#happy birthday queenwalton
bebepac · 1 year
Garden Party Photo Op
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I am participating in @choicesflashfics prompt “ Say that again.... I don’t think I heard you right the first time which will appear in bold
I am also participating in @choiceschallenge-may2023  prompt for vacation.
Without further Ado and it’s been a long time coming since the last update on this series The Life of Riley Book 2:  This is chapter 8 in this series.   
This chapter also contains a companion chapter in Heroes and Villians  called Arch Nemesis
The Book: TRR
The Pairings: Liam x Riley
Rating:  PG
Warnings:  Adult Language
Word Count: 2428
Mood Music Monday Submisson: "When You Believe"  by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
Summary:  Riley  attends a garden party with a challenge involved to see who will be crowned Cordonia’s Most Photogenic Couple, the prize a weekend vacation to Greece.
Original Post: 05/14/23  at 7:14PM EST. 
A/N: As mentioned any chapter of Life of Riley carrying this callsign 
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will have a companion chapter in Heroes and Villains.  The chapters will be similar in plot, but different subjects and perpectives will be focused on, the two chapters together tell a complete story from different vantage points. 
AN2:  I hadn’t planned on updating LOR yet, but I did get a request from the lovely @queenwalton​ as she is a fan of this story line, and it’s a late birthday gift.  So happy belated birthday friend, late but I made it. LOL. 
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She smiled when she woke up, stretching out her body while still nestled in the soft plush covers and mattress that felt like she was sleeping on clouds.   Opening her eyes, she glanced around the ornately decorated room. Waking up there every morning, always felt like she was in a dream.  She jumped up, from her bed running  over to the balcony, throwing open the doors, as if she expected the gardens below not to be visible.
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  But it was, every single morning.  She had been in Cordonia a little more than three weeks; the ending of the second week at the palace where she was participating in Prince Liam’s social season.  She was living her own Cinderella story thanks to the crown prince of Cordonia Liam Rys, who after spending the night with her in New York, asked her to come visit him in Cordonia for a week, and then asked her to stay. Now this was her life. 
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Balls and garden parties, and vying for the hand of a Prince that honestly had already made her life different, and she hadn’t even said the words “I do” yet.
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Riley Brooks was not the only one living their own Cinderella story that had Liam to thank.  A young Nicolas Karahalios had everything he owned packed in a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and was standing at the palace gates waiting for entry to live at the palace for the duration of his training. This was different. Previously he was only visiting the palace for training,  now he would be actually staying on site.
“State your full name, and what your business is at the palace.”  
“Karahalios, Nicolas A. I’m beginning level two training for the Kingsguard.”  
The sentry took out a clip board and scrolled through the names.  Nico sighed in relief when the guard picked up a pen and checked his name off the list.
“You're early. Head through those double doors there to take your photo for your level two identification, and from there, you’ll go to uniforms for your cadet training attire.”
“Thank you.”
“Good luck, kid.”  The guard nodded to him, opening the gate.  
“Thank you, Sir!”  Nico slid the strap of his bag up higher on his shoulder and stood in amazement as the palace gates opened for him. He took a deep breath and stepped forward.
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Nico was officially one step closer to becoming a part of the KingsGuard.  Nico stood tall in front of the wall with the Cordonian Crest
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 to take his photograph for his badge.
“Look straight ahead.”  The person instructed him.  Nico smiled.
“Don’t smile in this photo.”
“Oh, sorry.”    
Nico quickly made his face serious and level once more.
“Your badge will be ready in a few minutes.  Since you were the first one here, it won’t be so long,  you can go to uniforms and get settled in, in the cadet dorm, and  don’t look so shell shocked.  You made it this far.”  
“Thank you sir.”  
When Nico finally made it to the cadet dorms, he finally decided to call his mother.
“I made it mama! I’m the first one here.”  
He panned his phone around the room. The first side of the room housed the bunks for sleeping,  the other side  had furniture,  desks, and a huge wide screen television.  
“This is nicer than where you were previously sharing an apartment.”
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“And Mama, when I become a guard, I’ll have my own quarters here, in the palace.”
“You can do it Nico.  I know you can.  Thank you for the money you’ve been sending us.  I was able to get Athena a beautiful dress for graduation.”  
“You don’t have to thank me for that, Mama.  It’s what I’m supposed to do.  I’ll be able to take care of you someday.”
“You already do that Nico.  I’m proud of you.”  
“Thank you Mama.  I’ve got to go now , some of the other cadets are here now.”
“And you can't be on the phone with your mother, I understand.”  She chuckled softly.
“It's not that. I love you mama.”  
“Go make friends. I love you too, my sweet little Dianooúmenos." (Egghead)
Nico laughed,
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 "Goodbye Mama." disconnecting the call.
His mother didn’t realize this was serious, that no one would really be making friends.   People wanted positions in the guard, and everyone had legacy advantages but him.  He was considered to be the outsider that didn’t belong;
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 the only one who didn’t treat him that way was Demitri who preferred to be called Dima for short. Dima was the closest person to a friend he had of the cadets.  Nico had already claimed a top bunk for himself. Dima decided on the one next to him. Nico worked twice as hard as the others, and Dima was at his heels.
After Nico had unpacked, he changed into his workout clothes.
“What are you about to do?”  
“Take a run around the wall.”  (The Palace perimeter)
“Want company?”  
As they walked out of the dormitory room, Dima looked at him.  
“You know, you’re not the only one with something to prove, Nico.”
“Say that again... I don’t think I heard you right the first time.”
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“It’s easy to ride on someone’s coattails, but making your own path is a lot more difficult.  More people should try it.  You and I are really more alike than we are different, you know.”
“Good to know.”  
“Come in Maxwell!”  Riley said when she heard his knock.  
Maxwell smiled as he walked through the door.
“You know, we have to stop meeting this way.”  
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Maxwell laughed  but the door remained open for Bertrand to walk through.   Riley tried to hide her annoyance.
“Yes Bertrand, what did I do wrong now?”  
He looked her over.  
“Nothing that I can tell as of yet, but you did just wake up, which already means you have a late start.”  
“Still getting used to the time difference.”  
“That didn’t matter last night when you were at the dive bar drinking with Drake Walker acting like you’re still a college student.”  
“You’re acting like Maxwell wasn’t there too.”
“Little Blossom! Way to throw me under the bus!”
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“I feel like I'm the only one taking this whole arrangement seriously, keeping you two in check is like herding cats.”  
Maxwell chuckled.  
“Do not encourage her Maxwell.”  
“Don’t encourage me Maxwell. You know how that antagonizes him.”  Riley imitated Bertrand’s voice.   Bertrand eyed her, shaking his head.  
“Today’s itinerary is simple.  You will be having lunch in the garden.   All suitors must wear white dresses for the suitor photo shoot.”
“Good thing I’m not surfing the crimson wave this week.”
“The crimson what?  Lady Riley if you are referring to feminine concerns…”  
“Or the monthly monster.”  
“RAWR!!!!!!”  Maxwell yelled, causing the both of them to break out into fits of giggles.
“You two!!! Stop it! I mean it.”  
Maxwell cleared his throat.
“We are very sensitive to those types of things, right Bertrand?  It’s a part of life women must deal with.”    
