#hh stellaworth book
solartranslations · 5 years
Nightshade/Hyakka Hyakurou Stellaworth Set Special Booklet: Hanzo
When Hanzo asks questions it doesn’t sound like questions so there are no question marks.
It was evening. He watched the shadows as he walked and found the girl that he had become acquainted with. She was sitting on the porch and hung her head slightly, staring at something beside her.
“…What are you doing over there.”
“Huh? Oh…Hanzo-sama!”
When he called out to her, Enju turned around abruptly. It seemed that she was concentrating on something, and didn’t notice Hanzo’s presence at all.
“You surprised me. What is it?”
“Nothing in particular.”
“I see.”
“So what are you doing.”
When he raised the question again, she stared at him with wide eyes and smiled.
“I was looking at these cosmetics.”
“Yes. I received it today.”
Following Enju’s gaze, he saw that powder, rouge, and such were lined up on the porch. They were decorated with various delicate designs that looked like they would be popular with women.
(I see…Enju is a girl after all.)
He knew this, but was now made aware of it again. When she happily looked at things that were not straightforward, it made her seem more feminine that usual.
But, he didn’t think that she wore makeup. Hanzo was silent at the slightly unexpected sight.
“It’s nothing.”
He replied quickly, but Enju continued to stare at him strangely. Hanzo took a small breath and spoke with indifference.
“Don’t mind me. I just thought this was unusual for you.”
“You don’t usually wear makeup.”
“Oh, right.”
It was familiar, but for some reason his heart beat at her expression. He was aware of that much. He thought to himself that it was actually unusual for him to be interested in something other than his missions, but he ignored it.
“Actually, when I was at the town it was offered to me.”
“The cosmetics?”
“Yes. It’s supposed to make me prettier, or more feminine…that’s what they said.”
“The shopkeeper did?”
“Yes. But, a peddler there urged me to get it too for some reason, so it was a little hard to say no.”
Enju closed her eyes shyly as if recalling what had happened. Since it wasn’t something typical for her, he thought she wouldn’t be interested. As he imagined her surrounded by the shopkeeper and peddler, Hanzo wrinkled his brow.
“So you felt like trying it out?”
“Yes. I’m sixteen already. I should give it a try.”
“I see.”
“It will be useful for disguises as well.”
“If it’s a mild color, I don’t think I little rouge would stand out.”
She looked cheerful as she picked up the rouge, but her smile became a little uncertain.
“But, I’ve never used this before, so I’m not sure I can do it properly…”
“I don’t usually use this, so I want to be able do it right.”
“Um, Hanzo-sama?”
Enju spoke nervously to the silent Hanzo. Thinking he was angry, her eyes became uncertain.
“…I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing.”
“Well, I’m talking about something you’re not interested in.”
“Yes. …Ah, no.”
At Hanzo’s unclear reply, Enju became even more embarrassed.
She had been looking at the rouge cheerfully, but it had seemed as though he wanted to object. It didn’t matter to Hanzo if she wore makeup or not. But, he wasn’t able to tell her to just try it.
“It’s too early for you anyway.”
“Even though I’m sixteen?”
“You’re fine the way you are.”
As if she didn’t understand, Enju titled her head slightly. Thinking of how Enju usually agreed with what he said, he let out a sigh without realizing it.
Hanzo sat down next to Enju and suddenly moved close to her. Enju tensed reflexively when he peered at her face, but Hanzo spoke without paying it any mind.
“You don’t need powder.”
“You’re pale enough, and your skin is smooth.”
“Uh…um, Hanzo-sama…?”
He could see even more clearly when he looked at her closely. Her smooth skin and lightly colored cheeks and lips were dyed a soft color by the setting sun.
“Your hair is arranged beautifully as well. Although it doesn’t appear that you oil it.”
“That’s because it will leave a scent…”
It would be fatal for a ninja to leave a scent. At her appropriate response, Hanzo regained his composure a bit.
“Um…anyway, aren’t you…a bit close?”
At her stuttering voice, Hanzo held his breath sharply. Seeing her shyness, Hanzo’s heart skipped a beat.
“I, it’s fine.”
He promptly distanced himself and they fell into silence. Seeing her glance around nervously out of the corner of his eye, Hanzo sighed again in his mind.
