#hawks stares at him like he's evaluating if this is really the hero he chooses to idolize
sinnamonpork · 1 year
Dabi getting deaged into a kid and left in the care of Hawks because the League isn't really "child-proof" with all the knives and the blood and the villains running around. When Dabi gets back to his normal self, he is very upset to find out that the whole of hero society apparently knows that he is Todoroki Touya, missing son of the no. 1 hero, and is now apparently the secret husband of pro hero Hawks.
A very sheepish Hawks explains that he couldn't help getting pictures of Tiny Dabi, especially with the fluffy white hair and brilliant blue eyes. It would be a crime not to take permanent proof. Hawks also argues that it would be a crime not to show it off to other people, because What would the point of taking a picture be?
Hawks posts it on Twitter. In less than an hour, everyone is already theorizing who the baby mama is, why the baby looks so much like hero student Shouto, and why is there a very recognizable villain coat in the background of the picture. @CallMeShoutheorist apparently did a 2 hour breakdown explaining how the child is obviously the son of his missing brother Touya, and that the villain coat is there because Hawks is a very devoted cosplayer. The video ends with Shouto inviting Hawks to family movie night and to remembered to bring his husband and baby with him. Hawks wasn't able to look Dabi in the eye after he finished his explanation, choosing instead to present a ring to the now fuming arsonist.
After all, if the whole world already thinks they're married, then he's gonna make the most out of the situation thank you very much.
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