#he was also the one who taught her how to brawl and didn't say a thing regarding the spinning strike
randomnameless · 1 month
Thinking about one of Nopes's most harmless retcons -
Indech forging the sacred weapons instead of Macuil is a retcon because in Claude's FE16 paralogue, per the "official biography made by the church", Macuil was the one who was skilled with his hands and became a blacksmith, and forged weapons for Seiros's army (the jp version has "セイロスの戦いに貢献したんだそうな" so it's less he made weapons for Rhea's army, but it was his way to contribute to the fight in general? Like Birdie making weapons for those dumb humans fighting with them?)
But then comes Nopes and Indech is the blacksmith - who got his forge and was admired by his totes not niece.
So why was this retconned?
To make FE16!Claude look like a clown because even if he researches stuff on his own, he can't get things right, or to make the Church sus, because they lie (they BaD) about which lizard had the role of the smith?
Given how Seteth, when Barney replies Macuil, goes "ah yeah people believe it was him but it was actually Indech the two worked together" this wasn't something that happened because no one gaf about FE16's plot like Leopold's Major Cichol Loincloth, but it was done on purpose.
Idk, maybe Rhea thought if she told the truth to people they would bother Indech to ask him to craft more weapons and he would either "have fun meddling" with them and accidently kill them, or she wanted to piss Macuil thus put his name in the records, so maybe when he was still around, some humans would ask him to forge weapons and since he doesn't like to be around humans he would be pissed?
Oh well, given how Nopes!Claude ended up, I think Nopes in general took a deliberate turn against it -
even if -
Linhardt understood who Turtle was, but Claude doesn't make the link between Birdie and Macuil, which is kind of a letdown when we consider his route is the only one where the truth about Nabateans is revealed, but that would have implied giving more than half figs about them and we can't have that
(Nopes gave negative figs)
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soulflame22 · 7 months
hey! ive been super fixated on aot, so here is my deep dive into episode one of attack on titan. this is mostly the foreshadowing things but there are some extras.
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• the title being: "To you, in 2,000 years" i am assuming "to you" is related to ymir fritz as "2000 years" is how many years since ymir got the shifters. my best theory with this is its ymir talking to armin possibly? armin and mikasa did what she could never do and killed off "the one they were in love with" the one who had all the power and was abusing it. armins the narrator in the first 3 seasons so i think thatd make sense. ive looked into what other peoples theories were and there are definitely quite a few, but this is the one that makes the most sense to me.
• in the opening scene birds are flying around. when eren wakes up, they scatter away from him. the birds represent freedom, and they're taunting him
• before eren opens his eyes he has a quick flashback, a bunch of things in the so called future that happen. this is in reference to how he sees the past the present and the future all at once. he got flashes of what was going to happen in the future.
• when eren wakes up, he says he forgot what he was dreaming about, and then mikasa brings up he was crying. this had more to do with the founding titan power, "it wasn't his time yet to know". but he was crying regardless because all of the tragedies that will await him (mikasa brings up this again in the episode)
• during this scene hes also sitting at the base of the tree he was later burried at
• throughout the first episode, even before the walls got attacked, you can see erens drive. a lot of people have been asking how much of what happened was eren and how much was the founding titan. he yells at hannes showing his anger and passion about what may be outside the walls. he goes to attack a man, goes to attack armins bullies, and he fights back as hard as he can when hannes is dragging him away from his mother. it is clear he is very passionate about those who he cares about in the beginning of the series, and in the end.
• erwin is seen in this episode after coming back from outside the walls. all throughout this episode people are saying that no new information is being learned and people are dying for nothing. but erwin didnt believe that. ever since his father taught young erwin about his theories, erwin thought there was something new outside the walls, some sort of secret. and he was right.
• eren throughout this episode keeps bringing up the outside of the walls. before his mom even died, he wanted to know. but it was something more than just the average curiosity. when grisha offers to show him whats in the storage, his eyes light up. more with the founding titan subconsciously leading him down the unfortunate past
• this encounter - bully: "or does your philosophy say its wrong to fight back too?" armin: "as a matter of fact it does, I rather take a few bumps then brawl like a beast!" i just think this encounter is ironic. parts of it do hold true, he does try to talk things through always before fighting, but in the end he did have to fight. and he did a lot of it.
