#hes white and blond and reminds me of jay so hes gay now
poorgay · 11 months
watching the bear sydney ur the only nigga i respect in this place
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wh1ch-way-is-up · 2 years
I Don’t think I was ready for Uni to end…
Don’t get me wrong the stress is definitely something I can live without, and I certainly don’t miss the weird muscle twitch in my eyelid. But the friends, the parties, the freedom. On the day after my last exam I even went out and got a slightly cringy tattoo to encourage me to continue to live and enjoy life the same way as I had over those four years. But life does change, people change, life moves on, and I still think I’m trying to come to terms with the difference between nostalgia and a feeling of regret. 
I lived in a share house with seven other students and twenty somethings, we had a big group of friends who would meet up multiple times a week at bars or at one of our houses and listen to music and drink and enjoy each others company. In those days there was not context for how things would turn out or what would change. We had a local bar that our friends often played at being surrounded by friends and acquaintances on a regular basis drinking playing songs and meeting people with stories to tell and time to spend.
Aside from this its hard to know where to begin, but the end of uni seems like a reasonable spot:
When parts of the group began finishing uni it left members of the group in different positions myself and jay having finished and now looking at what comes next; Simon and Charlie still completing their courses, Claire still deciding if they were going to continue and their older brother Phil being well and truly done after attempting three different degrees and finding that nothing quite stuck and quite dramatically proclaiming one day during a study session that he had learned all he was capable of and that all further education was bullshit (and now having completed a four year degree that I have next to no use for I am forced to potentially agree with him).
We all trundled into the bar one by one, taking advantage of the $2 schooners on offer on Wednesday afternoons. As each of us enters there’s an up cry from the table in greeting, as the last of us roll in we begin to move towards the pool table Charlie raking up a set of balls and Claire and I placing drink related bets on the outcome of the game. Clarie breaks just as Mark and josh walk in. Mark is tall with shoulder length fluffy blond hair and josh is slightly shorter with hair that varies based on his emotion due to their content proximity and the fact that they keep forming bands together we all suspect they are dating but they’ve never mentioned it so we leave it alone.
“I call dibs on Mark” Claire yells as they walk in
“Please! ill buy you a beer” 
Mark laughs 
“Hey I don’t need liquid bribes to kick Perrin’s ass at pool, but I will still take you up on it as I am broke until we get paid for tonight’s set” 
“Sorry buddy but the past doesn’t lie, I’m still atleast three games up on you and you still owe me a beer from the last one” I retort.
“Well maybe this should be a double or nothing match, so long as you’re willing to wait till after our set tonight?”
“Well its Josh’s rider too so how bout I team up with him and we can make it fair” I ask 
“Suit yourself” Mark laughs 
Josh comes up and drapes his arms over my neck in hello
“I haven’t gotten round to showing him I’m actually good at pool” Josh says
“Y’think now’s the time”
“As good as any” I respond.
There’s a sharp crack as Claire breaks and immediately sinks the white 
“Off the first shot! Sure you don’t wanna buy me that beer now” I ask
“You wish” they retort turning a slight shade of pink.
I let Josh take the first shot and watch as Mark eyes him from behind as he bends over the table to take his shot 
“I called it!” I mutter to Charlie as I nod towards Mark’s very unsubtle staring. Simon and Charlie both turn to watch
“Are you sure Mark is gay? I know Josh is but”
“Josh is bi, not that it matters at the moment but its still an important distinction” I remind them both 
“But gauging from how long he’s been staring at Josh’s ass I think its a pretty reasonable assumption”
“What’s that about my ass” Josh pipes up as he takes a shot and sinks the first non white ball of the game
“I mean I know its good but I hope its not distracting you from the game too much there Perrin”
Josh laughs
“As hot as you and your ass are, nothing can distract me from winning beer, beating Mark and Claire will just be an added bonus” I laugh back as I take a cue. 