“This is true Lady Riley, if there is anything you need in that department,  I’m sure Maxwell can handle that for you.”
Bertrand straightened his tie taking  a deep breath to continue his conversation.
“Getting back on task, the purpose of the suitor photo shoot is to upload your candid photo with Prince Liam to the Crown’s social media website so the people can be part of the voting for Most Photogenic Couple.  You need to head to your appointment in the boutique.”
“It’s not needed, I have a  dress for the event, Bertrand.”
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Betrand laughed out loud.  
“With all due respect Lady Riley, I’ve looked at your social media, and I seriously doubt anything you brought from New York with you, when you were and I quote ‘living my best life YOLO club hopping with my bae’  would hardly suffice for a upscale luncheon with His Royal Highness and the King and Queen. Maxwell, talk some sense into her.”  
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Once Bertrand had left, Maxwell peered at Riley.
“Little Blossom….”  
“Trust me Maxwell, I have the perfect dress for the garden party.  I just need to get a steamer, and I can steam it myself to remove any wrinkles it has. I promise, I will look amazing.”
“I trust you.”  
Even though Liam had offered the Beaumonts funding for Riley’s social season expenses, she always felt if she could avoid spending Liam’s money, she would.  She did have the perfect dress.  It  was snow white and ethereal, gently clung to her curves in the right places, and flowy in all the others. Once steamed and after she had straightened her hair but used her curling iron to create loose waves.  Since it was almost time for her next batch of white roses from Liam to be delivered, she decided to use the current ones to make a garland of roses for her hair, making sure she saved one for something special for Liam. She wanted the whole world to know that she belonged there too.
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Liam was absolutely awestruck when he saw her walking towards the party, heading in her direction, him stopping her at  the garden archway.  
The way he stared at her made her feel special and desired.  Liam never gazed at anyone with the level of intention in his eyes.  
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After speaking for a few minutes, and the Prince pulling her close to him for a few moments, she continued on to the gardens,  meeting up with Hana first.  
“I’m so glad you’re here Lady Riley.”
“You know me,  fashionably late but always in fashion.”  Riley giggled. “I really like your dress.”
“Yours too! Where did you get it?  There was nothing like it in the boutique.”  
“It’s actually a dress I brought here from home.”
“It’s really pretty, I would have never known. You’ll have a really pretty picture with Prince Liam, with your dress and hair blowing in the wind.”  
“That’s the plan!”  
“Shall we go and grab a seat?”  
“Lets, my dogs are barking!”
“Okay Penelope.” Hana commented with a giggle.
As they turned  to take the first steps to start heading towards the suitor’s table, Olivia passed in front of Riley stepping on her foot.
Riley could not contain the curse words that tumbled from her mouth.  She was afterall A New Yorker through and through.  She was able to use curse words just as fragrant as a painter could make a picture on canvas come to life.  
“And that’s why you should be wearing heels and not dollar store sandals.”  
Riley decided not to engage the Scarlet Diva anymore at that moment, but the reckoning was coming.  She had to wait a bit for the crowd to calm down and It was time for lunch, and time for a little payback.  
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She decided to survey the serving tables before she enacted her revenge, and let’s be for real, Olivia had it coming.  Riley strategically started heaping food on her plate in a haphazard fashion.  Anything soupy with a sauce made it to her plate, and to drink? The biggest glass she could find was filled to the brim with red wine.  
Target acquired.  Riley made her way back to her seat with her plate that was heaping with food and her larger than life glass of red wine, when she passed by Olivia, she feigned slipping dropping the glass of wine over her head.  
Direct Hit!
“Whoops!”  Riley exclaimed.
Olivia gasped, jumping up, grabbing her arm.  Riley again slipped as if the ground where the wine had fallen off of Olivia had made the grass slippery and her plate of food somehow left her hands, landing all over Olivia’s dress.  
Flawless Victory!
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“My apologies, Duchess Olivia!!!!  It looks like I got your whole dress there. Clumsy me!!!”
She leaned into  Olivia with a smirk.  “Must be those cheap dollar store sandals not providing much traction on the grass.”
The Scarlet Duchess’s face was in fact scarlet and she left the garden party humiliated.  
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Riley went back in line and got her actual plate of food, finally making it to her place next to Hana once more.
Hana’s eyes were wide and unblinking.  “I really wasn’t expecting you to do that. But I’m glad you did.  She gets away with so much, I’m glad you stand up to her and for yourself.”
“Don’t let her.  All of you guys could stand up for yourselves too, and not let her get away with the things she does.”  
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“That’s just not how it’s done here.”  
“Well, it is now.”
Riley glanced across the way, Liam was smiling, shaking his head at her.  Riley smiled back, shrugging her shoulders resulting in Liam’s smile to widen even more.  
Photo Op Time
As Liam posed and took pictures with the other suitors, there were some nice photos in the bunch but they all lacked something special.  Riley went last, and as she walked in the Prince’s direction 
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his smile brightened and his eyes twinkled. His world stopped.
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“Natural chemistry has  finally entered the chat.”  
Riley fell into a deep curtsy looking up at Liam as she held out one of the roses she had clipped. 
“A matching rose for you Your Highness for your lapel, for our picture together.”  
“That’s a lovely gesture Lady Riley.”  
After placing the rose, Riley straightened it.  “Perfect.”
Riley faced the Prince for her photo as all the suitors before had done.  But once their eyes met, there was no denying the electric sexually charged energy of the two together.  Neither heard the snap of the camera until Ana De Luca spoke.
“Wow, that was a great picture, but I don’t think the people are ready for a photo with this much raw heat to it.”  
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“I request a copy of that one Ana.”
She nodded.  “You two don’t even need to face each other to create chemistry, it happens on its own.”  
Before Ana could actually direct them Liam and Riley fell into a pose different from all the suitors before.  
“There it is.   Perfect.  This picture displays " The Royal Romance.”  
All the suitors' pictures with Liam were touched up and uploaded to the Crown’s social media website for voting.  
Riley’s picture with Liam won by a landslide, meaning she would be going to Greece with Liam; the man she loves. The girl that had come from lowly beginnings being adopted, and losing everything she had to  meeting a kind attractive stranger was now around the world getting stamps on a passport she never thought she would fill, living her best life.
Cinder - fucking - rella  in the house or should we say castle?
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Just Breathe....
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The Aftermath - Ch. 34
Happy Birthday, Ella
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Summary: It’s Eleanor’s 18th birthday
Word Count: ~2.6k
A/N: big time jump! 
A/N 2: ahhh this is the last chapter!! the one before this was sort of a conclusion but in this one is more like... the aftermath of the aftermath, haha. anyway, this was more than difficult to get out, firstly because i absolutely suck at conclusions so if this is terrible, sorry :( and secondly because this is my first fic and i really can’t believe it’s finished! am i crying? maybe... anywayyy, thank you all so much for reading!! i hope you’ve enjoyed this series as much as i’ve enjoyed writing it!! <3
Warnings: mention of character death
*All characters belong to Pixelberry, except those that are unique to my story (I’ve also used some characters and fictional instances from Donna Tartt’s book, “The Goldfinch”)*
Tags:  @captain-kingliamsqueen @gkittylove99​ @lovablegranny @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @queenrileyrose @shanzay44 @cordonianroyalty @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @twinkle-320 @amandablink @texaskitten30 @pens-girl-87 @ladyangel70 @sanchita012 @cordonianprincess @cordonia-gothqueen @queenwalton @yourmajesty09 @alj4890 @choicesbutterfly 
- Eleanor - 
I sit at the empty desk across from my bed. There is nothing in front of me, but I stare at my neat piles of notebooks and novels: some that Daddyo had recommended to me, others that I had borrowed from his library.
