#he probably gets carried by Borix lol
webwingalpha · 4 years
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@yuushanoah-fr @frxemriss @hellkite-fr @gothmarble-fr (if you want to be pinged for these and/or other lore posts let me know!)
[The Suntouched]
Sunburst is the Empire’s Light Ambassador, and one of the first Ambassadors to officially join the clan. Due to being a child of the Lightweaver, he naturally radiates a strong presence that tends to attract the attention of other dragons, but since he is withdrawn, not interested in interactions outside of friends or important meetings, he supresses that aura the best he can. He finds that getting attention when it’s not needed can create a lot of problems, so he prefers to keep to himself unless he is doing something specific that he needs to draw attention for.
After what had happened to him years and years ago, he would rather stay reclusive and, well, keep from having a target on his back again.
It’s why he prefers to keep himself mostly covered so skin and fur don’t show; his body is littered with scars, big and small, scars that make him feel ugly, from being held for so many years underground. A prisoner, tortured and ruined, because a few terrible dragons came upon him after he was severely injured from an Emperor that had attacked and wrecked his home, and upon recognizing him as a powerful general, captured the devastated and grieving dragon. He was dragged away, far away from his Mother’s light, away from the surface, unable to be found for years. So many years, suffering.
He was grateful to be found, though he still has no idea how the small group of Light dragons had managed to locate him. He was free of the pain and binds at last, though it would take him a long time to adjust due to how long he had been held. So long; so much time has passed that everything is quite different, including language, which had grown in the time he was gone, resulting in him having to relearn quite a bit.
Not to mention coping with all the loss. Being free and not having things such as physical pain to focus on, Sunburst was allowed to finally, truly grieve. He had lost everything. His home, his previous life, his friends and allies. But most of all, he had lost his family. He had a mate. Multiple children. Grandchildren. And from what he can tell, they had been lost to the Emperor like all the others. Gone. He had been unable to protect them, and he doubts the void they left behind will ever go away entirely.
He also found out that he had been given the power to see visions not long after he had been rescued. He’s glad for it; it makes it so it’s unlikely that he will personally experience a clan being destroyed ever again, for visions will likely give him forewarning. Never again will he witness such devastation that he can’t prevent.
Sunburst does his best to be the Empire’s Light Ambassador, no matter how much of a struggle it can be at times. Overall, he has a lot on his mind and it’s very likely that he’ll never completely recover mentally from his trauma. He suffers from frequent nightmares and has a melancholy disposion overall, which sometimes results in him having difficulty just getting out of bed. Not to mention the permanent damage that had been inflicted upon his body. He aches nearly constantly, and issues with his joints, especially his knees, make it hard to move around, and he can end up bedridden on bad days. His vision has been badly affected as well; without his enchanted Veil he can only see vague shapes and movement. 
He also cannot fly much, if at all, anymore due to a break healing badly, along with other damage that was done to both of them. He tends to keep them lightly folded, nearly dragging due to this; keeping them fully folded tends to cause him pain after a while.
Overall, he struggles with getting attached as well, for after all that loss, even with the visions that’ll bring forewarning; he is afraid to lose it all again. He knows that he wouldn’t be able to handle it.
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