#hes a deeply troubled insane man hes an alcoholic hes an angel hes a horror beyond our understanding
leona-florianova · 1 year
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depression on the outside
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Some background: When I was wee-youngling, I was exposed to an anime called "Madoka Magica". Since I was so young, I didn't really get the show; only remember getting a few glances at this show. As in recent years, I didn't realize how loved this series till now; and it is a masterpiece! The characters are great, the animation is beautiful, and it's not just girls fighting witches; but their emotions too. Not just that but we also see the pros and cons of becoming a magical girl; sure you have cool powers and fight monsters, but what about school? jobs? relationships even? And sure, recent magical girl animes do the same but none of them are as "in the definition" as the ones in Madoka Magica. Also, all the characters in recent ones are one-sided stereotypes
The more I got into the series, the more I wanted some sort of AU out of it. Obviously the actual characters AU wasn't an issue, it was a story I had trouble with; yeah, I had the OCS, but neither had a purpose; also, couldn't seem to figure was the "monsters" for this AU were gonna be; cursed humans, actual curses, heck even spirits. But one wiki search later, I was able to work from there. And so I set myself on the quest to create by mixing two popular shows, I know, not many "crossover" AUs are good, but listen; once you understand the story, I'll make so much sense
So sit down, grab a snack and I'll tell you about my;
Hazbin Hotel: Madoka Magica AU
(Minor Spoiler Warning)
(TW: Death, Grambling, Su#cide, Alcoholism, Homophobia, Assault, Arson, Drowning, and Drugging will be mentioned)
Our story is about angelic magical girls, selected by Gabriel to fight god-like creatures called "The Titans". What do you all girls have in common? They're all dead, received a wish, and have the job of stopping the Titans before destroying their universe and claiming it as their own
So generally, a similar plot to the original "Madoka Magica", receiving universal wishes for becoming magical girls. Confused? Let's answer some questions
The first one's simple:
Who Or What Are The Titans?
Obviously, they're god-like beings and the "witches" of the AU. But what are they actually? and importantly, how were they created?
For starters, the titans are deeply inspired by the deadly monster gods in the world of H.P Lovecraft. By the way, if you're not sure what H.P Lovecraft is, it's a series of horror novels written by Howard Phillips Lovecraft, which were about god-like beings that drove humankind to the break of insanity. Wouldn't recommend you look too far into it because (tw) there's kinda racist. . .
Anyways, this still leaves us with the question; just how or why were they made? Well if I told you they were created to help God himself construct the earth and solar system. You see, while god was building the earth, G man got lazy to create monster beings to assist him, these guys built mountains, filled oceans even helped the creation of other planets. However, once everything was finished, God was like "Great work everyone! Tag out, I'll take it from here"; but the titans were like "Mmmmm, Nah fam-" rebelled against him, and fled before he could do anything. They went on to create offspring and are now in hiding in dimensions scattered across the universe, waiting for the right time to strike; not to mention, creating familiar-like beings to severe them. This situation actually became somewhat of a rumor/myth across heaven that passed from generations; not many believe it however cause "God wouldn't make the same mistake twice. . .right?"
