#he grins up at reginald like its one big fuck you but a tiny tiny bit of him hopes his unique escape will win him a little praise. a nod.
twicecut · 2 months
I don't think we talk enough about how badass it is that while in a 1960s asylum, Diego successfully escaped a straitjacket by forcibly dislocating his arm (ow), and picked the lock to his cell with a pen (?) he smuggled in despite being in massive pain and presumably high on the cocktail of drugs the nurses would have kept him on in order to keep him agreeable.
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
Blackwater Lake - Chapter 2
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Summary: There’s a little town high in the mountains where everyone has a secret, and every family has something that makes them unique. In Blackwater Lake those that are outcast by nature come together.
Characters/Pairing:  Vampire!Walter Marshall x Female Reader
Warnings (for this chapter); Talk of PTSD, Reader is ex police, Possible home invasion, NSFW sexy times, protected sex.
Previous Parts: Werewolf!Sy: Moonlight on the Sand  Castle Under The Stars.  Werewolf!Sy, Vampire!Walter: Chapter 1
This will be a series of stand alone stories/2 parters, which will revolve around the residents of the town, with some recurring characters. The ‘reader’ for each story will be a ‘new’ reader, so its not the same woman being with all the male characters.
I do not run a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. You’ll then get an alert every time i post something new.
Chapter 2
Walter had managed to recover from the shock of seeing his best friend and his wife being able to make their eyes glow, and as unbelievable as it sounded, had accepted their explanations of how they’d been turned into Werewolves. Much like his own knowledge of Vampirism before he had been turned himself, he quickly understood that what the media made these quirks of nature to be and what they actually were had been greatly exaggerated. 
Sy had stayed up into the early hours of the morning with him, sharing the better part of a bottle of bourbon as he’d described how it affected their family, and how his wife only turned when her period coincided with a full moon, and how they dealt with childcare during the times that they would turn. 
Walter woke with a start, the soft mountain light pouring in the windows and for a moment he was confused, not recognising his surroundings until he remembered spending the rest of the night on Sy’s couch. His mouth felt like something had crawled inside and died, and he swore in that moment not to share hard liquor with someone that could howl at the moon. Finding some painkillers high in a kitchen cabinet he crushed two between his teeth before drinking straight from the tap. Standing tall he moved his neck, trying to get the kinks and knots out of his muscles when a pair of fluffy slippered feet appeared in the doorway. Looking up Walter poorly suppressed a laugh as he saw Sy wearing a pair of sheepskin moccasins and what was obviously his wife’s robe;
“Reginald, you look stunning” Walter muttered as he watched his friend shuffle into the kitchen
Sy held up his finger and waggled it, wincing at the sunlight pouring in the window;
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t call me that, the only people that call me that are the preacher or my Ma, and unless you’re planning on marrying me or making me biscuits...”
Walter laughed, leaning against the counter as Sy filled the coffee pot as if he was on autopilot, before reaching into the refrigerator and pulling out a baby bottle with the previous day’s expressing date on. Setting the bottle to warm in a bowl of water he handed Walter a tin of coffee;
“Fill that up, i’m gonna go get Luna”
A few minutes later he reappeared holding his little girl in his arms, wrapped in a soft blanket covered in moons and stars. Grabbing the bottle before settling at the kitchen table, he popped the lid off and shook the bottle, before lifting it and shaking a few drops onto his tongue, laughing when he saw Walters eyes go a little wide;
“Better straight from the source but Mama is sleepin’ so its me in Mama’s robe” he explained with a grin on his face. Walter placed a mug of steaming black coffee in front of Sy; “Thanks man… hey, in the fridge there’s a pint of pigs blood from Walkers Meats… ya’know, if you need it”
“Why have you got pigs blood?”
“The missus was gonna make some Scottish thing, some sorta sausage, but if you need it, we can always get another… in fact she’s gonna be too tired to use it before it spoils, what with the full moon and all...”
Sy turned his attention to his tiny daughter feeding in his arms, giving Walter the sense of privacy to do what he needed to do. As Luna finished her bottle Sy held her to his shoulder, rubbing her back until she let out a burp he would have been proud of himself, only looking up when he heard Walter also let out a low belch;
“You need me to rub your back too Walt?”
“Fuck off Sy” the vampire said lightheartedly, a sense of relief in his mind now that the guy that had become one of his best friends knew his secret.
Pulling the last crate of bottles off the back of the pickup you thanked the guy from the craft brewery and waved him off, taking a deep breath before slowly climbing the fire escape at the back of the bar that led into the storeroom. It had been a long shift already, starting at 10am you’d opened up and started the ovens, restocked the bar as the cleaners had come through and cleaned the place top to bottom. Your boss was always decent to his staff, paying a good wage and having the cleaning crew come in during the closed daytime hours rather than in the early hours of the morning.
Working around them as they did their job, you restocked the caddy’s on the tables with silverware, napkins, and condiments, before returning to the bar and checking on the ice machine.
“Hey we’re all done now” one of the cleaners said as you looked up.
