#her smile has stolen my heart from the stars [ aloy/seyka ] ― . ❤
warmaiidens · 1 year
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someone will remember us in another time [ eivor/kassandra ] ― . ❤ and her light stretched over salt sea and flowerdeep fields [ freya/aphrodite ] ― . ❤ meet me at midnight in the forest of my dreams [ eivor/soma ] ― . ❤ the moon only glows when kissed by the sun [ evie/soma ] ― . ❤ she gleams of black orchid and moonlit hair [ evie/emily ] ― . ❤ true love is finding your soulmate in your best friend [ eivor/randvi ] ― . ❤ life gave me the gift of you [ freya/freyr ] ― . ❤ love is a single soul inhabiting two bodies [ xena/gabrielle ] ― . ❤ her smile has stolen my heart from the stars [ aloy/sekya ] ― . ❤ without warning as a whirlwind swoops on an oak; love shakes my heart. [ evie/kassandra ] ― . ❤
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