Two more things to note about them is that they feed off sin and create "eggs" which hatch out their servants. Not talking about specific sin, I'm talking about anything "sinful"; whether it be humans or hell-born creatures, they'll eat it and use it for energy. And what's the most sin-packed place in the universe? not Florida, but he-double toothpicks. As for their eggs, they're kinda a rare thing, not many can create these eggs, to begin with. Those that however, place them in separate dimensions which are yes, scattered across the universe
Yeah, so monstrous-god beings wanting to take the universe feels like a weird concept, still living us with a question; who's stopping them? what are the forces strong enough to defeat them? the answer, the magical girls. Like in the original "Madoka Magica", there bunch of magical girls in this world; three of which are our main cast; Laura, Honey, and Quincy(Quin for short); and by understanding the story, they'll all dead but continuing life in heaven
Let's take a look at them one by one
Age: 19
Year Of Death: 2018
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Straight(for now)
Personality: The most mature of the group, she was well sophisticated, enjoying tea and books. She puts a lot of confidence in her work and what does as a magical girl and definitely views herself as the leader of their group. She has a sharp wite, a quick thinker
Backstory: Mother left when 2, leading her father to marry another woman, her stepmother who owns a very ancient flower shop. She went on to live with her dad, stepmom, and younger step siblings, in an apartment built into the flower shop; but her life was far from perfect. After Laura's mom left, her dad went through a depression, surrounding himself with alcohol and gambling; though his drinking was managed, he still had an unhealthy gambling addiction, gambling away the business's money and promising "he'll win the big one". It got so bad, to a point where Laura would often hear the two get into arguments about money. Despite this he loved hunting, her dad would go hunting on UK hunting grounds. Laura for the longest time took a huge interest in his hobby and at age 12, he started taking her with him on his hunting trips; he tots her how to set up traps, track animals, and use now a weapon of choice, flintlock rifles, and god she was pro at it. Sure, she was bullied by other boys, but that didn't stop her. Then everything came crashing down when it came out that her father gambled away the deed to her stepmom's flower shop to some shady gang(which I discovered actually exists in the UK), Laura night watched him steal the deed in shock. The next day, however, her shock turns into hatred for her father; she confronts her dad, who denied it at first but finally tells her the truth when threatened to tell her stepmom. Suprise turns out her father did gamble away the deed but ran away with it last minute. Yeah, so Laura hates her dad now and keeps her shut for the sake of the rest of her family. Eventually, on an outing with her stepmom, they're in a motel, and Laura's ready to come out about the situation; till Suprise, her stepmom gets a phone call from an unknown number, and the caller on the other end tells her they had Laura's siblings hostage and if she didn't cuff up the deed to the flower shop, they'll do terrible things to them, so that's way tell the news. Laura and her stepmom panic and rush to the scene, where Laura's father is already outside the house, that's when telling the truth about the situation. Her stepmother was livid and Laura's pissed cause let this happen; but first, the kids. Stepmom had a plan to call the police, but Laura had a dumber riskier idea; she would sneak into the room they were captive in via a window, grabs the kids, and get out through said window; not sure if you can her stupid or a genius after that. Unfortunately, yes, Laura did think her plan was stupid; but went with it anyway as an act of selflessness or stupidity what you call it. Dodging obstacles and near-death(foreshadowing), she grabbed her step-siblings and got outta there, just in time when the police showed up. She and her family ended up staying in a motel till they cleared over and after all of that, Laura's dad still kept the deed to the flower shop. So they go to how things were, sorta, happily ever after right. . ? wrong. Those gang members who are arrested, they were only a portion of the actual gang and still wanted the deed. So she and her family were on the run from a gang, all because of the selfishness of the supposed "father". Expected, their family has driven apart; Dad wants to desperately make it up to everybody, while not managing his gambling addiction, stepmom spirals into a depression after losing the flower shop, her younger siblings remain oblivious and frightened; Laura is trying to cope with all of this while trying to support herself and the rest of her family, but her dad of course. Sadly, Laura's life would soon come to an end; that same gang set fire to one of the motels they were staying, Laura in a final act of selflessness, attempts to save her family and everyone else in the building by evacuation, in the process being crushed by rumble. Thankfully, her family survived, but Laura dies on the way to the hospital. . .
