#hey I kinda remembered that I've forgotten to upload stuff here
si3art · 8 months
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DiaDops in purple tones~💜
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1nsanelust · 7 months
Hey, the last time (first time) i wrote here was back in june. A lot has happened (not really). School has been a bitch.
The end of June my dog got sick but he pulled through in July, thank god because I don't know what i would've done without him. August was just a bit overwhelming because of that and school didn't help with that feeling. September was quite hectic, the first two weeks were rough just because I was way over my head and they started assigning so much shit. And the fact that i dont have wifi doesn't help. Because how am I supposed to do my work if i dont have wifi? Also I've been missing a lot of school. Anxiety kicks my ass every year. I feel like sometimes I'm just dramatic about stuff because my parents are always saying I am so then I just feel like shit about it and end up crying later on. But i wish people were just mindful about shit like damn keep your opinions to yourself if they're not gonna be helpful. Anyways, I saw Bruno Major since he went on tour this year. If you don't know who I'm talking about. He's a singer, quite talented in my opinion. Genres are r&b and soul. If you like that then you should check him out. His concert was quite fun and I enjoyed my time but the crowd was kinda lame. A week or two later I went and saw arctic monkeys. I was over the fucking moon. They've been my favorite band since the 7th grade. The first song I acknowledged was ‘no buses’ if i remember correctly and jesus christ i've been hooked on ever since. I was like a little kid all over again. Like I had no worries in the world and I was smiling with my teeth as if I'd forgotten what insecurities were. I was so joyful. To this day I still can't believe I saw them.
Now it's october. Still on cloud nine from that day. But the only difference is that im filled with anxiety, stressed as hell over the fact that i have an essay due, two pieces of class work due, a packet to finish for tuesday, a stupid mock trial to read, plus i have to move all my shit out of my current room because my sister is moving back in, AND i have to get a gift for my dad, it's his birthday soon. And my parents wonder why I'm stressed. ‘You don't work, what the hell are you stressed about’ (they didn't say that, they don't speak english but they said something similar, just not in english of course).
But yeah, if you read this then that's cool, long as hell but thanks.
Until later, bye lovelies, take care.
(if you're wondering how i managed
to upload this, i go to coffee shops a lot.)
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