#henrietta my queen 😊
fraiserabbit Β· 2 years
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helloooooo β€˜etta
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dragons-and-magic Β· 21 days
ooohhhh i adore your dragons au and art ☺️☺️😊😊 if its cool to ask some questions:
anything on rosie or rebecca?
2. how about anything of the narrow gauge engines (theyres my favs) like proteus, luke or stanley/smudger? Who’s your fav?
3. are ya gotta add any aeg characters like bruno, sandy or kana? Kana’s gotta be a speedy queen πŸ‘‘βš‘οΈπŸ‰
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much!πŸ₯ΉπŸ«Ά It's always fine to ask some questions!
1: Anything on rosie or rebecca?: I got some stuff! I'll do Rosie first. Just like the series, she's got a little crush on Thomas when she's younger and Thomas isn't having it. Lol. She is a tomboy, but still enjoys girly stuff too. As she gets older, she grows out of her childhood crush and her and Thomas remain good friends. She matures into quite a graceful, strong, and respectable lady. Unfortunately, I don't have a design or much info for her yet. But hopefully soon!
Then we have Rebecca! She's definitely interesting! I based her design off frilled lizards and sunflowers! She's the youngest out of the female characters! Probably just in her teenage years!
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Rebecca crash landed on the island and claimed that she was traveling with her clan there. She waited for days for them to show up. But they never came. Now, Thomas and his family couldn't possibly let such a sweet dragon get abandoned like this. So they let her into their clan! Rebecca shockingly got very attached to Gordon. And vise versa. He becomes a father figure to her. (In fact, he ends up adopting her eventually!) Rebecca reminded him of his younger sisters whom he loved.
2: How about anything of the narrow gauge engines (they're my favs) like proteus, luke or stanley/smudger? Who’s your fav?: I love them and they definitely in here! They're the Mountain Cave Clan! A clan of small ground dwelling dragons! With Skarloey as their Patriarch! There's tons of them! From well known characters like Duncan, Peter Sam, and Rheneas, to obscure extended family! And Proteus is actually their guardian spirit! I'm still figuring out his role and powers, but just like in the series, if you can find his lamp, it will grant you a wish! But you have to pass a series of trials and tests to even get your hands on it! (Oh, and Luke was my favorite when I was a kid! I loved him!)
3: Are ya gotta add any aeg characters like bruno, sandy or kana? Kana’s gotta be a speedy queen: I think so actually! I've seen a lot of AUs with Bruno as Henrietta and Toby's kid and OH MY GOSH YES. That's adorable.😍 And Kana is definitely there! She's Kenji's little sister in this! I'm not sure about Sandy yet. But she seems cute. So maybe!
Thank you so much for the questions! These were fun to answer!😁
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