I walk over to the bar and hear the sharp crack of a solid shot behind me, 
“Hey Tess can I have 3 schooners of sparkling ale please?” I ask the short girl behind the bar 
“ Sorry dude they just took sparkling off tap, its full price now if you still want it?” Tess responds looking sad
“These truly are dark days aren’t they?” I mope 
“I’ll grab three of the pales the please” 
“Alright, coming right up, oh also can you tell Josh and Mark that they need to start working down their rider here, if they don’t and it keeps rolling over like this the owner is gonna have to give them a share in the pub. Oh also they have 10 minutes till soundcheck“
“Well if they don’t I will” I laugh back as she places three beers on the bar, I take the first one and drink it in one go place it back on the bar and take one of the remaining two in each hand
“I really wish you wouldn’t do that” she calls as I turn back to our table, 
“Cos its against your safe service or cos you can’t join us tonight” I yell over my shoulder 
“A bit of both if I’m honest” Tess manages to get our before other patrons walk up to the bar.
I get back to the table just as josh sinks what must be his fourth consecutive ball, judging by the emptiness of the table and the shocked looks on Claire and Mark’s faces 
“ Oh so he’s finally started trying must mean he feels comfortable around you” I say making deliberately too much eye contact with mark  
“Also I am the bearer of grave news, sparkling ale is once again outside all of our price ranges, and also you two are due for soundcheck in like five minutes” I say the last part directly to josh and mark
“Also where is the rest of your band?” I ask, as usually Brian and Sasa would have arrived by now
Josh and mark look around widely 
“Oh god I think they got caught up outside on the way in” josh says 
“You better be quick or they’ll never be sober enough to get through the set” I warn as josh mark Charlie Claire and I make our way outside.
We open the doors and are immediately hit with the smell of pot 
“Havent you guys been barred like five seperate times for smoking at these tables?” I ask
“Yeah but we’re playing tonight so they have to let us in” Sasa responds 
“Fair enough, mind sharing then?” I ask
“Oh and by the way you’re due for sound check in three minutes”
“Oh crap” Brian yells, vaulting two chairs and stuffing the joint between my fingers as they run in with Josh and mark following them in
“Well I guess this is mine now” I say taking a drag
“Fat chance of that” comes the resounding response.
Heading back in we can hear the sound of guitars being plucked and drums being hit, all the while covered with josh going
“One, two… one, two, three…” over the already Loud sounding PA system
“Man im glad I finally remembered earplugs” I say, pulling them off the keys on my carabiner 
“Speak for yourself” Charlie and Simon moan as they turn back to the bar to buy disposable ones 
“Well atleast two of us are organised” Claire laughs and we both turn towards the stage as the lights in the room dim and Josh appears bathed in light
“Hi everyone thanks for coming out, we’re Twin coffin and this opening song is called Gail. I’m pretty sure I know you all by name so you better sing along”.