My bedroom door is open. From the hall, I hear the tapping of Roger’s paws and the light thuds of Fabian’s footsteps. The noise of their arrival lightly raises me from my seat and my tired thoughts. I walk out of my room and go after them.
Roger runs away from Fabian with something in his mouth. My little brother giggles as he runs after our dog, struggling to keep up with him. The dog weaves through crowds of servants, making its way towards the front of the palace.
Fabian sighs, frustrated. I put my hand on his shoulder and urge him to continue on with me.
Once we reach the front doors, we see that Roger has stopped running and is having his belly rubbed by Aunt Rowan, while her oldest son, Rowell, races towards my brother.
Rowell and Fabian run off quickly, already in the midst of a game. Lord Maxwell gives me a side hug, holding his and Aunt Rowan’s youngest son to his side.
I hug Aunt Rowan, then give the little babe a kiss on his chubby cheek. I lead them towards the sitting room, where Mama drinks tea with Duchess Hana and Duchess Olivia.
After the adults are all seated, they usher me out of the room. I giggle, saying that there’s nothing they have to hide from me, but I know what they’re planning and agree to leave.
Outside the sitting room, I decide to go look for Gabe and Daddyo, hoping that their meeting with the dignitary was over. I check my watch and see that they should have been done about a half-hour ago, but I know my brother had probably gone on overtime.
He had started taking his duties more seriously as of late, and I know it’s because of the talk Daddyo had with us at Applewood. He had insisted that I come along into town with them and receive the same speech, even though I said I was fine with staying behind.
Gabriel and I had laughed when Daddyo told us that he was the heir and I was the spare. The silly phrase wasn’t the only thing that sent us into a fit of laughter, but it was also a bit of disbelief. My brother and I weren’t naive; we knew what the people of the court had to say about me being a member of the royal family. Daddyo never failed to remind us that their opinions didn’t matter and that I was his daughter no matter what anyone said, but of course, people kept talking.
Sometimes I wanted to argue with him and say that keeping my last name as Blaise — while Gabe’s had been changed to Rys years ago — would keep me from being fully considered his daughter, even though he had officially adopted me when he married my mother.
But I knew such arguments were ones that broke his heart. The smallest change in my behavior made him fear that I no longer considered him my father, which was heartwarming, in a sense, but also depressing. (When I was about twelve, I had thought calling him “Daddyo” was too childish, so like Gabe I called him “Dad.” One morning he pulled me to the side and with the saddest eyes asked me if I was upset with him, or if he had done something to anger me. I laughed it off but went back to calling him “Daddyo” immediately. Though I cringed every time I said it, it was better than upsetting the only man who had ever felt like a true father to me).
And so most of my daily thoughts were now consumed by the anger I had for my biological father — everything he did to my family, and to the nation and people I had come to love — but I was slowly coming to terms with it. Even though I was ashamed of him, I was accepting the fact that he could no longer dictate my life or the lives of those I love.
These past few months marked ten years after the bombing. When my father had died, and Gabe and I had been in the hospital waiting for Mama to get better, I had been childishly angry at him. My last clear memory with my biological father had been reminding him to take pictures of the new exhibit at The Met so I could get a glimpse of what he and my mother would see. He was never able to show me those photos. That is, if he even took any.
But that was a different kind of frustration. One that, if my little brother Fabian expressed, I would sadly laugh at and explain to him the seriousness of the situation.
Theodore’s actions had controlled all of us, even Daddyo, Uncle Drake, Lord Maxwell, and Duchess Hana.
But now we are all in control of our lives again. Uncle Drake and Duchess Olivia had done honorable work with the King’s Guard. Lord Maxwell and Aunt Rowan had married a few months after my parents did, and a year later Duke Rashad married Hana — around the time Fabian was born. Daddyo eventually mended his relationship with Uncle Leo, and every few months his family would come to visit us.
Any person who was a threat, such as Boris — his betrayal was one that broke my childish heart, but not a day passed where I missed him— and Uncle Drake’s ex-fiancée, Jessica, were spending the rest of their lives behind bars.
It had taken our parents a while to tell us everything, and when they finally did, it took even longer for us to come to terms with it all. But Daddyo and Mama never pushed us away when we needed to talk to them.
As I walk up the stairs to Daddyo’s office, I take deep breaths, allowing the concerns to flow out of me. Before I knock on the door, my mind is clear.
I smile to myself as I reach for the handle, memories of our obstacles so far behind us that I feel foolish worrying about them at all.
Inside, Daddyo, Gabe, Fabian, and Rowell are crowded around something on the desk. Everyone turns to face me.
“Is it time for the party?” Rowell asks.
“Shush!” Fabian elbows his friend while Gabe and Daddyo laugh.
Once the boys are done scolding each other, Daddyo asks, “What do you think about eating out for lunch?”
“Same restaurant?” Fabian questions.
“Unless you wish to go someplace else?” 
I shake my head, then link my arm through his. “No, I like that place.”
As we walk out the doors of the palace, we spot Uncle Leo, Aunt Katie, Hunter, and Heather with bags in their hands. Once they see us, they lightly toss those bags back into their limo, and they join us in our car to go eat lunch.
We had eaten in this restaurant on my eighth birthday, which had been only a week after Mama and Daddyo had come back from their honeymoon. My family came here often, and Uncle Leo liked joining us.
We enter the restaurant and see that the place is empty. The menus are put in front of us, and we order without looking at it. Fabian and Rowell talk between themselves, and Heather tells me about their flight, while Uncle Leo asks Gabe how he’s feeling. 
Gabe shakes his head, an amused look on his face. “You know, I thought this would all be overwhelming. I was scared that the pressure would bring the anxiety back, but it didn’t.” 
Uncle Leo pats my brother’s back. “Now tell me about that girl you mentioned in that course you took.” 
Gabe’s face goes red, and he gives a little laugh. Aunt Katie raises her eyebrows, while Daddyo urges him to talk. 
My brother leans back in his seat, the amusement increasing. “I’m think I’m gonna draft a letter to her.”
“Oh?” Aunt Katie takes a sip of her drink.
“I’m planning on asking her to join the next Social Season. That reminds me.” He cuts off and looks towards our father.
But before he can say anything, Uncle Leo goes, “Gabe, go to your dad when you want to know what not to do. Take my advice instead—”
Hunter interrupts him: “You say that like your advice doesn’t backfire on the regular.” 
“Poor soul is speaking from experience,” Heather whispers to me. Daddyo overhears her, and laughs with us. 
We leave as soon as we finish our meal, not considering dessert. The ride back to the palace is filled with smooth conversations and laughs. As the limo stops in front of the entrance, everyone tells me to exit the vehicle first. 