“Um, Hanzo-sama.”
“Does rouge not suit me?”
As he turned towards the small voice, he saw that she was looking at him uncertainly again. When he tried imagining Enju wearing makeup, an alluring image easily came to mind. But, that was not part of Hanzo’s world and he thought of it as something distant.
“That’s not it. But, you’re fine like this.”
Her eyes were both clear and charming. The dignified atmosphere that her slender physique carried was something unique to her. That’s why—.
“You are you. You’re the most beautiful just the way you are.”
At his words, Enju’s face instantly reddened. Hanzo became worried that he had said something wrong.
“Hanzo-sama, that’s—“
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. Forget it.”
Hanzo stood without waiting for a reply and left briskly. For a moment, he could see Enju’s dumbfounded face, but he didn’t let himself linger on it.
“……What am I saying.”
He said to himself quietly and continued walking in silence. He felt particularly strange today. He had been walking around randomly on impulse, but Hanzo suddenly stopped.
He finally understood what he was feeling. Hanzo hadn’t been interested. It was anger towards the impudent actions of a strange man. It was fear that the girl he was close to would appear unfamiliar to him. And, it was annoyance at himself for staying silent about it.
Everything was jumbled up and made his stomach turn.
“I’ll go wash my face…”
His muttering that he let out with a sigh quickly disappeared into the sound of the wind.
(Continue to Goemon)
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solartranslations · 5 years
Nightshade/Hyakka Hyakurou Stellaworth Set Special Booklet: Chojiro
Was unsure if I should have just left the “Nii-sama” as is or not.... Ended up just following more or less how the game was translated I guess??
“Brother, do you have a minute?”
“Ah, Enju. What is it?”
It was early afternoon when Enju visited Chojiro’s room. She was carrying several well used books in her arms.
“I was studying herbal medicine, but there were some things I didn’t understand.”
“I see. Then, come over here.”
As he beckoned her, Enju quietly stepped into the room. Beyond their relationship as teacher and student they rarely talked closely with each other, but she looked a little nervous as she smiled faintly.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me. …Do you think that you are taking up my time?”
“! …Y, yes.”
Enju answered timidly and tensed her shoulders.
“It’s alright. I wasn’t doing anything in particular.”
“Yes. I said it was alright, so I don’t mind.”
Enju smiled and sighed in sighed in relief, bowing her head. She opened a book and pointed at one section.
“Then, can you take a look at this?”
“Hm. …That is quite a rare herb.”
“Yes. But, I found something like it outside earlier…”
Enju’s mood changed as she started talking. He liked the way that she approached everything sincerely, it was no different from when she had first started her training.
“Hm? Oh, it’s nothing. Continue.”
He had gotten caught up in his thoughts without realizing it. Chojiro corrected his posture and dropped his gaze to the book in front of him.
 He continued instructing her about medicine for a while, and before he realized it the movement of the sun indicated that an hour had passed.
“Enju, are you alright? We’ve been sitting here for quite a while.”
“Huh? Oh! I’m sorry, I’ve stayed too long…”
It was likely that she thought that she was troubling him. As Enju was about to hurriedly stand up, Chojiro stopped her.
“I’m alright. But, you shouldn’t push yourself too hard. You should take a small break”
“No, there’s no need. Besides…”
Enju was about to say something, but lowered her eyes as if in realization.
“Besides, what?”
Although he prompted her, she was slow to reply. As he stared at her, waiting, Enju whispered as if somewhat embarrassed.
“I feel happy spending time with you. Time just passes so quickly.”
“Being with me makes you happy…?”
“Yes. You always teach your disciples in a group, but it was just the two of us here today. So…that time felt precious to me.”
Her words ended so anticlimactically that Chojiro let out a rare laugh.
“Ha, don’t say something so childish.”
“! P, please don’t say that!”
She cut him off abruptly, but Chojiro smiled wider at the sight.
“…Oh, I just didn’t expect that.”
“You’re looking at me like you’re annoyed with me…”
“I do not.”
“You do.”
That stubbornness was certainly childish, but he was still somehow fond of it.
“You did look quite happy. I thought you just liked studying medicine.”
“It’s not that I don’t…”
“Then, let’s call it even.”
