#her mother. like fr this woman gets so mad at me for saying “hey thats racist stop” when im an entire multi-ethnic brown person
starszinhis3y3s · 1 month
I'm so dead 🤦🏽 this older white lady im associates with (im friends wit her daughter, theyre a packaged deal unfortunately) told me last night the most racist conspiracy theory ever!!!!
okay, so basically this woman thinks that housecats were artificially created by Ancient Egyptians (cuz they were all aliens dont u know? they brought this technology from their homeworld!). she legitimately thinks that Egyptians created housecats by combining SNAKES and LIONS. she acted like i was stupid for not knowing this, when shes basing all these lies on that cats are the "only mammals" that have slitted pupils 😐 like....wtf. please hop off the fucken youtube conspiracy theory train girl.
ik she'll never see this but like heres some actually correct knowledge for ya hannah!!!!
the following mammals ALL have slitted pupils:
goats, sheep, deers, most snakes, all cats smaller than a bobcat, etc. pretty much a shittonne of herbivores, reptiles, insects, and predators that hunt close to the ground! literally hundreds of animals, the only distinction between herbivore and carnivore/omnivore slit pupils is horizontal (helps prey animals live) versus vertical (helps predators move in darkness)
Egyptians were COLORED FOLK NOT ALIENS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. they were all just people, like we are!! they just happened to live a long time ago. now i will say, the Egyptian Empire was so long lived, and not documented super duper well (time is a bastard lol she'll have us all) that we will never 100% know what happened and/or what all technologies they had. that being said, it was period appropriate technology 😭 please get off the fucken misinformation trail.
hey bitch guess what?! being a transbian dont excuse/erase your rampant bumpkin ass midwestern ass racism. "theres no racism in Kansas! racism is like soooo different in kansas, it barely exists! oh i black family and friends who all tell/encourage me to say the n word so its okay!" BITCH IM FROM TEJAS ILL FUCK U UP IF KEEP ON WIT THAT SHIT IN MY FACE THEN ACT LIKE *IM* THE FUCKED UP FOR BEIN UPSET😒
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