In heaven, she becomes a Bobcat, which represents her love her hunting. Light magenta in fur color with white stocking-like marking on her arms and legs, also white tips on her ears. She has dark purple eyes with heart pupils, red lips, and one large curly hair/fur piece for bangs. For clothing, she wears a light purple strapless sweater top (with sleeves), blue shorts, and dark maroon uggs. As her magical girl outfit, it's a similar take to Mami's from the original "Madoka Magica" series, but with more of a "huntress" concept
(long story short, I directly based her character "Mami" from "Madoka Magica")
Flintlock Rifles: As said before, she grew up using these rifles when hunting with her father, becoming her weapon of choice
Ribbons: This ability allows her to manipulate ribbons in multiple ways. The bullets in her rifles aren't fully bullets, they're actually seeds; that being said whenever these bullets land, nonliving substances, they quickly sprout into patches of flowers and more ribbons
Hearing: As for bobcat appearance, her ears allow her to better hearing
Enhanced agility and speed: Laura can run 5x faster than did as a human and can move very stealthy
Big Guns: Similar to "Hero Finale", Laura uses her ribbons to create larger versions of her rifles
☆ She used her trauma as a learning experience once she settled into heaven. Laura did the things she did in a state of panic and desperation to save the people around her, now she remains calm when put in stressful situations. However, this sometimes doesn't work, and ends up pressuring herself to stay calm
☆ Because of heaven's many luxuries, Laura was able to get back into school. There, she the top of her classes and became a model student
☆ Despite enjoying a cup of hot tea and a good book, she's a sucker for trashy reality TV shows. For no good reason either, maybe she likes watching the drama unfold?
☆ Laura is a proud huntress and happily displays her rifle skills to anyone. But if boys belittle her hunting and fighting abilities, she knows who shows them she's not just a pretty face
☆ They fight the Titans as a team, but Laura goes on "solo missions"
☆ Speaking of the Titans, her "big plan" is to create an "army" of magical girls to fight them
☆ What she wished for was something that'll befit her family and bring them happiness, she wished for stepmom's flower shop would be restored
☆ Because of their several battles with the terrifying monster gods, everyone in the gang is completely unafraid of demons, even Lucifer himself. Laura views most demons as annoyances, beings who fly too close to the sun. She has seen way worse and doesn't have time to handle them
☆ Even though she's saving the universe with her gang, at times Laura gets little. . . antagonist, using sarcasm as when people over then get mad with her. This somewhat allows being very honest when people want the truth
☆ Admittedly, she's the type of person to tell their group of friends that "everything's fine" and "it'll be alright" when in serious situations, where in fact everything isn't fine. Again, sticking to her calm persona
☆ Her animal feature allows being an even better huntress. Her bobcat ears allow Laura to hear her surroundings better, and her agility allows her to track prey faster
☆ With the rifle she can generate, she sometimes uses it to create substances to land or to trap people or prey
☆ She may be saving the universe, but for "community helping" journey doesn't end there, she works as a reception desk worker at one of the buildings of C.H.E.R.U.B . Unfortunately, this's the building where our main cherubs, and both Keenie and Cletus having a history of belittling other staff members. So does she hate her job? yes
☆ Obviously, her ribbon ability is made to represent their life, how her life was nearly "cut short" like a string when selflessly save the people around her
Oh boy, this was a long one! let's hope the next would be easier ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Age: 14
Year Of Death: 2019
Nationality: Mediterranean(Middle Eastern)
Sexuality: None
Personality: She was sheltered from a young age, leaving her to be curious about the world around her. Due to autistic traits, she's very sweet and innocent, one of the reasons why she is sheltered. She's very empathetic to people below her and is generally a kind-hearted person
Backstory: Honey lived in a well-off, Mediterranean, household with her mother, father, and older sister. Had a good childhood till she was 6 when her parents noticed something, she was behaving like other children. Took her to a children's psychiatrist and had her diagnosed with autism. Their response? to quarantine her. They believed because of her disability, she wouldn't survive the real world, let alone make it by herself; believing she was "unfit" and should be sheltered from certain parts of life. Like that, she took out of school and received education from tutors. Over time, her parents had the unrealistic image that the world was a "100% good place where nothing has happened"; she was made to watch kiddy, educational shows 24/7; developed a love for coloring; wasn't allowed any electronics, and rarely got to go outside. Short version, her parents manipulated her into believing the world was good and only a good place; parents of the year everybody. Excepted, she was very lonely, the only "friend" she had was her great