#halligalli times
galli-halli · 5 months
Ich schaue gerade die letzte Staffel CHG. Auf einmal ist Matthias Schweighöfer zu Gast und muss seine Bonuskarte für 10 Auftritte noch voll bekommen, bevor es CHG nicht mehr gibt.
Wie wurde das damals eigentlich kommuniziert, dass sie aufhören? In der Show hab ich in dieser Folge glaube ich zum ersten Mal was davon gehört und das so nebenbei.. Das war aber doch bestimmt vorher bekannt oder?
Liebe Grüße!
Es kam damals folgendes Video kurz vor dem Start der neunten Staffel raus, wodurch angekündigt wurde, dass Halligalli nach dieser Staffel beendet wird:
Es kam für alle - Sender, Mitarbeitende, Zuschauer - sehr überraschend. Aus diesem Video stammt auch der danach vielgenutzte Satz "Aufhören, wenn's am Schönsten ist".
Das heißt, es war allen bereits beim Start der Staffel klar, dass es die letzte sein würde :)
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loumauve · 2 years
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shoutout to the first and so far only time I visited the North Sea instead of the Baltic Sea
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ltwilliammowett · 9 months
Cook like a Sailor- Hallig Knerken
Today we go to the galley again and this time we have something sweet to nibble on.
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This recipe is a traditional recipe from the smallest island in the North Frisian Wadden Sea and almost every Hallig and every woman living there once had their own recipe and baked these not very common biscuits for their husbands when they went out to sea to take them with them as a bread substitute. These biscuits were baked twice to make them very durable. It is not known exactly when this type of biscuit appeared, but it has probably been around since the 17th century. And you can bake the Hallig Knerken or Sailor Cookies with the following recipe.
250 g soft butter
250 g sugar
1 heaped tablespoon vanilla sugar
1 tablespoon cardamom
2 pinches of love
1 - 2 pinches of salt
3 eggs
500 g flour
1 tsp ammonium bicarbonate
200 g cream
coarse sugar
The preparation
First beat the butter with the sugar and vanilla sugar in a food processor or with a hand mixer. Then stir in the cardamom and salt.
Beat the eggs and stir them into the other ingredients in the bowl, one at a time.
Then add the flour to the bowl. Mix the staghorn salt with a tablespoon of water, add it too and knead everything thoroughly.
Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in cling film and place in the fridge for about an hour. After the refrigeration time, divide the dough into quarters and form rolls with a diameter of about three centimetres from the pieces.
Cut each roll of dough into ten pieces. Then form a ball from each piece of dough. Now preheat the oven to 240 degrees Celsius, line three baking trays with baking mats or baking paper and get ready to bake.
Now pour the cream into a deep dish and sprinkle the hail sugar on a flat plate. Dip each ball of dough first into the cream and then dip it into the hail sugar. Place all the Knerken on a baking tray lined with baking paper, spacing them further apart.
Bake them now for about 8 minutes. They should not necessarily be brown. As soon as all the biscuits are ready, reduce the oven temperature to 120 degrees. Place all the baked Knerken on end in a shallow baking dish and dry in the oven for another 2 hours.
Now the Hallig Knerken should cool completely on a baking rack. Then pack all the biscuits into tins and store in a cool, dry place. To eat, simply dip them into tea, coffee or warm milk, let them soften a little and then enjoy.
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lebenistgeil · 5 months
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hattrickprincess · 9 months
if any of you want to experience peak german entertainment culture, i advise you to listen to this hilarious masterpiece of a song, by the only entertainers to ever walk this world. it's a bop. and look up the translation for the lyrics, i died the first time i listened to it. enjoyyyy
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stonecoldsober · 7 years
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Circus HalliGalli 4.7 in 4 random pics
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pr7jk · 3 years
"different times, same energy"
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"Heute Abend geht's los, Circus Halligalli. Ne Quatsch, Late Night Berlin"
posted by katiekate2808 on twitter
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sjokohama · 3 years
I think you would enjoy a Hallig in the Northsea. Completly on your own in flood, but kind of able to reach land at ebb. Kind of fucked during seastorms, but most certainly part of the historical-cultural-heritage and therefor getting funding for risking your life and living on a artifical iseland in the northsea. the only problem is thatthe oldestgerman rhyme is Nordsee-Mordsee (Northsea-Murderersea) so you kind of get why not many people like to risk getting that funding.
