#hell if its about x readers fanfics or wahtever im up for it too
deardiary1899 · 1 month
ok new ramble (about newsies ocs) today so sit tight inside roosevelt's carriage and enjoy the ride
FIRST, I very much adore the world of newsies and the cast, and I so often think how interesting the story would play out with different roles or new characters--
SECOND, Sue me, but I like x readers, i LOVE x readers, i WRITE x readers and i love ocs and self inserts and If whoever reading this has rummaged through the newsies x reader tag, they'd see that quite often, the reader or oc is a newsie, or, a girlsie for whatever reasons, and, while that's pretty fun, I think that we could all totally have some fun with other types of dynamics and professions!!
I believe that Miss Medda and her theatre deserved to have a bit more lore and connection with the story OUTSIDE of Miss Medda herself. Do the newsies frequent the theatre? Are they friends with any of the singers, dancers, whatnot? Have THEY performed there once? Who's to think that the newsies haven't collaborated with Miss Medda to use her creative resources for activism during the strike (that would be very cool)?
Oh, and nothing gets me giggling, kicking my feet and feeling all giddy than a theatre romance-- Your OC/Reader performing the hell out of the show when they see a certain newsie in the audience? Writing a poem/song based off them, or, hell, for platonic feelings sake, dedicating a play to their strike?
And, hey, what about journalism? What about being Katherine's best friend? If you'd still like your oc/reader to be a newsie, what about for intentions different than "because I had to"/"I felt different"/ or the like? Maybe your oc is a journalist undercover as a newsie to get the latest details? Or, working under Pulitzer to spy on the newsies during their strike (Could lead to many different kinds of conflict, imo)
Maybe some of my examples could be leaning dangerously on the edge of historical inaccuracy, but, truthfully, I honestly don't care much? Might be a bad thing to say, but, so long as it isn't ENTIRELY inaccurate, I, personally, am not too nitpicky about any details!
This is not to say "Stop making your ocs newsies!", but, if you're writing with the idea to diversify or bring something new to the table, deviating from the common stuff is pretty cool. But if you're not, that's cool too, so long as it's not hurting anyone or everyone's having fun :-)
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