#he makes everything look effortless because his default state is autopilot. he breezes through life because he is not living.
quillheel · 3 months
WHAT STRANGLEY SPECIFIC SCENT DO YOU GIVE OFF? ━ flowers during a sunshower.
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it's picturesque how easy you make this life look. it's as if you're floating on air, thinking about everyone else and yourself at the same time. you're effortless in your kindness, and such acts come easily to you. the dew in the morning greets you with a kiss and the twilight of dusk sighs a lullaby for you to dream. you live a life where everything is cloud nine, and yet it's not enough. how could it be enough when nothing happens for you to try?
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( ━ & the sweetness of water when you're dehydrated. )
... it's a little lonely out there for you, isn't it? people come into your life like a lightning bolt and leave just as quickly, and even if they start to linger it's not the same way they entered. you taste sweet like a pastry when someone should be having a protein bar. you're the desperation of people realizing a little too late that they need someone near them or they'll be lonely more than they'll ever be alone. you're the panic when the water tastes sweet to know that you haven't gotten what your body and heart deserve. it must get tiring, being on your own for so long.
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━ rain after the thunderstorm.
you are the calm one, the one who believes to their core that they have everything under control. the world continues on past you, and you're walking away from the things that trouble you, whenever you can. you take a sip of your warmest tea, and you go sit down on the edge of the porch with your best friend, and the world passes you both by as you talk about nothing and everything in the world. you bring people to you the way rain forces shelter, and how the ground soaks it up like the morning dew. you are welcoming the way clouds welcome vapor until they can't anymore, and it rains, and rains, and rains. when you finally can hold no more, will you be raining, or thundering?
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tagged: @moonrecalled TYSM I love seeing you on my dash so this was a really pleasant surprise!! tagging: @yukcri @icyexecutioner @yosukeh @foolshoujo @hellboundhermit @autonomousxselves @braveryhearted; any! though if wanted, keep the persona train rolling! & anyone else who wants to!!! If you need an excuse, if you're wearing socks or a longsleeve right now, do it!!
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