Added to potential future right there, just gotta get myself an additional subject to teach as I don’t think Norwegian will be that relevant for living by the murdersea :D Time to yell at the sea!!!!!!!
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berndhallmusic · 2 years
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Good old times! Watch Ultra Music Festival live this weekend from #Miami, #USA! 🎉🇩🇪❤️🇺🇸
No #CovidTheatre, just #freedom and the amazing and uniting power of #music! 😜👍😎😍
Specials thanks go out to #RonDeSantis! 😜👍😍
#ULTRALIVE #UltraMusicFestival #EDM #Progressive #Electro #House #BerndHall #whoopwhoop #partyhard #Halligator #Hallucinations #rbmcmusic #Yourbmc #Ultra2022
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galli-halli · 2 years
Wie Klaas in der letzten Folge Halligalli einfach Jokos Fels in der Brandung war 🖤
Ich wollte dazu eigentlich gar nicht groß etwas sagen, aber dann habe ich mich im Endeffekt so stark auf Klaas' Ausstrahlung in der dieser Folge konzentriert und was das für JK in den darauffolgenden Jahren bedeutet hat, dass ich eingeknickt bin.
Verzeiht mir die Gefühlsduselei.
Als ich die Folge das letzte Mal geguckt habe, war das unter einem ganz anderen Gesichtspunkt. Für die FF war ich zwangsläufig sehr stark auf Joko ausgerichtet und alles tat ein bisschen sehr weh, weil ich mir daraus etwas eigenes zusammengespinnt habe. Ganz anders war es jetzt, die Folge noch einmal 'normal' zu schauen und sich einfach treiben zu lassen.
Und natürlich ist das jetzt keine bahnbrechende Erkenntnis von mir, aber Klaas trägt nicht nur sich, sondern auch Joko und sie beide als Einheit durch diese gesamte Folge.
Vor allem, wenn man es zusätzlich in die Zeit einordnet und versucht sich vorzustellen, wie reserviert Klaas 2017 noch hauptsächlich vor der Kamera aufgetreten ist, hat es mich heute nochmal so stark getroffen, wie durchgängig emphatisch, professionell und stützend er aufgetreten ist. Für mich zeigt kaum ein anderes Beispiel mit so viel Wucht, wie stark sich Klaas dank dem Ende von Halligalli entwickeln durfte. Zu der Zeit war es ihm unangenehm, in der Öffentlichkeit als zu emphatisch aufzutreten - man muss sich da nur mal anhören, wie er auf die Konfrontation von Matze im Hotel Matze-Podcast reagiert, der ihn auch privat kennt.
Dass er sich gerne um andere kümmert, war zu der Zeit kein Geheimnis. Dass er und Joko sich wirklich gernhaben, war auch kein Geheimnis. Dass er nicht vor der Kamera weinen möchte und sich auch deswegen zurückgehalten hat, war ebenfalls kein Geheimnis.
Aber trotzdem.
Trotzdem hat Klaas damals nicht mit der Meinung hinterm Berg gehalten, dass seine sanfte Seite aus seiner Sicht im Fernsehen nichts zu suchen hatte.
Deswegen bin ich umso ergriffener davon, was Klaas da eine ganze Folge lang macht. Man hört ihm bereits vor der Anmoderation der ersten Maz an, wie hart dieser Tag auch für ihn war. Ihm bricht an mehreren Stellen die Stimme leicht weg, er redet fast ununterbrochen und versucht sehr offensichtlich, jegliche Emotion zu überdecken. Aber er versucht auch ganz klar, von Joko abzulenken. Weil Joko schon geweint hat, bevor sich überhaupt das Studio betreten haben und weil Klaas wusste, dass Joko keine fünf Minuten durchhält, wenn er ihm nicht irgendwie dadurch hilft. Weil Klaas bewusst versucht, sich zurückzuhalten, um Joko zu schützen
Mich hat diese stumme Art, mit der Klaas Joko durchgängig Halt gibt, heute nochmal sehr emotional gemacht. Ich habe gar nicht damit gerechnet, dass es mich immer noch so einfängt und in den Bann zieht, aber UFF. Seht euch den Mann mal an.
