sanguinelupus · 5 months
🐻 🐻 🐻 🐻
how intimidating am i?
if you don't get over here and let me give you the biggest hug
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graunblida · 7 months
@hersilver smashed the heart
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" old friend, " the commander's STOICISM breaks ever so slightly in the presence of the vampire. emerald eyes remain steely but there's a hint of a smirk on her lips. " must you harass my helmsman? " the other is hellbent on steering which is amusing albeit terrifying.
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othunderous · 8 months
" oh god, they're crying! the baby's crying! oh man, is that a hungry cry or a diaper cry?! talk to me, little baby! " / malee offering to babysit like KASJH
“stop, stop— malee, HUSH for a moment.” amidst her panic, thor lifts a hand and allows it hover just before her mouth. it’s a sound he’s gotten used to; day in and day out he’s heard it. as the weeks have blended into months, he thinks the wailing has become more familiar than the sound of his own voice. but he can’t deduce which specific cry— there are MANY— it is with two of them weeping in distress. now that he can hear CLEARLY, he listens. . . it takes only a moment for thor to speak again. “her diaper needs changed. you’re equipped to handle that, right?” the smile that stretches ear to ear couldn’t be more obvious; not being the one that responsibility falls to for just one night is more than appealing. he leans in, hand tenderly holding his daughter’s back and kissing her head. “we’ll be back soon, little love.” for just a few seconds, the crying halts. . . resumes once more as he pulls away. his hand falls to the small of his wife’s back, now, ushering her toward the door. just before they step outside, he turns to face malee. “i should say, don’t be alarmed if anything suddenly moves or floats. she’s gifted, my little one. bye!”
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stamour · 6 months
she's walking in, making straight unblinking eye contact, DABBING in front of her, then shooting him a peace sign before walking out like nothing happened 👁️👄👁️
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looks into the camera like it's the office . . .
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perzysprumia · 6 months
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@hersilver said: you got a little scary back there.
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"Only when necessary," she quickly responds, as her hands attempt to dust off the dirt and blood on her clothes. Frown makes its way onto Sunstra's mouth. "I just got this cardigan, too. Look, it has Kuromi embroidered on the sleeves!" There's a sigh that leaves her, then.
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"Other vampires are just so inconsiderate about fashion, right? I don't like killing people, but they absolutely deserved it for ruining my outfit."
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gamblingluck · 11 months
@hersilver - starter !
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Don't mind him humming a song that's... quite popular. Hey they were in the Entity's realm but the Entity seemed to not mind giving them access to things outside of the realm that most of them would still know! The trial was going to start soon perhaps for all he knew but Ace was there humming. The song though was something that's been around for awhile... Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne was a good song okay!
❝ Don't pretend, I think you know I'm damn precious-- ❞
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korinthiakos · 11 months
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@hersilver has sent this in: ah, that's not yogurt. that's mayonnaise. / malee as she already took a spoonful into her mouth | PROMPTS FROM NOTTING HILL. ( accepting !! )
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They are perceiving this as we speak - witnessing her having a spoonful of mayonnaise as if it was nothing. To others, they would probably go: Malee, what the actual fuck. Luckily, Corinthian wasn't most people.
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"That's even better then." They grab a spoon and join Malee by scooping up some onto the spoon.
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melpcmene · 11 months
o'malley one-liner starter call | @hersilver
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"You look a lettle thirsty." She spoke, her Irish accent coming into play.
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godstrayed · 1 year
❛  i don't know how you do it. how are you able to stay so strong when everything around you is falling apart?  ❜ / to nickyy
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&. memes | always accepting.
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There was no easy answer. At least, not one that might bring her immediate comfort. In truth, it had taken him a very long time to be able to handle everything immortality threw at them. There was always a weight to solve all the impending doom the rest of the world faced. How could they feed the hungry? How could they end wars? In what ways could they benefit medicine? It went on and on, unending on the sense of responsibility thrusted on them all.
