#helsa doll
frozensamantha · 3 months
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🔥❄️❤️ Happy 29th Feb Leapday Helsa shipmates! ❤️❄️🔥
it's been a great month for Helsa content, especially during Helsa valentine month and with my dear friend's Helsa Wedding chapters complete in her Frozen Again book series - so it's perfect we get an extra day this year!!
(and I finally got these 2017 Disney Tokyo Frozen Fantasy Helsa plushies I've been hunting for years too! thank so much @queenelsawestergaard you're the best!! )
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This gives me a bit of hope that these upcoming ones might be cohesive with each other unlike the first two.......... 👀
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nunalastor · 2 months
The thing about Alastor is that as much of a bastard he is, he's incredibly protective of the people he's decided to care about. So what if Mimzy only ever comes to him when she needs him to bail her out of trouble? Bring on all the loan sharks and gangsters, he'll take care of that for you, baby girl.
So the angels of Hazbin Hotel may be possessive of him, but as he's absorbed into their weird little group, be becomes possessive of them in turn.
Velvette starts trying to get her hooks into Vaggie, the only angel in Hell who isn't an all powerful Morningstar. Well suddenly Vaggie's shadow is coming to life and digging talons into Velvette's eye sockets.
Seviathan is jealous that Charlie dumped him for a girl and decides to be a giant piss baby about it? Looks like Helsa's about to be an only child. (Temporarily. It takes a few months for the scattered bits of meat that used to be Seviathan to come back together. The Von Eldritches can't prove Alastor was responsible but the way the trust fund brat keeps mumbling about 'antlers' and 'dolls' while trembling in a fetal position means they're pretty sure.)
With Lucifer, it's a bit different because Lilith doesn't need to be physically present to have a hold over him. And depending on if you see Lilith as being Alastor's soul owner or not, there's nothing much Alastor could do about it. All Lilith would have to do is order him to relinquish any attachment he has towards Lucifer, and Alastor would be forced to comply.
Even so, when Lucifer still gets too in his own head about where he went wrong and why he wasn't good enough for Lilith, Alastor is all too happy to point out each and every one of Lucifer's flaws for him. This of course sparks a major argument, complete with angry accordion-ing and piano dropping. Later on, however, Lucifer realizes he'd completely forgotten about Lilith. If just for a moment.
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galaxygolfergirl · 7 months
I'm kind of worried about you guys
Recently I've been revisiting the Frozen franchise after taking somewhat of a sabbatical from it for the longest time, rewatching the movies and shorts, and I am currently going through the Frozen 2 documentary. This was mainly for nostalgia, but I wanted to try and understand the franchise from a more critical, technical perspective, and I've come to some insights that I think are worth sharing.
I already voiced my opinions on the frozen fandom in another post, especially in regards to helsa, but since I've been revisiting the old stomping grounds and reading recent posts, it's been concerning to me the level of emotional distress people were having over the treatment of Hans's character.
Now, from what I've gathered from the "text" itself (the movies and shorts, and the frozen heart novel), and from the documentary, I don't really get the sense that the writers and producers at Walt Disney animation have this vendetta against a single character. I don't think it's that deep. Despite the fact that our corner of the fandom believes that the character of Hans has potential, I can assume that the creative team doesn't really consider him to be anything more than a typical Disney villain.
Now I can't really say anything about the potential "hints" at his future redemption or a possible relationship with Elsa, but from what I understand what goes into the creative process during production, I don't think there is a guiding decree that declares that all Disney merchandising material have these hints. Most likely it is an accumulation of random chance and personal decisions down the production pipeline that have nothing to do with orders from the chain of command.
As much as it was exciting to me to read into stuff like this when I was younger, like the Hans and Elsa dolls getting paired together, for example, I think the logic still stands that currently his character is meant to be perceived negatively. And I don't think that's meant as a personal slight against our side of the fandom, that's just what the text says and what the general audience currently accepts.
I don't know if the creative team or Jennifer Lee has seen all of our posts or discussions, I don't know how they personally feel, but as a writer and an artist I feel that the vocal angry callout posts, fandom infighting, and actual petitions to get people fired over how a story should be written, ones that they might have seen, are especially harmful to the creative process. It's not up to fans how a story should be written, and as much as fans may not agree with certain creative decisions, it is ultimately up to the creators themselves whether they take that input or not.