“Yes. I think that this a worthwhile use of time. It makes me happy as your teacher.”
Enju sighed in relief and looked over. She touched Chojiro’s arm lightly.
“Then, can I come again?”
Her happiness was clear as she made that small request. Chojiro caught his breath at that.
“…Of course. I am your teacher after all.”
“Okay, thank you.”
She said her thanks and bowed politely. But, Chojiro quietly put a stop to his emotions.
Accepting them would be terrifying. Remembering the pain that he thought he had left in the past, Chojiro stood up as if to ignore it.
“Let’s stop for today. Dinner preparations will start soon.”
“You’re right.”
Enju nodded obediently, but for a second her eyes showed disappointment. Chojiro did not fail to notice that, and after a moment of thought, made a suggestion.
“Then, I’ll lend you some books.”
“There should be some books that go into more detail about that herb we were talking about. You should read it when you have time.”
“Th, thank you!”
As he turned to the shelf where the book was stored, a lively voice called after him. Enju stood beside him and he could clearly see that she was impatient.
“I can get it myself. You can sit.”
“No. I’m the one borrowing it, so I can’t just wait around.”
“I see, you really are…”
He swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth. But, Enju stared at him strangely as if asking what he was going to say.
“Oh, it’s just that nothing has changed at all.”
“You mean me?”
“Yes. You always followed me around.”
Enju had always followed Chojiro around since she was young. He remembered how sweet it was that she chose to stay behind him than beside him.
For Enju who always sought warmth, he wondered how she would react if she knew that he also gained a considerable amount of comfort from that.
(No, that’s not something I should say.)
Concealing the thought that had crossed his mind, Chojiro took the book from the shelf.
“Enju. It’s this one—“
When he turned around, Enju’s face was right in front of him. So close, that he realized he could almost touch her.
Stiffening, he held his breath. But, they parted in the blink of an eye. They both looked away.
“…S, sorry.”
“It’s alright…”
It was likely that she had moved to his side while watching his movements. He had misjudged the distance since she was standing closer than he thought.
“Anyway, this is what I was going to lend you. Take it.”
“…Yes. Thank you.”
Her outstretched hand would soon touch the book. After taking it gently, it rested in Enju’s arms.
“Then, I’ll be going.”
They parted with a few words. As she gradually moved farther away, her faint footsteps disappeared completely and the strength finally left Chojiro’s shoulders.
“That surprised me…”
It wasn’t about what had happened earlier, but about his own reaction. The image of Enju standing close to him stuck in his mind. And Chojiro was very aware that his cheeks had felt warm at the time.
The sweet sound of that name drifted through the room.
(Continue to Hanzo)
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solartranslations · 5 years
Nightshade/Hyakka Hyakurou Stellaworth Set Special Booklet: Goemon
Okay, last one!
Again, unsure if I should have left the “Ojou-chan” as is or not....’cause I leave it for Arcana.....but that’s because there’s too many variations there. So I just default to how the game translated it again.
When he first met Enju, her expression was always guarded and firm. But she gradually began to smile more, and now she would smile whenever they looked at each other.
She would pout, get flustered. She had an unexpectedly wide range of expressions when they talked. It was fun watching her, and he’d end up wanting to spend time her. When he thought about her, it was natural that he’d want to take care of her.
The sun had set, and the quiet chirps of insects could be heard from outside. It was then that Enju came to visit Goemon.
“Good evening, Goemon-san.”
“Hey, Miss. What are you doing here so late?”
“Um…I wanted to return this.”
He saw a familiar handkerchief in Enju’s hands.
“Ah, I did lend that to you earlier.”
“It really helped. The rain caught me by surprise and I got pretty wet.”
“Haha, it was raining pretty hard. It’s a good thing I happened to pass by.”
As she said her thanks and returned the handkerchief, Goemon smiled.
“But, you didn’t need to return it to me now?”
“Well, I wanted to return it as quickly as possible, so don’t worry about it.”
Enju said and tilted her head to the side slightly.
“Besides that. Goemon-san, did you just get out of the bath?”
“Hm? Oh yeah, so you can tell.”
He replied with a nod and she giggled softly. Her bell-like laugh tickled his ears.
“It’s because your hair is wet. Won’t you catch a cold if you don’t dry it?”
