#happy holidays tina <333
perfaede · 2 years
What do they dislike the most about the winter holidays?
Holidays wherein the entire family gets together is most likely the ones that remind him of the family that's not there. He has a good time, but it's a reminder of grief all the same.
Other than that, probably how loud and cheerful people are. Klaus loves a party ( that he can be dramatic and the center of attention in ) but after he has Hope, he's acutely aware of how annoying it is to have loud sounds and celebrations keeping the baby up when he's trying to put her to sleep.
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moomoorare · 3 years
Dream SMP Art🎭
Lots of stuff:
something about the deities of the dsmp taking form of the first human they see
an Ⓐⓛⓘⓔⓝ🛸 and a 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪🌹
demon c!Eryn & demon c!Tommy
Them demon kids
Michael and his chicken <33
Fashion Stars ☆✧✯✷
a group of cool miners ⛏️💎
i watch the exile vods a normal amount ☺️
hey tommy.
Bee Duo
✧ Posin' ✿
They're having a wonderful time on holidays and they're all more or less alive yeppp ^_^
Bee Duo & Michael <3, to heal the soul
^_^ Benson! & <3 locket
Bench Trio
They're watching.
Wholesome SBI!!! 3/4 cus philza is like out dealing crack or something idk.
The boiss
c!Tommy LGBTQ 1 / 2 🏳️‍🌈
on the grass, tears
Some Exile arc art, nothing special
Sad Boy, pogtopia outfit i guess
demon c!tommy is my jam >:3
Pogtopia times
White Braid Hair
Blah blah
cTommy advertises my art
Just a littol boi, a smol long scrunkie⭐
Just practicing art, he talks!
*Hands u this* Rascal Bastard <3
He looks like he's about to go to the gym lmao
I've been on a drawing spree, he keeps coming up so you can have him <3✨
Chilling in the front yard, in the morning when there's silence
Frowne :\
Happy Boy :D !!⭐✨☀️
Drawing this Bitch again<3
[ he ] visited, [ he ] left a gift, a nod to past times and a promise for the future. smile :)
winter is coming..
In a chest somewhere, taken out again to see the light, appreciated in silence. ◝✺◜
This asshole >:V <333
Chatting up to thin air
Littol doodol of yellow moobloom c!Tommy💛
Zombieinnit for Halloween, even if a bit late
Star eyes⭐, sunset hair🌇, autumn clothes🍂.
Demon Boy finds a stuffed cow in a field
We love pain, let's give him more
Hair changes, eyes like gemstones
I think he looks swell
Inspired outfit from this post
Quick sketch
lot of floof, a little ring and a peculiar bandana <3
I think c!Tubbo deserves a big ass bandana as well to snuggle up and hide his snoot ^_^
New Horns !!
Gratuitous doodle of c!Tubbo :3
Ring <3
Bandana!! Kiss my ass if you think it clashes ;)
Scrncikle Primclke<3 Turbo from the side ☆❀☢
Sad Bee Boee :(
New super improved Bee Boy design
Kity dead, i repeat deadest cat ever, he died 😔
Ok have my new cranboo design, punch him too if you'd like ^_^
[he AMGY]
Practicing his design, i really like it :3
The Boobster >:]
Just a lad
Creepy Smileys . .. .
He really said (๑•‿O๑)
i want to kick him in the face so bad, just a swing 🤪😘☺️
new c!dream design just dropped
Captain Puffy
she has. Dimples 😳 and!!! Shorter hair 🥰
she's pissed off, looks comfy tho
I'm the gayest motherfucker on this earth, cPuffy brainrot!!!! 🥰🥰🌈🌠
I fucking love her dude🥰
She thinks you can do it! <3 ^_^
c!Captain Puffy, but the design is tweaked :)
Her <3333
For every day that c!puffy exists i get gayer and gayer 🌈
Captain Puffy !!! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
🥰🌈💝 (she↑☺️🥺😳)
New Puffy Design <3
Practicing c!Puffy
Close up :3 of the Puff Puff ✯
Puff Puff! It's the Captain! Her <33
Caption Puffer <3
Red Banquet Puffy ❤️
Very self-indulgent doodle of c!Techno with short hair, me love <33
another c!Techno doodle
cTechno doodle
c!techno pose practice
tbh just an excuse to draw her :3
Practicing my c!Hannah design
Fairy Power, Roses and Thorns, a Flower.