“That’s great, thanks. You guys always make this place look good”
Chatting with them you walked them through the storeroom - something your boss always insisted on that any non bar staff had to be escorted through - before one reached for the wooden rail on the fire escape. Something made you stop talking and before you could stop yourself, one hand was pushing one of the guys back into the storeroom, the other was grabbing the shirt that was already standing outside. Just as you did the rail slipped away, as if in slow motion, the three of you looking in fear as the heavy wood crashed twenty feet below onto the empty kegs that were stored beneath.
Speechless you stood there, fingers still curled around the shirt of one, hand splayed across the chest of the other;
“Fuck” you whispered quietly, not to anyone in particular.
“You could say that…”
Having made sure both cleaning guys were ok, if a little shaken up, you made them leave by the front door then considered your options. Dialling the boss you weren’t surprised to hear it ring out before going to voicemail. He had strict downtime rules, and was more than likely out on his ranch land taking care of his horses. Knowing he trusted you to make the right judgement, you scrolled through your numbers and dialled Marshall’s Property Maintenance;
“Marshall’s, what can i do for you?”
“Hi, i’m calling from Big G’s Sports Bar? We’ve just had the handrail fall off our fire escape. Wondering if you’ve got space to fix it this afternoon?”
There was a pause before you heard a long exhale of breath;
“Yeah, sure. I’ll be there in twenty minutes”
“Thanks Walter”
Hanging up you smiled. You’d worked with Walter when you’d been on the police force, you’d been a patrol cop that would assist with crime scene control and you’d been first on the scene for countless horrific acts of violence. One final call had given you PTSD so bad you’d resigned, finding a home in the small town of Blackwater Lake and a steady job at Big G’s Sports Bar. Your boss was the big quiet type, liked to spend more time out on his ranch with his horse, having enough trust in you to run the day to day operations of the bar as his assistant manager. 
It had been well past 9pm when Walter finished the repairs. Your boss had come in and helped him out when he’d got your text, leaving you in charge of the first few hours of opening. When the two men reappeared through the storeroom you smiled at them, getting ready for the evening handover before grabbing your coat and clocking off.
A few minutes later as you hopped off the last step of the fire escape onto the dandelion scattered gravel - your boss liked to let them grow - you smiled at Walter as he was loading his tools into his truck;
“Hey, thanks for today. Really saved our bacon… without the fire escape we wouldn’t be up to code so couldn’t have opened”
“S’ok. Glad you called” Walter admitted; “It’s been a while…”
Scuffing the gravel with your boot you swallowed the lump that was in your throat;
“How have you been? Since… ya know…”
“Alive. Wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t of been for you and your partner”
“We did what was needed… not every day you see va…” you stopped yourself, you still hadn’t completely come to terms with what you’d seen; “V...vagrants doing that… I’m just glad we got there in time…”
There was a moment of awkward silence before Walter rounded the truck and stood in front of you;
“Do you need a ride home? Your boss mentioned that you walk to work and you stayed late where he was helping me get this fixed”
“Thanks, that’d be nice”
Over the next few nights Walter would appear at the bar early evening, usually under the pretense of checking the work on the fire escape or dropping off the bill to the office, and you quickly clocked that he would always be leaving just as your shift was ending to conveniently give you a ride home. Not that you minded, the weather had turned unseasonably cool after the warmth of the parade weekend, so the casual conversation as he drove you home in the warmth of his giant truck was a good way to end the day. 
As he rolled into the parking lot behind your apartment complex you wondered if you should invite him in for a coffee, but weren’t sure if you were reading his intentions correctly. Gnawing on your lip you reached into your pocket for your keys, smiling at Walter as he pulled the truck to a stop;
“There we go, home sweet home. Have a good night”
“You too Walter”
Stepping out you smiled and gave him a little wave, knowing he waited until you had gotten into your building.
Watching you go Walter cursed himself. When Rachel had left he’d been in the dumps even more than usual, but over the last few days he’d taken a shine to you. He was pretty sure you had clued onto the fact that he had always turned up around the time of your shift finishing, but when he’d found out from Geralt that your car had died and you couldn’t afford to repair it, he didn’t like the thought of you walking home alone. Sure Blackwater Lake was a sleepy little town, but keeping in mind what lurked in the woods - both natural and supernatural - he felt better knowing you’d gotten home. He had been sure you were going to invite him in for coffee tonight, but he’d gotten butterflies in his stomach and had blurted out a farewell before you’d had the chance.
Looking up at your apartment he let out a sigh. 
Then… then something caught his eye. You hadn’t been in the building long enough for the shadow to be you, knowing you stopped to grab your mail each time you entered the building. Killing the engine he reached to the glove compartment for his gun - he still had a concealed carry permit - and raced to the building.