“It’s fine. It’ll dry by itself.”
“Huh? But…”
“Then, are you going to do it for me? We can talk a little while you do.”
When he tried to move closer to her, she lightly moved back a step.
“Oh, you don’t want to? That’s too bad.”
“It’s not that…but, I shouldn’t come into your room.”
“It’s fine. I said it’s alright so don’t worry about it—“
Just as he said that and beckoned to her, the wind blew and he shivered a little. Enju’s face became stern.
“Are you cold? Then you should get dried off right away.”
“Huh? Oh.”
Reaching out, she took the towel from around his shoulders. She put it over his head, and he heard the rustle of fabric as she carefully wiped the dampness from his hair.
“Haha, so you are going to take care of me?”
“It’s because you’re not doing it.”
That serious reply was so like Enju. Goemon smiled and took her hand.
“But, you’ll get tired standing like that, right? You’ll get cold, so you really should come inside.”
When he added that he would make some tea, Enju agreed hesitantly.
 Illuminated by the lights, the shadows flickered. The faint rustling sound continued.
The gentle feel of her hands on his hair was very pleasant. In the calming silence, Goemon sighed contentedly.
“You seem to be enjoying this.”
“Hm? That’s because you’re with me.”
He heard her nervous but still happy voice.
“This is going to tickle a little bit.”
“You can do this every day if you want. I’d like it.”
“That’s a little…”
She went back to being embarrassed again. He couldn’t see her face since she was behind him, but she was probably averting her eyes shyly.
“Why not? Weren’t you going to take care of me?”
“Do you want me to, Goemon-san?”
“Ahaha, I guess. Definitely since you’re so good at it, Miss.”
“…I don’t really know about that”
“Really? I’m sure little kids would like you.”
He briefly glanced behind him to see that Enju had paused and was smiling happily.
“Haha, then are you saying that you’re a child today, Goemon-san?”
“Yeah, that’d be nice too.”
“You’re quite a big child though.”
Their carefree conversation continued. Her hands as she moved the towel were so gentle. He started to feel like teasing her a little.
“Then, I wonder if you’ll indulge me today.”
His hair was mostly dry. Slipping out of Enju’s arms, Goemon smoothly took her hands. He then moved closer to embrace her. Losing her balance, Enju fell into his arms.
“G, Goemon-san!?”
“Oh, isn’t this just as usual?”
“Anyway, please let go!”
“Nope, I won’t. Come on, hug me back.”
As he whispered pleadingly, her face turned bright red. Hearing her reply that she couldn’t, Goemon smiled bitterly.
“Not even if I’m supposed to be a child?”
“…It’s because you’re you, Goemon-san.”
“I see. Then I guess I should spoil you instead.”
Changing his position and still holding her hands, Goemon took his other hand and patted Enju’s head. She squirmed around shyly, but Enju stayed put.
“You’re really warm, aren’t you.”
“Hm? Oh, isn’t that because I just got out of the bath?”
“Speaking of which…it always seems like you’re coming out of the bath when I see you at night.”
Goemon chuckled a little at her comment.
“Yeah. That’s because I was being considerate of you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you don’t really like the smell of my pipe, right? So when I come back from the bar, I always take a bath right away.”
She stared back at Goemon with wide eyes. Her surprised face looked so childish, and his smile widened.
“Then, you did that…for me?”
“I wouldn’t want to be hated by a cute girl.”
He responded to her question indirectly and grinned. At this, she turned her face away as if trying to hide.
—She would pout, get flustered. She had an unexpectedly wide range of expressions when they talked. It was fun watching her, and he’d end up wanting to spend time her. When he thought about her, it was natural that he’d want to take care of her.
It was rare that he would naturally think that. Enju always felt like she was being toyed with by Goemon, but Goemon himself felt that it was the opposite.
(I didn’t think I would end up liking her so much.)
Even so, it was very pleasant like this. As Goemon moved his hands in response to his soft emotions, Enju spoke suddenly.
“…Thank you.”
“Haha, isn’t it strange for you to be thanking me, Miss?”
“It’s okay. I guess…I like you better like this, Goemon-san.”
At her quiet voice, he was a little slow to reply. Hearing the word “like”, Goemon felt his heart fill with warmth.