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stian-martinius · 7 years
Me as a “Descendants” Character
So I have decided to try making myself into a character from Disney's "Descendants" which now has two of the most successful Disney Channel Original Movies of all time. This was not an easy task, and I have spent uncomfortably lot of time figuring this out. I've taken many factors in to consideration to decide who would be my parent(s) - a hero, a villain, a sidekick or someone in another category? How would my personality be as this character, what kind of fashion would be fitting - and where in the storyline would I fit in? This and loads more have been factors that have given me a result. First I was going for an Auradon kid (AK), because most of my friends would describe me as a gentle, caring and kind person. I usually do what I am supposed to do, and I always put others in front of myself. Though all of that almost close the deal for me being an AK, I thought to myself: there are plenty of Villain Kids (VK) who are like that too. And I also have been through plenty of tough times in my life, where I have had to adapt to "survive". When I talk I literally breathe sarcasm, which is something I associate with the VKs. I was quite confused by my split personality: in one second I am fierce and I will tell you what I mean, and in the other second I'm shy and really not comfortable being around people. Then it struck me what my perfect character would be! In real life my name is Stian Martinius, I am 21 years old and I am a gay, single lad (compare that to the character). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jack (of Hearts) Nickname: Red Prince Parent(s): King of Hearts and Queen of Hearts (from "Alice in Wonderland") Location: Isle of the Lost in Heart Castle Gender: Male Age: 18 Sexual Preference: Unsure Relationships: Harry Hook (crew) Uma (crew) Gil (crew) Ally, daughter of Alice (enemy) Ben (enemy) Mal (enemy) Evie (enemy) Carlos (enemy, potential crush) Yzla (ex) Desiree (ex) 1-10 of hearts (siblings) Personality: Rude, loud, argumentative, bossy, impulsive, shy, introvert, fair, kind, caring, smart, hardworking, anxious, athletic, talented Likes: Reading, sports, red roses, winning, getting his way, singing Dislikes: Losing, being alone, cats, not having his way, white roses ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so why on earth would I want to be Jack of Hearts? I actually find the combination of his parents very fitting for me. Not only do they remind me of the balance between my real parents (with my mum being like King of Hearts, and my dad being like Queen of Hearts), but with me being both straightforward and introvert at the same time - it's just like the card royalties. I would be in place between "main" Villain Kid and a sidekick, as I can see myself being someone who takes on a lot of responsibilities, but also not being the alpha. "Alice in Wonderland" is not one of my top favourites, but it is still a movie I quite enjoy. Since the "Descendants"-franchise still yet have to release a descendant to the Queen and King of Hearts (though in the original story they have ten kids being 1-10 of hearts), I thought that was quite great. In the fashion department the colour scheme is perfect for me. Over the last couple of years I have found myself wearing almost only black, white and sometimes grey. The only other time I do not wear those colours, I use red - and what colours does the Queen wear? Black and red. I like using skinny, tight fitting clothes as I am quite skinny (having that from the King), and I am pretty tall (more the Queen). If you imagine a mixture of Carlos', Jay's and Evie's wardrobe/style - that would probably be my kind of collection. I have just dyed my hair blonde, and I would love to think Jack would either have blonde hair from the start (to annoy his mum) or on a later point. I would not wear my glasses as Jack. My hobbies and interests would be fashion, sports and dancing. I love designing stuff, I love shopping and OH BOY do I love sports? I am not a great dancer, but I would love to be - and I can imagine my character watching the telly from Auradon and daydreaming about dancing like they do - in all secret of course. Where would Jack join in the storyline? Jack will be one of Uma's crew mates, but not being part of the showdowns between Uma and Mal in either "Descendants 2" nor "Rise of the Isle of the Lost". He would be equal to Harry Hook, being one of the top dogs (or should I say - top octopus?) Although he is one of the most wicked VKs on the Isle of The Lost, he is secretly dreaming of a different life. He is not sure he would want to be a dull Auradon kiddo, but he is not sure the life on the Isle is what he wants. I am, like many others, hoping Disney will stop being afraid of giving a character a gay storyline - so this would be the time for that. I think Jack would be an old friend of Carlos and Evie (not Jay and Mal), and Jack has especially a great tone with the De Vil son. They went to Dragon Hall, a school on the Isle, and were quite "close" friends (you know, friends on the Isle is not like friends we usually have). Even though Jack has dated girls previous, he is starting to wonder what is going on with him. Even though he hated Carlos leaving and choosing good, he always thought of him - and stared at him on the telly. As the history goes on, he keeps on feeling the butterflies in his stomach. Even when he and the rest of Uma's crew, were after the Auradon VK's, and he had the chance to hurt or capture Carlos, he lets him go. Eventually it turns out Carlos has missed Jack very much, and his relationship with Jane ends. Jack take Ben's offer to join them in Auradon, still not sure if he wants to be a typical Auradorian. He accepts because of Carlos, and the two of them can start to develop something beyond friendship - maybe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ That is what I wanted to say for this moment. I will defiently work more on this character, and for all you know - there might be a Descendants fanfic coming in the future?
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