Tentatively, I crawl out the car and make my way up the stairs. Servants open the doors for me, and the entire room is flooded with balloons, decorations, and sweets. 
My mother kisses my cheek, then Daddyo and Gabe wrap me in a hug. Fabian runs off quickly with Rowell.
The rest of my parents’ friends continue giving me birthday wishes, until Fabian finally reemerges with an envelope in his hand. Everyone crowds around me as I open it and take out a thin, rectangular piece of paper. 
“It’s a bookmark!” Fabian cries as I examine it. I turn it over in my hands, feeling the soft edges against my skin. On the other side, there’s a drawing of six stick figures. Fabian puts his finger on the bookmark, and I bring it to his eye level. 
“That’s you with the books since you like reading,” he tells me. “That’s Daddy and Mom since they have the crowns, and Gabe is the one with the smaller crown, and that’s me and Roger, and that’s our home in the background.” I follow his finger as he points to his little drawings. “I know it’s not very good, but I didn’t know what else to get you!” He giggles as I further examine it. 
“No one knew what to get her,” Gabe comments. “Little Miss—” he takes on a high pitched voice— “Oh, you don’t have to get me anything! No, really, I don’t want anything!” 
The room of friends laugh and chuckle at the mocking voice. 
I go through everyone else’s gifts, which are mostly things that I can use, but don’t need and didn’t ask for; like Fabian said, everyone had wanted to get me something, but I was in need of nothing. I know that Uncle Maxwell was more than frustrated when I told him so, and he must have been even more upset when he couldn’t get any hints out of my parents either. His and Aunt Rowan’s present to me are new pointe shoes. 
Duchess Olivia had started giving me more self-defense lessons, so her gift to me is a stiletto knife, along with stiletto shoes.  
Duke Rashad and Duchess Hana give me a pearl necklace: when the Duchess had taught me how to paint, we had made portraits of each other and had illustrated pearls on our pictures. The portrait I had made of his wife was the Duke’s favorite.
Uncle Leo and Hunter give me new paint brushes and a steel paint easel. Heather hands me a cup with a picture of her and I on it — I had given her something similar for her birthday — and Aunt Katie gives me a cute bag.
Uncle Drake gifts me a new pair of skis: last winter and during the Social Season, we had raced down a slope and I had lost both times. “So you can practice a bit more next time we head to Lythikos,” he tells me with a pat on my back.  
Gabriel hands me a heavy box. My arms burn as I make my way towards a table and put it down. Inside are books that are on my to-read list, candies that we had tried and liked on our last family trip to Italy, a bracelet with charms, and gold earrings shaped like a crescent moon. “You didn’t give me any clues for what you wanted, so I just put all of them in there,” my brother says with a shrug. 
Mama and Daddyo’s gift is next. My father wraps me in a large hug, then holds me to his side as servants roll in a new Baroque piano — it was similar to the one I had seen in a museum the last time we visited Applewood. The old one was being wheeled out; I had played it daily in the last few years, both for the entertainment of my family and for important members of the nobility, and even though it was constantly cared for, the strings had started to become dusty. I knew we wouldn’t get rid of it; I was sure that Daddyo had plans to donate it, but again I felt that there was no need for a newer one. We could have just taken more care of the one we had. 
But I don’t complain. I could never complain for this group of people who love me so dearly. I accept hugs from everyone in the room, and then the cake is brought out. The frosting looks like a painting, and is sweetly smooth as we eat it, the icing staining the corners of our mouths. 
We sit and chat about nothing at all, simply enjoying the blissful companionship that came with family and beloved friends. I had told my parents that I didn’t want a big party, and this was exactly what I had in mind. The room is light and joyful: Uncle Maxwell tells jokes while Uncle Drake rolls his eyes, Mama throws her head back, Daddyo’s arm around her while he tries his best not to laugh, and Uncle Leo, Hunter, and Gabe wipe tears from their eyes. 
The rest of the party is spent like that. The irreplaceable friendships that had went from nothing, to everything, to nothing again, then beyond the meaning of intimacy that came with being understood. It fills the rooms of the palace as it has these last ten years. 
I think about the gifts I’ve been given today, wondering where I would put them in my room — except for the piano, which I will leave in the ballroom — and how I will use them. I smile when I remember Gabe’s joke about my refusing presents. 
I don’t think he understands that I didn’t wish for specific objects because I can’t remember the last time I longed for anything, and if I ever did, there was no request that Daddyo wouldn’t strive to fulfill. My life had never felt lonely or without purpose, and I think that means I’ve found happiness. Like everyone in this room.
Daddyo notices that I’ve zoned out a bit. From the corner of my eye I can see the gentle wrinkles on his face and the graying roots of his hair. He leans towards me and plants a kiss on my forehead. “Happy birthday, Ella dear. I love you.” 
I smile at him, then use my fork to steal a bit of icing off his cake. Fabian follows suit, and soon our dad’s cake has no frosting on it. 
The three of us laugh, and with a mouth full of sugar I say, “I love you, too, Daddyo.”
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bebepac · 3 years
Substitute Queen (Happy Birthday Queen Walton!)
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This is a special edition of Fast Forward for my friend @queenwalton as she enjoys this series I've created a lot and it is her birthday! (Well a day early!)
I'm pretty sure you have been following along with me since I started writing on the fandom a little over a year ago. Thank you for your friendship and support. I hear from you after every chapter I post and I love it. Also thank you for being my trustworthy reader of infinite snippets. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful birthday my friend. 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤
A/N:  Thanks @dcbbw​ for bouncing some ideas around with me, and giving me a few to make this birthday fic even better.  Thank you girl.  
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Summary:  Riley and Liam go on their first vacation alone since the events of Ellie’s kidnapping.  Maxwell and Taylor take care of all the children.  Maxwell throws a “Baby” Beaumont Bash.
Original Post Date: 03/24/21 at 11:55AM EST
The Book:  TRH and Beyond
Pairing: Liam x Riley  / Maxwell x Taylor 
Warnings:  None other than hilarious fluff
Word Count: 2425
Song inspiration for this chapter: Baby Shark (Trap Music Remix) 
I don’t own rights to this hilarious music.  
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Liam saw Riley standing  in the study with her back turned to him.  The King of Cordonia shifted seamlessly into stealth mode as he crept silently into the study, surprising his Queen by pouncing on her like a lion, grabbing her and slipping his arms around her waist, and sensually planting a soft kiss to the sensitive skin on her neck.  He gently rubbed himself against her.  
“Take a break for a little while my love.”
He felt her body tense up.
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Liam quickly recoiled from her.   Liam looked genuinely horrified when she turned to face him.
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“I’m so sorry Taylor.  From behind, I swear I couldn’t…I mean I didn’t…..”  
“Bleh!!!! Don’t finish that sentence!!!!!!
Riley walked in the room seeing Taylor and Liam visibly uncomfortable.
“What did I miss?”  
“I need a bath!!!  Your husband thought I was you.  Apparently we look the same from behind.”  
Riley glanced at Taylor.  “I mean…. He’s really not completely wrong Tay.  Now that you had the twins, we really do.”  
Taylor scowled.  
“And that right there is why no one will mistake us for each other from the front.  Your scowl face.”