• mikasas ackerman blood is also apparent in this episode. people are naturally intimidated by her because of how strong she was at such a young age. after all, fighting does run in their blood.
• "besides whats beyond the wall tends to put the issue into a different perspective" -hannes. this is interesting to me because hannes said it in a shallow way, referring to how stupid the titans were. but the people outside the walls do view things from a completely different perspective then them. he was right, even though he didn't mean to be
• armin called it: "[talking about how the walls are a false sense of security] and make no mistake, it absolutely is fleeting. the walls can't hold forever. only a matter of time" right after this is said, the collasal titan appears. but i think it's also interesting because he's right, the walls DIDN'T hold. instead the titans within them left them crumbling, destroying them entirely
• the collasal titan is huge, they would have seen it approaching, but it just seemed to appear. it also seemes to just disappear. this is in reference to the shifting power of titans
• erens immediate thought was to go down to his house to save his mom. the irony here being he was the one who sent the smiling titan (aka dina fritz) there.
• carla (erens mom) legs seemed to be crushed and broken under the house, but when the titan lifts her, she seems to be moving her legs just fine. were they just not crushed that badly? or was she trying to save eren and mikasa?
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hms-tardimpala · 2 years
I love Cobra Kai, it's my Cringey Bad Show With Moments Of Brillance™.
(long-ass gushing/rant and spoilers ahead)
Cobra Kai requires constant suspension of disbelief, it doesn't have the best pacing, half the humor is horrendous, the character writing is often stupid as shit, it's such a dumb show!
It also has insanely satisfying setup-payoffs, good dramatic irony, it's at its funniest when it's self-aware and laughing of itself, which it does gladly, and it goes to the trouble of giving you gray characters who go through multi-seasons arcs to better themselves (or the opposite). It's such a fun show!
And very importantly in today's media landscape, it pulls off being the necromantic resurrection of a beloved 80s franchise. It could easily have kept the black-and-white naive, squeaky-clean tone of the Karate Kid movies, but it said "Fuck it" from the first episode. It respects its KK roots but expands on them, adds depth and layers it didn't have to. Does it always do it well? Hell no. But seriously, this show didn't need to make that effort. With its premise, it had no right to be that good.
Obviously the show leans heavily on nostalgia, but it manages not to be a total nostalgia fest and brings some interesting things to the table.
Now, having just finished S5 (a lame season, but which had moments that made me cheer and curse out loud), I want to say how much I love how dark CK can get.
Like, it starts easy. A bullied kid, some teenagers slugging it karate-style at a school dance, a tournament to tell who's the winner. Then the brawls get less and less funny. There's slut-shaming. More kids get involved, more get hurt. A teenager gets his spine broken in his high school staircase. This is more the real world than KK, so you've got kids going to juvie for their actions, others who are scarred and traumatized for life.
Then the show goes further. Adults are involved in this now. They beat each other up directly and by proxy through children. There's breaking and entering, destruction of homes, arson. An adult sexually harasses a teenage girl in a precarious living situation. Vietnam veterans' trauma and domestic violence get discussed. There's physical and psychological abuse and manipulation left and right, between adults, between teens, from adults to kids. A grown man destroys another's hard-earned mental health because he feels lonely. There's assault and attempted murder. Kids breaking each other's bones in public settings.
And season 5! The violence keeps escalating. It's the only language some of these kids know by now. And the adults who taught them are just as traumatized and wrapped up in it and they can't stop either. There's arson again, people's lives are getting ruined by what started as a petty rivalry. A teenager is forced to injure herself to prove her loyalty by a group of adults who won't let her leave. A man teaches a child a karate strike that can break a ribcage and suffocate an oponent, and the only reason it doesn't happen is the child in question isn't strong enough yet, but he tries. You've got a sword fight and a man left to bleed out in a pool. A group of four men trying to beat one to death because they've been ordered to. A guy gets his finger cut off. Constant child endangerement and serious injuries that are ignored, and the psychological toll of all that isn't even acknowledged by the characters most of the time.