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Dieser Fokus auf Joko. Wie er jede Regung von ihm wahrnimmt und immer sofort einschreitet, bevor es einen Tick zu viel wird. Wie er ganz bewusst auf Jokos Drang nach Körperkontakt eingeht und ihn nicht ein einziges Mal abweist (ja, das war damals extrem ungewöhnlich). Klaas zeigt seine Emotionen quasi unablässig und ausschließlich durch Joko, über seine Fürsorge für Joko. Und ganz nebenbei schmeißt er noch die letzte Sendung ihrer gemeinsamen Show, als wäre nichts leichter. Der ist unfassbar.
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Die ganze Folge inklusive der AZ und allem drumherum ist ein perfektes Beispiel dafür, wie grandios sich Joko und Klaas ergänzen, wenn nichts sie zurückhält. Es ist fast wie ein Ausblick auf die Jahre, die noch kommen werden, auch wenn das damals keiner von uns wusste. Klaas war bereit, Joko alles abzunehmen, damit sie ihr Baby unbeschadet in den Schrank stellen können, und man konnte Joko die Dankbarkeit mit jedem ungesagten Wort am Ende vom Gesicht ablesen.
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Ganz besonders rührt mich tatsächlich immer der Moment, in dem Klaas neben Joko sitzt und ihn aus der Situation bzw. seinem angefangenen Satz reißt, indem er mit ihm anstößt. Er drückt ihm sein Glas ja förmlich entgegen, um ihn zu retten und ihm noch ein paar Sekunden zu geben, um sich zu sammeln, und ich fand das immer so aufrichtig fürsorglich. Er wollte Joko nicht unterbrechen, weil er wusste, wie wichtig dem es war, noch ein paar Worte loszuwerden - aber er wollte es Joko auch ersparen, vor laufenden Kameras komplett die Kontrolle zu verlieren.
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Deswegen macht es auch Sinn, dass er Joko am Ende fast vom Tisch und aus dem Studio wegzwingt. Alles nach ihrer Umarmung wäre zu viel gewesen, weil Joko fix und fertig war. Es hätte mich nicht gewundert, wenn Klaas ihn buchstäblich aus dem Studio getragen hätte.
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Es ist faszinierend und wenig überraschend, wie stark Klaas' Fokus in dem Moment darauf gerichtet ist, Joko und seine Emotionen zu beschützen. Und für mich hat es rückblickend den Grundstein für ihre weitere Beziehung gelegt. Klaas war hier bereit, offen wie nie zuvor zu zeigen, wie sehr Joko ihm wirklich am Herzen liegt, und das zieht sich danach durch jede einzelne Ausgabe jeder einzelnen Show, die auf Halligalli folgt.
Für Joko in dieser Zeit, die sie noch gemeinsam hatten, da zusein, hat ihn offensichtlich nicht genervt oder gequält oder ihm das Leben schwer gemacht. Vielmehr wirkt er so, als hätte es ihn befreit, als hätte es ihm eine Aufgabe gegeben und es ihm ermöglicht, Joko und allen anderen wortlos zu zeigen, wie viel sie einander wirklich bedeuten. Dieses aufeinander Achtgeben, füreinander da sein und alles gemeinsam durchzustehen, das hatte sich bis dahin noch nie so stark und offensichtlich gezeigt wie durch Klaas‘ Verhalten in dieser Folge.
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Soft Klaas ist der beste Klaas. Weil es der ehrlichste Klaas ist.
Und heute guckt man sich die zwei an, wie sie irgendwo in Berlin dumme Filter für Quatschvideos auf Instagram benutzen, und man versteht so richtig, dass sie immer in einander vertraut haben, es so weit zu schaffen. Sie haben immer darin vertraut, dass sie einander haben, schon vor Halligalli, und nach Halligalli erstrecht. Mittlerweile spürt man da eine unendliche Wertschätzung, wo früher eher ganz viel alltägliche Koexistenz war und ich bin dem Ende von Halligalli sehr dankbar dafür, dass es das möglich gemacht hat. 🖤
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visualtaehyun · 4 years
This is a hueningkai appreciation post so feel free to add on!!