Like I've said, PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS STUFF SO SERIOUSLY! It's two PG animated musicals that are marketed to little girls! There's a frozen-themed waffle maker! Canon doesn't mean shit! You can play with these ideas and adapt them through other means! Just because it doesn't have the Disney logo slapped on it or has professional CGI animation doesn't mean that your fan fiction or fan art is any less valid or cheapened. And listen, I understand having these feelings; I was disappointed when Hans wasn't in Frozen 2, I was disappointed about how the movie ended, or that Helsa probably wasn't going to become a thing, but eventually I grew to understand that that wasn't up to me. We are not entitled to make the creators do what we want.
We have to have a sense of emotional maturity and media literacy here, not just for this little microcosm of fandom, but for investing in all media in general. There is so much more that goes into the creative production pipeline. It takes a team full of people, hundreds, thousands, that make stories like this work. Scouring the internet for story crumbs and hints and theories is only going to frustrate you more and taking that frustration out on the creative team online isn't going to make your case or help anything. If anything, you're only coming across as kind of intimidating and aggressive, and creators don't really react well to that.
Now listen: I am not trying to police how anyone reacts to a piece of media, I'm not trying to come across as somebody on any sort of moral high ground. I only encourage those who have been disappointed and frustrated to put things into a larger perspective. This is a Disney animated film series marketed at little girls. If they want to bring his character back, that would be great! If they don't, who needs 'em? Please just enjoy what you are able to do with these characters and this story. You certainly don't need validation from the house of mouse.
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frozenpolishfangirl · 1 month
“Let it All Go”
Helsa Frozen 1 AU 
(coronation escape scene)
She ran away, feeling like ice is running down her skin, freezing her from heart to toes. She kept her secret away, being stressed that somebody will cover out the horrible truth about the queen she never wanted to be, who has powers that will endager all the kingdom. 
“Conceal, don’t feel”, they said. Elsa was listening to it at all cost, even hiding what she really felt, to protect the one she loved, and her sister the most, but at the moment, when they all called her monster, there was no escape from the stress she felt. She was alone, with feeling blue all her life, hiding her pain and fear that was pulsing inside her heart, that everyone was forced to call it frozen.
She viewed herself as dangerous, as someone who shouldn’t live in society she was raised, maybe really as a monster, who will only cause pain. Elsa hated pushing off the one she loved, but she knew, that it was only for their safety, and as a new queen and ruler, and good sister and so-called daughter of her late parents, she should stay silent, like porcelain, antique doll with nothing to say.
Then, in peak of her anger and overaching fear, someone with hand warmer than hers, grabbed her hand with a sense of feeling scared, as well as she felt. Elsa saw Hans, the prince from the other kingdom, who, as she saw now, wasn’t that bad as she thought, when he was looking at her with concern and pain in his eyes, that was just as real as her own pain and feelings.
“Queen Elsa, don’t let your fear overache you…. It will be all ok, I promise” - he said, and she looked upon his watercolor green eyes, that shined even in the darkest night of current summer, and contrasted perfectly with her own, dark blue, feared eyes.
“How power you have to stop the monster? to stop me?” - Elsa answered, feeling like her breath was so fast and heart was beating faster and faster. She should not let her feelings get out of her mind and heart, but with Hans, she felt more safe than ever before. This man had a influence on her, the connection she never felt before. The only human, that she was brave enough to let get that close to her.
“You’re not a monster” - Hans answered, and Elsa looked upon his eyes again, feeling like this words peace her in a split second.
“Are you sure? They called me that, and…. Maybe are they true” - Elsa bursted in tears, letting herself feel and let out the pain she felt all these years, looking at Hans, who was staring at her with love, care and attention, that no one gave her like that since she was born. He was someone else, a soulmate, that kept avalanche in her heart peaced. The human, that seemed to change her fear and pain to love and self-acceptance.
He was different from all the people she knew, even Anna wasn’t exact the person that she felt that special connection. A literal soulmate, she thought.
“You are not the monster they fear you are… you are more than everyone thinks. You’re special as you are, in all your glory, Elsa” - Hans answered, smiling to her, and then, they hugged themselves, when the snow around them began to fade.
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calenheniel · 6 months
WIP preview.
So, I should preface this by saying that this is NOT a continuation of any outstanding fics I've already written, like In Fantasy or Winter's End - this is a new shorter piece I'm working on, four (?) parts planned in total. Since I've been so inactive of late, I wanted to share a draft of the first part with y'all. It's going to be a dark, tragic, R-rated sorta story, A/U, and - of course - centered on Hans x Elsa. No title as of yet, but I'll think of something eventually.