Juggling your mail and your purse, you held the letters in your mouth as you searched for the right key on your set when suddenly the sound of thundering footsteps made you spin around, your jaw dropping when you saw Walter appear from the staircase and running to your side. His hand was on your arm and he was pulling you to the side of your door before holding you to his chest;
“There’s someone in your apartment”
“What? No, i locked everything before i left… and there’s no sign of any damage to the door…”
Letting you go he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled for the sheriff, but as you listened in you could hear the volunteer dispatcher explain that both the Sheriff and the two deputies were out on the highway dealing with an 18 wheeler logging truck that had spun off on a bend. Walter cursed under his breath and hung up;
“Do you still carry?”
“No… not since…”
“Ok. Unlock the door and stay behind me”
The next minute seemed to last both seconds and hours, following Walter through your apartment until he silently pushed the bedroom door open with his gun;
The shape in the darkness didn’t move, and when you peered over Walters extended arm and you realised what he was looking at, you let out a sigh and flipped the lightswitch, the ‘threat’ suddenly illuminated and Walters shoulders dropping;
Your spare uniform shirt was hanging on the frame to the window where you’d hung it earlier in the day so the sunshine would dry it. You let out a deep breath and laughed, resting your forehead against Walters shoulder;
“It’s just my uniform…” you hadn’t realised your voice was shaking until Walter turned and wrapped his arms around you
“I’m sorry i scared you”
Burying your face in the warmth of his sweater, your voice was muffled as you spoke;
“Its ok. I’d rather you have seen the mess in my apartment and saved me from an intruder than the alternative…” you smiled weakly at him, and it was then that the tension in the room was like static before a storm. Like the first lightning strike, when Walters lips touched yours it was as if electricity coursed through your veins, the kiss hungry and needy, contact between two touch starved people needing that connection. Your fingers curled in threads of his knitwear, pulling yourself closer as his arms wrapped around you and his hands splayed out over your ass, squeezing handfuls of flesh so he could pull you flush against his body. The kiss deepend and his tongue sought entrance between your lips which you eagerly granted. He tasted of coffee and peanut butter chocolate, and when he pulled away you were both gasping for breath.
“So, vampires do need oxygen then?”
“How do you…? How are you not scared?”
“Because i was there when it happened. And I've seen you hundreds of times since. I’ve seen you in the mirror, I've seen you outside in the sunshine, i’ve literally served you garlic bread…” you paused; “And i didn’t need to invite you in. Whatever myths are linked to your condition, i know the Walter behind them, i know the quiet and controlled Walter that assesses a situation and ensures everyone is safe…” you paused; “Because I know i’m safe with you”
Walter opened his mouth to speak, but the lump in his throat caught the words. Closing his eyes he rested his forehead against yours, letting out a shaky breath as you gently held his face in your palms, your thumbs softly caressing the skin of his cheeks where his beard ended. You pressed your lips to his, and this kiss was different, this kiss was full of passion, of acceptance and the growing need that was blooming. 
Clothes were scattered as fingers and lips found each new patch of exposed skin, running your fingernails down his massive chest as you both fell to the bed, your fingers curling in the coarse hair that covered his chest before clutching at his belt as his teeth sharply ran over the line of your collarbone and you let out a gasp;
“I… I’m not going to bite you…”
“I don’t want you to, but my neck is super sensitive, it's like my biggest turn on…”
At that moment Walter could feel the change, his eyes paling and his fangs growing more prominent as you watched from below him, but what he wasn’t expected was the groans that escaped your throat and the way your body shook;
“Did you just…?” he cocked an eyebrow, he already knew you’d just cum, but he wanted you to admit it.
“Yes, fuck yes, now i need more…”
With a growl he ducked his head down and peppered sharp kisses over your neck, hands working on each others jeans before you were able to kick them off. Your hands ducked into Walters pants and you grasped at his hard length, hot in your palm through his underwear;
“Oh fuck, you’re big…”
“Don’t worry, i’ll go slow… do you… do you have protection?”
“In the drawer”
He reluctantly pulled himself off the bed, and you propped yourself up on your elbows as he searched out the condoms, pulling the box out and swinging something else from his fingertips;
“These aren’t regulation edition”
The pink fluffy handcuffs had been a present a long time ago, and had somehow moved apartments with you;
“Next time…” you reached and grabbed them from him, tossing them aside before grabbing the box and a small foil packet, ripping it open with your teeth as Walter quickly shed himself of his boots and jeans, his dark boxers discarded as you reached for him and smoothed the latex over his fat dick.
He smoothed his hands down your legs, before tugging you down the bed and flipping you onto your stomach, pulling your hips up until your ass was in the air. The rough brush of his beard against your soft inner thighs was quickly soothed by his tongue swiping a firm lick through your soaked folds. He took hold of your hips and you felt him move into position, the firm nudge at your entrance before with a low groan he speared you with the slow stretch of his girth.