“Geez…it really is the other way around.”
“What is?”
“Oh, nothing.”
I’m definitely the one being toyed with. Letting those words sink in, Goemon slowly closed his eyes.
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solartranslations · 5 years
Nightshade/Hyakka Hyakurou Stellaworth Set Special Booklet: Kuroyuki
Alright, here’s the second one!
I don’t think I’ve actually read an otome thing that was written from the male perspective before? The Gekkamaru one was too, but I became super aware of it for this one.
I don’t know why I point that out. Games are usually from the heroine’s perspective so I guess I just didn’t expect it. Anyway, moving on.
The sun rose, bathing the area in warmth. Enju went to visit Kuroyuki’s room. Her footsteps were light and Kuroyuki was aware of her presence right away. But when he saw her enter through the paper sliding doors, he froze without realizing it.
“Kuroyuki? Um…?”
“…Haha. I haven’t seen you look surprised in a long time.”
“…Yeah. Well, I really was surprised.”
“How do I look?”
“How do you…why are you even wearing that?”
Even though he asked that, Enju only smiled. Kuroyuki stared at her again.
Her kimono was a light indigo. Although it was modest, it still had a slight floral pattern. The saffron colored sash and its flower shaped clip were also made to suit her.
Thinking that Kuroyuki was uneasy as he blinked speechlessly at her charming appearance, she frowned.
“Do I look strange?”
“No, you don’t. It really looks good on you.”
He shook his head hurriedly at her question and she sighed in relief.
“That’s good then. I really worked hard today, you know.”
“Worked hard? On what?”
“Yeah. I heard that there’s a festival today, so I thought I’d wear something different. It’s getting busy outside, so it might be starting soon.”
When she looked outside excitedly as she spoke, she looked just like she had when she was younger. He remembered how she looked when she cheerfully got ready, anticipation in her heart. But…
“Enju, you’re different from before.”
Hearing his voice full of loneliness, Enju stared in wonder. Letting out a small chuckle, Kuroyuki suddenly moved closer to her.
“K, Kuroyuki?”
“Shh…be quiet.”
“But, what are you…”
“Haha, I want to really enjoy looking at you from close up.”
Saying that, he pulled her waist in close. Enju’s shoulders shivered. Enjoying her reaction, Kuroyuki leaned forward. Not going along with his movements, it seemed as if Enju would fall over backwards.
As she stepped back, Kuroyuki placed both hands on her sides.
“Be careful, Enju. You should sit properly.”
“But…! It’s because you’re too close, Kuroyuki.”
“Huuh, you’re saying it’s my fault?”
Purposefully sounding discontent, he didn’t move.
“Hey, Enju. The festival hasn’t started yet, right?”
“Huh? No, probably not.”
“Then stay here with me for a while. I want to get a good look at you in that outfit.”
As she said that, he kept clinging to her tightly. His vision was full of her.
Enju’s figure, her voice, her touch. Kuroyuki was enveloped in it and he found himself smiling.
“Haha, got you.”
“Wah, stop it!”
He playfully brought their faces in close and pushed her shoulders. But, seeing that her expression was more bewildered than resistant, Kuroyuki paid it no mind and kept touching her.
He loved every side of her. He wanted to know everything about Enju, and preserve it in his heart forever. As if to carve it into his mind, he took his time and carefully—.
“K, Kuroyuki?”
“It’s not enough just to look. I want to feel you too.”
He said and cupped her cheeks in his hands. He felt Enju catch her breath, but of course he didn’t stop.
He continued to touch her ears, and moved to the back of her neck. He could feel her warmth on his palms, and was almost able to sense her heartbeat. As he continued to stroke her gently, he noticed that Enju had heated up even more.
“What’s wrong, Enju? Are you nervous?”
“We, well…when you’re clinging to me like this…”
“Haha, you don’t need to be shy. You’re so cute, and beautiful…I want to touch you all the time.”
As he whispered his wish, Enju’s face reddened. She tried to hide it by burying her face in Kuroyuki’s shoulder, but it seemed that she didn’t realize how that just pleased him more.
He wanted to touch her more, feel her more—as if spurred by this emotions, Kuroyuki planted a kiss on her nape.
In that moment, she jerked her head up.