And of course all ends well, wounds heal and nobody dies, and it's not even gory, but still, it gave me the chills. As someone who enjoys on-screen violence immensely, it's very rare that I wish said violence would stop. That show is unbelievable, ridiculously over-dramatic, cheesy, and also too fucking real sometimes. Like a guy who's always laughing and making jokes, and one day he has too many drinks and lets slip something that reveals how much trauma he's suppressing.
I love this show and these characters. Out of this huge ensemble cast, there's only one character I haven't changed my mind on from the beginning and gone from hating or loving them to the opposite. (and it has great ships for all tastes!!)
Anyway, season 5 was awfully bad. And I enjoyed it. I'm done talking about the karate soap opera on this tumblr for a while, I think.
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Sonic you're the hedgehog of disaster. You bring nothing but danger and death.
You got your owl 🦉 mum killed because you couldn't follow a simple instruction of hiding your speed. When you fled to earth you caused a blackout by using your power irresponsibly which alerted the government to your presence. While fleeing you hid in Tom's shed, forcing him to hide you from a government agent.
You also guilt tripped him into driving your fugitive ass to San Francisco , causing him to be labelled as a fugitive by the government , over something that was your own fault. This put him in danger of facing serious jail time or worse. You also almost got him killed in a bar brawl you started after you refused to stay in the car like he asked. Your actions put not only Tom in danger, but his family as well. Tom and Maddie almost died in the battle with Jimbotnik all because of you. You're a danger to everyone around you.
Sonic's ears, then his head, then the rest of him seemed to sag with every word the stranger spoke, and he looked to be on the verge of tears. Had he been alone, he probably would've let them fall sooner and sat there hugging his knees.
But he wasn't alone.
Tom Wachowski hated seeing his kid like this, and having heard the harsh words (which upset him, too) decided to take over. He came right over, sat down and put a protective arm around Sonic, pulling the hedgehog close to his side.
"I got this one." the man said. He was met only with a nod and Sonic's face pressing against him. Tom gave him a shoulder squeeze and turned back to the stranger.
"Okay, pal, lot to unpack here. First up, her name was Longclaw, and you seem to forget, Sonic was only 3 or 4, if that, when that happened. You show me a three or four-year-old that perfectly follows every instruction they get 24/7/365. Doesn't exist for normal kids. Now add in the speed. Running. Let me tell you, there's not a kid in the world that could resist running if they had that kind of speed. I know I wouldn't have. I would've done the same thing Sonic did. It's what kids that age do. They run. They run and play and make adults wish we had that kind of energy."
"As for the blackout, it was an accident, because Sonic didn't fully understand his powers. He didn't know what all he was capable of, and he didn't really understand how his emotions affected his abilities. My niece has made us watch Frozen enough times to hammer into my head that someone with powers needs to be taught to control and understand them, not to hide them. Hiding them usually results in something bad, especially when their feelings are involved. That's what happened when Elsa got upset at her sister, and that's what happened when Sonic got upset that he was basically robbed of his childhood. Not saying Longclaw did it on purpose, because I don't think she did. She was half right, that people did want Sonic's power. But she was wrong in thinking that's ALL anyone would want. She was wrong to think someone wouldn't want Sonic himself, to love him for who he is and teach him not to be afraid of himself or his abilities. His gifts."
