#he becomes very close with her during the period of separation from bedwyr
kingsshilling · 2 years
changing some aspects of the story solely cus the lyrics of + story behind this song inspired me so much LMFAO. rambling a bit
ORIGINALLY my plan was that after éamonn’s mother dies, he would just sell the house despite saying “i’d like to burn it down to fuck”, cus bedwyr tells him that’d be funny but selling it would be wiser, but just selling it is a little underwhelming..... so on inspiration from the lyrics of that song which mention burned out ruins, i think it would be much more satisfying and some form of catharsis for éamonn to set his childhood home alight when he was never granted any kind of closure or resolution from his mother herself, despite how much he tried (and as an end to a long period where éamonn and bedwyr had been separated on shaky terms, bedwyr returning to wales while éamonn stayed in ireland and them having little to no contact with each other for a number of months, which was in no small part caused by éamonn’s mother - bedwyr arriving back in donegal on the day of her wake was the first time they’d seen each other in a long time)
BUT also i know i said éamonn is from killybegs, but the story behind the name “poisoned glen”:
According to legend, the huge ice-carved hollow of the Poisoned Glen got its name when the ancient one-eyed giant king of Tory, Balor, was killed here by his exiled grandson, Lughaidh, whereupon the poison from his eye split the rock and poisoned the glen. The less interesting truth, however, lies in a cartographic gaffe. Locals were inspired to name it An Gleann Neamhe ('The Heavenly Glen'), but when an English cartographer mapped the area, he carelessly marked it An Gleann Neimhe – The Poisoned Glen.
poisoned glen/heavenly glen.. it’s just too good an opportunity to pass up, when so much of éamonn’s arc is his rejection and hatred of his home, believing that nothing of value is there and saying he’ll never return... when after the war is over (and of course before their separation) bedwyr convinces him he should go back and try reconnect with his home because he believes it’s important, and only because of bedwyr’s marvelling at the beauty of the place does he have his eyes opened to what’s really there...
as well as that it makes more sense for éamonn geographically to come from that area because 1. it’s an incredibly isolated, open and harsh landscape, which’d only amplify his loneliness as a child and 2. éamonn is an irish speaker, and the poisoned glen is within/near the gaeltacht
AND 3., killybegs (or just outside killybegs, in fintra bay) is where i want him to end up living in the end - it makes more sense that, rather than just moving down the road or whatever the fuck from the childhood home he just burnt down because he never wanted to see it again, he’d want to go and live somewhere that he has fonder memories of (since as a fisherman in his adulthood pre-wales he would’ve spent more time there than at home, it being a major and important fishing port)
plus, as an end note, i’d love for éamonn to discover after burning the house down that the locals were never fond of his mother either, so they turn a blind eye to the burning and no authorities get involved, or if the authorities TRY to get involved they straight out protect him.. and also for ones who’d known him as a child to tell him that they’d always felt sorry for him and worried for him and don’t blame him for disappearing, that he should feel zero guilt..
again as another realisation that there IS beauty here, captain and also that he’s genuinely loved and understood and cared for :( he’d never realise it himself because he thinks of himself as such a loner but he so, so badly needs that sense of community and belonging that he’d only experienced for the first time in wales
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