Thanks especially to @nap-hime, whose recent fic it became a nemesis is stirring the old Helsa flames in me!
See more below the line.
»»————- ❈ ————-««
“I’ll have that princess bedded and wedded within a week!”
Hans recognizes Adrian by his boasting, not bothering to look up from the flower bed. Another voice guffaws - probably Lucas, he thinks, from the brassiness of the laughter - but he keeps his gaze fixed on his task as he listens, kneeling in the grass.
“You’re pretty, Adrian, but that’s a stretch⁠—even for you. What makes you think she’d open her legs just like that?”
Lucas snaps his fingers for effect, making Adrian chuckle. “You know the girl’s been cooped up in that castle since her parents died. She’s probably starved for affection.”
“And what about the other one?”
“You mean the disinherited older sister?” Adrian asks, snorting. “What about her?”
“Well, aren’t you curious to know what she looks like?” replies Lucas. “No one’s seen her in years.”
“Yes, I suppose, but she’s merely a curiosity at this point,” dismisses Adrian. “The younger one is the heir apparent. And now that she’s finally started to accept suitors, everyone’s after her. But I intend to be the first one in Arendelle.”
Hans snips with the gardening shears loudly enough to catch their attention, looking nonchalant when they turn to stare at him.
“What are you doing here?” Lucas snaps, glaring. 
Adrian spots the shears and chuckles. “Why, he’s picking flowers,” he sneers. “Hoping to curry the King's favor with a spring bouquet. Isn’t that right, Hans?”
Hans shrugs. “They’re for mother’s grave,” he replies simply, gathering them into a bunch as he stands. “Daffodils were her favorite.”
“Like I care what flowers your whore mother liked,” Lucas spits, scowling. “You can join her under the ground, as far as I’m concerned.”
Hans’s look darkens as Adrian steps between them, tutting. “Now, now, Lucas⁠—that’s not very nice, is it? Even if he is a son of a whore,” he remarks, “he’s still our baby brother.” 
His smile does not reach his eyes. “Now run along, Hans. You needn’t concern yourself with the affairs of your betters.”
Lucas grins. “I think the ladies-in-waiting are missing their favorite doll for tea.”
Hans grips the flowers a little harder, but only for a moment⁠—and then he wears a small, polite smile that makes even Adrian frown as he bows.
“I’ll take my leave then. Be well, brothers.”
Adrian scoffs and Lucas mutters as Hans walks back towards the palace, never looking behind him. 
His smile is frozen in place.
»» —— ««
He slips down into the kitchens with his usual ease, unnoticed by the guards, ignored by the cook and most of the servants. 
They’re used to him, he supposes, or perhaps he just blends into the scenery⁠: another piece of furniture to be occasionally dusted and polished.
He finds his target rummaging through the pantry, and makes his entrance.
“Freja, my dear,” he says from behind her, “you’re just the girl I was looking for.”
The servant turns around with red cheeks that make her pale skin seem to glow in the dim light of the space, her brown eyes wide and flustered as he takes her hand in his and plants a kiss upon it.
“Your Highness!” she exclaims in just above a whisper, glancing over and around him nervously. “It’s almost dinnertime. There’s too many people around⁠—”
He squeezes her hand, making her squeak. “I promise I won’t be long,” he replies, smiling as she fidgets. He withdraws a small silk pouch from the inside of his suit jacket, and places it in her hand. “These are tea leaves from England⁠—Prince Adrian’s favorite. Have Chef Jensen serve it to him at dinner.”
“From England?” she asks, interested. “How did you get it?”
“I have my ways.”
She opens the pouch, sniffing its contents, and frowns. “This doesn’t smell like any tea we’ve made before.”
“It’s a new blend,” he says, closing her fist around the packet. “Named after Charles Grey.”
She blinks, bemused. “Who’s that?”
“The Prime Minister, dear. But that’s beside the point. You can switch out the usual tea with this. Chef Jensen won’t notice.”
Freja bites her lip. “I don’t know about this, Hans⁠—”
He draws the girl in that much closer, holding her hands warmly in his, and she trails off as she melts into the sensation.
It’s too easy, Hans thinks as he watches her face go flush, and her eyes darken with want⁠—but one chuckle from him is enough to bring her back to the present.
“Now be my sweet girl,” he murmurs in a low voice, “and do as I ask. I promise you’ll be well-rewarded for it later.”