"As for my shed, that wasn't Sonic's fault at all. That was mine. Maddie told me not to use her tranq gun for anything, but I did. And I pulled the trigger, not Sonic. And you seem to forget, Robotnik was SHOOTING MY HOUSE FULL OF BULLETS. I knew the guy was bad news when he tried to give me that electric company bullcrap. Even more so when he forced his way into my house without proof of ID or a warrant. And as Sonic told me afterward, he sent drones into my house while I was talking with him. I wasn't giving the guy anything. Especially not a living being. I was labeled a fugitive because I did what anybody would when a crazy guy breaks into your house and shoots at you with some kind of high tech probably military drones with intent to kill. It was on that trip I figured out Sonic was just a scared, lonely kid. No way in hell was I gonna let the feds murder a kid. I took him because it felt like it was the right thing to do. And you know what? It was one of the best things I ever did. Bar fight? My fault. I left the doors unlocked with the windows down and I knocked into the person who started the fight. Sonic actually saved me there. And Maddie chose to come with us to get the rings. It was Sonic who made me see that I didn't need to go be a big city cop to make a difference, to be the 'hero cop' or whatever. I was already doing that, I just didn't see it. So, stranger, you might think he's a danger to everyone. But to me? Aside from my wife-" Tom pulled Sonic into his lap and hugged the alien close, Sonic returning the embrace, "-this little hedgehog is the best thing that ever happened to me. And I love him. So if you have a problem with that, too bad and get out of my house. And don't ever talk to my son like that again. And don't try talking to any of my other kids that way either." A little sniffle was heard from Tom's chest.
"I love you, too, Dad." Sonic croaked out, his voice breaking. He then hid his face in his father's chest again. The harsh words couldn't reach him here. He was safe. His dad's love and strong, warm arms made it so.
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renee-writer · 4 years
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A Braw Day Arc Two Chapter 1 A Very Scottish Wedding
As promised, a second arc to A Brawl Day( with Braw spelled correctly). We start with a wedding.
She stands, in her gown. White with accents of plaid. She had agreed to his request for a Scottish wedding. She wants to see him decked out as the Viking warrior that flows through his blood. Wants to see Boyd in a kilt. But mostly because neither had the wedding they wished for the first time. Her and Frank had married at the registrar, he and Mary had also eloped with Jane already on the way.
She wants all the finery, the to do of being a bride. His traditions are more fun then her staid English one's so… She smiles even her corset is plaid, tucked high on her thigh. She feels a bit warm at the thought of him taken it off. They have been celibate over the last month to make tonight special.
Her hair and Jane's are decorated with thistles and forget-me-nots. She will carry the same. The wedding party is simple, just them and their children. Her mum will escort her down the aisle. She smiles down at her soon to be step daughter.
“You are quite lovely Jane.”
“Thank you. You are beautiful Mam Claire.” She hugs her carefully to her side.
Her mum comes in. “The lads are ready. Lord you are both so beautiful.”
“Thank you. Is he nervous?”
“Yes but he will be fine once he sees you. Ready? Jane, Boyd is right outside the doors to the sanctuary. Recall a slow march?”
“Aye Granny Beauchamp.” She smiles at the little girl with affection. Gaining both a son and granddaughter today. They all step that way. They bagpiper, playing the Wedding song, fires Claire's blood. The doors are opened and Boyd takes his sister's arm and they step out. A soft ‘ahhh' greets their appearance.
Claire holds her mum's hand as the bagpipe changes to the wedding march. They step out.
He knew she would be lovely. But she takes his breath as the bairns take their places one on each side of him. Her hears the soft sound of awe from their guests. The white dress, his clan's colors around her waist, the flowers worked through her curls.
She is as equally awed. Jamie of the jeans and t's is now Jamie the Highland warrior. The kilt, the white linen shirt, the boots, the tarden tucked over his shoulder, the sporeen, where she knows their rings rest, a blasted sword on his side. She feels a bit faint at the sight of him. Her mum's hand keeps her steady.
They make it to him. Her mum kisses her hand before placing it in his. “Who gives this lass to be married to this lad?” Father O’Brien asks.
“Her son and I do.” She takes a seat next to Mary who smiles at her through her own tears. To see Jamie as happy as she was when marrying Alex…
“We are gathered here..” After the good Father welcomes them to the ceremony, he turns the service over to the couple. “Jamie and Claire have their own vows for each other. Claire?”
She tightens her grip on his hand. “I wasn't looking for you. I thought I had this all under control. Didn't think I needed anyone. But as you pointed out, there is a difference between want and need. I want you Jamie. I want you as my husband. I want you as Boyd's daddy. I want to be a grand step-mam to our daughter. I want to have a child with you. I want to grow old with you, see our grandbabies. Hold your hand until God parts us. I need you Jamie more then I have ever needed anyone before. I love you more then I ever thought possible. You fill a spot in my life and heart I never knew was empty. I commit to be a partner, lover, co-parent, friend, and anything else you need.”