“Well this is a sufficiently awkward conversation, so I’m going to go, especially after I’ve completely embarrassed myself. Riley when you’re finished, please come by my study.”  Liam still had a flush on his cheeks and ears.
“For real, put that thing away Liam, it’s barely lunch time.”  Taylor grumbled.
“I will be there.”  She winked at him.  
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Liam’s smile returned.  
“Can one of you keep it in your pants please?  You two are like horny teenagers.”  
“I’m okay with that.”  They both said in unison smiling at each other.  Liam left the room.
“Are you going away for your wedding anniversary?”
“We probably should, but we have our date nights, and we can always sneak some time alone now that the kids are a little older, now that everyone is potty trained and not on the boob anymore.  God I missed my boobs being mine, and now that they are again, of course they look like a dumpster fire after breastfeeding four kids.”  
“Well that’s one hell of a bra then.”
“Who are you telling? They would be dragging the floor otherwise.”
Taylor laughed.  
“Please don’t do that visual to our body.”
“It is our body right?”  
Riley and Taylor giggled.  
“You two should go away alone.  You two never get adult time… And I don’t mean just for that.  You two apparently get more than enough adult time for that.” 
“Tay, it’s just that we haven’t really been away from the kids.  Anywhere we go, we travel as a family.  I feel safer that way, so does Liam.”  
“Because of me right?”  
“It is.  The last time you two tried to go on vacation was when I took Ellie, and you haven’t been apart from them a day since.  It’s my fault you two are afraid to be away from your children."
“Taylor, Liam and I have forgiven you for that, a long time ago.  We know that you’re not the same person you once were.”
“Prove it, you two take a trip, and it’s a trip you two desperately deserve. I promise the palace will be still standing when you get back.”
Taylor smiled at Riley.
“Please let me do this for the two of you. It’s been one thing after another, and you guys deserve a vacation. Let me and Max take care of the kids.”
“Tay… you do realize that would be your two barely crawling plus my four.  You two would be taking care of six children.”  
“And your kids are pretty self sufficient.  They can feed themselves.”  
“You’ll need some reinforcements, Tay. For real.  I’ll call Drake and Hana to help.”  
“I really think Max and I can handle it.”
“Riley, we got this.”
*^*^*^*^* Taylor and Maxwell *^*^*^*^*
“You volunteered us for WHAT?!?!?!?!?”
“Oh come on Max, they’re just kids.”
“Yeah, and we’ve been lucky to keep the two of ours alive so far.  We’re going to be outnumbered Softie. There’s going to be six of them and two of us. You have put them at an unfair advantage.”  
Taylor laughed.
“This is not a war Maxwell.”
“Oh, it’s definitely a war.”
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A week later,  Riley and Liam were preparing to leave for their first vacation alone, since they had children.  
Riley kissed and hugged each child.
“Now you kids behave for Auntie Taylor and Uncle Maxwell.  I’m counting on you Miss Crown Princess for a report when I return. You know you’re first in command Ellie.”
Ellie stood up straight and squared her shoulders.  “I promise Daddy, we’ll all be good.”
Ellie gave a little salute.
Liam gave one back.
“As you were, my princess.”
Riley, still kneeling, smoothed down Liberty’s little curls.  Her little lip was already trembling.  
“Mommy loves you baby.”  She kissed her little cheeks.  
“Are you ready to leave My Love?”  
Riley stood up nodding.   Liam reached out her hand for hers.  
They started to walk towards the SUV.  
Liam felt Riley stop.  
“It’s okay My Love we can do this.”  
Riley’s eyes were quickly filling with tears.
Riley resumed her stride.
The little inflection of a question in Liberty’s voice made Liam stop dead in his tracks. His grip tightening on Riley’s hand.  Liam took a deep shaky breath.
"Don't look back Liam, you know we won't leave if we do."
Bastien and Nico could see how the King and Queen were struggling to leave their children.
“Your Majesties, come this way.”  Bastien called out to them gently.
Both the King and Queen were in tears hearing their youngest burst into tears at the sight of them leaving, as they climbed into  the black SUV.
“It’s okay.  They’ll be fine Riley. They have reinforcements.”
“Taylor wouldn’t let me call Drake or Hana.”  
Liam hit a button on his phone. He put the phone on speaker.
“What’s your location?”  
“Already inside the palace.”  
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“And you fully understand the plan?”
“Let your tiny humans drive Taylor and Maxwell insane?”
“I know the plan Liam! Not be seen and keep a watch on them, and only appear if they need help with the children. “
“Yes. Thank you Liv.”  
“I do this because we’re friends Riley.”  
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“Liberty has a set of lungs on her, she hasn’t stopped crying since you two left.  I’m sure she’ll be fine.”  
“Thank you Liv.”  
“They’ll be fine, i’ll be watching. Enjoy your vacation already.”  
“Where are we headed? Since you wouldn’t disclose a location to me, I literally packed for everything including plagues and fire rain.”  
“For some fun in the sun on our own private beach.”
“Good thing I packed a bathing suit.”  
“You won’t be needing it.”  
Riley smacked Liam’s arm as he waggled his eyebrows at her.
*^*^*^*^*^* Meanwhile back at the Palace *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
“C’mon Libby it’s okay.   Mommy and Daddy will be back.”  
Taylor picked her up, rocking her in her arms.  
“Shhhhhh… it’s okay Libby.   Auntie Taylor is here, so is Uncle Max.”
Libby’s cries subsided a little but not significantly.
“Can I try?”  Ellie asked.
Ellie crossed her eyes and made a funny face at Libby causing her to break out into a fit of giggles.  
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“We’re evening out the odds.  Three on three, I like those odds better Taylor.  We might actually survive this. They will listen to one of their own.  Ellie is like our super agent spy.”
By the end of day one both Taylor and Maxwell were exhausted, tending to and chasing around six children.  At least their two were relatively easy to catch, as they were barely mobile.
“Why did I think the children being self-sufficient was going to be a good thing?  I’ve never been this tired in my life.”  
“Is this what we have to look forward to when they’re older?”  
"Seems like it."
^*^*^*^* Liam and Riley *^*^*^*
“My Love?”  
“Yes Dear?”  
“You don’t have to cut up my food for me.”  
Riley had absentmindedly cut up Liam’s chicken into very small child bite size pieces. She had also ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead.
“Oh!  I didn’t even realize.”
Liam smiled at her, running his fingers through his hair.  “We’ve been parents for so long, it’s been a long time since you and I have been truly alone.”  
“You know what I want to do after dinner?” Riley inquired.
Liam raised his eyebrow with an intrigued smirk.  
“I think I might have an idea of exactly what you want to do.”  
Liam and Riley went to sleep after dinner.  Both stretched out in the bed.  Both had covers, and no kids arms, legs, feet, or hair  in their face.
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Every night was like that Liam and Riley got the most sleep they had, had in years…. Well after other adult activities. Liam had even turned off his alarm living in the moment with Riley.
*^*^* Baby Beaumont Bash *^*^*^*
Taylor was feeding the girls when she heard loud thumping music. Taylor could hear jingling. Taylor glanced up, seeing the chandelier above her head was thumping to the beat of the music. Thank goodness the twins were used to Maxwell's antics, and Lily and Violet were sleeping right through it. She put Violet back in the crib and walked down the hall. The closer she got to the east wing ballroom the music got louder.