She pouts, but eventually manages a smile as she stuffs the pouch in her apron pocket. 
“Fine. But no surprises next time, you hear?”
He nods. “Deal.”
She pauses to look over her shoulder one more time before tiptoeing her way back into the hall, and flashes him a hasty wink before making herself look busy with a pile of plates by the washbasin.
He watches for a while from the shadows, still smiling.
»» —— ««
Tea is served alongside Chef Jensen’s famous apple cake, greeted with applause by Hans’s brothers and their wives. 
“It’s been too long since you’ve made this,” remarks the king as he takes the first bite. “You’ve outdone yourself, Jensen.”
The others at the long table follow his lead, and their chews and groans of pleasure resounding throughout the great hall remind Hans chiefly of a herd of masticating cattle. 
The chef bows, looking pleased, and the king’s steward gestures for the servants to begin pouring the tea.
Adrian is the first to sniff his cup with interest. “What is this, Jensen?” he asks between mouthfuls of cake. “It smells different.”
“Smells the same to me,” says Oskar, another of Hans’s brothers, from across the table. “Some kind of dark tea.”
“Ceylon, to be exact,” Adrian corrects him, sipping the brew and tucking his black hair behind his ears. “But I wouldn’t expect someone with your pedestrian tastes to know the difference.” He blinks as he sets the cup down, ignoring Oskar’s scowl. “This really is something else. Quite lovely, actually.”
“I don’t know what you’re on about,” grumbles Oskar. “It’s the same damn tea as always.”
“Enough, you two,” barks the king, silencing them. He dismisses the chef from the hall. “It’s unbearable to think we’re all related, sometimes.”
“Well, most of us, anyway,” says Lucas, smirking at Hans; the others chuckle at this, some coughing into the remainder of their wine to hide their amusement.
The king doesn’t spare a glance at his youngest brother, turning his attention instead to Adrian at his side. “Is everything ready for your trip tomorrow?”
The younger man nods, his bright blue eyes blazing with excitement. “Yes. We’re heading out at sunrise.”
“And not a moment too soon,” Harald mutters into his tea, making the brothers on either side of him, Erik and Frederick, chortle.
Adrian shoots them a frown. “Laugh all you want, but soon Arendelle will be swarming with princes from all over Europe. Getting there first is the best chance I⁠—” he pauses, catching the king’s wary eyes on him, and swallows, “⁠—we have to secure it as a permanent ally.”
“What can they even offer us?” scoffs Niels, the second oldest. He shrugs at the king’s dark look. “You know I’ve been against this from the beginning, Magnus. Arendelle is little more than a glorified fishing village with some nice scenery, as far as I’m concerned.”
“Then it’s a good thing this doesn’t concern you,” snaps the king. “What they have now may be of little value, but the potential is great.”
Adrian grins, and clinks his teaspoon against the cup. “Indeed, Your Majesty. Potential that must be tapped.”
The wives all titter with feigned amusement while half their husbands guffaw, and the other half roll their eyes and grumble.
Hans alone neither laughs nor mutters, and when the table grows quiet again, he takes the opportunity to stand and raise his glass to Adrian at the other end.
“To your safe journey,” he says, smiling. “May you sweep Princess Anna off her feet.”
His brothers and their wives look uneasy at his toast, glancing between themselves; but when the king stands, raising his glass, the others follow.
“To Adrian, and his success in Arendelle,” he says.
“To Adrian!” they shout, and finish off their wine.
When they sit down again, their tension is dispelled, and the conversation resumes. Only Adrian remains perturbed by the sudden tribute, eyeing Hans with a wrinkled, irritated brow, and he drinks the rest of his tea more quickly than usual.
The youngest prince pretends not to notice, picking at the rest of his apple cake with practiced calm.
»» —— ««
“I swear it was that blasted tea!” 
Adrian moans in-between heaves, his body weak with nausea as he leans over a vessel hastily provided by a servant in the parlor. His other brothers watch the scene from a distance, murmuring amongst themselves, their expressions torn between pity, amusement, and disgust. 
Hans slips in amongst them from the back, keeping his own face impassive.
The queen sighs, patting her brother-in-law gently. “We all had the same tea, and no one else got sick. Perhaps you just caught something⁠—I hear a spring cold has been going around.”
The prince’s protest is cut short by another bout of retching, and the queen backs away, holding her handkerchief to her nose. She looks at the king with concern.
