimistically as the golem shuddered a bit, but didn’t come to life even as the magic infused into it. 
The circle stopped glowing and Dot and Fable squinted suspiciously at the golem. 
“Why isn’t it alive?” Artemis asked, curious if they had an answer. 
“I have a suspicion,” Dot said, hands starting to glow again. “Let’s see if this’ll work.” 
This time, blue magic flowed through the thing on the floor, followed by red and then green magic. Every time Artemis saw the two do magic like this it was impressive, she had no idea how to magic like this. She had thought she was fairly adept at magic, considering how much she had used it as an offensive weapon when undercover as Sheik during the war, but compared to them she was barely scratching the surface. 
As the green magic touched the golem, it shuddered again, then actually started moving, swirling magic appearing in what vaguely looked like eye sockets. 
“It worked!” Dot said, grinning. “Golem, sit down.” 
Shockingly, it actually sat down, as much as it could sit down given its somewhat misshapen form. Maybe they could convince someone to make it look…less like a child’s art project. Who knew none of them were any good at sculpting? 
Honestly, Artemis probably would have been more surprised if it turned out looking like anything intelligible. The misshapen creature that only vaguely looked like a golem had been expected. 
“Golem, do a cartwheel,” Fable instructed, and the golem stood up and sort of did a cartwheel. It did more of a falling over itself, but close enough. 
It was almost cute, in a creepy weird way. 
“He can be in Flora’s slate for if we need someone tiny to do something,” Dot decided, passing the harp fully to Fable and standing up, walking over to the tiny golem and picking it up, holding it aloft. “Who’s the cutest? It’s you, yeah, it’s you!” 
The golem almost looked confused, probably because that wasn’t instructions. 
“I don’t know about cutest,” Dusk said doubtfully, frowning. “Creepy, maybe.” 
Whatever it was, it would probably come in handy, so they’d better keep it on hand. Artemis did vaguely hope it wouldn’t end up coming in handy though. 
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a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
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Fable! First of the downfall girls. Her outfit was pretty fun to do. Her pants in particular, they’re supposed to be very stained.
- Turning 18 in a couple months
- Recently got hit with the anxiety about being a good queen and not screwing up, so she’s a bit eager to get out and escape some of that anxiety for a while. Plus maybe she could learn something from these successful queens
- Legend’s twin sister(she’s the older one)
- A scholar of magic, specializing in artifacts and magic item crafting
- Enchanted all of her jewelry herself
- Her shirt was stolen from Legend and has defensive magic worked into it - he has the red version of it, it’s just a tunic on him
- The rings on both middle fingers help control her magic with more detail, having several interactions with the full triforce sent her magic a bit out of control
- The long necklaces are temperature control, the choker and her crown are also enchanted for defense, the other rings and bracelets are mostly misc other enchantments
- Can’t cook, but is curious about how breads are made
- Doesn’t have her ears pierced, is a bit too afraid of needles
- Is roughly in the middle height-wise at 5’7
- Hooks many things (magic rods, her thick gloves, various other enchanted items) onto her belt
- Also knows who Sheik is, although also isn’t telling anyone
Fable uses he/him for Sheik!
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