Taylor pulled the doors open to the ballroom, smoke bubbled down the hall.
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There were multi colored blinking lights, a disco ball spinning from the ceiling and a snack table full of candy, sweets and soda.
Maxwell had a DJ station set up  playing a song on an endless loop, bobbing his head to the music with his headphones on.
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And Riley's kids hopped up on kiddie cocaine (aka sugar) dancing and flailing around in what Taylor could only think to describe as a kiddie rave.
"Is that….. a trap remix of baby shark?"
"Heck yeah it is."
And the kids were loving it.
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Maxwell let the music keep playing and he had a bottle of champagne in one hand calling Ellie and Adam over to him. He had a sword in his right.
"Adam you hold the bottle."
"You are not giving them champagne Maxwell! They're children!"
"I'm shocked at you Softie. What kind of Uncle do you think I am? It's just sparkling apple cider. Okay Ellie, you get the sword because you're the oldest. And what you want to do is slice just like I'm showing you. Oh, and don't kill your brother, that would be bad."
"I don't think Daddy would let us do this Uncle Maxwell." Ellie said wearily.
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"Heck no he wouldn't.  Well not with Maxwell teaching you. If anyone is going to teach the crown princess to slice anything while someone else is holding it, it's going to be me."
Olivia appeared walking out of the shadows of an alcove.
"Have you been here the whole week?"
"Of course! You know Liam and Riley. And these kids are never going to fall asleep, if we don't have them dance the sugar out."
"I've got just the thing.”
 Max cranked up the music.
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*^*^*^*^* Liam and Riley *^*^*^*^*
"Liam I miss them."
"We'll be home to see them by noon tomorrow."
"Liam I know you miss them too, log into Crown Cam, so we can see them."
Riley sat next to Liam as he logged into Crown Cam.
As they went to each room they noticed none of the children were in their beds.
"It's past their bedtime."
"Did you really think Max and Taylor would get all kids to bed on time?"
"No but…."
They clicked on each room, until they got to the ballroom on the east wing.
Both gasped at the scene. Liam clicked the button enabling the cameras to pick up sound in the room.
Both looked at each other, seeing their kids wildly dancing and flailing about. Libby was excitedly jumping up and down with a glow stick while Olivia sang on stage.
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"Is Olivia really singing and rapping to Let It Go?!?"
Olivia's Rap
Liam nodded, watching the scene for a few more moments before slowly closing his laptop.
"I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for all of this."
*^*^*^*^*^* kiddie rave *^*^*^*^*
Taylor danced with the kids while Max continued at his DJ station.
"Olivia can flow, can you believe it Max?!?"
"OLIVIA!!!!! LANGUAGE!!!!!!! THEY'RE CHILDREN!!!!" Maxwell screamed.
"Are you serious with me right now?!? Language?"
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Olivia rolled her eyes in complete annoyance.
"Of all the things you've done, LANGUAGE is your hard stop? You gave the crown princess a SWORD to slice a bottle out of her younger brother's hands, and instructed her not to kill him. That's entirely okay, but CURSING is where you draw the line in the sand? Seriously Maxwell?"
Both Taylor and Olivia glared at Maxwell for a few moments in confusion.
"Liv keep going!!! We have to tire them out!!!"
Olivia resumed her rap battle….with herself.
Within an hour it looked like a crime scene in the ballroom. Children were passed out everywhere.  
Taylor picked up a sleeping Ellie, Olivia, grabbed Adam, and Maxwell carried Jaiden and Liberty upstairs to their beds.  
"They need baths, their faces and hands are dirty with crumbs and sweets."
"We'll give them baths in the morning, before Liam and Riley get back." Maxwell was confident they could get it done.
They didn't. They all slept in instead.
When Liam and Riley arrived back at the palace, they didn't know what to expect.
They saw their kids, all lined up wearing yesterday's clothes, dirty faces, and wild chaotic hair, looking like they had their own kiddie walks of shame.  But each child had a huge smile on their face.
Liam walked up to Ellie.
"Your report my Crown Princess?"
"Daddy! I sliced a bottle top off a bottle while Adam held it."
"And I didn't die!" Adam screamed confidently.
"We had fun!" Jaiden exclaimed.
"Daddy did you know Auntie Liv is a gangsta rapper?" Ellie's voice sounded like she was in complete awe.
"Yes My Princess, we saw."
Olivia turned pale, then she knowingly nodded. "I should have known you two would access Crown Cam."
Riley turned to Maxwell.
"So you threw a Beaumont Bash…. for our children?"  Riley asked.
"Of course, gotta train them up right!! Little Blossom!"
"Sure, they're a little dirty, but at least the palace is still standing, what else would you expect from the Substitute Queen?" Taylor commented with a smirk.
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Happy birthday! I hope you enjoyed this!
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bebepac · 2 years
Cereal Killer 🥣
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Not to be confused with SERIAL  KILLER!!!!!
I am participating in @wackydrabbles​​ prompt # 140 “you should worry about that tomorrow” which will appear in bold.  
The Book:  TRH Series:  Fast Forward Pairing:  Liam x Riley Warnings and Ratings:  Fluff all around.  I know you don’t see this from me a lot.  Word Count: 1129 Song Inspiration:  Hungry Girl: A Blurred Lines Parody Summary:  Riley is 16 weeks pregnant with the royal heir and wants some snacks from home.
If you enjoy this story, you will also enjoy an oldie but a goodie from me  
Apple Crisps
Original Post Update 04/02/22 at 10:46PM EST.
A/N:  This idea came about when I posed a question to the fandom if Drake Walker had to eat cereal, what kind would he eat.  @angelasscribbles​​ took it to another level and wondered what would the others eat, and how Liam would react to cold cereal.  I asked her could I use this in a fic, and she gave me her blessing to.  Thank you.  I also mentioned my girl would be a fan of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  I’m putting this in the Fast Forward universe as I believe it’s the closest of my story lines to it.  
A/N2:  I mentioned the idea to @dcbbw​​  and she said I had to make my Riley pregnant in this, and honestly at first, I hadn’t thought about.  I originally had planned to be my Riley in social season craving some snack comforts from home.  And so it evolved into this little jewel. Thank you my friend.  
A/N3: And I know @queenwalton​​ has followed me from pretty much the beginning of my writing journey on this site, and she loves Fast Forward so much and just recently had a birthday that I wanted to dedicate this one to her.  Thank you for being my long distance healthcare worker friend, that I can always vent to, talking about the joys of being in healthcare in a pandemic.  And just checking in on me just to say hey.   Happy belated birthday!
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Life was good. Correction, life was great. Riley never knew her life would be like this. Especially after the accident.  After the car accident that took her adoptive parents' lives Riley moved between group and foster homes until she wound up with of all people, Ophelia Smith who ironically took care of her parents.
One faithful evening Riley bumped into a handsome stranger on the street and she spent the night with him. Who knew that handsome stranger was actually the crown prince of his country in disguise, and would be able to offer Riley the Cinderella dream of a lifetime?