“Oh Claire! I love you so much. God alone knows what I did to deserve you. To deserve the opportunity to be a daddy to sweet Boyd. My life was my job and my daughter. A good life but not a complete one until I saw you. It was like a bolt of lightning. I was gone. Yours from that moment on. I promise to be you and Boyd's protector, supporter, champion, for as long as I draw breath. You will have my name, my clan, my body. To you, my wife, I promise to be a lover, a partner, a helper, a friend. To always have a listening ear. To always be who you need. I love you.”
“Now the couple wish to also be joined in the auld way.” Father O’Brien says. Boyd steps up, and as Jamie had taught him, binds their wrist together with the Fraser colored cloth.
“Repeat after me,” Jamie instructs. She does. “You are blood of my blood, bone of my bone. I give you my body so us two may be one. I give you my spirit until our lives be done.”
Her mum is on the verge of tears at that. What they do next has her freely weeping.
“The Fraser's aren't just combining as a couple but as a family.” The priest says. Then Jamie bends down by Boyd.
“I also take you, Boyd Samuel, as my son. I will be the dad and friend you need. To remind you of my promise,” he pulls a small sheathed knife out of his sporeen. “It is t skin-do. The smallest knife a Highlander carries. As you get older, and with your mum's permission, I will teach you how to use it.” He places it in his hand. “I love you son.”
“Oh wow! I love you too da.” The entire congregation is in tears by this point. Then Claire carefully kneels by Jane.
“Jane Kathleen, I know you have a wonderful mum. I will never take her place. But, I want you to know, that I will always be here for you. As a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, for advise, hugs, well, whatever you need. You are so much more then my step-daughter. So, I give you this,” She open her hand to a small diamond necklace. “to remind you that you are as much family as Boyd is.”
“Mam Claire!” she lifts it up as they both cry. “will you put it on me?” She does and they hug. She stands back up and Jamie places the rings, silver and gold bands with thistles over them, on the bible. They are blessed. Placed on each others fingers.
“It is my pleasure to present Mr. And Mrs. Fraser and family. Kiss her Jamie.” He does with passion as a cheer arises.
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99sshithouse · 5 years
Akil Laghari
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Avan Jogia
Alias(es) : Akil, Babe, Pluto (Online)
Place of Birth : Seattle, Washington
Eye & Hair Color : Amber | Brown
Height & Weight : 6' | 175lbs
Sex & Gender : Male And Identifies As Such
Orientation : Pansexual
Marital Status : In A Relationship
A Lion-Hearted Fool
Akil is quick to flash a smile, laugh at a dumb joke. He is know for having a very thoughtful gaze, he thinks about so many things in a day he can never recount his own musings by the end of the day because he can't remember most of them. He has a calming temperament, can be seen as welcoming personality by the way he can just sit and listen for hours without saying nothing at all. He can retain little details about someone, even if they only mention it once in passing. Picks out the best birthday gifts and alcohols for parties. Can pick out good outfits for his girl if she doesn't feel like doing it. The simple little stuff. But there is so much more in his head.
Everyday things can seem sacred to him, like listening to music or hearing the voice of someone he cares about. Not only does he get to appreciate the sound the music makes, but also the color the sound has. A single song can paint a masterpiece due to a neurological gift called synesthesia where sounds translate to colors before his eyes. Someone's voice can be like their own special aura due to the color he'll see. He loves this gift. His mind is a gift, he can sit and study something in his hands and be able to draw an entire diagram of how it works by simply looking at it for a few minutes. He is a technical whiz. But with all this, it is almost as if he is getting punished for the gifts he has. He has been plagued by migranes since he was a child, his ears become more sensitive and sounds that once held such a beautiful hue become more painful than euphoric. He can become overstimulated by his surroundings easy. And unfortunately, on top of it all, he has Depersonalization Disorder, which causes him to step out and away from the beauty he enjoys around him so much. It's a lot like torture, luckily he has someone who pulls him back to the ground.