grandfather, the monarch and wisest of their family; he disapproved of Honey's pampering, but he knew nothing could be done. Her treatment mainly affected her older sister; she hated how she received more attention than her, and despite this, Honey loved her sister. Whatever she seems to get, Honey followed suit, and her sister despised this. Things heat up when her sister started taking up archery; excepted, Honey was immediately interested and wanted to learn archery too, then an idea struck. Her sister went on to use Honey for her target practice, placing things on her head and shooting them off it with a bow and arrow. This goes as well as you expect it to, their parents founding out and the older sister getting super punished. After that, the relationship between the four when downhill; her older sister, now named Kira, locks herself into her room, their parents refuse to acknowledge Kira when considering taking her to a mental hospital, and Honey remains oblivious while upset she might have done something wrong. But little did they know, in Kira's room, she was planning her younger sister's unsightly demise. Out of blue, Kira starts being stupidly nice to Honey, and Honey having too much for her own good, falls for it. This also seems to work on their parents, quickly gaining their trust, so much so as having her take care of Honey while the two were away; all according to plan. (Again, quick TW, su#cide will be mentioned soon) As Kira prepared her younger sister’s dinner, she mixes ground pills into Honey's food, doing so with a blank and emotionless expression the whole time. The day went on, and the pill did its toll, driving Honey to unconsciousness. Kira carries her sister to one of the family cars and drives to a nearby forest, where she took Honey to a nearby River and began to drown her. Honey, now completely unconscious, was doomed to her own faith, she stops breathing. Once she couldn't breathe, Kira threw her younger sister's body into the river without a second thought. It was just too late when she realized what she had done, she did the unimaginable and killed her; where does she do after this?; does she expose herself to the police?; what will their parent think of her sister's disappearance and if they find out, the future won't be so bright. Without many options, she jumps off a bridge, ending her life
As her name suggests, Honey becomes a badger(get it, Honey Badger, ok I'll stop). She possesses black and white fur and markings which, of course, are that of a badger. Short black hair with long white bangs that covers her eyes. Speaking of eyes, they're a shade of light pink with yellow pupils. For clothing, she wears a light blue with white stripes, overlapping a white long sleeve. A light pink overall skirt with white bottoms. Finally, for a magical girl outfit, she wears a pink dress similar to Madoka's magical girl outfit, except half the dress consists of pastel colors. Overlapping the dress, she wears a pastel blue jacket with short, puffy sleeves and a dark pink bow. For accessories, a bright pink bow is tied at the back of her hair, along with other trinkets. Pastel rainbow gloves and thigh-high, cloud-like leg warmers, and pink shoes
Painting Rainbows: Growing up, she always had a love for pastel colors. So one of her abilities is creating pastel rainbows and fluffy clouds at will
Digging: Her claws allow her to dig holes, and really fast too
Archery: Similar to Madoka, Honey receives a bow, which can shoot powerful arrows
☆Fortunately for her, Honey doesn't remember her death; the only thing she remembers about death is that it involved water
☆ Honey didn't know life's hardships till she got to heaven. She's was devastated, to say the least, but also curious
☆ Though being sheltered most of her life, her parents still kept their Mediterranean culture alive. Honey grew to love their culture, especially the food
☆ She works as a waitress at a Mediterranean restaurant, a job that Laura helped her obtain
☆ In heaven, she not only got the proper training in archery, but she was also able to go back to regular school
☆ Both inside and outside of being a magical girl, Honey gets easily distracted most of the time, only takes a few moments for her to get back on track
☆ As for her wish, she wanted her grandfather to live just a bit longer. He was death bed and Honey wanted him to spend his dying moments with their families
☆ Growing up to now, she always believed people who commit sin to have some sort of illness or mental disorder, which's true half the time, but it's also out of choice
☆ As said before her death involved water. Honey had a phobia of water ever since
☆ Can't go on many missions unsupervised, she gets extremely distracted is all
☆ Most of the time, she acts oblivious and child-like in most situations. Doesn't grasp what's going on in till explained
☆ One of her favorite things to do is making little bento lunches
☆ Honey gets really upset and pouty when people baby and or belittle her; just because she has a mental disability, doesn't mean that she shouldn't be treated like another person. Unfortunately, this happens a lot at her job, wears a button that identifies her disability to the public and people talk to her like she's 5
☆ Because archery is something she wanted to do, Honey got the chance to design her own weapon
Dang, these backstories are getting darker by the minute. . .
