#he had absolutely nothing after l.ucille passed. he just... /existed/ until he started leading them
savedpeople · 8 months
For the ask: "Why do you live?"
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"Because it's that or bein' dead, and being dead just isn't an option, now is it?" Hopefully they aren't hoping for some deep, personal answer from him. "I'm bein' serious. Whether you like it or not, your body does absolutely everything it fucking can to keep you alive. You could be fucking miserable, it doesn't care. Self-preservation's a bitch."
And yet, some people are so fragile, so weak, can drop dead in the blink of an eye. Negan's seen it far too much since the world fell. Of course he, whether for better or worse, isn't one of those people.
"I live because I'm goddamn built to." Memories of traversing the apocalypse numb and on autopilot flash through his mind. Surviving because that was all that was left for him to do. "And because the rest of these sad fucks would probably get themselves killed if I wasn't here to keep them in line."
It's more sincere than he makes it sound. When Negan joined the group that would eventually become the Saviors, he found purpose alongside them. A reason to keep going that wasn't just 'surviving.'
Not that he would ever admit it.
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