#here's hoping the old man tweets more so i can draw more hehehe
anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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oh boy it's a BIG SFM doodle post!!! i call this compilation: Old Man Tweets A Lot
bonus close-ups on those little non-tweet doodles, too!
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(detailed image descriptions under cut!)
[Image 1: A large compilation of several black-and-white illustrated Dr. Habit tweets, plus additional miscellaneous Smile For Me doodles. Each tweet and doodle is cut out and showcased individually in more detail in the rest of the post, with detailed descriptions below.]
[Image 2: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "But soft! What rock through yonder window breaks oh no Putunia stop right there put the rocks away", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. The drawing shows Habit, wearing a ringer t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and jeans, is smiling with one eye cracked open to look down nervously at Putunia, who is grinning mischievously with a rock held up in her right hand, prepared to throw. Habit is sweating and cautiously reaching up both hands near the rock as if preparing to grab it.]
[Image 3: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Tip-tapping around the room WITH a little cape on, like a gosh-darn vampire", which is screenshotted towards the right side of the image. The drawing shows Habit in a long-sleeved button-up, black pants and heeled boots, wearing Putunia's cape, which is comically tiny on him. He is grinning mischievously, tip-toing and holding up his hands in mimicry of a stereotypical vampire. Putunia is chasing behind him, hands in the air, shouting.]
[Image 4: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "VERY small girl with a cape, just called me a 'walking cringe compilation'", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. The drawing shows Habit, in a short sleeved button-up with a chest pocket and rolled-up sleeves, long pants and a belt with an oval buckle, standing with one hand on his hip and the other gesturing down at Putunia to his left, who smirking mischievously with her tongue sticking out. Habit looks lightly irritated, visibly blushing. In front of them both in the foreground is Kamal, looking down at Putunia and visibly trying to restrain laughter.]
[Image 5: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Oh okay so when a princess kisses a frog it's 'a charming film' but when I do it I'm 'ruining our day at the petting zoo?' How is that fair to me?", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. In the drawing Habit, wearing an open jacket with fluffy collar and sleeves over a sweater, hair in a ponytail, is gesturing wildly with one hand and the other on his hip, shouting indignantly. Kamal, to his right, wearing an open hoodie over a sweater, is covering his face with both hands, looking flustered and embarrassed. To Habit's right is Putunia, in a cute little cardigan, grimacing and sticking out of her tongue at Habit, holding a mildly alarmed-looking frog in her hands.]
[Image 6: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Watch this backflip! *does not successfully backflip*", which is screenshotted at the top right of the image. There are two drawings of Habit, both wearing a ringer t-shirt with rolled-up sleeves, flared jeans, and heeled boots. The first, on the left, shows him smiling and shouting, stance wide, gesturing at himself with both thumbs. The second shows him having resolutely failed to land a backflip, slamming onto his upper back, legs still flying in the air and visibly shaking with the impact, shirt riding up on his torso and hair flying everywhere.]
[Image 7: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "I just wanted free lasagna and now I have a computer virus?? Why am I being punished", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. The drawing shows Habit, in a ringer t-shirt with rolled-up sleeves, looking extremely worried and yelling, with tears in his right eye. He is clutching a 90s-era computer monitor to his chest with both hands, the screen facing out, showing numerous pop-up and error windows.]
[Image 8: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "40+ singles in MY area? Looking for love?", screenshotted towards the top-left of the image, then, cut off and screenshotted towards the right, "Well that's nice I hope they find it (smiley face)". There are two drawings for each part of the tweet - the first, to the left, shows Habit in a collared button-up under a sweater, sitting at a computer looking at the monitor in confusion, head tilted and right pointer finger lifted towards his face. Kamal is walking by in the background, looking startled. The second drawing flips perspectives to show Habit from behind, smiling happily, while in the foreground Kamal walks away, blushing and looking somewhat haunted, with an arrow pointing to him reading "suddenly remembering to clear search history".]
[Image 9: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Why... Yes I WOULD like to put on our silly little outfits to go to the grocery store and look at lobsters", which is screenshotted at the top right of the image. The drawing shows Kamal, wearing a baggy t-shirt, holding a notepad in his left hand and a pen in the other. Habit, wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, is behind him, with his right hand on Kamal's shoulder and the left cradling his face. He is bent over so the side of his face rests on top of Kamal's head, with a relaxed, closed-eye smile. Kamal is looking up at him and smiling back.]
[Image 10: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "due to personal reasons I'm hand stuck in the mayonnaise jar", which is screenshotted at the top right of the image. The drawing shows Kamal in the foreground, turning around to see Habit, wearing a ringer t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, left hand stuck in a mayonnaise jar, with the other hand on his chest and expression serious, as if he were making an important announcement.]
[Image 11: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "'Just stretching my legs!!' I lie, embarrassed that you've discovered me stuck in the washing machine once again", which is screenshotted at the top of the image. The drawing shows Kamal, wearing a ringer t-shirt, in the foreground with his back facing the camera, holding a basket of laundry. In front of him is Habit, also wearing a ringer t-shirt, apparently stuck in the laundry machine, sticking out of the round front-facing door from the waist up. He has a slightly manic grin as if desperately trying to act natural, posing with one elbow on the ground, hand behind his head, and the other bent to rest on his hip.]
