#harrypotter harry potter MACUSA WesternExpansion Maeve Fanfiction Im Dreamin
sunpathrainpool · 4 years
Salem School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Home for the abandoned, the orphan, the abused, the longing, the loner. Behind its Golden gates and Silver walls lie communities of wizards and witches. Nymphs coaxed into protecting its trees that line the outer wall are constantly on the watch for any danger, and the river flowing through it is clear and cold. Meadows and forests lie inside it, a refuge for the lost. The school is in the middle, where are pathways lead. There’s 5 houses, and 10 prefects, and 5 heads of houses and 5 headmasters/heamistresses. It’s a complete diplomacy, voting is always the answer. Someone got into a fight, you vote, someone lost a sheep, you vote. Unless there is means for harm intentionally and with evil intentions, then the 10 judges are called in. You start the school at age 9, and end at 19. Then, you are legal. Marriage is legal at 21, if you choose to stay inside Salem’s safe haven walls. Salem was founded by a runaway witch during the Salem Witch Trials. She was alone most of her life, until she met Samuel Johnson. He made her laugh, he made Maeve Salem laugh. That’s what she hated. He was a muggle, knew nothing about magic. Maeve was a neglected orphan who knew only pain. So when she let him know she was a witch and his warm eyes grew cold and his lips straightened, her heart broke. He left soon after. She was pregnant with his child. It turned out to be a boy, Jonathan. He was born in Salem, and went to Ilvermorny for education, as Salem was not a school. When he came back disappointed, Maeve was angry at the school that did not fulfill her child’s dream. So she opened Salem School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Maeve left it in charge of Jonathan and his wife, Peggy, and went to San Francisco. There, she established the Magical Foundation of the West. She helped run it for a while before she grew bored of being restrained at her post, so she ran off in the middle of the night to Las Vegas, where she established another magic foundation, the Maeve Magical Association of the West. Maeve ran back to San Francisco and introduced the leaders. They then became partners in working the West. Meanwhile back in New York the Magical Congress of the United States of America grew angry. There was a great battle between MACUSA and the Western Wizarding Congress which was located in Texas. It’s referred to by muggles as the Civil War. The WWC(Western Wizarding Congress) shut down after the war and Maeve begged them to open once more, for they were the real law setters. They refused. She turned to Nicaragua, the only country willing to talk to her, and asked them to help. El Congreso de Magia de America Central(the Congress of Magic in Central America) agreed to help. It sent over Aurors and helped establish the Western Leadership Corporation. Maeve died during battle and a statue of her was erected on MMW(Magical Foudation of the West), MMAW(Maeve Magical Association of the West), and WLC property. There is an ongoing feud between them as to who claims the money left behind by Jonathan’s family, which vanished from the globe soon after Maeve’s death. Some say that Maeve never really died, but traveled around the globe for several years later. Why? Because Maeve was descended from a Poseidon lineage, and the sea does not like to be restrained.
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