Eret fanart
Thy liege 👑
TinaKitten fanart
Welcome to the smp Tina Kitten! ^_^
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gramanderlove · 7 years
Gramander ;)))
Okay so omg I took so long to get back to you on this I apologize 8’333 So yeah this is in reference to a post I reblogged like two weeks ago that asked about ship headcanons :D I put everything below a cut because it’s kinda long :’33333 Thank you for asking me!!! :DDD
- Who hogs the duvet → Honestly I think they’d both be pretty good at sharing it, though I think Newt definitely takes most of it when he’s deep in dreamland and is attempting to make a nest from the sheets ;3
- Who texts/rings to check how their day is going → Newt the most!!! uwu but Percy definitely does it sometimes too~~
- Who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts → these boys…. probably have no idea what to get each other and each is the worst when it comes to gifs XD tbh I think they’re equally creatively bad when it comes down to it haha, though they each try in their own way
- Who gets up first in the morning → they’re both probably way early risers! owo I kinda want to say that Percy gets up at the ass crack o’ dawn because he’s just unreasonable, but then Newt’s probably up at all hours tending to his creatures that need him ;w; but I think that Newt at least sleeps a decent amount
- Who suggests new things in bed → UMMM I think they both do that in equal amounts personally :3
- Who cries at movies → Newt!!!! ;wwwww; this boy has a heart of steel when he needs to but when it comes to movies he’s the absolute biggest softie. he loves movies so much, I know this for a fact! Newt’s always been fascinated with movies. he loves them so much. like sure wizard images have been moving since forever but there’s something special about going into a movie theater and watching the action unfold on screen. I think the first “talkie” opened in 1927 or something so up to FB they were silent films, which Newt loved. but movies with sound was, he would probably say, magical. Newt probably drags Percy to the movies every second week or more if he can, and he adores watching the actors and actresses laugh and cry and fall in love. he especially loves Charlie Chaplin though; he loves the physical comedy of it, and even later when movies are mostly talkies, he still appreciates chaplin’s classical approach to movie making. (cue lots of movie theater cuddles with Percy; Percy probably pays more attention to Newt than the movies though ;)
- Who gives unprompted massages → I kinda want to say Percy?? I feel like he’s in tune with when Newt is stressed or anxious and wants to help him get through that. I feel like Newt might want to help Percy in other ways, or offering something like a massage is a bit foreign to him. he’s a little nervous when it comes to things like quite I think, though I think as he gets to know Percy more and they get older he’s more used to Percy’s moods and gives him massages a lot more often :)
- Who fusses over the other when they’re sick → Newt the most! ;A; he would definitely be a fussy mum when it came to illness, offering Percy everything and anything he wants as he desperately tries to make him feel better. though he’s very good handling animal illnesses, when it comes to Percy he gets a bit flustered until he can calm down enough to actually help get his fever down and such :’) if Newt was ill though I think Percy would try to do his best, asking Newt if he wanted anything and getting anything he wants like a dutiful boyfriend
- Who gets jealous easiest → Percy by a long shot holy shit >___> Newt’s kind of oblivious to flirting so even when people flirt with Percy (which happens rarely; usually it’s a young waitress who doesn’t know him personally… ) he just kind of gets an uncomfortable upset feeling in his stomach, though he isn’t certain why. but when people flirt with Newt (which happens a lot…. from a lot of people who should know better!!) though he’s oblivious to the romantic nature of their attentions and is always super nice to people who are nice to him! but this makes Percy pretty damn jealous lmao. he wants to keep Newt all to himself, though he does make himself ease off when it comes to people like tina, jacob, queenie, etc., because they never flirt with Newt and he knows they just want his friendship
- Who has the most embarrassing taste in music → do I even have to say it? ;) Newt loves music but he has the most odd collection of records Percy’s ever seen, the one time he perused the dusty box hidden by an extension charm under Newt’s worktable in his shed…
- Who collects something unusual → well I would say Newt in general aha 8’)) but Percy probably has a collection of something unusual hidden away ;) who knows what it is….
- Who takes the longest to get ready → prooooobably Percy lollll. Newt’s probably ready quickly but that’s just because he isn’t used to dressing up when there’s a need haha ^^ if they’re going to something fancy… so Percy has to slow him down and help him get into the proper clothes. and just in general, Newt doesn’t really see the need to make himself look “pretty” so he’s ready almost as soon as he’s thrown on his clothes and ran a hand through his hair. he does have a tin of mints hidden away in his jacket though :’3 so yeah Percy’s probably the one doing his hair and putting on a bit of cologne and making sure everything he’s wearing is pristine. you can’t walk around wearing just anything as director of magical security, after all.