"It is difficult," He admits. Chaos, death, and hurt. It only grew with intensity with year century that passed and humans grew more capable of horrors. Nicky and the others did what they could but they were not the natural state of things. They were an exception. Sometimes, you had to allow things to be in their natural order. People would die, war would happen, and things would hurt. They could only ease as much suffering as they could and help as many as their long lives would allow. It might never feel like enough but in reality, they were doing their best with the opportunity given to them.
"I had to learn to be satisfied with what is in my heart. I do my best to help everyone we come across whose struggles are in my power to help." There is a slight pause as Nicky's gaze drops as if remembering something quite far away, "I try to rectify my own mistakes and take every opportunity to grow. I spend a lot of time with those I love. You all are my family. I find my greatest source of strength is you all. So long as we have each other we can endure everything, anything, and always."
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ashenbled · 2 years
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      ❛ It’s all fun and games until someone starts screaming. ❜ Her. She’s talking about herself.   |.  @hersilver​
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othunderous · 11 months
thor’s eyes drift from the vampire’s face, to the device she holds, back to malee again. there is contentment in his demeanor; he enjoys these meetings, how excited she is to SHARE INTERESTS with him. “alright, what is it you are showing me today?” / @hersilver
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perzysprumia · 10 months
❛ it’s safer to be feared, than loved. ❜ / ..........malee to sunstra
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If there's one thing Sunstra has learned in her apparently short time as a vampire, it's that what Malee is saying is true. Even if she doesn't enjoy it most of the time. She's not innocent, obviously, but she tries her best to be a good vampire. If such a thing even exists.
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"Safer doesn't always mean better, though," she says, after a few moments of silent contemplation. Arguing with Malee isn't really a good idea, but Sunstra isn't one to give up a good debate between friends. At least...she hopes Malee is her friend. "I've seen how miserable the Mikaelsons are, and they all live by that philosophy. I think I'd rather be happy, you know?"
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anzianopuro · 2 years
           @hersilver sent  Send 🍼 to see how my muse would react to being handed a baby / dhdfhfjf
                     David protested, but that was obviously ignored as he was handed the child. What was it? Minutes old? Well, it was holding it’s head up and staring at him. Did that mean it could walk? Why was he holding it? He held it like he’d seen the others doing it, close to his body with the head up right. It stared at him, slobbering on its little first all clinched and dimply. He didn’t like it. He was gonna break it.                     “Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!” he called in a soft hiss just over the peach fuzz covered head. This was a terrible idea. Horrible. He murdered people. He should not be holding a new born.
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cursedbcrn · 2 years
starter for @hersilver​
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               Her bus back to New Orleans leaves in a few hours, and Hope has made most of the rounds, has tried to take it all with grace and understanding, but she is drained. Ever since her emotions came rushing back, things were almost too overwhelming and it felt like every step, she needed to stop and breathe so she didn’t lose control again. There had only been a few incidents so far since she’d been on campus, a couple moments of her shaking the school down to its foundation, but no one has called for her head. At least not yet.
Still, as she walks through the halls that she grew up in, Hope knows that it’s the end of her chapter at Salvatore. It had been her home for almost fifteen years and for all of her issues with it, there is still a part of her that is sad about leaving it all behind. She finds her way to Malee’s classroom and hovers in the doorway. She’d left this one for the last, because there is something so earnest and genuine about the older vampire that Hope hates to disappoint her. And what could be more disappointing than her actions over the last several months? But leaving without even talking to her would be even worse, so Hope takes a deep breath and knocks on the thick wooden door. “It’s me,” she says quietly, knowing Malee can pick up on her voice.​
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deceivesthem · 5 months
“I’m sorry, did you say that you… stole these?”
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"steal...borrow... same difference." he says with a casual shrug of his shoulders --- seemingly unbothered by the accusation. "don't worry, it's for a good cause." the cause being because he wanted to, of course. sometimes Oliver does things and he doesn't know why; this may be one of those times.
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sanguinelupus · 5 months
❀: i’m shy to approach you 💁🏻‍♀️
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