“You feel so fucking good… so tight…”
Your fingers curled into the bedsheets and your jaw hung open, the sheer pleasure that was coursing through your veins felt like an elixir as Walter hammered into your tight velvet channel. The carnal slap of flesh on flesh resonating around the room, only joined by the breathless pants escaping your lips and the grunts Walter would let slip as he sought pleasure in your body with his own. He splayed his fingers over your back, running the palm of his hand up your spine until he was able to cup your neck and pull you up, flush with his heated body. His sharp teeth scraped over your neck, his beard rough against the etched skin;
“Look in the mirror. See how amazing you look”
Focusing your attention on the dresser mirror that stood in the corner, you watched as Walter continued to slowly rock his hips, fucking you slow and hard from behind. But it was his eyes that drew your attention, icy pools of white with deep obsidian pupils piercing the tundra, and the flash of danger from his sharp teeth at your neck, just catching on the skin as he spoke;
“You’re so fucking beautiful, dunno what i did to deserve you… will you cum for me?” he slid his hand down your stomach and in the patch of curls at the apex of your thighs, seeking out the sensitive pearl of your clit and rubbing the pad of his finger over it in firm circles; “Will you cum for me?” he repeated, punctuating each word with a sharp thrust of his hips.
“Yes… Walter, please…”
“What do you need…”
“My neck, please…”
Walter knew he couldn’t bite you, there were so many unknowns he’d never explored, but he closed his eyes and focused his energies on bringing you to completion. Thrusting his hips in time to the movement of his hand, whilst sucking a hickey onto your neck, knowing his teeth were rubbing against the skin but not breaking it. The triple stimuli sent you over the edge, your head rolling back onto his shoulder and your mouth open in a silent scream as you came so hard you saw stars, shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body as your walls gripped Walter tight, before with one final thrust you heard him growl as he came hard.
He held you for the longest time, your heart racing in your chest as echoes of your orgasm ricocheted through your body. As Walter started to soften you felt him hold the condom at the base of his shaft as he pulled out gently;
“Err… bathroom?”
“Just through there” you nodded to the door off of the bedroom as you fell to the bed, laying back with a smile on your face.
A few moments later he reappeared with a warm washcloth, first soothing your neck before tenderly attending to the mess between your thighs. After putting it back in the bathroom he appeared at the side of the bed, reaching for his jeans when you caught his wrist and pulled him onto the bed;
“You don’t need to go”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to overstay my welcome…”
“Look, unless you’re going to turn into a bat or something, you’re fine… we can talk, order some takeout…”
Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, you snuggled to his chest as he smiled sleepily;
“That sounds good. Can i take you out on a proper date at some point?”
“That’d be nice. Though our options are slim in this town, its only Sue’s Coffee Shop or Big-G’s Bar… unless you want to get a take-out pizza and sit outside on the kerb”
“I’ll cook, come to my place? What are you doing Friday night?”
“I’m off, but…”
You felt your cheeks flushing with heat;
“I’m due on by the end of the week…”
“Oh. OH…” You looked up at Walter and saw a flush over his cheeks and his blue eyes glinting with excitement and a smirk on his lips.
“Oh… you’re into that?”
“You’re… not? Because i just want to say, i would happily give oral to my girl on her period even pre-vamp status…now its just…”
“A snack?”
He let out a low belly laugh;
“Yeah, you could say that”
Curling up to Walter’s chest you felt a sense of calm you hadn’t experienced for a very long time, the conversation flowing easily and long into the night, before you both fell asleep in each other's arms.
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honeybee-babe · 5 years
Sharing is Caring (Except When You’re SIck) Chapter 1
Part 1 of my multi-chap collab fic with @hargreevesstyles!! It’s already finished, and we tried to keep all the chapters relatively the same length. We’ll each be posting the parts, probably according to some schedule. You can also read it on @hargreevesstyles‘ account!
Luther woke with a start to the familiar feeling of soreness in his throat, only now it was accompanied by a tightness in his chest. His reading glasses had slipped off his face onto the pages of research laid out before him on his desk.
Suppressing a wheezy cough against his wrist, he lifted his other arm up and checked his watch: 10:27 am. Last he remembered, it was 8 pm. He must have fallen asleep at his work. Despite the sheen of sweat forming on his hairline, and the three layers he was wearing, he was shivering. With a groan he crossed over to his bed, picked up one of the many blankets out of the messy pile on his bed, and threw it over his shoulders.
He’d been holed up in his room for two days now, only sneaking downstairs to grab tissues. He’d skipped Allison’s “family dinner” both nights, instead opting for some crackers and water. He was too tired for anything else anyway, and this way he could avoid his family. Even though he was sure it was just a little cold (he hadn’t been sick in so long, this was normal, right?), he didn’t want to take the risk of getting them sick.
There was also the fear of attracting unwanted attention to his body. He’d gotten better at not isolating himself, but in times like this, when he felt even more grotesque than normal, he reverted back to old habits.
He shuffled downstairs, clutching the blanket around his arms. It was too small to cover his gargantuan shoulders, and he had to stop repeatedly to readjust it. When he got into the kitchen, his throat itched in that telltale way, the catalyst for a series of deep, chesty coughs, which he smooshed as much as possible into his elbow. Three layers of fabric were a good enough silencer.