“Dear, I don’t think he’ll be able to travel in this shape.”
He frowns down at Adrian, sighing. “No, I don’t think so either. The journey will have to be delayed until he recovers.”
“What!” Adrian cries out, his arms shaking as he grips the sides of the vessel. “You must be joking, Magnus. I must go at sunrise as planned!”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” the king snaps, watching as his brother writhes with the urge to vomit. “I won’t have you showing up at the princess’s doorstep looking half-dead.”
“Yes,” cracks Harald. “That would defeat the point of the whole enterprise, after all.”
“Quiet, you!” barks Magnus, frowning. He motions to his steward, who quickly jogs up to his side. “Bring Chef Jensen to my study. I want to know if there was something in the food that could’ve resulted in this.”
Adrian pants as the steward rushes out of the room, his gaze traveling up from the Persian rug beneath them until it finds Hans in the crowd of spectators.
“You!” he accuses, pointing a trembling finger at him. “You did something. I know it.”
The others all look between Adrian and Hans quizzically, while the latter demonstrates surprise at the allegation. 
“What utter nonsense,” Magnus interrupts, scowling. “Leave him out of this.”
“But he was listening to us in the garden earlier!” Adrian objects, looking to Lucas for support. “You remember, don’t you? He was spying on us.”
Lucas, on the receiving end of a glare from the king, swallows. “He was just picking flowers, Adrian. You said so yourself.”
“But he⁠—he’s jealous!” Adrian balks, glowering even as he grows more wan. “He’s trying to take the princess for himself!”
“Don’t you hear yourself, man?” the king rebukes, sighing. “What would the princess want to do with him? He’s nothing.”
A grin twists and grows on Lucas’s lips. “He’s right, Adrian. She wouldn’t bother wasting time on the Unlucky Thirteenth.”
The room is filled with laughter at this pronouncement, but all is quiet in Hans’s mind save for the beating of his own heart, a steady thump in the night.
He smiles at the last, if only to himself.
Yes, he thinks, if only there was someone out there who could love me.
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It's so maddening
I just don't believe that Disney wants to please its fans anymore, I honestly don't.
I can't see why they'd not want to take up an interesting and compelling storyline (that links links nicely to the first story, so no struggles trying to connect anything there cough cough F2) that would be A; a breath of fresh air from the stuff they've been making (cheap remakes and flops) and would please a significant portion of people who watched the original. We are some of the loyalist Frozen fans, we have our own stable section of the fandom, and there isn't a good reason why not to take the leap as far as Disney is concerned. They don't even have to dive straight into Helsa but if they just allow Hans to be seen in a sympathetic/understanding/redeemable light, that would be something.
I really think that Disney's response to Hans and the treatment they've given him post Frozen (giant snowball, Elsa crumbling his ice statue, the charades game) is very of this age. There are Disney villains of the past (Maleficent and Cruella got sob stories and 'rebranding', which I at least think was an odd stance to take on a spiteful witch and a literal puppy-murderer. Then that villain doll in TS4 got redeemed only minutes after trying to leave Woody voiceless and stuck in the antique shop, because we were super invested in that doll's eventual undeserved happy ending amirite) who have been treated with less derision and contempt than Hans, and I think it's in part because those villains were regarded as long enough ago that you can do what you want with them now (their evilness is regarded as "lessened"), and also that I think Disney is kinder to its female villains (that they must have some background trauma as to why they act the way they do, they can't just be evil) and finally that while Frozen is obviously magical and fantastical in most of its elements, it seems to try and attempt a 'realistic' approach to the interactions of the characters. I don't like this, it's inconsistent and an example of lazy writing - "Hans is bad just because he's bad", the writers don't even attempt to add any extra layers or facets to his character.
I feel like Hans is treated with a special vindictiveness and I think that is unfair and I don't understand why it seems okay to do this.
I desperately hope that someday (Frozen 3) our hopes will be realised by Disney and we can see Helsa (or even hints at Helsa, I'd settle for that) become canon, but honestly I am extremely doubtful. I suspect I know how F3 will play out and I'm already apprehensive.