[Image 12: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "*slipping the waiter a four dollar bill* Mix my salad WITH my coffee thank you very much". The drawing shows Kamal (left, sitting in a chair) and Habit (right, sitting in a booth seat) at a table, apparently at a restaurant. There is a waiter standing between them, writing on a notepad held in their left hand; they are wearing a vest and long-sleeved button-up and have a short haircut with long bangs on the right side of their face. Habit, wearing a long-sleeved button-up, is smiling confidently at the waiter, tongue sticking out, as he slides a bill across the table towards the waiter. Kamal, visibly flustered, is hiding behind a menu held in both hands, with his elbows propped up on the table.]
[Image 13: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "What's your favorite thing about me don't lie (angry frowny face)", which is screenshotted at the top right of the image. The drawing shows Kamal, wearing a t-shirt and holding a toothbrush in his left hand, looking startled as shadow-Habit suddenly looms up behind him.]
[Image 14: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Pilot the Puppet, Kamal. Or Boris will have to do it again.", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. The drawing shows Habit, wearing a bulky sweater, flared pants and heeled boots, lying back on a couch with his legs over one of the arms. His left arm is folded over his torso while the right holds up puppet-Habit; he has his head turned away into the sofa, left eye cracked open, apparently "playing dead". Kamal is standing behind the couch, staring down at Habit with an amused expression as puppet-Habit caresses his cheek.]
[Image 15: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweets (transcribed minus spelling errors) "Anyone else eat their smoothie by dipping their entire hand in the cup and licking it off?", screenshotted on the top left of the image, and the follow-up "The people love when I post Relatable Content", screenshotted towards the right. There is a drawing for each tweet; the first shows Habit, hair in a ponytail and wearing a frilly tank top that exposes his stomach, speaking nonchalantly into a flip phone in his right hand, dunking his left into a smoothie held in Kamal's right hand. Kamal, also wearing a tank top and holding a second smoothie in his left, stares at this in horror. The second drawing shows Habit licking the smoothie off his hand with a smug grin, with a speech bubble coming out of the phone showing a bunch of heart symbols and smiley faces. Kamal, still holding both smoothies, just looks up at Habit in continued horror and disbelief.]
[Image 16: A black-and-white illustrated version of the Habit tweets (transcribed minus spelling errors) "At the parent teacher conference. Trying to keep a straight face and not to let on that I have a half-dozen angry squirrels nesting in my hair", screenshotted towards the top left of the image, and the follow-up, "It's not my fault that I am naturally charismatic and also I style my hair with peanut oil", screenshotted towards the right. There is a drawing for each tweet; the first shows Habit, left, and Kamal, right, both sitting in front of a teacher's desk in the foreground. Habit is wearing a short-sleeved button-up with a large tie, flared pants and heeled boots, sitting with right leg crossed over his left and hands clasped tightly over his knee. He has a tight smile and nervous expression, visibly shaking, with a few squirrels peeking out of his hair. Kamal is wearing a short-sleeved button-up under an argyle sweater vest, with baggy pants and sneakers. He is holding a paper in his right hand, the left resting on his knee, and looking over at Habit in concern. The second image shows a frustrated-looking Kamal shoving both arms into Habit's hair to try and shake out the squirrels, who are jumping out in all directions. Habit is flailing his limbs and yelling as this happens.]
[Image 17: A colored, illustrated version of the Habit tweet (transcribed minus spelling errors) "I care about you and. I hope you can tell", which is screenshotted at the top left of the image. The drawing shows Habit, seen from behind, wearing a light-blue long-sleeve button up and dark pants, crouched over Kamal, who has fallen asleep on the couch. Kamal is wearing a baggy green t-shirt and is lying on his stomach, left arm dangling off the couch holding a stack of papers, the right partially underneath him, bent at the elbow, hand resting limply over his face. There is a blue pillow behind him on the sofa. Habit is gently drawing a dark blue blanket over him, looking down at his peacefully slumbering expression.]
[Bonus 1: A black and white drawing of Kamal and Habit, both from roughly the shoulders-up. Habit, on the right, has Kamal in a tight embrace and is kissing him gently on the cheek. Kamal looks utterly lovestruck, with a wobbly smile, the eye closest to Habit closed and the other blown open with a big heart-shaped pupil, and two big heart symbols coming off him in the background.]
[Bonus 2: A black and white drawing of Kamal, wearing a short-sleeved button-up and smiling mildly anxiously, glancing off to his left side, standing with his mom to his right. Kamal-mom has an identical face-shape and nose and a similar build, though she stands about an inch or two taller than her son. She has long, wavy grey hair in a braid that falls over her right shoulder, with bangs on the left side of her face. She is wearing large cat-eye glasses that hide her eyes, a turtleneck sweater, and an open sleeveless cardigan over the sweater. She has simple round earrings, a necklace with two round charms, and a simple nose stud. She has a neutral smile with wrinkles visible around the edges and under her eyes.]
[Bonus 3: A black and white drawing of Habit holding up Putunia with both hands. Habit is wearing a long-sleeved button-up and has a big, slightly worried smile, exposing the gaps and chips in his teeth. Putunia is kicking her legs out and holding up both fists, and has a delighted, open-mouthed grin, exposing her own missing teeth.]
[Bonus 4: A black and white drawing of Kamal, posing with one hand on his hip and the other on his chin, one knee slightly bent, smirking confidently. He is wearing suit pants and a matching, open jacket with only his binder underneath, as well as heeled boots. The pants have flared, frilly edges and a belt with a round decorative buckle, with the jacket has embroidered cuffs and hem.]
[Bonus 5: A black and white drawing of Kamal with his hair in a ponytail, tilting his head to one side with a wide, silly smile, sticking his tongue out. He is wearing a v-neck shirt with the sleeves rolled up past the elbow, with the cut low enough to expose a bit of chest hair.]
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