Age: 17
Year Of Death: 2018(4 months after Laura)
Nationality: American
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: At first encounter, they seem shy and introverted; but upon discovery, they're very athletic and peppy, always full of energy. They're also very smart and are fluent in problem-solving
Backstory: Unlike the other two, Quin had had the most normal beginning. They lived in a large, religious yet strict household with their parents and many siblings. Their parents were, of course, Christians, expected Quin and there to be the same; gears turn when Quin arrives in middle school. They began questioning, they didn't who or what they were, and they didn't know whether or not their body was theirs. They also took part in most masculine or feminine activities, all they did was run for their school's track team. If not, they stick their head in the clouds. Whenever they'd express these cross-examine thoughts to their parents, they always say the following: "You're just late blooming"; "It's fine, bodies take time to change."; "It'll happen eventually."; and Quincy believed them for the most part, bodies do take time to change, and they should give it time before making assumes But it would only be months before their body received too little to no change, which left Quin frantic. They were left in a state of confusion, fear, and sadness, what was happening? why was it happening? was something wrong with her?. Meanwhile, their peers were receiving the regular changes; slowly feeling more left behind, they expressed how they've been happening to their friends, that they ultimately felt trapped in their own body; one friend responded "I think you may have another gender role". The same friend explains certain gender roles and if they don't feel comfortable with their own gender, they could do research to find the gender that suits them. Listening to their friend’s advice, they set off and did their research, and found a gender that suited them, they were Nonbinary. Once they found out, they sort of came out to their other friends, who were generally supportive of their decision. Did they come out to their family? They knew how religious and strict their parents were and thought to come out on their own terms. Things heat right back again when she enters high school, where they learn not just their traction to boys, but girls also; to put a long story short, they found out their sexuality faster than their gender. However, as their friend suggested, wanted to come out on their own terms; they were intimidated by their parents and didn't know how they think of them, so they made the decision to come out at an older age. Little did they know their plans wouldn't go their way, all these thoughts, realizations, and emotions were all kept in a journal they wrote, and their mom had a habit of looking through it. Fortunately, their mom only does it when they're being secretive, and pretty sure Quin would hide their journal, so no one finds it. One day, their mom notices changes in Quincy's behavior; spending more time with their friends and going out more than ever; all behaviors she found slightly suspicious, but never confronted them about. One day while Quin was at the track club, their mom decides enough's enough and goes to find Quincy's journal; said before, it's completely hidden. Besides, it's not like their mom's gonna flip their room upside-down to find it. . .right?; when the journal was found and looked through, their mom was shocked but not furious, upset, or disappointed. Almost the reactions when it was shown to the father, he didn't want to believe it at first but realizing the reality of the "situation", was just as disappointed; why were they disappointed? cause their "committing disobedience to God" by turning these new leads, and learning more about themselves. Despite this, they still loved Quin and wanted to give their kid a chance, believing something caused them to make this "mistake". Everything gets murky, after finding out Quin's secret both kinda ghosted them; ghosted as in completely ignoring Quin only talking to them when needed favors. Like any kid that is or was treated the same, emotions flowed; fits of confusion, denial, then the anger of “sudden” ignorance of their caregivers. Because of this, they began “acting out”; going out late, avoiding family, and wanting to be out of the picture as much as possible. Quin was about to accept boundaries their parents and themselves randomly gave each other till age 17 when both caregivers confronted them about their self-discoveries via interrogation. Obviously, they attempted to deny their way out of it, most kids in any situation similar, then their mom pulled out the journal, something Quin wasn’t ready for. Out loud, she began reading through the pages, all were chronologically explained