#hey sorry i saw in your rules loki is genderfuild
drcylwis · 3 years
“You’re in my seat.”
first-time interaction  //
                            her foot tapped to the beat as she typed away on her laptop, she really needed to get these reports finished and to jane, so that no one would bother her while she was on vacation— it was way long due. she felt a presence behind her but brushed it off as her usual paranoia, but then she could just make out something about someone's seat.
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                            sighing, she pulled her headphone from one ear and looked up to meet the gaze of the one and only loki, she had yet to meet them and was slightly apprehensive about it seeing as they can be a little mean. raising a brow she finally spoke to them, ' yeah, i'm going to have to pass on that, my friend. these reports need to be done in—' she looks down at the clock on the laptop and then back to them '— twenty minutes, and i've still got four thousand words to write. '                             darcy looked around at the clearly empty room, and motioned her hand in a wide movement. ' pick a chair, any chair. except for the one i'm currently planted to. the world is your oyster, but not this chair. ' she grinned at them. ' i know you're royalty and all, but uh—no. '
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