Unfortunately, the violent movement sent the blanket slipping off his shoulders onto the ground. He looked down at it with a small sniffle, dreading the aches and dizziness that would inevitably come if he picked it up. He stood there for a good minute, staring at the blanket and trying to figure out if it was worth it to bend over and pick it up. He didn’t have to think for long though, because a bony hand swiped it up off the ground and threw it over its own shoulder.
“Klaus-I. What the hell? Give it back!” Luther spoke defensively. Part of him just wanted his blanket back but a bigger part of him didn’t want Klaus to be infected by the germs inhabiting said blanket.
Klaus ignored Luther and draped it over his own shoulders. Luther wanted to say something but he didn’t want to admit that he was sick. If he did so, his siblings wouldn’t leave him alone—either by helping him or teasing him. Luther stuck with a small sigh and went to turn around to start making some tea when Klaus tapped him on the shoulder.
He said, “I’m just poking fun at you, big guy. Here you go.” He handed the blanket back to his big—size-wise—brother. Luther didn’t know what to say and Klaus caught onto that quickly. “You alright Number One? You’re looking a bit peaky.”
“I’m fine. What do you want, Klaus?”
“Hey, hey, hey, relax! I’m only trying to help. Do you need anything?” Klaus asked. “I’m so damn bored all of the time now that I don’t have anything fancy running through my system. I came here looking for an adventure and it seems like you’re on a fun one. May I join?”
Luther felt badly. He really wanted to spend more time with his brother. He was trying to push himself out of this character Reginald forced him into. He tried to stop himself from thinking about his siblings as teammates and actually as his brothers and sisters. But right now he was caught between a rock and a hard place.
If he hung around Klaus for even a few minutes longer it was likely that Klaus was going to catch whatever Luther was harboring.
So, Luther shook his head. “Sorry, Klaus. I’ve got to go back upstairs and work on something. A lot of reading. You wouldn’t be interested.” Luther tried his absolute hardest not to sound cold or annoyed with his brother.
Still, Klaus’ reaction was full of nothing but disappointment. He nodded quickly and quietly and skirted out of the room before Luther could say another word.
Now that Klaus was gone, Luther could focus on how he felt. Without Klaus distracting him, the pounding in his head seemed to come back with a vengeance. Luther wasn’t sure if he just had a headache or if it was from the buildup of all of the congestion. Whatever it was, Luther was in pain.
He let out a small cough into his elbow, knowing that anything more would have him dragging on for what could be minutes, and he didn’t have the time nor the energy for that. The tickle in his throat was momentarily alleviated, but not the tightness in his chest that still lingered, begging for a deeper release. But he couldn’t let that out, not right now, with Klaus in clear earshot the next room. He’d have to wait until he was in the privacy of his room.
With his arm still held up to his face, he shuffled over to the sink and poured himself the glass of water he’d come downstairs for in the first place. The first sip unfortunately hit his throat in just the wrong way, and he had to bring his elbow to his mouth again to suppress the coughs that inevitably resulted, this time a bit more chesty than the last. Fortunately, the second sip seemed to soothe rather than aggravate the tickle, and he downed the rest of glass in just two more sips, quickly pouring another glass, which he downed in two huge gulps.
Unfortunately, the rush of cold water made him shiver even more profusely than he already had been, to which he responded by immediately washing the glass in warm water -- he needed to wash it ASAP anyway, if he was serious about not leaving any germs lingering around.
The steam from the sink ended up wafting up to his nose and loosening some of the congestion that had built up there. A good thing for his health, probably, but it meant that the persistent tickle he’d had some momentary relief from was back. Which meant he’d inevitably start sneezing again soon. And, with this cold, there was a very good chance they’d keep coming for few minutes. Klaus definitely wouldn’t leave him alone if he heard that. So Luther turned the faucet off a soon as he felt the steam tugging at his sinuses, and brought a gloved hand up to scrub ferociously at his flaring nostrils. He gave one pointed, congested sniff.
That seemed to do the trick. For now.
Klaus had left the kitchen with his arms crossed over his chest, but once he’d made his way into the living room, he put them down by his side, exposing the tiny mesh tank top he had on as he stood rimrod straight and put on a stern face.
“‘It’s grown-up stuff, Klaus, a lot of reading,” he put on his best Luther voice. He quickly lost the act, however, and flopped down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling and speaking in his normal voice. “Cause God knows I never learned how to read, right?” He rolled his eyes. “How do you know what  I’m interested in? Maybe I secretly want to learn all about moon rocks!”
“Do you?”
Klaus shifted his gaze to see Ben sitting by his feet, grinning at him. He stuck his tongue at his ghost brother.
“That’s not the point, Ben. It’s the principle of it!” he explained, pushing himself up with his elbows into a sitting position. “He just pushed me to the side, like I was in the way. Typical Luther.”
“You’re overreacting,” Ben said, shaking his head.
“I’m just having fun, Benny boy,” he said, reaching over and booping his brother on the nose, though he knew his finger would just phase through him. “I’m not upset, we all know how Luther is.”