everything they’ve been through, so there is running from that. Quin was forced to tell the truth with no options left, but surprisingly, they won’t be that mad. As spoken before, they were more disappointed than mad; better yet, they wanted to take pity on their young child. Quin was given two options: either stay with the family and be just like everyone else or move out early. Become who their parents want them to be or who they want to be?... you can guess what they chose. Their parents respected their decision despite being so upset; gave them some money, one of their cars, and sent them on their way. Quin was kicked out, after being forced to be an adult at age 17; not going too much into detail of their ventures, they crashed at friends’ places, used the money for essentials and a few treats, like a haircut. They were really thriving, enjoying the amount of freedom they were gifted till their death. For context, Quin kept all valuables in the car, leftover money, important documents, etc. Perfect for an unexpected robbery. On a late-night drive, a car was following them; they noticed and attempted the “take random turns” tactic but to no avail. It was already decently late at night so the plan of pulling into a crowded area struck when pulling into a mall parking lot. In the mall, it was thankfully a busy night, wherefore they had the plan of chilling in their car till the mall then leaving. Long story short, it didn’t work, the guys that followed them previously find their car which they’ve been sleeping in after the mall closed; they shoot a bullet through one of the windows, which thankfully missed them, and turned on their natural instincts. They forced them out of the car, kicking screaming, and all, in addition to holding them at gunpoint. Beginning to rid them of their valuables, then taking further action by assaulting (not sexually), shooting them twice in the head. Then processing to hide their body by disposing of it in the woods.   .   .  
I like to think Quincy would be a mix between a border collie and an Austrian Shepard in the afterlife. White in the fur color and brown markings littered everywhere, two on their forehead, six identifying for freckles; even managing to keep their original haircut. Their eyes are hazel with dark brown pupils. They wear a black hoodie-type shirt, overlapping striped long sleeves underneath, in addition to a red bandana around their neck and dark blue shorts. Unlike the other two, their magical fit has an open skirt that requires knee shorts, sticking to the “gender-neutral” theme. A blue corset on top of a cuffed and long-sleeved shirt; also, a white cape with a red diamond-shaped gem holding it together, and brown leather boots
Sword’s Stands: Amazing sword skills and can summon their sword at will. Their sword can double as a whip 
Advanced Speed: Because of their mix of dog breeds, they receive a faster running pace, not faster than Laura
Guitar: As the previous past time, they took up the guitar out of boredom
Multiple Swords: Quincy can multiple their sword by “splitting it apart”, which they can use for throwing projectile
☆ For Quincy, their death was very traumatic, it’s a topic they choose not to talk about it
☆ Context; Quin was essentially born a woman and their parents wanted to become a “proper lady”, whatever that is
☆ Out of the two, Quin looks up to Laura the most, viewing her as a mother figure at least
☆ Quin gets extremely stressed under pressure, so admittedly their first mission wasn’t the best. They were super stressed and barely knew what to do (no wonder they look up to Laura)
☆ They only ever feel comfortable when close friends call them by their nickname “Quin”
☆ As their backstory doesn’t convince you, they live with their head in the clouds. The most vivid thing to imagine is being in the medical times as a knight, cause they believe that role shouldn’t step into a gender also cause anyone with a sword looks cool regardless, their words not mine
☆ They have a habit of just picking up random hobbies, and only a few of them are stuck. One of them was playing guitar, which is a hobby they’ve picked up before dying
  ☆ One also might have been knitting, but they dropped it a while and just picked it up recently. They want to try sewing next
☆ Their wish, it was surprising to most, they wished for their family to accept them as who they are, rather than accepting a life they didn’t want 
☆ Despite encountering many of their own, Quin doesn’t exactly see demons as the trusting type
☆ Absolutely displays the idea of going back to school. Even if it is the place where they’d discovered themself, they choose not to go
☆ When mentioned, Quincy doesn’t describe themselves as a “magical girl”, cause they’re preferably not a girl
