dykebeckett · 7 months
me and my besties are literally frolicking in a beautiful meadow and jumping for joy while izzy freaks are trying to alchemically create types of bigotry against white guys that would make the episode problematique
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classycookiexo · 11 months
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hey it's marc hatemurdersex anon. when i said i don't like him i mean i think he's overcommitted to the sport, he sold his soul to honda to give him a bike tailor made for his admittedly very impressive riding style but no one else could make it work besides dani and even that didn't last. that honda was and is SO TWITCHY AND REACTIVE and unless you have marc's insane reflexes it was not functional. and yeah i fucking commend him for his seemingly inborn natural abilities but i just got sooooo tireddddd of him winning every single goddamn race. marc fans who hated on pecco last year are literally brainless like it's the same thing. and then guess fucking what? that absolute nuclear weapon of a bike still wasn't enough for him. even before ducati was a real threat he was hitching tows of EVERYONE in quali, fucking people over, leeching off their speed to get a few hundredths over them. i don't like it when he or anyone else does it. AND THENNNNN when the other teams catch up he switches to the new better bike. and yeah he's fast on it and he's pulling off moves others can't but he's STILL HITCHING TOWS. ON A DUCATI. GET A FUCKING GRIP!!!!! after all he's been through, all his insane injuries and life threatening incidents he needs to pack it up for his own safety. but like i said he's overcommitted and will do anything to remain at the top. listen i would too if i were him, but that's because motogp is a drug and the riders are addicts. i predict a long slow painful decline for him a la rossi, just further and further back on the grid but still holding on to try and deliver for the fans. i mean he's an interesting guy and truthfully a lot of my dislike is just a personal taste thing but i think a lot of fans don't remember the 2010s era and thus can't compare it to now. like shit used to be differenttttt
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patchesjam · 11 months
people going ‘loudduo crumbs’ are pissing me tf off why would you want them interacting again i thought q made his public position and feelings incredible clear and it very much at dreams expense
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memeswithdrms · 2 months
“im not in the fandom anymore but” babe you qrted the tweet a minute after it was posted you ARE in the fandom why you in denial
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Also as an atheist given the choice between a Catholic and a Christian I would choose the Catholic because they'll just tell me I'm going to hell and call me slurs but the Christian will turn it into a 30 minute long dump about how they need to save my soul and seeing me live this way hurts them and pleasdee pretty please for me won't you go to church 🥺 I'm just trying to help you, fully grown adult. You don't understand what I'm trying to do.
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non-prophetic · 3 months
The who? More like the who cares. The stones? I ston't care. The beatles? I will beat you to death
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spiderducks · 6 months
i don’t feel like discoursing on main today but i Do feel like discoursing so. i just wanna say. if your argument for why qwil is important to qq in any way involves bringing up dsmp you’ve lost me. if you’re basing your interpretation of these characters off a completely different and unrelated story you have lost me, i’m sorry, that’s got nothing to do with this. and saying “it’s because the cc’s just love to do homoerotic roleplay lol” isn’t an argument either, because it also has nothing to do with the text of the story. like, yeah, canonically qwil Is important to qq! but use stuff from the text to back that up!
a lot of people cannot seem to separate ctnt from qtnt from cctnt and i think we just have to be blunt about that
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mantasunray-art · 11 months
there is something so infuriating about karl replying to Every Single One of his mutuals on this brand new app that was at first only released to verified accounts but refusing to reply to dream and now that it's public deleting it like,,,,, is he fucking radioactive or something???? i literally cannot remember the last time they had a public interaction. esp initiated by karl. probably fucking twitchcon last year. he is so fucking spineless to keep supporting everyone and their grandma and oh but he is so nice and being so buddy buddy with snf but suddenly it's at dream is where he draws the line IM DONE i am so done he's like a fucking clout leech and i'm done pretending he is not.
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verm1c1de · 10 months
nobody knows how to fucking classpect it seems
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osamid · 9 months
the problem with bsd, it's themes of abuse and it's cycles, and trying to critique characters actions while having empathy, is that asagiri doesn't actually think anything he's written is abuse. none of the abusive actions that occur in bsd will ever have consequences bc asagiri should never be allowed to have children.
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draylor-swift · 11 months
i’m really fucking tired of the people trying to make seem like loudduo/dtq has any chance of being what it was ever again. i’m gonna start assuming they’re drantis cause why else would you want dream around that loser?
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Max-Kelly anon: there is literally a whole blog for WAG hate disguised as gossip that is apparently fixated on age gaps and alleged social climbing and other pettiness. Make yourself at home there and leave us with our unhinged good vibes ♥
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patchesjam · 1 year
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even the fucking cc's are micheal'ing this place up fuck everythingg
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i feel like its crazy to get 3 paragraphs worth of mad over the worlds most insane athlete trying at all costs to go faster than everyone. he races. hes a racer. its what he does. marc hate anon i hope you feel the sun on your skin and the grass under your feet soon.
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Why would you put your nonbinary character in the brotherhood of steel of all places. This is something that i really hate where you can have your token lgbt to make the internet happy BUT they have to be in the shitty group because that's. Nuance I guess. The lesbian has to be a cop the nonbinary person has to be a fascist etc etc. really makes you think. I'm very intelligent.
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