“I don’t think that’s what it is,” Ben said. “Did you get a good look at him? I think he might be sick.” Klaus just shrugged.
“He was a little pale. He’s probably fine, he’s always had a good immune system.”
“I don’t know, Klaus.” And with that, Ben poofed away. Klaus groaned and got up from the couch. He had a sense of where Ben might have gone.
Back up in Luther’s room, the largest Hargreeves sibling was blowing his nose into a handkerchief he had found in his dad’s belongings a couple of weeks prior. He still felt a deep connection to his father, feeling like no matter what else he did, he had still done whatever he could to save him while his life was on the line.
“Heh-NGXht! Hahh-nGHXtchiew!” Luther’s body rocked forward as he let out the properly contained explosions. He always tried his hardest to keep them quiet nowadays, for fear that his siblings might find them funny whereas he found them deeply embarrassing and draining.
With this cold, one sneeze was never enough. He was pretty sure he’d sneezed more times in a row that morning than he ever had in his entire life. Miraculously, he’d managed to keep the sound contained until now. But the pressure in his head was building, and he didn’t know how much longer he could keep this up.
He had just started blowing his nose again when a knock at his door had him hastily putting the handkerchief down sniffling back the congestion back instead before speaking.
“Who is it?” he called, getting up from his desk chair and shuffling over to the door.
“Your worst nightmare.” It was Klaus.
“Sounds about right.” Luther rolled his eyes. “What do you want?”
“Open the door,” Klaus whined. “Ben wants to see you.”
Luther bit down on his lip as he considered that. He really didn’t want to infect Klaus, and he wasn’t even sure if he was just fucking with him. But he very well might be telling the truth, and he knew if Ben wanted to see him, it had to be important.
So he opened the door just a crack, catching a glimpse of his dead brother’s concerned face outlined in a blue glow, before his own wildly hitching breath caught him off guard. He eyed the handkerchief on his desk for a moment, before shutting the door quickly, just before he brought his hand up to pinch his nose shut.
“Hih’nXGT! Hihh... heh-GNXT!” Once again, his large torso shook with the force of suppressing the explosions, which were growing more and more difficult to contain, just like the pressure in his head grew more intense with each stifled sneeze.
“You’re gonna blow your brains out!” Ben tsk’ed from the hallway, apparently still manifested. Klaus just giggled.
“Bless you, big brother! What, you got the sniffles?”
Luther groaned, “Go away, Klaus.”
Klaus wouldn’t let up. “Come on, Ben and I both know you’re sick! There’s no point in hiding it from the two of us!”
“You can’t keep lying to us forever!” Ben joined in.
Luther tried his hardest to ignore them. He knew they really did mean well, but Klaus had a weird way of going about it and sometimes Ben would tag along. Luther blew his nose as quietly as he could into the handkerchief. Great. It was soaked. Luther grabbed around for more tissues but he realized that he had forgotten to grab more on his journey downstairs earlier.
He cursed under his breath. With this wretched cold he couldn’t afford to go without tissues.
Luther stood up and walked to the door. As he opened it, Klaus and Ben fell into his room. They had had their ears pressed up against the door.
“What the hell, you guys? Can’t you leave me alone?” Luther yelled. He really wasn’t feeling well.
Klaus’ look softened. He asked, “Do you need anything, buddy? I-I could go fetch you some tea or some tissues or something like that. Come on, we both know you’d like that. If not, I ca-“
“Jesus Christ, Klaus, if I let you get me tissues will you leave me alone?”
Klaus nodded happily. He bounced off, taking Ben with him.
Luther shut his door. He knew Klaus was going to get sick. “Goddamnit,” he muttered. Klaus always picked the worst of times to become interested in his seemingly eldest sibling.
“Knock knock! Your nurse is here!” Klaus’ voice came from the other side of the door. “Ben’s here too I’m just a little winded from those stairs and manifesting Ben isn’t really within my power limits right now. Anywho, I have some tea for you and I also found some nifty cough drops! I grabbed all the boxes of tissues I could find, too. Oh, and, open up!”
“I-wha-“ Before Luther could finish talking, Klaus stuck a thermometer in his mouth. Luther went to scold him but Klaus cut him off again.
“Nuh-uh, big guy! Keep your mouth closed until the thermometer beeps or it won’t get a good enough reading and you’ll have to do it again!” Klaus tutted.
Annoyed, Luther waited. When the thermometer beeped he went to take it out and read it but Klaus’ scrawny little hand grabbed it before Luther could even move his hand.
Klaus frowned. “You’ve got a fever. 101.3 to be exact. Strictly bed rest for you, Number One! I’ll be back in a little to bring you some soup or something!”
Luther couldn’t help but smile as Klaus sauntered out of his room. Sometimes he felt estranged from all of the other siblings, but Klaus had this way of magically making him feel like they were all a real family.
As soon as Klaus stepped out of Luther’s room, he wiped his nose on his sleeve. It was running for some reason.