- Who is the most tidy and organised → Percy of course! though Newt does have his own system that works perfectly well for him ;)
- Who gets most excited about the holidays → Newt :3 though sometimes he forgets their happening haha. I feel like Percy keeps track of them out of a sense of duty, but once Newt comes along he learns to enjoy them more
- Who is the big spoon/little spoon → Percy wants to be the big spoon most of the time and Newt’s perfectly happy with that, but sometimes Newt is the big spoon and Percy realizes just how much he likes it
- Who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports → Percy by a long shot! Newt isn’t very competitive at all. when people are trying to be competitive with him he usually doesn’t recognize it for what it is D: Percy’s professional but sometimes his ego gets the better of him and he’s a bit more aggressive towards his fellow aurors than he’d like to admit… if Newt sees this he tries to get Percy to back off a little bit, if he can…
- Who starts the most arguments → Newt probably unintentionally?? I feel like a lot of things Newt does might frustrate Percy in the beginning and his temper gets the better of him just a little bit, before reason takes over and he calms down. I can’t see Newt getting into an argument with anyone unless they were a truly awful person.
- Who suggests that they buy a pet → well I mean…. 8’) but you *know* that Newt’s the one who’s constantly trying to save more creatures, much to Percy’s distress >w>
- What couple traditions they have → Okay I have no idea about this one aha >.>
- What tv shows they watch together → I Love Lucy later??? What’s My Line? I have no idea omg probably not very many or none at all XD
- What other couple they hang out with → Queenie and Jacob, Tina and whoever she settles down with (maybe nobody?? who knows… >w>)
- How they spend time together as a couple → Taking care of Newt’s creatures, cuddling, helping MACUSA and the Ministry of Magic, travelling~~~
- Who made the first move → I have headcanons for either so ;))
- Who brings flowers home → Percy!!!! He very much brings flowers home :)
- Who is the best cook → Maybe Newt?? But just by a little??? Hahaha they are both pretty horrible about it general, so ;)
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serg55773 · 6 years
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rooftopprendezvous · 6 years
April my lovely how are you? It’s Tina/Shameless anon here. Just thought I’d check in to see how you’re finding all the latest developments? Personally, Friday alone was a perfect example for how much of an exhausting rollercoaster Robron & especially the fandom mood(!) is lol! Your tumblr is a wonderful safe haven from the meltdowns. I’m so bored today, but I’d quite like a break from spoilers (unless they’re about all the Whites exits obvs, I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for them 1/3
2/3 to kindly fuck off lol) – any & all Dryan content would be more than welcome. The promo shoot & BTS vid were awesome! ED know they’ve got us whipped – all they need to do is unleash Dryan on us! I’m looking forward to the Christmas ep & everything Robron related we have coming up. The only downer for me is, as ever, the baby. Any talk about Seb staying with Robron makes my heart sink. The Alex stuff on the other hand sounds like it holds so much potential for great Robron angst!3/3 I’ve got a feeling I’ll have to wait to watch the Xmas ep. I’ll be away with fam & doubt I’ll be able to escape to watch in peace & I defo want to watch without distractions since we’ve been waiting since Sept. Maybe I need to get a plan haha! I’m intrigued about how ED are going to play things from this point onwards. I think we’ll need the Whites to leave before things can truly move forward. Oh btw I’m only about half way through The Punisher now. Hope you have a wonderful festive season!
Tina! Hello love. I’m doing alright. Getting excited for all the Christmas stuff coming up. Here and in real life. Friday was amazing! Danny and Ryan are like literal life savers. How blessed are we with those two. Just give us all the Dryan our little hearts could desire. Believe me when I say I could never get enough of them. 
I’m so glad you feel safe here. I’m loving the idea of everything to come so no meltdowns here. I’d rather just go with it and see what happens. Every day is one day closer to the Whites exit and this is what I hold on to at all times. It’s so close now. I don’t care how they fuck off as long as it happens. I’m still so certain the baby is leaving too. I won’t go back over all the reasons because I feel like I’ve exhausted all of that, but yeah I just don’t see him staying. 
I’m so stoked for the Alex stuff. Aaron having to choose and realizing his heart is still very much Robert’s. (As if it was ever a question.) I can’t wait to see what the perfect gift Robert picks is and to see Aaron’s reaction. I don’t think he’ll be mad, just surprised. I’m just so ready for it all. 
I think I can swing watching live since it will be just before one my time, but I’ll have to leave right after. I’m telling you now delete the app if you can’t watch live or you know you’ll be tempted and then it will get ruined for you. That’s what I’m most worried about. I’ve waited too long for this to have it ruined for me now. 
Yay! I hope you’re loving it. It gets better and better as it goes. Enjoy it. Much love and happy holidays!
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