miguel-owhora · 16 days
okay but genuinely speaking: i dont think miguel is all that into romance. he's just an awkward guy, a dork. that's not to say he doesn't like romantic relationships, he most definitely does, but he wouldn't actively search for it. he doesn't.. care, not enough to worry about being single when others his age are settling down and starting families and getting married. he values his independence and a steady career than he does a relationship, so he'll put more effort into his own stuff before he puts energy into others.
but like i said, while he doesn't care about relationships, it doesn't mean he's against it. once he finds someone he likes, someone who has good chemistry with him—maybe he'll try the whole romance thing out. he's the type of guy to probably only date people he's known for a while, probably starting off as friends, than he is to date someone he met online or whatever. he unknowingly craves connection and a stability he never had as a kid, wants to experience what healthy romance feels like.
i also feel like he's not all that sexual—shocking, i know. he's not against it, obviously, but he's not after it like a hound dog. if he's in the mood, obviously he'll be down to fool around. but he just has to be in the mood, either with a romantic dinner or by some foreplay, show him that it's actually 'making love' and you don't just want to get your dick wet or whatever. he's not into sex, sex—he views it more as an act of love, another affirmation.
his libido isn't as high as people like to think—sorry for bursting your bubble. so he's often not in the mood to fuck when you guys can just cuddle or snooze together or have a nice dinner. butttt i don't think he'd be opposed to jerking you off or something; miguel likes it when you actively show that you're into him, that you find him attractive, that the mere sight of him as a whole or dressed in shorts or barely getting done working out or just doing anything has you flustered and turned on. it makes him feel good, and while he probably doesn't want to be fucked, he won't turn down the chance to press you against a wall or couch and touch you until you're coming all over his hand, with his lips against your skin.
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