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northwind-queen · 1 year
I just... I just think it's kinda funny how from all of the Elsa ships, helsa is the one who has gotten more crumbs from Disney. I mean the Conceal, Don't Feel book, the HELSA DOLLS WITH BEDROOM EYES (srs guys what was that about lmfao???) Hans/Elsa actors shipping helsa/being supportive of the ship... Sometimes it felt as if they were softlaunching helsa without compromising ever lmao
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annachumsblog · 2 years
My VHC on some Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss characters
. Sebastien Perrault - Dr Facilier from The Princess and the Frog
. Esther LeFevre - Eartha Kitt
. Henroin - Robert De Niro
. Constanza Vitelli - Bebe Neuwirth
. Paimon Goetia - Emperor Belos from The Owl House
. Amethyst Edelsten - Sarah Brightman
. Mimzy - Fanny Price from Guys and Dolls
. Baxter - Dr. Doofenshmirtz
. Valentino - Scar from The Lion King 1994
. Vox - Mark Hamill's Joker
. Velvet - Arleen Sorkin's Harley Quinn
. King Lucifer - Weird Al Yankovic
. Queen Lilith - Lady Gaga
. Molly - Kristin Chenoweth
. Rosie - Barbra Streisand in Hello Dolly
. Frederick Von Eldtrich - Jafar from Aladdin 1992
. Bethesa von Eldtrich - Michelle Pfeiffer's Velma Von Tussle
. Seviathan von Eldtrich - Gaston from Beauty and the Beast of 1991
. Helsa von Eldtrich - Rachel McAddams' Regina George
. Tilla ( Blitzo and Barbie Wire's mom ) - Lea Salonga
. Crymini - Amy Winehouse
. Arackniss - Psychicbubbles aka Zach Hadelack
. Mammon - Krusty the Clown
. Leviathan - Lucius Malfoy
. Andrealphus - The Devil from Cuphead Show
. Beezlebub - Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas
. Belphegor - Xibalba from The Book of Life
. Melody Tinderbox ( Moxxie and Millie's daughter ) - Lily Loud from Loud House
. Barbie Wire - Lucy Wilde from Despicable Me
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frozensamantha · 1 year
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Hi Helsa Shipmates! just checking in to let you know I’m still here! It’s been a busy year so far but I’m still shipping Helsa (obviously!! 10th year anniversary of shipping Helsa as well as the actual frozen movie!!), and of course I’ll be posting some more Helsa content as soon as I can! *is also  manifesting Hans’ redemption for frozen 3*  ^_^ Keep shipping!!!  (pic is my WIP custom set. Hans’ outfit is complete -designed and made by my dear friend queenelsawestergaard, you’ve sen it before, Elsa’s dress is something I’m experimenting with using the Hasbro style series dress as a base for Elsa but my camera flash is hiding/washing out gems and details on both of their outfits *facepalm* better pics eventually when I finish Elsa’s dress )
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frozencollectibles · 3 years
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I recently acquired a Disney Store Cast Member version of the Fairytale Heros vs Villains Designer doll set for Frozen with Elsa and Hans. It doesn’t have an edition number!
❄ ❄ ❄
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onmarswesail · 3 years
Everyone, I'm sorry I've been so absent from the helsa fandom lately, it's just that I couldn't deal with Tumblr at the moment, with the pandemic and everything. I'm really sad that I lost so much good content over the past few months, but let me tell you: you guys who keep making Helsa content are AMAZING. Every single one of you. I'm mesmerized by the incredible talent and dedication you show.
So here's my little contribution ☺️ Got these two on 2014 (plus Anna and Kristoff) and created my own stories with them at the time. If you'd like to see more of my photos, follow me on my Instagram account, @dollsdadani (I only post my doll collection).
Keep on rocking!
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helsaguy · 4 years
Every day that goes by with Disney still not redeeming Hans and still not making Hans and Elsa one of the best Disney couples that ever existed, is a day of my life wasted.
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nettculture · 5 years
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Amazing textile dolls from Scottish textile artist Johanna Flanagan (The Pale Rook) at https://thepalerook.com/ "Helsa", © Johanna Flanagan
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helsa-me-plz · 6 years
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godzillamaster1 · 3 years
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"I didn't like how I awkward and terrified I looked in my first photo with Velvet, so we decided to take a new one together. To celebrate the day we started dating."
I couldn’t help it, I just love this doll. I hope that when Hazbin Hotel comes out, Velvet doesn’t turn out to be super evil. She’s just too adorable.
I’ll be doing a commission of myself with Loona and Verosika in the future, plus one with Helsa since she’s technically a romantic interest in my fanfic too. 
My story if anyone’s interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30130509/chapters/74222136
Artwork by Gunshad on deviantart
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