“Aw, come on. Why’d you lift your head?”
“B, because you…!”
“…Haha, oh calm down. I won’t do it anymore.”
It looked like his prank really had gone too far. Since Enju appeared to be staring at him in a reproachful manner, Kuroyuki finally loosened his grip and moved his face away.
“But, it’s your fault for wearing that. You look so different than usual, so I couldn’t help it.”
“Umm, how am I different?”
Giving up on moving away, Enju asked from where she was in his arms.
“Well…you look so beautiful today compared to in the past.”
“I definitely thought you were cute before, but now it’s not just that…you really are beautiful.”
He murmured that while bringing their foreheads together and Enju lowered her eyes as if embarrassed. The gesture warmed Kuroyuki’s heart.
“Geez…that reaction is so unfair.”
“Oh, nothing.”
She wouldn’t understand even if he told her. But, it was enough that she was just by his side.
Whenever Kuroyuki was acting spoiled, she was always kind and accepted him. He loved her for that, because she never forgot him.
“Come on…I got ready because I wanted to go to the festival with you.”
“Hmm? You want to go with me that bad?”
He asked jokingly. Enju looked at him gently.
“Of course. Since we were apart for so long, I want to make lots of new memories with you, Kuroyuki.”
Enju’s smile was like a blooming flower as she spoke, and Kuroyuki was at a loss for words.
“—Ahaha! Enju, you really…!”
“Umm, what is it?”
“You really know how to make me happy.”
“I do?”
“Yeah. I actually wanted for us to stay alone together, but now we have to go out.”
His strength suddenly faded, and he lay down next to Enju. Her puzzled face peered down at him from above.
“Huh? You don’t want to go out?”
“Nope. I don’t want anyone else to see you looking so cute. But…”
Kuroyuki paused for a second and smiled as he grasped her hand.
“If we can hold hands, I’ll go with you.”
He smiled at her once again. Enju’s smiled at him too. The two were thinking the exact same thing.
“Alright. Then, let’s go.”
They headed outside as she wanted. As he thought about the new memories they were going to make, Kuroyuki’s heart pounded in excitement.
He would never forget today. As he promised himself that, Kuroyuki squeezed her hand lightly.
(Continue to Chojiro)
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solartranslations · 5 years
Nightshade/Hyakka Hyakurou Stellaworth Set Special Booklet: Gekkamaru
Hi! I’ve got something a little different today. I bought this from Ikebukuro over the summer and wanted a slight change of pace so I decided to translate it! It’ll be my first time translating something that’s straight up prose (Does the OnS extra thing count?). I’ve already finished the whole thing, so I’ll post the rest over the next few days.
They’re just fluffy short stories, so no real spoilers for the game at all.
The morning air was crisp and Gekkamaru was headed to see Enju as usual.
“Enju-sama, good morning. May I come in?”
“Yes, go ahead.”
As he called through the paper sliding doors, he heard the usual reply. He entered the room after a short pause. Enju turned around with a smile and said good morning as well. It looked like she had just finished tying up her hair, and she turned towards him from where she knelt in front of a dresser in seiza.
Her smile and greeting were as usual. But…
“Um, Enju-sama. Is something wrong?”
When he asked that while staring at her, Enju blinked.
“What are you talking about, Gekkamaru?”
“Don’t try to fool me. You just froze for a second.”
“No I didn’t…”
Enju’s eyes were honest. Seeing her waver just then, Gekkamaru asked again.
“Ge, Gekkamaru! Don’t get so close.”
Still not believing her, he knelt in front of her and looked into her eyes. Gently placing a hand on her shoulder when she tried to move away, Gekkamaru breathed out softly.
“I’m just worried. You’re hiding something, aren’t you?”
“…It’s just not something I need to tell you.”
“Why not?”
“That’s…you’re so overprotective…”
Enju’s voice gradually became quieter. But, Gekkamaru grew frustrated that his concerns weren’t being understood. Seeing this, Enju appeared to give up and spoke slowly.
“Well…this morning, I sort of got hurt during traini—”
“You got hurt? Really!?”
Before she could finish speaking, Gekkamaru got even closer and quickly moved to grasp her hands.
“Where does it hurt? Your arm? Shoulder? Leg?”
“I just scraped the back of my right hand a little. I already treated it.”