“You feeling alright?” Ben asked.
Klaus nodded, “Yeah, it’s just from the steam from the tea. You know how sensitive my nose is after all that damn cocaine.”
Ben nodded, but he decided to keep a closer eye on Klaus, as well as Luther. Ben hadn’t been completely blinded as to why Klaus hadn’t manifested him when he was in Luther’s room. He knew that Klaus was feeling tired and he hoped, no prayed, that Klaus wasn’t catching what Luther had. When Klaus had been asleep the night before Ben had been wandering around the house and he heard some noise coming from Luther’s room. He heard him up coughing and sneezing, trying to keep himself quiet so he didn’t disturb his siblings. Ben wished they realized how much Luther cared about them.
He had brought up Luther looking sick to Klaus hoping he would catch on, and he was glad that he finally did. At least Luther was getting some rest now, even though Klaus had to hassle him before he could get some.
Now Ben was worried. He hadn’t realized that while Klaus was the least likely to really make Luther feel badly about his illness, he was also the most likely to catch it. Klaus’ immune system was shot to hell due to the cocktail of drugs he had consumed every day for seventeen years. Yes, Klaus was sober now, but he was a lot more susceptible to illness, and now that he wasn’t high all the time he was present enough to realize how shitty he felt.
“You’ll tell me if you don’t feel well, right?”
Klaus rolled his eyes. “Hop off my dick, Ben! I feel fine. Go haunt Diego or something.”
Ben liked to stay around Klaus to keep an eye on him as much as he could, but as Klaus was now sober he felt less of a need to babysit him. So Ben disappeared.
Klaus wandered into the living room and rubbed his nose. He flopped onto the couch and tried to ignore the bloody bitch to his left. She was wailing at the top of her lungs. Klaus felt bad, he always did, but there was a slight ache in his head that made him a little more aggressive than usual. He was going to yell at the ghost and tell her to can it, but yelling at ghosts usually did more harm than good, so Klaus stayed silent.
Back in Luther’s room, Ben was creeping around. He wished he could will himself to become corporeal to help clean up and tug the blankets up to Luther’s shoulders. He was shuddering in his sleep. Ben frowned and sat down on the edge of Luther’s bed. He started humming one of Luther’s favorite songs from when they were kids. He knew Luther couldn’t hear him, but he could’ve sworn he saw a smile on Luther’s face.
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tom--york · 5 years
What Happened Last Weekend...
Tom almost missed London whenever he came back. It was only natural. Homesickness. But it never lasted too long. Especially with JR around.
JR reminded him of all the different reasons why Tom had to get out in the first place.
Besides, he loved New York. He loved his life in America and what he had built for himself there. It was incredible to him that it had been nearly a decade since he’d moved. Then again, Leah was almost that old, so the reality was walking around him daily.
Well, running at the moment.
“Lee, please. If your Gran sees you fly past her figurines again, she’ll have my arse,” he pleaded, stroking his beard.
Leah stopped in her tracks to grin at her dad. “Oooo, you cursed.”
Tom’s eyes went wide. “Sh. No. Don’t tell your mum. That’s between you and me, love, eh?”
The girl giggled and took off up the stairs. He heard her feet stamping around the halls and he sighed.
Home. Was London home still? Once upon a time, maybe. But now... Now it was just a nice visit back to Mum, have a few drinks with old school pals, and then getting out before the dreariness set in on him.
That was the main reason why he left. It was such a fucking sad city. Gray and rain and angry. Sure, the tourists loved it, but when you grew up in it... Woof.
The big man winced and looked around for the nearest hiding place.
“Tom! I need you!”
“Yes, Mum?”
A tiny, wide, bushy haired woman trotted out the kitchen, her blue eyes set with determination. Tom was always jealous that JR had inherited her eyes instead of him. Instead, Tom was the spitting image of their good-for-nothing dad.
Maureen stood at a proud five feet and two inches, reaching just beneath Tom’s chest. Yet and still, when she stalked up to him, he cowered a little. His mom was something fierce. “There you are. I just got off my mobile with Lily Pratchett. Apparently Yancey’s back from Berlin. You need to keep your brother here. He’ll surely go looking for trouble with that mongrel around.”
“Yes, Mu--Wait, no, why can’t you play warden? I was taking Lee to The Eye today.”
“Oh, I can do that. I’d love to show her around.” Maureen lit up.
Her face darkened again. “You’re telling me I can’t spend quality time with my granddaughter after you’ve kept her from home for the last five years?”
Suddenly, there were feet tramping down the stairs and Leah’s curls bouncing. “I want to go with Gran!”
Tom sputtered. “I don’t even know where he is.”
“Well, you best find out, shouldn’t you? Lee, my dear, get your trainers on. We’ll take a taxi.” Maureen lifted her sweater from its dedicated spot on the hook by the front door.
As she shrugged it on, JR burst into the house, nearly knocking the door off its hinges.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Jayson Reginald York, be careful with my home!”
JR flashed her a charming grin. “What, all four of us? Only Mum would give the sweet baby Jesus orders.”