Due to years of abuse for their appearance and religion, Akil's parents taught him a certain disregard for authority. Trust his instincts, don't let someone control him, don't let any man tell him he isn't good because of his heritage. And when his parents were killed because of a hate crime, it sent him into a spiral. He grew a hatred inside him for the government, or so the people he solely blamed for his parents' abuse, he became frightened and angered at the government. Due to another outside source (Micha) whispering into his ear, he believes a complete dismantle is in order and that the way to do it, is online. Where the money and secrets and violence is all tucked away and kept secret. He had always been good at computers, and had hacked his way through more than one government facility, he had the power at his fingertips to cause a fresh start. From the ashes would rise something better... Right?
Where it all comes back is that the two most important people in his life are complete opposites. Alexis is his calm, his peace, and his home, while Micha is his war, his hate, and his fear. He is in a constant struggle with Micha about 'the proper way', but what is the proper way? He didn't know. He doesn't know. And with so much happening all at once for the young twenty something, he finds himself constantly lost.
Employment : Store Manager At A Coffee Shop
Pretty standard things. Make coffee, make sure the bills get paid for the shop, make sure payroll gets done. He likes the job for the simplicity of it, but also because it helps keeps his mind preoccupied with minimal tasks.
Criminal Specialty
Blackmail | Extortion | Hacking | Cyber Terrorism
The use of computers can be a dangerous thing when you find someone able to make 1s and 0s into dollar signs. Going by the name Pluto, Akil has made some big moves with his partner in crime, Jupiter. Give him a keyboard and he can hold the world at his fingertips.
Skills & Abilities
Proud, Not Cocky | He has a way about him that tells of a subtle confidence, a relaxed sense of purpose. He doesn't need to shine brighter than others, but can somehow still pull eyes to him. This is from knowing that the one person in his life loves the way he looks, so why care about anyone else's opinion. He holds himself tall in every situation, even if he hurts in a way.
Technologically Inclined | He can fix most phones, computers, tablets, company coding, and any other IT type issues. He has a way about wires and circuits. These types of subjects are like his art.
Emotionally Available | He just cares. He just really cares. He listens, he tries to understand, he's open. He wants to learn about the worries of others and see if there's anything he can do to fix them. With this is a sense of loyalty to those who open up to him, and those who stick around him.
Genius Level Intellect - IQ 142 | Synesthesia - Chromesthesia | Fluent in English, Hindi, and Arabic
Able to defend himself in a fight if necessary | More into brawling than a gunfight.
Disabilities & Disorders
Can Be Manipulated Easily | Someone figures how to pull at his heart strings, they can end up learning how to play him like a fiddle. He falls into these traps of wanting to help others and in turn can get hurt by it.
Alexis | His love, his life. While she is his greatest inspiration, she can be seen as his biggest weakness because if anything were to happen to her, he probably lose his mind
Chronic Migranes - Has had them since childhood | Depersonalization Disorder - Can sometimes detach from situations and disassociate due to stress. He can often feel like his experiences are that of someone else's. Has suffered from this since childhood | Loud sounds and music can sometimes cause overstimulation which lead to a disconnect.
Anarchy | Distrust of Political Figures | For Akil, he thinks the root of most evils in government policies and figureheads. He has a distinct disgust, hatred, and fear for government officials. It doesn't matter if they've proven their worth, if you give him a laptop and time, he will find a reason not to trust them. It's in his nature not to put faith in the system.
Pluto | His online persona. He dislikes that he has to hide his face behind a mutated and disgusting version of himself to get a point across. He dislikes that fear is the only tactic to make people listen.
Known History
A Suspiciously Clean Criminal Record
Gang Initiation : Was truly and honestly looking for a place he could do good as well as a way to support him and his girl. He needed the safety net and income, so there he stood ready to take on any task he was told to do.
Known Affiliations
Rohan Laghari - Father [Deceased]
Pari Laghari - Mother [Deceased]
Teo Laghari - Lives in Seattle, Washington
Dera Laghari - Lives in Seattle, Wasington
Alexis Stanford - Girlfriend [Tiger] - Sofie
Micha Detra - Best Friend [Wolf]
Affiliation | Tiger
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