came up with the MOA call-and-response thingy during a vlive (you say MO, I say A) which was the literal cutest
natural aegyo, he's so baby - the way he tweets and even speaks is so 🥺
when he rubs the members' bellies pLS
his laughter❣
when he started singing happy birthday in three different languages lmao
he's so mischievous!! when he was playing halligalli with taehyunie, he kept trying to cheat very cleverly OR THAT TIME when him and beomgyu annoyed a napping yeonjun ㅋㅋㅋ
The Dolphin Screams™️
all his cute plushies and how the hyungs keep teasing him by messing with them
so cuddly :((
tyunning best friends 🤧
loud and funny with his members but shy shy shy with bts sunbaes 🥺
the big twitter drought when he hadn't posted any selcas or anything for ages and moas joked about him being locked out of the account pls that was hilarious and cute
the penguin onesie he wore for that one segment during their welcome back show and him having to flap his hands around cause there were no arm holes?? yes good very cute
the way he was so determined to reply to every single moa on weverse who congratulated him on his birthday, he's so precious ;;
I honestly get so upset everytime I see his fancams getting the least amount of views among the boys, pls give our baby more love!!
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Atlantis of the North Sea -Rungholt
"Today I drove over Rungholt, The town went down six hundred years ago. Trutz, Blanke Hans." "From the North Sea, the Murder Sea, separated from the mainland, The Frisian islands lie at peace. Trutz, Blanke Hans." "A single cry - the city is sunk, And hundreds of thousands have drowned. Trutz, Blanke Hans?"
Trutz, Blanke Hans by Detlef von Liliencron 1883
Rungholt is also often referred to as the Atlantis of the North Sea, as there are still many legends surrounding this town in the Wadden Sea.
Rungholt was a town on the island of Strand in the North Frisian Wadden Sea (North Germany) and sank during the Second Marcellus Flood, also known as the Grote Mandränke, on 16 January 1362.
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The North Frisian Coast with its islands, Halligen and the Wadden Sea before 1362 (x)
Now, in the course of time, several cities have sunk, so the question arises as to what made Rungholt so special that it was called the Atlantis of the North Sea. Rungholt mined peat and extracted salt, which they sold well. According to legend, Rungholt was incredibly rich, a large city in the middle of the mudflats. According to one legend, this made the people arrogant and thought they could go against God, whereupon he punished them with the flood. Another legend says that at a drinking party, it must have been around 1300, a few men, wild with wine, got a pig drunk. They put a nightcap on it and put it to bed. They laugh, they bawl, they call the priest to anoint the terminally ill man. The priest refuses. The men threaten him with beatings, drag him to the bed and pour beer over his hosts. Outraged by the desecration of the sacrament, the priest prays to God. Rungholt shall atone. The following night, a storm comes up. And while the lords of the town still stand on the dikes, blinded by their wealth, and think they can defy Blanken Hans (which is also the name given to the raging North Sea in a storm), the tide rises four cubits high over the tops of the dikes, swallows the town and everyone in it drowns. It is said to lie at the bottom of the sea to this day, pleading for salvation.
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Dike breach, engraving by Johann Martin Winterstein from 1675 (x)
Unfortunately, there are hardly any records and none from that time, which makes Rungholt so legendary and even makes many people doubt that it really existed. 
The first mentions date back to the 17th century and even these were initially questioned until a will was found in Hamburg. It dates from 1345 and has the full entry "Edomsharde, Kirchspiel Rungholt, Richter, Ratsleute, Geschworene, Thedo Bonisson samt Erben" (Edomsharde, Rungholt parish, judges, councillors, jury, Thedo Bonisson and heirs) as the addressee. To date, this is the only known document from the time before the town's demise. Obviously, Rungholt must have really existed and was even so large that it had its own church. The ethnologist and cultural historian Hans Peter Duerr even believes in a town the size of Hamburg, which had about 5,000 inhabitants at the time. He has evidence in the form of archaeological finds.
The first finds were made by fishermen in 1880, who found pottery shards, brick remains, large wooden remains and even plough marks from fields. Further finds were made in 1921 and 1940, where around 100 wells, the remains of about 28 terps, dike imprints and several supposed sluices were found, which later turned out to be sluices built by the inhabitants to drain the land.