Maureen pursed her lips at him and swatted his arms. “Oh tush. I’m taking Lee out to see the sights. Can you and your brother fix the leak in the tub for me?”
“Oh, I’m busy, but I’m sure Tom can.” JR dropped on to the couch and threw his feet on top of the coffee table.
“Jayson get your feet off of my table this instant!”
His feet dropped to the floor and he looked sheepishly into his lap.
“Now listen here, the both of you. I want my house in one piece when I get back. In fact, I want it in even better condition than how I’m leaving it. There are several projects that need attending to. Pick one.”
Tom and JR gave each other a weary look.
“Am I understood?!”
Both of the York boys gave a start and replied in unison, “Yes, Mum.”
In less than a second, Maureen and Leah were out the door with Leah’s giggles echoing back to them. The two sat in silence, gauging one another’s moods. Tom decided to just get the trouble out the way. “So where were you?”
“Swimming the Seine.”
“Jay, be serious.”
JR gave a hard, forced laugh. “That’s rich, coming from you, mate.”
“Love, I just don’t want you to get into--”
“Oh shut it, Tom. I kind of get what Naomi meant about you being overly needy.”
Tom’s blood ran cold and his gaze locked onto his brother. “She’s never said that.”
“Secrets, secrets.”
“Jay, she’s never said that.”
JR rolled his head to sneer at Tom.
Tom stared at him, calculating. “Yancey’s back and he’s probably looking to start fucking Rita again.”
Three... Two... One.
JR jumped from his seat and bolted for the door, but Tom was ready for him. He tackled his brother into the wall just before JR could get out, rattling every one of the thirty hanging frames. Tom quickly spun him into a headlock, knowing that he only had seconds before JR became incontrollable. “Thought that’d get ya.”
“Let me go!” JR struggled hard against him. “I’ll kill him.”
“You most certainly will not.”
“I’m going to rip his dick off with my bare hands and then feed it to his fucking, whore mother.”
“He thinks he can come back to my territory--”
“But it’s not anymore, is it?” Tom knocked JR’s knee out and got him to the ground. “London isn’t yours anymore, you made bloody sure of that. And now I’m stuck babysitting you for the rest of your life.”
JR threw a hard punch into Tom’s side, but Tom took it. Honestly, Tom knew that if he loosened his grip even a little, JR would break free and wreck havoc in the house, on Tom, and then take it to the streets.
JR got his temper from their mother, but all the rage from their father. He could dismantle a building in minutes if you got him riled up enough. When it first manifested in Grade 7, it terrified Tom. A classmate had stolen JR’s stash of chocolate, so JR taught him a lesson by beating his face so bad that the poor boy needed to get his jaw wired and JR fractured three knuckles.
The York family had been notoriously labeled as unstable ever since. Tom had never resented his brother for the reputation, but he didn’t like being labelled as violent either. And it only got worse as they got older. JR would get into scraps and Tom would be called to come reign the beast in. More than once, he’d wound up injured while trying to save someone else.
A few years back, JR had picked too big of a fight with a local gang. He’d jumped Yancey after he found out that the gang leader was sleeping with his girlfriend. JR always ranted that he should have killed him, and a part of Tom agreed. If Yancey had died, he wouldn’t have put a hit on JR.
That was when Tom and Maureen decided to fly him out to New York to live with Tom. It was getting too out of hand and Maureen couldn’t take the stress of being afraid every time JR walked out the door.
Eventually, JR settled underneath Tom’s body. Tom knew better though. He’d have to sit on top of him for another five minutes before his younger brother had actually cooled off.
As JR relaxed, he turned his head to avoid speaking into the carpet. “I never said I needed you to take care of me.”
“Yeah, well, I’m your brother, love. I’m not going to let you get yourself killed,” Tom said.
“I can’t be killed, Tom.”
“If you’re seen around town, Yancey will try to test your theory.” He felt JR stiffen beneath him at the name. “Jay, you’ve got to get yourself under control. We’re getting too old for this shit. Mum can’t take it.”
“Mum handled Da alright.”
“Yeah, but Lee’s little heart would break if something happened to you.”
JR had nothing to say to that. Leah had become his soft spot. Tom had never imagined using his daughter to blackmail his brother, but... desperate times. After another beat, he rolled off and sat himself in front of the door, using his broad shoulders to block it.
JR sat up and glared at him. “So I’m on lock down until we fly back then, is that it?”
“Your other two options are to be gutted in the street or arrested after you’ve done something stupid. And trust me, neither Mum or me will bail you out.”
JR sniffed and nodded. He got to his feet and stretched.
“What’re you doing?” Tom narrowed his eyes.
“You can sit on the floor all day if you want. I’m going to fix Mum’s tub for her.” JR turned to make his way upstairs, but paused. With a smirk, he punched the wall, causing one of the frames to shake loose and drop to the ground.
As the glass shattered, he took off up to the bathroom, leaving Tom dismayed at the idea of their mother finding the crime.
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