#he kept them from his Faerunian past
old-world-bird · 2 years
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mimikoflamemaker · 4 months
Faerunian Writing Challenge - Day 9
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Meeting Abdirak the Priest of Loviatar in Goblin Camp
Even if Neve wouldn’t recognize the garb on the priest, the scars and fresh wounds littering his body would along with the goblins jarring encouragements of the goblin would be a clear giveaway that something was wrong. Usually the scent of blood would be enough to alert her, but the old temple was permeated with so many putrid scents she was fairly certain her sense of smell might emerge permanently damaged from their newest misadventure.
She was half tempted to simply slid past the small alcove – they’ve already set Aradin’s mercenary being pulled apart next door free and she knew that the annoying bard was somewhere nearby as well. She didn’t need bumbling fools milling about whenever they’ll find Halsin and things turn ugly.
But then the man stood up and turned, noticing their presence. It was too early to give up their ruse of being true souls, so Neve pulled her lips into a thin line and approached. She noticed various instruments laid out on the stone table: pokes, knives, flails of various shapes, clubs and whips. It was a wonder that the man they set lose had kept his mouth shut all this time. And remained fairly intact.
Then again, killing was never the point of torture. The pain was. And few knew it as well as a Loviatar priest would.
‘Greetings, child’ he addressed her, the tone of his voice needling at the memory of Alven of all things and it cost her to put the grimace away from her face. The priest didn’t appear threatening in anyway, there was no point in antagonizing him.
‘I’ve met few aside goblins since I’ve arrived here’ the man continued. ‘Are you here to assist with a prisoner?’ he asked, and Neve didn’t like the way he was looking at her. His gaze was prickling and uncomfortable – as if he was seeing more than he had any right to be.
‘You mean the one in the other room?’ she asked hoping to turn his attention elsewhere. ‘It’s a wonder he’s still alive with the way they’ve been going at it…’
‘Exactly!’ a smile split the man’s face. ‘Imagine my indignation – I’ve been invited here you see, to teach them, but alas those goblins prove incapable of learning’ he stepped closer, leaning into her, his eyes fixed on her face. ‘To be honest their methods are nothing but crude and primitive…’
Neve resisted the urge to step away, fighting the shiver of uncertainty running across her back.
‘I suppose the priest of Loviatar would have found the performance lacking…’ she tried again, faking indifference.
‘Abdirak, dear one’ the priest introduced himself. ‘You know the Maiden of Pain – I do not hear that often… Let me assure you that pain can be the most intimate form of worship. I can show you if you’re willing, dear one.’
Neve eyes strayed to the instruments laid out on the table. Pain was many things, but hardly the instrument of worship.
‘Oh, don’t you dare say no’ Astarion said and she could tell he was smiling that forced smile of his. She wondered briefly, what were the thoughts he hid behind it, but was denied the possibility to look around when the priest leaned into her even more, his hand hovering next to her face as if he was ready to caress her cheek.
‘Forgive me child, but I can no longer keep my curiosity on a leash’ Abdirak said, sounding, much to her surprise, genuinely concerned. ‘But you do not look well… Your pain beckons me… something terrible has happened to you.’
Well he was not wrong. Neve smiled to herself bitterly. The list was only growing longer and rapidly in the recent days.
She wasn’t the only one interested in the other’s thoughts, the familiar needling in her brain and the steering of her tadpole, told her that someone was seeking entry into her mind. At this point she pushed such intrusions away enough times that slapping it away was no longer difficult – especially when they were this subtle.
‘Observant, are you priest?’ she asked, displeased at her tone. It was harsh, but so obviously forced she wouldn’t be fooling a child with it.
‘There is not much to observe, when you see the same eyes looking in the mirror’ Abdirak sounded nothing, but patient. ‘You bear the scars that run very deep. The pain that have never quite gone away… Please, let me free you of it, if only for a while.’
Neve swallowed around the sudden dryness in her mouth. She didn’t like the how easily the priest touched on things she refused to fully acknowledge. And yet…
Curiously, the expected quip did not come.
‘And how would you do it?’ she chose to ask, as if the tools and the blood were not an indication enough.
‘Through penance of course… offer it to Loviatar and should my lady be pleased with the way you bare the pain she will bestow her most gracious blessing upon you. It will grant you release… I can promise you that.’
‘Delightful. Please pick the tool that speaks to you and face the wall.’
Reaching to unbuckle her armor wasn’t really a conscious decision, but once she started she had to make it look so. After a brief consideration, she pointed to a cat.
It arguably made her feel even worse.
‘You can let all of it go, dear one’ Abdirak said, making no mention of the net of scars that stared at him from her bared back. ‘Let it all out and Loviatar will hear you…’
As the first strike burned across her flesh, Neve accepted the fact that it was her only chance to release some of the pressure that was bubbling just beneath her skin. And no one would be the wiser.
So she screamed.
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