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Andreas Busch salvages beams of the so-called "Rungholtschleuse" (Rungholt sluice)1922 (x)
But is this really Rungholt or other towns that were also in the vicinity? There is a tendency to locate the town near the Hallig Südfall. But the Hallig has moved steadily eastwards over the centuries, and over time it has also migrated into the area of the vanished Rungholt. Today, therefore, it only reveals traces of a possible settlement at its north-western corner. But whether this is really Rungholt is questionable.
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Storm tide,by Johannes Gehrs, 1880 (x)
This is still a matter of debate, but researchers have reconstructed the town as follows.
Rungholt was settled about a century and a half before the sinking. The houses, built of clay and grass sod, provided space for about 1000 inhabitants and stood on about 25 terps and on a dike about two metres high. Their livelihoods were based on livestock farming, seafaring, salt extraction from sea peat and trade. Around their settlement they cultivated grain, especially rye, on vaults.
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The region today (x)
The fact that Rungholt stood on a dyke, on which the mounds were located and the area was drained, made the land quite unstable. The Second Marcellus Flood was not a light storm, but lasted for three days. The dykes gave way bit by bit, the water swept everything away and undermined Rungholt's land, forcing it to sink. But it wasn't just Rungholt that was affected: more than 100,000 people are said to have died in the floods, lands sank and entire villages disappeared from the map almost without a trace. This fate struck 28, according to other sources at least 32, villages. Which clearly left its mark on the landscape.
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berndmega · 4 years
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When you feel completely alone in Your #studio during Corona times, just work with some beautiful #vocals, and it feels like #NicoSchwanz would be right next to You... 😜👍🎹🎼🎤🎧 Beware, a new #BerndHall #remix is in the making! 😎 Many thanks to @nicoschwanz, @lacave_records and @djm4g for letting Me be part of the team! 😍😍😍👍😜💪😎 #producer #Progressive #Electro #House #Trance #Promi #weareallinthistogether #yourbmc #Halligator #Hallucinations #whoopwhoop #music #аfternoоn (hier: Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8ZzLepBJk/?igshid=pvghuadnpkkp
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anotherplacemag · 6 years
Tide | Antony Sojka
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Tide is a photo-essay about people living in a very unique place called Halligen, which consists of ten small islands situated in the German North Sea.
A Hallig is a very small, flat island with no protective dikes and therefore often flooded with saltwater. The only parts staying above water are the houses which are built on high, man-made hills called Warften.
Rising global water levels are often seen as a major threat to such islands. However, while some do believe that the sea is going to flood this territory completely, others point out that Halligen grow a bit every time they are flooded because of small particles in the water sticking to the ground.
Demographic change might sadly be the bigger problem.
Many people have to move to the mainland because there is not enough work or housing space on the Halligen, resulting in a decreasing number of inhabitants and a problem that will certainly come, of who is going to maintain the work of the present generation once they are gone.
It's a complex issue and no one is able to say what exactly is going to happen in the future.
The only thing sure to come is the next tide.
All images & text © Antony Sojka
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nxb-trvl · 2 years
Nordkap - Day 18
The morning
Once again, we woke up quite late this morning. After enjoying a cup of coffee with a view over the Nordsee we stuffed our things into the van and started the day.
The goal for today is to get close to the border of Denmark, so that‘s where we‘re headed.
The Hamburger Hallig
On the way we stopped near the Hamburger Hallig which is a half-island near Dagebüll that like all the other „Halligen-Islands“ can disappear completely under water during bad storms. Therefore, houses there are built on top of artificial hills. We found a free parking spot near the Hallig where we unloaded our bikes and had a look at the baby sheep there. After the easiest 6km we have ever ridden (42km/h) on our bicycles we arrived at the cafe on the Hallig. Here it was time for… drumrolls …another cappuccino :P
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With new energy we took a short walk along the shore and then hopped back onto our bikes. Whilst the way towards the Hallig was so easy the way back was way more challenging as the wind was so strong you could barely move forward. My girlfriend, known for hating windy conditions and being a relaxed bicycle rider, really didn’t like the way back.
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Rest of the day
When arriving at the van we put away our bicycles and drove towards Niebüll where we wanted to go buy groceries for the last time in Germany. With our fridge filled to the top we drove to Neukirchen a small village located directly at the border to Denmark. Here we are able to stand on a free camper place. So for now we will cook dinner and then go to sleep.
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stonecoldsober · 7 years
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Circus HalliGalli 1.11 in 4 random pics
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