#headcanon that the knights dragoon and the temple knights pretty much rag on each other
the last princess (8)
“Why in the seven fucking hells you couldn’t be the one down here?”  Augustine heard the tone of his voice--and while normally he would have cringed and tried to rein in his temper--he just wasn’t in the mood. 
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<Do I look like I can be a priest?>  Reinhardt countered.
“There’s a fair amount of clergymen who have more fucked up faces than yours.”
<Let me rephrase that.  Do I even remotely give off the impression that I could be a priest?>
“I just want to know why did it turn out to be me on the ground and you playing lookout!” 
<Natural selection!>  Reinhardt sniped.  Then he sighed.  He couldn’t blame Augustine for being tetchy.  The paladin had taken up a post just some yards away from the House Dzemael entrance.  Instead of his armor however, Augustine was wearing a set of Mathye’s clerical robes--hastily purloined, with one of his staves strapped to his back. 
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“I’ve got a good view from here.”  He said.  “If I spot your ex-family, you’ve got enough time to head for one of the alcoves.”  Silence stretched out for several moments on the linkpearl, and then it was Augustine’s turn to sigh.
<Sorry.  I just...I try to stay away from here whenever I’m in the city.>
“Believe me I know.  Just bad luck that the bastard that drugged Lissa works in that compound.”  Augustine shifted his weight--how the hell did Mathye deal with the all the skirts kicking about everywhere?  It didn’t help that Ishgard was particularly windy today.
“What exactly happened?”  He asked.  Lissa was Riven’s lady’s maid--or rather, acted as one whenever Riven was in the city and staying with the Fortemps. 
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<Lissa had a night off, decided to go to the Forgotten Knight.  She was all alone, a man came up and introduced himself, and then they started talking.  He bought the drinks, and soon Lissa noticed that she wasn’t feeling well.  She felt woozy, and the man was starting to ask her questions about Riven.  She got up to use the privy, but instead went to Gibrillont.  He figured out she’d been drugged, but the arsehole had fled.>
“You got an Echo vision?” 
<Lucked into it.  Did some asking around, found out he worked here and this is his normal time to leave for the farmlands Dzemael still has outside the city.  He's a supervisor.>  Augustine frowned.
“Dzemael has no love lost for Riven, and they’ve only been all too happy to just stay in their corners and quietly bitch about the state of affairs in Ishgard.”  He said.  “Plus with Count Durendaire having warmed up to her--they wouldn’t try anything.  So why would one of their servants want to drug Lissa enough to talk about her?”
<Your guess is as good as mine.  I was thinking it might have been another one of Riven’s ex-compatriots.  I remembered you had said you got one kicked out of the city when he came slinking back, wanting to fix fences.>
“That was before we left for Old Sharlayan.  Moons ago.”  Almost an entire lifetime, Augustine thought.
“Besides, there’s a chance they could have been injured or killed during the Final Days.”
<We thought they’d been killed during the summoning at Balsar’s Wall too, remember?>  Reinhardt pointed out.
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“You have a point there.”  Augustine muttered.  “Still, I got the impression that the one we dealt with wasn’t going to try anything again.  And seemed smart enough to pass the word onto his friends.”  He shifted his weight as another blast of air sent his skirts flying about his ankles.  Reinhardt was quiet, his gaze flicking over the street.  No movement yet from the manor from his vantage point, though he would have to move soon.  His perch could be spotted by any dragoon on city-patrol.
<Did anyone tell you all you have to do is cut your hair and you’re a dead ringer for Mathye?> 
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“Can we not?”
<Just saying!>
“You understand that these were custom, tailor-made-for-him, robes correct?  Aetherically customized?”
<Oh come on the two of you use Halonic magics, you’re not going to fuck up anything!>  Reinhardt couldn’t help the smile that was spreading over his face as Augustine spluttered.  Needling the paladin was breaking some of the tension and at least allowed Augustine to have a distraction.
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“I know damn well you just didn’t try to compare my spellcraft with his!”  Reinhardt was correct in the fact that Ishgardian paladin and priest magics were at their core, the same.  Just different applications of spells.  Mathye on the other hand, was an entirely different creature. This was based on the fact that at some point during his training, a white mage job stone had made its way into his hands and refused to leave.  The Church had no choice but to allow Mathye to go Gridania to be trained by the Padjals.  Adding in his dragonfire from his time as a dragoon, and Augustine’s older brother was a literal unholy combination of priestly magics, white magery, and dragonfire.  With now an additional sprinkling of Halone-only-fucking-knew aether from his mastering the sage’s arts. 
<See I only just jump and fly, all magic is the same to me!>  Reinhardt teased.
“Floor force.” 
<What was that?!>  Now it was Augustine’s turn to grin.  ‘Floor force’ and other various...terms were often flung at the dragoons from the Temple Knights due to...well, the Knight Dragoon order traditionally wasn’t very good at ground combat.
“You heard me.”  He could imagine Reinhardt and Paien both bristling.  Before he could start piling it on, the dragoon interjected.
<Movement from the servant’s entrance.>  Augustine immediately snapped to attention, waiting.
“Is it him?”
<Aye.  Brunette, black robes, carrying some sort of package.  Heading your way.  See if you can’t pull him into the alley just past the Astrologium.  I’ll join you in a second.>
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“Got it.”  Augustine murmured, watching as the man in question quickly passed him.
the last princess masterpost here
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