That took longer than it needed to. . you can’t tell but I wrote fricking soap operas for their backstories, possibly the most tedious things I had to write. But anyway now that be got situated, My plan for the main story was fairly simple, with three I talked about as our main characters; but a thought came to mind that just makes sense
The main story will have main two focuses: Ventures of the main squad and the “training” of canon characters Charlie and childhood friend Octavia, trying to become magical girls themselves. I also like to think each of the characters I’ve represents a character in the Madoka Magica series; Laura is Mami(duh), Quincy is Sayaka, Honey is Madoka, Charlie is Kyoko, and Octavia is Homura. If you think about it, it’s basically the main story of Madoka flipped. With “Homura” being the main character instead “Madoka”. Obviously, there’s going to be a lot of interaction between our main 5, Charlie and Octavia meeting Laura first then the other two, also I plan on throwing Vaggie into the mix 
Since this’s my AU and I wanna make it as original as possible, no one’s getting killed off, and the idea of “soul gems” and “grief seeds” are nonexistent. The “soul gems” of the AU are superpowered gems that help our characters transform and back, not at all attached to their souls; besides this is heaven we’re talking about, magic jewelry is everywhere. Their very durable, but I’m sticking with the idea that if the gems were to be cracked or destroyed, the power would be lost, but don’t worry, can be fixed
Now, this can’t be a Madoka AU or any other magical girl series without a “Kyubey” or adorable mascot character, the one that grants the wishes in the first place. That mascot is Bunbun, a lop-eared rabbit with a star on its forehead similar to Kyubey. What differs is that it doesn’t talk and acts like a normal rabbit, except it possesses some superhuman intelligence. As suggested, Bunbun is the one who grants the wishes, with just a tap on the forehead and the words “I wish. .  .” 
Of course, all the instincts of taking out the Titans and generally defending the universe are going to lead to one event, which I call “The Day Of Wakening”. In this event, the Titans are to rise from their designated dimensions and destroy their universe as they know it. In the AU, they don’t exactly when the event is occurring, all they know is that it’s going to happen. Again, this’s why they’re destroying Titans, to begin with; it feels like a smarter move to defeat them one by one; besides they’ll be more of an advantage if there’s less to deal 
With that sorted, I want to get some general headcanons out of the way:
☆ Laura, Honey, and Quin all live in a condo-type apartment together. With how close they are, who wouldn’t aspect them to live together
☆ Both Charlie and Octavia are training under the guidance of Laura, the most experienced out of the group
☆ Since they’re fighting in the war of the Titans, they’re technically in heaven’s military. Because of this, they receive multiple benefits such as traveling anywhere they want across the universe, leaving heaven for a long yet limited time, and possibly getting away with murder possibly
  ☆ Not going into detail on who’s running the operation, but their job is to attempt to locate the Titan dimensions and provide different gadgets for our characters to use. This includes a camera that can wipe memory and a compact mirror that works like a cellphone and double as a hologram projector. Yes, the last is a reference to magical girl shows
☆ Obviously, this’s a huge secret, heaven and beyond; we can’t have anyone knowing that godly monsters are waiting to devour the universe as they know it
☆ In typical Madoka fashion, a Titan’s dimension can be accessed through door or window like portals, and as mentioned, they’ll be scattered everywhere, from the living world to other planets
☆ Laura’s pieces of advice when becoming a magical girl is: 
1- When entering a Titan’s domain, stop for nothing and locate the center: It’s the Titan you’re after, so don’t stop to kill its servants, only kill the ones in your way
2- There’s a large difference between a Titan and its eggs: A Titan will be a deformed beast, while its eggs are abnormal structures
3(Most important)- Keep a clock or watch on you at all times: Each dimension has its own parallel of time, so it’s difficult to keep your life on track, and surprisingly, there’s no internet service either. You can even time yourself while you’re at it
Congrats! you just listen to me talk an AU for like an hour. But with that, this is all I got, .  . so far
There are a lot more ideas I have for this series but somehow wasn’t able to shove most of them into this post alone, so there could be a part 2 to this, who knows. If you have any suggestions on what I could add to this series, please let know
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