Riley Brooks went from a waitress and a pharmacy tech, to a lady, then a Duchess, to become  Queen Riley Rys of that country,
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ruling next to that blue-eyed  stranger she bumped into on that fateful night on the streets of New York. And now she was preparing for what she thought was the biggest adventure of her life…. Motherhood.
Riley and Liam hadn't started decorating the baby's room yet, but they had so many onesies that had cute little sayings on it  that they had already filled up a dresser full of clothes. They bought them for each other as a game to see who could get the funniest one while they were on their pregnancy journey.
Riley Brooks-Rys smiled down at her baby bump, rubbing it affectionately.  She was 16 weeks pregnant with her  first child with Liam, King of Cordonia, a child destined to be the future crown prince or princess of the country.  
Riley Rys was having pregnancy cravings, and  it also didn't help that the only thing that didn't make her  projectile  vomit with morning sickness were nacho cheese Doritos and caffeine free root beer.  
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Riley sucked the cheese powder off her fingers before she started typing on her computer. Cordonia had the best sweet treats but Riley was craving the snack comforts from home.
"So what do we want little one? I know we want more of your go to that makes you happy."
Riley added another case of nacho cheese Doritos to her Amazon shopping cart, and caffeine free root beer.
"I feel like we should get something different. Anything jumping out for you? No? I'll pick something good for us, that I know you'll love."
Riley scrolled through the food items until her interest was piqued.
Riley felt a soft kick and she knew.
"So we agree then?"
She rubbed her tummy.
"Okay, you're the boss."
"Now, if I may make a recommendation?  I think we would enjoy these as well. They will be new to you, but they are an old favorite of mine. Thoughts?"
Riley felt another kick, this time a little harder.
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Riley added a case of cinnamon toast crunch to her shopping cart.
"Glad you trust me little one. Mama won't steer you wrong when it comes to American snacks and junk food. Your daddy will school you on all the healthy stuff and fine dining. Everything else? You should worry about that tomorrow.  I take that back. You won't need to worry about a thing. Mommy and Daddy will handle it for you. Because we love you to the moon….
"And back again."
She smiled at Liam as he walked up to her. He knelt and gently rubbed ther stomach.
"We love you so much already, and you're not even here yet. We can't wait to meet you, our beautiful sweet Baby Love."
"I like that name.  Are you finally on team girl with me? Because you basically just called the baby a mini me."
Liam smiled. "A little you walking around,  twirling in sparkly dresses like her beautiful mother does? I'd love that."
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"I love you."
"And I you. I will leave you to order your snacks and turn a blind eye to the ungodly amounts of processed food you are feeding our unborn child."
"She loves it!"
Riley exclaimed with glee a few days later when the courier brought her  boxes of goodies.
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"Did you know you're my favorite person today?"
"Thank you Queen Riley." The courier tipped his hat leaving her boxes of yummy goodness.
That night Riley woke up jonesin. Liam was sound asleep. Cinnamon Toast Crunch was what she wanted; Mama and baby agreed. She poured herself a huge bowl of cereal and got her milk out of the mini fridge Liam had installed in their quarters since Riley had cravings, and to save her endless trips to the kitchen in the middle of the night.
Riley got back in bed sitting criss cross apple sauce eating her cereal and milk.
She was only a few spoonfuls in when Liam rolled over rubbing his eyes.
"Riley what on earth are you eating?"
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"Cinnamon toast crunch."
"Why is your food so loud?"
"It's cereal."
"Did you forget to cook it?"
"No, it's cereal. You don't cook it. You eat it cold. It's for breakfast."
"What does it look like?"
"Have you never had cereal before?"
Liam sat up to look into her large cereal bowl.
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"No. My father would have been livid being served a cold breakfast from the cooks in the kitchen."
"Do you want to try it?"
The look on Liam's face was priceless; he still had questions.
"So it's cold and crunchy?"
"Oh my God, Liam go back to sleep."
"I would… if it didn't sound like my wife was eating a bowl of extra crunchy glass in surround sound right now."
"Well the baby likes it."
"Let me try a spoonful."
"I don't know if we're sharing our bowl of extra crunchy glass with you."
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"Riley…." Liam laughed and he softly rubbed her shoulder smiling.
Riley let out an exasperated sigh.
"Come here."
Riley fed Liam a spoonful of cinnamon toast crunch.
"Why are American breakfast cereals so sweet?"
"Cuz, those are the best kind. Well there are cereals that aren't sweet like this like Raisin Bran, but only serial killers eat that for breakfast."
"As long as we're not feeding the baby what serial killers eat, I guess we're acing this parenting thing before we get out the gate then right?"
"My sentiments exactly!"
Liam laughed settling  back into bed listening  to his pregnant wife eating cereal sounding like a she was using jackhammer on a busy street.
Little did he know.
Five and a half years later….
Liam woke up to crunching yet again. He rolled over in bed to see….
Ellie. She was sitting criss cross applesauce in bed with a bowl of baby carrots.
Liam smiled looking at his daughter, wearing a white gown with teddy bears on it, with long unruly curls, like her mother crunching away on her snack.
"You are just like your mother."
"Do you want one Daddy?"
"Yes Baby Love."
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bebepac · 4 years
Food Fail (Happy Birthday Robin! 2020)
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This is the first time I’ve ever written a birthday Fic and it’s in honor of a friend of mine @dcbbw​​ !!!!  Happy Birthday my friend!!!!!!  
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When I first joined the fandom back in January, when I was searching for fics to read, she was one of the first people when I searched that came across.   I started reading her stories.  When I wanted to  write my own, and was nervous and anxious, she helped give me the confidence to write. 
She’s a very talented writer, and is incredibly humble.  I am happy to call you my friend.  I really hope you have a wonderful day today. 
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So I wrote this about a food you do not like.  SUSHI.  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! 
I hope you enjoy it.  See what I did there.  LOL!!!!!!
I used my characters from Pops Place, as you can tell.
I also used @shitthepizza​​​ About Pizza prompt # 5:  “I am always in the mood for pizza,” which will appear in bold.
Jaiden Brooks is my own character, all other characters belong to Pixelberry. 
This is not the next chapter of Pops Place.  But it fits into the series.  To check out the series Pop's Place Masterlist
Summary:  Mia goes out with the gang for dinner.  
Warnings:  Profanity.  That’s pretty much it.
Word Count: 1202
Tagging: @queenjilian​ @bbrandy2002​ @indiacater​ @janezillow​  @islandcrow​ @mom2000aggie​ @gkittylove99​ @gabesmommie1130​ @sophie-and-shizuku​​ @kingliam2019​​ @queenwalton​​ @cordonia-gothqueen​​ @texaskitten30​​  @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​​ @lodberg​​ @hopefulmoonobject��​ @kimmiedoo5​​ @sanchita012​​  @mrsdrakewalkerblog​​ @cordonianroyalty​​ @batgirlassociationofgothamcity​​ @hopelessromanticmonie​​ @marietrinmimi​​ @blueaster-blog1​​ @lovablegranny​​ @ac27dj​​ @classylady1234​​ @loudbluebirdlover​​ @atha68​​ @nikkis1983​​ @furiousherringoperatortoad​​ @sevenfuckslefttogive​​ @ladyangel70​​ @burnsoslow​​ @axwalker​​ @debramcg1106​​ @marshmallowsandfire​​ @choicesficwriterscreations​
Song Inspiration for this fic:  “Milkshake” by Kelis
I don’t own rights to the music. or quoted lyrics later on.  
