#havent posted in that tag in ages heehoo
crplpunkklavier · 1 year
hi hello i hope its okay to ask but i was wondering what would be some good german terms/nicknames for platonic expressions of affection and/or endearment? specifically for klavier and trucy if that context helps bc their friendship means everything to me. thank u very much in advance !! <3
uhhh. ill be honest with you anon im the kind of guy who calls his friends babe so im never really sure where people would draw a distinction between romantic and platonic terms of endearment. and not to dig my "tumblr user crplpunkklavier is a full-time klavier gavin larper" grave any deeper but i feel like hed be the same
"Schatz" is definitely versatile though, people use that for everyone. i call my sister Schatz, i call my partner Schatz, i call my dog Schatz. id call my friends Schatz. variants are mein Schatz, Schätzchen, Schatzi. gender neutral. go buckwild with this one
for trucy specifically "Kleine/s" would work. klein means small/little. meine Kleine or just Kleine is the feminine version, but in german the neutral form (mein) Kleines can also be used as an affectionate term for any gender. this is also something i call my sister, despite her being 6'10".
(meine) Süße is like sweetie? that would work. Süße is feminine, if you wanted it masculine it would be (mein) Süßer. it CAN come off as flirty, but it doesnt HAVE to be flirty, so as long as theyre established as friends and we all know klavier is not a freak he can totally call trucy that
if you want something thats more bro speak adjacent, essentially our equivalent of "DUDE" is "Alter." its actually been on my list of words to write about for a while lol. Alter means "old one" which is a very funny translation because it sounds so mystical in english. (it can also just mean "age" but trust me thats not what it means in this context.) it is masculine but it very much has that "dude" status of being fine to use on anyone so long as that person is okay with it. think of it as if you were to open conversation with a friend à la "dude youll never believe this", "Alter" is a natural way to go in german
those were the ones i could think of? but honestly again any "romantic" petname is probably fine so long as its not explicitly sexual, which, few are. german is not a sexy language.
if any of my german followers have additions with what they call their friends, sound off!
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