“Please let me check it anyway. Excuse me.”
Trying not to appear too impatient, he very gently removed her arm covering. Sure enough, there was a scratch about two sun* long. Gekkamaru narrowed his eyes.
“I got hit by a branch when I was running between the trees. But it stopped bleeding, and I washed the wound.”
“That’s not enough treatment. Please hold still.”
“Gekkamaru, isn’t it time for breakfast now?”
“Treatment comes first. What if it leaves a scar?”
With a frown, Gekkamaru went to the cabinet and took out the medicine box. He then sat beside Enju and held out his hand.
“Show me, please.”
Enju held out her hand reluctantly, still a little dissatisfied. Seeing the slight resistance from his master, Gekkamaru felt himself smile wryly.
“Gekkamaru? Why are you smiling?”
“Oh. I was just thinking how this exchange is just as usual.”
“Ah…haha, it is, isn’t it.”
Since she trained frequently out of desire to refine her skills as a ninja, Enju did get hurt quite frequently. Gekkamaru would also often disapprove of it as he treated her wounds.
“If you understand, then I’d like it if you didn’t hide it from me.”
“But, I still feel bad about this. It’s my own responsibility if I get hurt.”
“That’s not the problem.”
“No. I just don’t want to trouble you, Gekkamaru.”
Seeing Enju shake her head stubbornly, Gekkamaru sighed once again. After applying the ointment, her treatment was finished. But, their conversation still continued.
Still holding her hand, he heard Enju say his name in confusion. Not giving that any mind, Gekkamaru continued holding her small hand in both of his.
“Since you don’t understand, I’ll tell you again. I don’t want you to get hurt at all, Enju-sama.”
“Of course, I know that you are trying your best, and I want to support you.”
“Th, then…”
“But…that’s exactly why I want to be by your side to protect you.”
She had a much smaller build compared to Gekkamaru. However, the way she ran was very beautiful, and he had been captivated by her dignified expression more than a few times.
“As your bodyguard, I am proud to have been by your side since you were young. I have never felt that you were troubling me.”
“Not even once? That can’t be…”
“No, not even once.”
Even though he insisted, Enju still looked at him doubtfully. Why didn’t she understand…deep down, Gekkamaru was frustrated.
“You don’t have to do this all by yourself. I want to support you. I want to be someone close to you.”
He wanted his feelings to reach her. As he met her gaze, Enju gave him a strained smile.
“Well…I think you’re supporting me enough.”
“I can’t believe that I’m not troubling you but…I do think of you as the person closest to me, Gekkamaru.”
“You do enough supporting me even now. It’s because you’re here, that I can do my best.”
Gekkamaru’s gaze was captured by the shy smile on her face. It was much sweeter than her usual warm smile, and he felt his hands heat up where they were still touching.
“…Then, please don’t hide these things from me.”
“Please…share your pain with me too.”
He was regretful, as if the wound on her hand was a sign that he had been unable to fulfill his duty. Letting his emotions take control, Gekkamaru brought Enju’s hand up to his lips.
“I hope…that it will get better soon.”
Once her hand touched his lips, she jumped in surprise. Looking up reflexively, he caught sight of her reddening cheeks and wide eyes.
“Ge, Gekkamaru!”
“Huh? ……Ah! I, I’m so sorry!”
Aware of his actions, Gekkamaru hurriedly distanced himself from Enju. He hadn’t realized what he was doing.
(How could I do that to Enju-sama…!)
Suppressing his hammering heartbeat, he took a deep breath. Looking up at her shyly, he saw that Enju also appeared to be breathing deeply.
“Um, Enju-sama. About what I did just now…”
“No, it’s alright. I was just a little surprised.”
“Oh, I see…”
He couldn’t handle it any longer. He wasn’t sure what it was, but that’s how he felt.
“Anyway…please make sure to let me know if you get hurt next time.”
He tried his best to speak to her normally and peered at Enju. Seeing that her cheeks were still a little red, Gekkamaru averted his gaze.
“Then, let’s have breakfast.”
Enju stood up. Taking that as a signal, Gekkamaru followed after her. It didn’t look like he would see her face for a while.
*two sun is about 6cm/2.3in
(Continue to Kuroyuki)
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