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"Hey if you want to, you and Daniel can meet me at Pop's and we can ride together downtown."
"Oh my GOD Jaiden thanks!!! I absolutely hate driving in downtown Raleigh with all the one way streets and parallel parking."
"But Mia, you seriously have the smallest car in the world to parallel park."
"It's North Carolina, not New York, no one parallel parks here, you pull in. I didn't have to parallel park for my driving test."
"Well I'm from New York and we parallel park."
"Well you go right ahead Mr. New Yorker!"
"Then I will show you how it's done Miss Southern Belle, after we …. He cleared his throat and continued in the worst southern drawl ever, “drink sweet tea and eat apple cobbler in the parlor Ma'am.”
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Mia burst out laughing.  
“Shut up! You know I’m not like that, and I definitely don’t sound like that.”  
“I’m sorry, I can’t understand your dialect.”  
“YOU TALKING TO ME?”  Mia said in her best Robert De Niro voice.  
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Daniel looked at the two of them bickering back and forth. He looked surprised. 
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 “Hmmm… that was pretty good.”  Jaiden said to her nodding.  “You could get by in the city with that.”  
“Thank you.”  Mia flashed him a smile.  
“So, I'll pick you guys up around 6:20?"
"That's perfect."
When they were in the car.  She kept noticing Daniel staring at her.  
“Um… so are you going to tell me what that was, or do I have to guess?”
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“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Daniel What?!?!?!”
“Are you and Jaiden a thing?”  
“Uh no. We’re just friends.”
Daniel gave her a look.
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“I don’t flirt with my friends like that.”  Daniel raised his eyebrow at Mia again.
“We were not flirting.”  
“You two are definitely something-ing because, I could cut the tension with a machete.”
“Nuh uh.. It’s not even like that Daniel.”
“I’m just saying Mia, you need a theme song for this summer, and I got just the one.”
Mia smirked at him.
“Mia’s milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they’re like, it’s better than yours, damn right it’s better than yours, I could teach you, but I have to charge.”
“Okay Daniel.”  
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“You better wear something cute for your bae.”  
“He’s not my Bae.”
“Okay, then he’s a friend that definitely wants to see you naked.  Girl, can I live vicariously through you this summer? Cuz you’re pulling all the men so far.”  
“Yeah and they all the winners,  “Drake: I have a long distance girlfriend, but yeah let’s hang out too,  and Liam: Mr. I’m pretty sure you did something shady to get me to look your way and discredit Drake but he screwed that up on his own.”
“And Leo: Mr. I have given you a nickname but no one else can use it, and let’s get you crazy drunk.”    
“Okay… already let’s get you home so we can get ready and get back for dinner.”
When they arrived  back right around 6:15, they pulled up seeing Jaiden leaning against his jeep.  
As they walked up to  Jaiden’s jeep she heard Daniel softly singing.
“La - la - la - la - laaaaaa… the boy is waiting….”
She punched Daniel.  
“Should I even ask?” Jaiden looked at the two of them.
“No you should not.”
He opened the door for Mia letting her get into the car. 
“Your jeep is nice.”  
“Thanks, it took me getting straight A’s and graduating 3rd in my class to get it.”  
“So you’ll be at Cordonia U in the fall then?”
“Why would you think that?”  
“Because you live in Prestonwoods.”
“Yeah, I don’t get all that you’re either Prestonwoods or you’re everyone else crap.  We actually toured both.  I liked Hartfeld better.  That’s where I’ll be this fall.”  
“Me too.”  
“Cool.”  He glanced in Mia’s direction.  Mia was wearing a red  dress and white sandals.  She looked really cute.  
“Watch and learn Mia.”  
Jaiden flawlessly parallel parked between two cars.
“Am I supposed to be impressed?”  
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“You know what… I’m locking you in the car.  I’ll go enjoy dinner with Daniel. You’ll have air and sadness for dinner Mia.” Jaiden laughed.  Mia couldn’t help her smile on her face.
“Oh my god!!!!  Air and Sadness?!?!  I really like you Jaiden.  You put her in her place.”  Daniel chuckled.  “Mia needs a guy that is as funny as she is.”  
Daniel noticed them both stare at each other in silence.  
Yep… he thought… there are definite sparks there.
“I’ll get the door for you Mia.”  
“Where are we meeting everyone at? I’m starving.”  
“Sushi Blues Cafe.”
“Sushi…. As in raw fish?”  
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“There are cooked sushi rolls.  Have you had sushi?”
“I’ve never tried it.. I like my fish fried and battered, with tartar sauce, and either lemon juice or vinegar, thanks to Pops.”  
“So I’ll get a Philadelphia roll,  it’s cooked  with smoked salmon, avocado, cream cheese. Most people who are newbies to sushi like it.  So I'll share mine with you. I’ll get two so if you like it, you can have your own.”  
When they got into the restaurant the only seats left were on the end of the table.  Daniel sat in the next to the last seat, and Mia sat on the end being left handed, and Jaiden sat across from her.  She noticed everyone else was there.  Hana, Penelope, Maxwell, Olivia, Leo, Rashad, Neville, and Liam.  No Drake.  He probably doesn’t do Sushi.   Can’t blame him.  They passed out menus.  Mia looked nervous.  She ordered a green tea, and when the server came back for her food order, she couldn’t remember what roll Jaiden said he was going to get.
“She’s with me,” Jaiden said.  “We’ll get two philly rolls.”  
She smiled at him.  “Thank you,” she mouthed to him.
“You’re welcome.”  he whispered back.
She stared at her plate.
She poked a piece of the sushi.
“It’s not going to attack you, Mia.”  
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“And this is cooked?”
“You’re sure?”  
“Do you like spicy stuff?”
“Not really.”
“So that green stuff, stay away from that then. That’s wasabi.”  
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“Yeah, we won’t mess with that either then.”  
“So put some soy sauce on a piece.”  
Mia mimicked him.
“And just one big bite. Eat it.”
He popped it in his mouth and chewed.  
“It’s good, now your turn.”  
Mia did as he did.  She dry heaved.  
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Jaiden almost fell out of his chair, because of the look on Mia’s face.  It was clear…. Mia was not a fan of sushi. Both Jaiden and Daniel both were roaring in laughter.  
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“Chew it up, or spit it out.  Do something Mia!!!!”
Liam looked in their direction in all the ruckus they were causing.  Liam wished he was sitting with Mia, they looked to be having so much fun.  
Mia managed to swallow the piece of sushi.
“Want another then?”  Jaiden  asked seriously for a second, then burst into laughter again.  
“No thanks.  I’d almost would have rather had the air and sadness, you offered earlier.” 
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When it was time to leave and the check was passed out, Jaiden paid for Mia’s share even though she didn’t really eat anything.
They walked  down the street together.  
“So… how about a pizza?” Jaiden asked.
“I’m always in the mood for pizza.”  
“Let’s go get you some dinner then Mia.”  
Mia smiled as Jaiden led the way back to his vehicle.
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