mangocheesecakes · 2 months
Hello! I hope I'm not being intrusive, my fundraising is slow, my time is limited, I don't have enough reach, I really need your help, could you help me reblog/spread the word (pinned post) or donate what you can? every dollar allows me to get closer to my goal.
Kindly help as much as you can. Be blessed and thank you ❤️
scammer with previous urls mysticalsaladdaze and cathelene-cancer-thriver:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Here are previous iterations of their ask that i found on tumblr.
Please warn other users if you see them reblogging their scam post.
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kyra45 · 2 months
@helpusevacuategaza seems to be a scam
It is. The graphic has been used across 4 other accounts now the pfp is stolen off gofundme.
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ghorehound · 2 months
Hey you reblogged a scam post. helpusevacuategaza / 'Nicholas Ochieng' is a scammer.
oh shoot well thanks for letting me know! I know some folks reblogged that one from me too so uhh delete your reblogs guys and hopefully no one donated...
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